I'm very proud of myself for hitting this jump, but does anyone have any advice on how to deal with being leaned over in the air? It feels uncomfortable and like my tyres are going to give way when I land. (Like when you're on a plane and it's banking, it feels like it's going to slide over.) If I don't keep the lean in mid air, it feels like I'm being bucked straight and I'm going to go the other way. So either way I feel like I'm going to slide off my bike when I land.

Jump tips for when the lip is at an angle (Hips/shark-fins?)
byu/KingNnylf inMTB

by KingNnylf

1 Comment

  1. Step down jumps like that are usually the most challenging because you have to have your positioning right. The biggest trick is to be over the center of the bottom bracket when you leave the jump and your rear tire should stay planted until you leave the lip.

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