1. To every American: don’t believe Europeans when they talk about how safe Europe is and free our healthcare is. Europe is not safe, in the Netherlands there have been more than 150 (in 2024) attacks on businesses and homes, with makeshift bombs. There have been daily shootings and stabbings in Germany, France, Belgium, and UK. There have been 7 mass shooting with a total of 200 deaths. There is no free healthcare in ‘Europe’. I pay 200 dollars per month for insurance and it doesn’t cover everything. I still pay around 150 dollars per month, on top of the 200 dollars (for physical therapy and medicine). Some southern European countries have free healthcare but they are net receivers from the European Union. So other countries are funding their whole system. So don’t believe Europeans, I rather have a 1A and a 2A, than anything Europe has to offer. Also, there is no free speech in Europe, you can get fined or jailed for offending someone…

    2. People saying it's an immigration issue, when there's countless white British council estates in North England full of chavs that go around doing robberies and drug dealing.

      It's class issue. It just so happens that many migrants who come to the UK are poor. Less affluent, majorly white British communities still have theft, gun and knife crime, drug abuse and the lot.

      Sort out poverty and you sort out most of the crime. You can kick all the migrants out, as long as poverty aint tackled, same issue will repeat itself as population grows. Who you gonna blame then?

    3. Don't get why they go through the hassle to obtain something that's as useful as a chocolate teapot 😂 1 call to mobile operator and the phone becomes useless 🤦‍♂️ its not like years ago they could go get software to unlock it and format it , now the signal the company can send completely disables the phone to make it useless 🤷‍♂️

    4. This hustle only works for people with family in other countries, they send locked iPhones to those regions where it becomes unlocked

    5. 10 when the first innapropriate comment was made along the lines of you would be my girlfriend if you were older and he was the street cleaner and around 40,and it got worse and more direct from there.From being followed by cars,winked at,followed by a shopkeeper making gestures,people licking their lips,grown man saying I had a sexy walk in a gas station,all before 15.Sick thing is it decreases after your late teens, the attention shifts to being from more age appropriate.Life teaches you about the dark side of men early,don’t forget all that when you become a mum because one thing I remember is my mother not being aware of creepy male en

    6. The uk cared more about outlawing dogs than they did balaclavas and full on ski masks
      Owning one of these in public should be an offence there is zero good intentions behind owning one

    7. This country is broken gates open and scum bags that are born and bred here but want nothing do nothing for our society… vigilantes are a must ❤

    8. I went to london last November, had my phone out in broad daylight when one of these scumbags tried snatching my phone out of my hand, unlucky for him, i do grip training 🤣

    9. This is the number one reason for mobile phone insurance claims, when it’s reported to the police they tell the victim they can’t do anything about it, the streets aren’t safe anymore

    10. The greatest gift a man can have is his ability to read the streets. This definition is known as Being Street Wise. Excellent gift.

    11. He does have a pretty decent reason to be going over to you as its a bike lane in that direction that goes two ways on the pavement, so you have to cross with pedestrians to get there. Im not sure how familiar you are with the area though but you will see cyclists jn rush hour constantly take the exact path he did, even if he is a criminal.

    12. It’s all the grime music and bullshit artists like central cee rapping about being a roadman but at end of the day ur just gonna be as broke as u was when u started smoking weed and stabbing people ain’t sommet to be proud of 😂

    13. Snitching someone else’s phone is in such a great idea. Once Iphone is locked that’s trash. You cannot change parts because Apple wouldn’t allow if you don’t have special equipment to re-code etc

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