1. I think our US Gov Intelligence and Military branch has no real incentive to release UAP info to the general public unless their feet are put to the fire from Congress. Even then they will claim "complete or partial ignorance."

    2. “You have to read the book” has to be the worst answer an interviewee could give if you want people to believe you.
      $ is the motive? Do we have to pay you to tell us the truth?

    3. He said the transistor that it came from Germany 1934. Wasn't there a report ufo crash around that time in the black forest ? The nazi supposedly scooped it up.

    4. Sounds like he's referring to Marcel Vogel, IBM's legendary researcher. He invented IBM's magnetic coating for disks, studied crystals for memory storage (silicon) and other esoteric sciences, including researching the science of dowsing. His lab was filled with all kinds of specialized equipment.

    5. Rogan laid it on the line: "Where are the bodies from Roswell?" No one will answer. The American public has been bullsh*ted for 80 years about UFOs. No one will speak the truth and stop with the prevaricating and run-around. Not David Grush, not Jacques Valee. It is a heaping load of Bullsh*t that they're all making money off of. With their tall tales and sit-around-the camp fire ghost stories. And, believe me, I've wasted enough time following it. I got duped into the BS as badly as anyone.

      What are the odds of life evolving on another planet that is humanoid? I.e. Two arms and two legs? Why not six arms and legs? Why do people buy this bullsh*t?

      Let's talk about important things: Jacques still has a good head of hair on his head which is more than I can say for myself!

    6. I have watched almost every doc on UFO/ UAP. I will be happy when one of these filmmakers has the nads to cover the abductions, which probably number in the millions. No one seems to want to touch that aspect. They all give credence to Betty and Barney Hill, bur act as if that's a rare exception instead of a frequent occurrence.

    7. talking about the 2:40:07 part about the metal parts that were "tested" and could or could not be determined purely non-human-made metals.
      I guess they forgot that GARY NOLAN showed one study an the SOL FOUNDATION Conference "The Material Science of UAP" at 16'29" https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?t=986
      "this is the world's first public UAP alleged material studied at the atomic level". There is proof, there is a piece of metal material that we know humans don't know how to craft, even today…

      EDIT: oh yeah, the recording dates back to 2020… so they wouldn't know.
      Reader: now you know there is a smoking gun

    8. There was some discussion in this interview about "transistors" being found in the Roswell crash, and Vallee attributed the invention of transistors to a German back in the 1930s. However, what I recall learning from reading Col. Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" was that it was "integrated circuits" that were found. There's a big difference between "transistors" and "integrated circuits".

    9. I was disappointed that there was no discussion about "cloaking" of these devices. The Bible mentions "Gods coming in the clouds…" and Jesus met with Moses and Elijah on Mt. Tabor with disciples Simon Peter, James and John during Jesus's "Transfiguration" into a supernatural being with God speaking to the disciples from the "clouds" saying "listen to MY son…" Also when Jesus ascended into heaven he was lifted up on a beam of light into the clouds. What was in those clouds? There are numerous accounts of supernatural occurrences where the traveling device is "cloaked". I just wish there had been more discussion on this topic.

    10. I'm guessing the unnamed materials scientist who analyzed the mysterious material was Marcel Vogel, formerly of IBM. Vogel liked to play with crystals to enhance water and other strange things.

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