Carnivore Diet – I AM STOPPING (202 Days In). Lets Talk about it and the reasons why.

    Professor Seyfried:
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    Content here is for educational purposes from my personal journey with the Carnivore Diet. It’s not medical advice. I’m not a medical professional. Consult with a healthcare provider for diet or health changes. Information is based on my views and for discussion and learning.


    1. 🎬 *Carnivore Diet Documentary—Be Part of the Revolution!*

      We're crafting a ground-breaking documentary, revealing the transformative power of the carnivore diet. Follow real people for a year, including those battling obesity, diabetes, and arthritis. This is a project for the people, by the people—and we need YOU!

      🌐 Learn More & Contribute: [GoFundMe](
      🌐 Visit our official site: [Carnivore Diet Movie](

    2. Colon Cancer Clinical Trial QUILT-5.015

      This study is being done to find out if a combination of three investigational vaccines and N-803 from ImmunityBio can lower participants’ chances of getting colon cancer and other Lynch cancers.

    3. For the last 26 years I have had very bad back pain from an injury when I was 26 years old. Every morning I wake up I am extremely stiff with a lot of pain The generally lasts all day long. Once in a while stretching and heat will help it but for the most part it's just something I've learned to live with. My fourth day on carnivore I woke up with virtually no back pain and no stiffness. Apparently on day 7 so now I've been pain-free for the last 3 days. Anybody to try and says that meat is bad for you is a fool. Did carnivore for a month a few months back. The only thing is I love pasta and breads and sweets so it's not the easiest diet to stay on. But after a month my blood work was amazing. I really wanna stick to it this time

    4. I think the assumptions of some in the carniore community about ancestral diets are incorrect. The many ancient books that I have read show that they had more than meat. They ate fruit, bread, honey, milk, herbs, and vegetables. This dates back thousands of years. I think it has more to do with the poor quality of our modern foods due to the food industrial complex. The food on earth used to be more pure. Hopefully, the ancestral diet myth will stop circulating.

    5. Historically humans ate the stomach including partly digested plant matter, and lots of fruit seasonally. Plant lectons or gluten are the main plant food problem and not for everyone. Carnivore can be healthy for some long term but it is actually very unhealthy long term. Prehistoric humans also ate many greens and nuts in season. Our teeth are made for eating both plants snd meat, not grains suger or processed food. Red meat actually has a kind of blood suger that can cause cancer according to much evidence.

    6. Not so fun fact:

      Radioactive sugar, specifically fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), is used in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans to help diagnose and monitor cancer. Here’s why:

      Cancer cells’ high energy demand: Cancer cells exhibit rapid growth and metabolism, requiring more energy than normal cells. They take up glucose (sugar) at a higher rate to fuel their increased energy needs.
      FDG’s glucose analog structure: FDG is a modified form of glucose that is structurally similar to the natural sugar. However, it contains a radioactive atom (fluorine-18) that allows it to be detected by the PET scanner.
      Cells’ glucose uptake: When FDG is injected into the bloodstream, it is taken up by cells that use glucose for energy, such as cancer cells. Normal cells, like those in healthy tissues, take up less FDG.
      Accumulation in cancerous areas: Cancer cells’ high glucose uptake leads to the accumulation of FDG in these areas, making them visible on the PET scan. This allows doctors to identify and locate tumors.
      Contrast between cancerous and normal tissues: The difference in FDG uptake between cancerous and normal tissues provides a clear contrast, enabling doctors to distinguish between healthy and diseased areas.
      Trapping FDG inside cells: Once FDG is taken up by cells, it is trapped inside due to its phosphorylation (a chemical modification) by an enzyme called hexokinase. This ensures that the radioactive sugar remains inside the cells, providing a stable signal for the PET scanner.
      By targeting cancer cells’ high energy demand and glucose uptake, radioactive sugar (FDG) helps PET scans detect and visualize tumors, enabling accurate diagnosis and monitoring of cancer treatment effectiveness.

