Something INSANELY Dangerous is Happening in Europe

    Europe is witnessing a rising cycle of violence. A clashing of established rights versus democratic principles; It is violence that is increasingly dominating the question of migration to the EU. As anti-immigrant sentiment turns increasingly fierce, at stake are the lives and livelihoods of the people and countries of the European Union and its neighbor, UK.

    In today’s video we look at Something INSANELY Dangerous is Happening in Europe

    #curiouseconomist #europedocumentary #immigrationcrisis

    Subscribe for dark side of, world history, and economy documentary. Inspired by Explained with Dom, MoodSide, and ReYOUniverse.

    Inspired by Sweden Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE – Here’s Why

    Inspired by Germany Doesn’t WANT Immigrants ANYMORE – Here’s Why

    Inspired by Something terrible is Happening in Ireland

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    1. Except that it was wrong information. It was NOT an immigrant, but a young lad born in Wales and living with his parents. They are legally here, from Rwanda.

    2. As thousands continue to arrive illegally, crossing seas and slipping across borders, the people of the European Union are also feeling it necessary to come out and protest, letting their governments know – that this can no longer be acceptable, immigration has to be checked if not stopped altogether.

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