1. But… why?

      Does it automagically put the license plate back on the car when you take the rack off?

    2. captainunlimitd on

      Nice work. The folding mechanism is a nice touch. Maybe a 1.1 that holds the plate perpendicular to the ground when the rack is extended rather than perpendicular to the rack.

    3. 20mins2theRockies on

      I like it man. However in 5 years of driving around with my plate blocked by my 1up, I have yet to be pulled over.

      I’m pretty sure cops realize that mountain bikers are boring law abiding citizens lol. If I was a drug dealer I would absolutely drive a Subaru Forester with a bike rack. Maybe a Patagonia bumper sticker or something

    4. whole_chocolate_milk on

      Well done. Looks super quality.

      But i am totally fine with my plate being obscured. This is not something i see as a problem.

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