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Imagine voting for a commie (either by actually voting for them or not voting at all) and expecting it to go any other way lol.
Nat teachers’ rep is a numpty, it’s the source of our problem. And I’ve worked all my life in education from secondary to university level.
My friend has a business and she started a young guy on the Monday and his mum phoned in on the Wednesday so say he had to visit his nan on her birthday so wouldn't be at work that day 😳 when my friend challenged her the mum said his mental health would suffer if he didn't see his nan WTF
Love Mike show no-nonsense approach great TV
Always enjoy hearing Peter's commentary!
The police won't be involved in enforcing any extention of the smoking ban. The current ban is enforced by council enforcement officers, and it is the licencee's who are held responsible if customers are found to be breaking the ban, and they face huge fines and the loss of their license if customers break the ban.