1. That dot is the wear line for the rim. It’s been used, but is still good to ride. It’s maybe 1/2 consumed? How long it’ll be good depends on your weight and topography

    2. I would say that it is near the end of its useable lifespan. It does have life left but not much. Hard to say definitively how many miles as it depends on brake pad type, rider weight, conditions ridden in etc etc etc… as others have mentioned the dot is the wear indicator, when you cant see it the rim is considered unsafe. It was about 3x that size originally so not a huge amount left!

    3. I mean. Plenty of life left is up to interpretation. Also how you brake. I’m really light on brakes and feather them if anything. Takes me forever to wear rims out. That rim is well used and will be worn out sooner rather than later. It’s really hard to say how worn and how many kms you have left. But I would say that’s pushing 75%+ wear… If that makes any sense

    4. This rim is pretty worn and not much life left …you should keep in mind that from this point on there’s a permanently growing danger that the pressure from the tyre might make the rim walls collapse…imagine if that happens while breaking…

    5. Dear_Blueberry6473 on

      I would not ride this myself, with the amount of wear and you never know when the sidewall will give out. Check all the way around on both side to see if you have any sections with more space which is an indicator that the rim is already worn out. I do jot like the single dot type of indicators as they do not show the whole rim

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