Where to from here, Belarusian opposition? It’s been three years since the rigged elections that saw Alexander Lukashenko elected to power yet again. What can the opposition do to weaken a seemingly entrenched Belarus supported by the still-powerful Russia? To discuss this we were joined by Franak Viačorka – advisor to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, and Alan Flowers – chairman of the Anglo-Belarusian Society.

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    1. I thought that they already created a new government in exile and recognized by the who;e world and also the United Nation Oposition just formed a new government in exile please ASAP

    2. You Interviewers still haven't learned to address your guests and Thank them separately ! No manners or etiquette in POLAND ! 👍✌🖖🍁🌻

    3. (13:36) 'I'm not Belarusian, but let me elbow out the Belarusian to virtue-signal about my pro-Belarusian stance. I really need to virtue-signal right now about Belarus, so be quiet Belarusian.' 😁😂😆 Did he "support and add," or just interrupt or 'academic Brit-splain'?

    4. Fight for freedom or you will be absorbed into the russian federation were electronic mobilization will be compulsary to fight for putins and his succesors wars.

    5. There's no such thing as a fair and honest election. Putins puppet and thats it. It will take the Army and all Police, Private Guards etc as well as the public to demonstrate. No police army etc, no protection for Putin and Lukenshanko. No arrests, I hope at least some of these guys in the army etc who arrest people one day arrest one of their own family members and finds out they are being tortured, same as for the Russians etc. No Police or Army to protect and arrest people, no protection for these dictators.

    6. Im from Belarus. KGB maked me terrorist n blocked finance operations just because I wrote negative comments on net😢

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