Mike van Erp, known as CyclingMikey, is a camera cyclist who films motorists behaving badly and reports them to the police. He rides around London with a GoPro recording punishable acts such as mobile phone use while driving. He has reported more than 1,400 motorists to the police, leading to at least 1,800 penalty points being given to drivers.

    Read more on this story: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/whats-driving-cycling-mikey-britains-most-hated-cyclist-tn966jm9j
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    1. Mikey's greatest value is chronicling antisocial driving for their inevitable future victims. Mikey videos 1 person per day, representing less than 1% of all drivers, these are the same people that are causing collisions. In time these antisocial drivers will appreciate Mikey's efforts as a wake up call (that if they had continued on they probably would have maimed someone). Watch Ian McKellen associate, Paul Lyon Maris drive for 3 blocks against traffic and strike Mikey, later lying to the court that Mikey jumped on his bonnet at "Gandalf corner" on YouTube cyclingMikey.

    2. I follow Mikey on you tube and applaud what he is doing. I am a driver and a cyclist and I'm well aware of the poor driving of many motorists . These phone users seem to think they are exempt from the law if they are stopped in traffic . Mikey is teaching them otherwise and the more publicity he gets the more the message will get out there . Don't use a phone while driving , even if you are not moving

    3. Have just caught sight of this video, I 100% support what you are doing, it's a shame though that you have to do it as it really should be the police doing this. Keep up the good work

    4. Should be same as drink driving caught once you’re done! As an hgv driver I see it all the while…people driving towards with their head down looking at their phone 🤬

    5. There are a lot of comments by posters regarding reporting to the Met and it really boils down to resources, I am an driver and an avid cyclist and I do report very dangerous encounters, including distracted driving. It depends on who reviews the footage, mostly its untrained staff who either don't understand the technology which takes the footage or worse of all not understanding the road traffic laws. It also depends on where you have the incident, for example the City of London Police do not have the uploading aspect of reporting, you have to make a statement and then supply the footage via physical means. If the higher echelons of policing really wanted to do something along with the law makers, the phone issue being used at the wheel would be zero or next to zero. Firstly anyone found handling with a handset while driving – Instant Ban – no points, ban right away 1 year.. Second time 5 years, 3rd 10 years then driving test. And to add that people like CyclingMikey get a bounty just like in New York – The only way ~Trooper

    6. The people who hate this man use their phone while driving. Simple as that. He's on the right side of history, and if there were more doing this, our country would be a better place.

    7. He's not a vigilante and leaves it to the police and courts to the deal with the justice system. Except for the times, he's deliberately thrown himself onto the bonnets of cars. He's also a hypocrite. He challenges and reports motor vehicle drivers who break the rules. But he almost never challenges or reports his fellow cyclists who break the rules in front of him.

    8. What a great chap, if only there were more people doing just this. Well done Mikey, keep up the sterling work of helping to keep all of us just that wee bit safer on the roads of London… and beyond.

    9. As a motorcyclist I commend Mikey for helping keep the roads safer. My own channel has a load of phone drivers. Every one of those was reported to essex police. Who did nothing.

    10. Well done Mikey. Sometimes I feel like you, except behind the wheel. On the motorway so many people use their phones. The younger generation really doesn’t understand how dangerous it is

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