    7. One extreme to the other. Jesus said : When you fast..not if you fast.

      Sugar is poison but not low carb…but there are vegsn proteins and vegetarian proteins by the way
      Dont use personalized messages please.
      Drink wheatgrass juice, avoid meat every three days…

    8. Its NOT what comes into the mouth….its WHAT comes out of the mouth.

      Watch your mouth! You speak death. Speak life..repent and go fast

      Jesus said :"When you fast "….not IF you fast.

      Fast but also do wheatleafjuice cure with plants and vegs that are antioxidant and fight deseases.

      Enough dead foods. You lost weight lost sicknesses…the diet worked out well.
      But now look for food full of life..low carb- zero sugar…its vegs low fruits

    9. I have notice lots of good things coming from carnivore, but what I recently noticed is a significant reduction in earwax .. before I used to clean my ears every 2-3 days and the Qtips were quite yellow, and now nothing, it just doesn't accumulate.. in general my skin is glowing and is getting smoother.

    10. Nah you're not even carnivore u have bacon and eggs . And it takes up to 1 years for all pain to go away .

      Could of been your last swing pain before it ends for good .

      U were so close and u gave up . Come on bro go back on it .

    11. I probably have a skin cancer, that doctors don't want to operate (I don't want too, tbh), and I've noticed that it hurts a lot if I eat high carb food. The more carbs, the more pain. And it doesn't hurt at all if I eat only meat or do fasting. Tried to switch diet a few times to check if it's true, this rule works like a clock.
      To say more precisely, I lost my job few months ago and started to eat high carb food to save money. Rice flour noodles, honey, seeds, peanut butter with honey. After a few days of that i got so much pain that it msde me absolutely scared and i tried to fast (also I was tired of such food). And almost felt like the tumor starves along with me and stops to bother me.
      Next time I moved to another city for a new job and again started to eat high carb food to save money. The pain returned, but I was aware what to do from the past experience and didn't let it to become too high. I started to eat mostly meat, and now I have about 3 days of 60-80% meat diet, and the (potentially) tumor doesnt hurt or even I don't feel any pressure there.
      I don't know if it really works, but the pdin goes away, and I strongly suspect that high carb food is absolutely cancerogenic.

    12. Yep, you’re absolutely right. If you look in the holy Bible in the beginning of Genesis, it tells what you’re allowed to eat split hoof animals that chew the cod! What you can eat and what you can’t eat is listed right there it’s been like that through all the time.

      I think you have like the Japanese and Chinese I’m not putting anybody down to go into this weird crap of these bats and all this other crap and I just think that’s where a lot of problems come from. I’m just gonna stick with what pure and meant for us to consume.

      Cancer is a whole different ballgame. Cancer depresses you of your energy of your nutrients everything because your body doesn’t function the way it supposed to function when it’s cancer free. You can eat all of the nutrition, but the cancer.

      My husband had pancreatic cancer and what mainly killed him and a lot of people with cancer is basically starvation because you get to the point where nothing you eat nothing you do the massive amount of proteins vitamins and and high protein and all of this just doesn’t help the cancer just way more powerful😢

      Especially true to people who have cancer of any of the like digestive system, stomach throat, intestines: anything in your digestive system. Because it causes so many issues every time you eat, but you’ll die a lot quicker if you try to fast and you have cancer these types of cancer at least. We have almost everybody in our family and cancer type, including my sister and my dad.

      But there was a doctor holistic doctor that said if you have cancer take sour sop, also known as Gaviola. 500 mg two capsules a day 3 to 4 times a day. Endlessly you can look it up on Google.

      Unfortunately, by the time this holistic doctor had mentioned that my husband take this it was already too late.😢
      My husband struggled and struggled and struggled to put on weight. They did everything through everything possible at him to help him put on weight and he went from 180 pounds of muscle to Amir 102 pounds he was 5 foot eight.

      Good luck on the fasting. I think it fasting is good. We carry 10 extra pounds of vile sludge in our intestines in our colon! It’s good to cleanse that out and if anybody has any problems with digesting food, I can suggest some products for that and also check out doctor Berg here on YouTube.

      🙏 praying and wishing the best for your friend on his cancer journey.

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