I've recently gotten back into cycling, particularly road biking. This is a gravel bike, but I'm not opposed to that as that category seems like the best of road biking and MTB (and there are quite a few gravel trails in my city).

    I've been fixing up a vintage bike, and I've almost put $200 into making it road worthy and bringing it up to today's standards. At this point, paying $300 for a 4 year old bike with no visible rust seems like a great idea before I put more money into my current bike.

    I know a bit about what goes into building a bike, but I'm certainly not an expert! Can you please roast/evaluate this bike, or just give general thoughts? I'm going to check it out tomorrow if it's still available.

    by TheIrishFrenchman


    1. Kind of strange seeing the aero bars on that bike considering the 1x gearing setup on that bike with its tiny chainring isn’t good for building up speed.

    2. MegaBobTheMegaSlob on

      If by “power pedals” they mean power meter pedals that’s an absolute steal, I don’t think there are any power meter pedals on the market under $500 new.

      I have a newer version of that bike and it’s solid. Keep it mind that it appears to have a trainer tire on the back so you’d have to swap that before riding it on the road since trainer tires are slippery.

    3. Clunky pedals, check to see if they are branded and still supported via ANT+.

      Is there a rear brake rotor or do you need to buy a disc (and or wheel) to have rear brakes?

      Edit: Found the listing. Comes with an extra rear wheel. After some googling, I also found out they are Powertap P2 Pedals.

      Not a bad price. Can’t find much wrong with it.

    4. If it’s been a trainer bike for any amount of time, look for corrosion inside the headset and steerer tube area. That’s where sweat drips down when you’re riding on a trainer… 😬

    5. It’s a great bike for the price. Poseidon is a direct to consumer brand so it’s usually cheaper. Their customer service is pretty good. I would,however, recommend changing out the brake cables and housing because they kind of suck. There’s some good YT videos out there. Everything else is good, my husband loves his.

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