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    The 14th century witnessed a turbulent period for the English countryside, characterized by both population growth and decline, leading to significant shifts in land use, economic activity, and societal structures. The century began with a surge in population, putting pressure on available resources. This spurred ambitious land reclamation projects, particularly in fen and marshlands, like Romney Marsh in Kent, which transitioned from grazing land to intensive cultivation. However, the 14th century saw a reversal, with a decline in farmsteads and a persistent depopulation that continued into the 15th and 16th centuries. This retreat from previously settled areas was marked by the infilling of medieval drainage ditches, signifying a contraction in agricultural activity.

    Medieval English towns were bustling centers of commerce and craft, with the guild system acting as the framework for their social and economic fabric. Guilds, organized into masters, journeymen, and apprentices, governed the professions. Masters, at the apex, controlled production and accumulated wealth, but most businesses remained small. Journeymen, skilled workers, held a higher status due to their expertise and potential to become masters. Their importance was reflected in their own independent organizations within the guild system.

    This complex interplay of population dynamics, land use changes, and the guild system shaped the fabric of 14th century English life. The era witnessed both expansion and contraction, highlighting the dynamic and interconnected nature of medieval society.

    00:00 The Black Death and Its Enduring Legacy on English Society
    55:43 Unveiling the Everyday Life of Town and Church

    #history #allofhistory #historychannel #documentary


    1. 16:20 mentions the poll tax which benefited the rich and penalised to poor.
      Thatcher reintroduced it back in 1990. Tories are the the party for the royals and the other wealthy elite.
      So a rich man and his wife, in a 10 bedroom mansion, paid less than a man, his wife and 2 working age kids, in their 2 bedroom flat.

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