Hi guys, thank you for your feedback on my last post. I took some better pictures as you recommended, but could not paste them in the original post. The bike is GT Gravel bike size M, and I am 168cm tall. I worry if it is too big and whether I should return it to get a refund? All feedback is greatly appreciated!

    by New_Biscotti3812


    1. Frame looks like it should be fine to my eyes. You might need to move your seat forward a bit and/or get a shorter stem if you feel like you’re reaching too far. A bike fit is totally worth it if you’re planning to put some miles on and then they can get everything exactly dialed in and you can use those measurements moving forward.

    2. Melodic_Shock2825 on

      It seems about right, but it’s not possible to tell with guarantee. The best investment you can do is is a bike fit!

    3. This looks pretty good. Some adjustments are in order that have already been mentioned. Shorter stem seems optimal to me. Maybe lowering the saddle height like a few mm (but not a lot)

    4. Altruistic-Store-484 on

      To me the cranks seem a bit too long. On the 2nd picture your upper knee seems to be bend more than 90°. This looks uneconomically but i might be wrong.

    5. Youalleverybody269 on

      Looks like a good fit for you! As many have mentioned, there are/will be fine-tuning bits of parts to dial it in but that’ll come with any bike you buy. Nice bike too!

    6. Shorter cranks and stem might help but only a proper bike fit can tell but first before you do anything grab those reflectors and twist like a gas cap

    7. I have an MD am not bike fitter.
      But I help out at my father’s in laws bike shop as a hobby.
      In my opinion ur saddle is a bit too high ur knees should be 140 degrees when ur leg is at 6 o’clock position

      ur breaks must be staright to ur wrist urs is a bit high u need to make them down until ur wrist is resting
      in long rides it will really hurt if u dont fix it

      the size looks normal to me.

      happy riding 🙂

    8. Frame looks good, saddle maybe a bit high, and a stem a little long. I’d see a bike fitter for a ‘brief’ adjustment (some offer tiers). That will be enough to adjust the small issues you have, which add up to big differences in comfort.

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