What if an entire ancient city suddenly revealed itself after centuries of hiding? That’s exactly what happened when a discovery shocked the world—a city long buried and forgotten, brought back to light. But the real story began as archaeologists dug deeper into its heart. After years of relentless drought, the mighty Euphrates River dried up, uncovering an artifact that had remained hidden for millennia. How could such a treasure have gone unnoticed for so long? What secrets are buried within its walls? The answers could change everything we thought we knew about ancient history, unraveling the mysteries of one of its most intriguing figures.


    1. Iraq has almost no water bcs of Turkey and Saddam wanted Kuwait back bcs Iraq and Kuwait was one country and the king gave each son one country bcs of Turkey Syria controlling the water Iraq Iran Syria used to be Christian country's until well we know what happened

    2. Response to Steinfranken1108
      Not so.
      Jesus is a creation of the Romans to control the masses.

      Zero writers at the time of the supposed Jesus even mention him.

      All you have to do is look at god's created by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians like Osiris, Mithra, Hermes Trismegistus, Serapis, Sol Invictus… Jesus is no different, just a man made god.

      There are way too many examples of other gods and historical characters like Apollonius of Tyana and Pythagoras that were plagiarized by the Christians.

      Why is there 153 fishes in the fishers net story about Jesus? Because this story is originally about Pythagoras. In the Pythagoras story there is no mention of the number of fish. Why is 153 important? The scribes who wrote the plagiarized version for Jesus wanted to acknowledge the original of Pythagoras. 153 is clearly a reference to Pythagoras and the Vesica Piscis.

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