There’s a surprising amount of bike theft that happens where I live. It’s made news recently that if the tweakers don’t get it, it’ll be shipped to Mexico to be sold. There’s an intense population of homeless dudes that will steal anything that isn’t bolted down and the process of crackhead bartering begins.

    You’ll drive by the encampments and see piles of bicycle frames, wheels, whatever. For what reason? I have no idea. Can’t ride a pile. None of them have the skills to actually build one. At least my pile of parts has use.

    I built this in the beginning of the year. Sourced all the parts and painted the frame. Probably took me more than 10 hours of work over a few weekends. I refined some skills building it. It’s a project I was invested in and I was so happy a friend got it.

    It pisses me off some bum stole it off the front of a city bus. If it was sold, traded, literally anything else, I’d be happy to know it was in good hands that would appreciate it. The selfishness and entitlement of some asshole makes my blood boil. You don’t deserve my hard work. You’ll never truly appreciate it.

    So I’m helping my buddy find it. It’s hard to miss. I’ve posted on the local subreddit and shared on Facebook and Instagram. Registered it with Bike Index. If you’re from the San Francisco Bay Area and you see it, let me know. Especially if you live in the South Bay.

    I’ve never had the experience of having a project of mine be disrespected like this. I make nice things in a world where you can’t have nice things. Which I guess I should get used to.

    by ThatWayneO

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