Follow Lancashire Police’s Major Investigation Team as they run a murder case where forensics, digital data, and good old-fashioned police work help solve a brutal killing.

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    1. Perhaps in cases such as this, of murder, there should be a legal requirement for the suspect to cooperate in interviews and tell the truth. And upon conviction for the actual murder, the judge then views the interviews and treats non-cooperation as an aggravating factor in sentencing.

    2. Cuckooing – grooming – aggression – violence – murder Diversity is our strength. We need an explanation of why!! Many immigrants are normal hardworking lovely people (like my husband) but if just needs one thing to be the case for all that to disappear. Showing its true face more and more.

    3. DC David Richardson deserves a special THANKS for being so calm. I can‘t imagine how frustrating an interview with an evil coward like this must be for him. If somebody has nothing to do with a crime, he could answer every single question. What a horrible man this murderer is!

    4. This is shameful that such a type of crime exists in our society. Nobody seems to have noticed what was happening to this man or if they did, they did not care enough to alert the authorities.

    5. The copper is real life version on Tin-Tin. (Google it) Glad the offender was brought to justice. RIP Michael. Brumley is a hell-hole. An English town run by Pakistani immigrants for drugs and imitation designer goods. (In my opinion).

    6. I don't understand, life sentence with a minimum of 27 years… Does it mean that if he is still alive 27 years from now he can get out??

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