Im a college student that just got a bike from Facebook marketplace. The guy said everything including the light, gear shifts, and brakes work great. Come to find only the front brakes work and everything else is broken. When I took a closer look I saw these strange little bits and was wondering if they’re related to these functions in any way? Last time I rode a bike I was maybe 13 and have zero experience in anything mechanical. Please help:) This bikes adorable and Id love to fix her up

    by Successful-Data-715


    1. Pic one white piece : thats an index shifter should change your gears first time Ive personally ever seen an old one that predated the 2000s sick!

      The wiring should go to a light that turns on when in motion, the units called a dynamo IIRC

      not sure bout that last one tho, but sick bike!

    2. pic 1 is an old school shift lever. 2 and 3 are Dynamo style generators for lights usually. 4 appears to be a fork mounted lock ( i think the bar slides into the path of the spokes)

    3. That’s a pretty cool old bike. Looking at the last pic it looks like it actually has internal cable routing, that’s pretty wild.

      No idea if it’s worth anything but it has to be pretty rare, at least the way this one is setup.

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