1. Thank you Amberli, for following your motherly intuition, and going through 40 months to gestate these truths. Your book shines a spotlight on the insidious secret murders that almost cost me my own life. I was born in the midst of Roe vs Wade, & my brave mother who had already brought my five older siblings into the world through much sorrow and under great struggles heaped upon her, determined one last time to sacrifice herself instead of following the advice of her doctor to abort me.

      She understood intuitively what you have demonstrated concretely in your book that abortion is murder of the most insidious kind.

      I pray that the truth from the Book of Mormon and your book will be shouted from the rooftops and from the city walls. So that these mass murders of our precious Little Ones be brought to an end. If not…I pray that our merciful and just Lord will protect them if we will not hear his voice and repent. 💚

    2. saints are not children, saints are those who know Torah and keep it even when it's hard, that is not children.
      Jacob 2 and Torah bring out although polygamy is a sin there is no physical punishment applied.
      Satan does not get power from the blood of babies, he does get his chain upon people by getting them to commit such a horrid sin.

    3. I purchased the book yesterday. Read the whole thing in one sitting. THANK YOU, for all the work. Wonderful, definitely recommending it to friends and family.

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