1. Uhm, is this for real? I saw the post earlier. Damn. I’d be gutted. But also that lock position was laughable.

    2. I saw the other post 5 minutes ago haha, honestly this is a great idea, just replace the wheel haha. Fucking hilarious
      So many people were saying they’d cut the spokes on the wheel but I dontnthink people understand what they do for a bike or how long they take to replace, it’s not an easy job

    3. Oh noooo I remember this post from yesterday and wondered how long it would last. Thank-you for the update; I wonder if we will now hear from the person who did the locking 😬

    4. PageRoutine8552 on

      Wait, but the QR lever was open, and people say it was a bait?

      Did the booby trap explosive not go off?

    5. I heard that second part of the sentence in my head in Morgan Freeman’s narration voice…🤷🏻‍♂️

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