1. And this is with Londons HORRIBLE cycling infrastructure imagine riding a bike wasnt a 10x chance of death there would be even more cyclists. I hope we end up like Amsterdam tbh

    2. Just a question, because I've seen some people do it and I don't understand it…. what's the point of the helmet if you're not going to wear it?

    3. In the end who will pay for the roads we will go back to the age before cars and be the only city in the world to use donkeys and carts and be the laughing stock of the world

    4. I visited London in 1970 (and many times since) and cyclists were abundant then, being unable to afford cars on their wages. I remember seeing hundreds of workers, all wearing bicycle clips and flat caps, cycling through the gates of a car factory, near Dagenham. It was quite a sight!

    5. not wrong using the cycle lane. my area the council invested hundreds of thousands of pounds and closed off a major road (beddington lane) to build this lane and yet it's never used, to be honest I don't blame them, the road is so badly finished you'll get a puncture in seconds.

    6. First we had self righteous car drivers everyone moaned about,now it's self righteous cyclists insisting we all cycle,next it will be self righteous pedestrians insisting we ban bikes as they are a danger,oh the joys.

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