1. Bike_Mechanic_Man on

      There’s no such thing as too many lights. Depending on your route, you may want to have some side visibility as well. Either passively with reflectors or actively with lights. Those reflector tubes that go on your spokes work surprisingly well.

    2. At night, I would advise against any lights that will shine directly in other people’s eyes (walkers, bikers, or drivers). Make sure your headlights are all angled down. Also, avoid flashing lights at night. Safety is good. Blinding or annoying others is not.

    3. Impressive-Scheme894 on

      Never too many lights. Recommend you look at the Redshift pedals with lights. I use them during the winter.

    4. Comfortable-Fly5797 on

      Not too much, just make sure you aren’t blinding people. I’d recommend reflectors on moving parts too like your wheels and legs or pedals. It helps catch attention and helps drivers recognize you as human.

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