1. Hey, are you by any chance riding through Serbia with an UK flag on your bike. My friend saw you and remembered that I talked about a guy who rode a bike from Greece to the UK. Just wanted to see if it was you and see if you needed any direction. The best of luck on your journey!

    2. The most impressive sight to me is that you keep on riding on the wild unpaved roads with heavy luggages on the bike.

    3. damn i knew i saw you elsewhere before lmao
      i spent the whole first half of your video wondering where i did saw you, and i realised just before Vivien (trails on wheels) shows up that it were you i saw in his videos last week ! Lovely to see both points of view

    4. Maximum respect man ! I recently completed a 2600 km trip from Amsterdam to Barcelona. I was also alone. I camped wild and though it was illegal I encountered no problems. The trick is to camp late at night under the cover of darkness and to be got at first light.
      The idea of first going somewhere by train or plane and cycling back home is something I'd never thought of. Thanks to you it's something I would consider doing in future.
      You're an inspiration. Ride on. You're a certain breed of Englishman, tenacious, unassuming and probably self-deprecating. Asked how the trip went you'd probably just say ''OK''.

    5. Hello Jimmy, I've just stumbled across this video and what an adventure it was. I'm looking to do my own adventure next year and would love to know your rough expenses for this trip so i can get an idea for my own. It would be greatly appreciated.

    6. Nice trip to accomplish. Nice views and footage. But I lack a story. It would be good if you added a story, either by yourself as speaker, or as subtitles. And then also tell all your villages and towns you passed through. It was a bit annoying not to know where you where most of the time. Just seldom one knew.

    7. Hi Jimmy! Congrats on a great ride, well done! I also just stumbled on this vid… Am actually trying to plan a bike tour to Greece from the UK 🙂 Can you give me a rough idea of how much did you save / use for this trip? Good work bro

    8. приезжай в следующий раз к нам в россию в гости. тут офигенно путешествовать!

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