Jonas Vingegaard loses over a minute to Tadej Pogacar on the Tour de France 2024 Plateau de Beille stage and now is three minutes back. He admits it will be hard to win the race overall. #TDF

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    you know what happened uh I think I did the performance of my life almost on the last clim and uh I can be super happy and proud with how I wrote How The Team wrote um today was just a lot better so congrats to him I I to be honest I cannot be disappointed did you have the feeling did you have the feeling during the race you could beat him or was it clear to you from the very first moment on the final climb no I mean of course you have the hopes uh I still had the hopes and the belief but uh today he showed that uh yeah how good he was and uh as I said before I I cannot be disappointed actually the opposite I have I’ve done probably one of the best performances I’ve ever done today and uh yeah he’s taking a minute on me so really big congrats to him uh he deserves to win would you be happy to finish this toour of France on the second place yeah I mean of course if he if he keeps that level uh I would be happy of course um of course now I don’t have anything to lose I’m I’m a bit in between so to say uh and yeah I mean or do you still think you can win yeah of course uh it looks pretty difficult now but uh he can still have a bad day we’ve seen that the last two years so uh I think we have to we have to hope for that uh of course if he keeps that level all the way it will be hot what’s the feeling that if you didn’t try today you’d be upset with your yourself you had to do it no I mean I think a day like today suits me so well that uh yeah you have to try and I mean I’m not I’m not going to a to front without even trying I mean at least the least I can do is is trying and uh as I said before I did probably one of the best performances of my life and yeah he was just better today so I can’t I can’t even be disappointed to be honest what’s going on when you were looking back at him at in those moments right before he attacked you set up yeah I wasn’t really looking back so I was just trying to do as hard as I could uh so yeah uh I attacked and then from that moment I was just pushing as hard as as possible to the Finish jensson mat jinson told us this was a plan made months ago were the moments maybe last night or during the stage today where you sort of doubted whether it was a good idea given how well he rode yesterday no I never doubt in our plan uh we have a good plan and it’s been working for the last two years and uh we know I can handle a lot of fatigue and I could also today so uh yeah I I’m I’m not how do you say it I’m not disappointed and I’m not regretting anything because we did the plan perfectly today and and yeah even better than the plan and yeah he was just better that’s that’s just how it is and yeah congrats s Mato dropped you off about 10 km ago and it was obviously well that was a long way was that where you wanted to be dropped off yeah we talked about that he had to do like a 15 20 minutes effort uh from the bottom and that’s what he did so uh yeah I think he even did A Better Effort than than we had uh spoken about uh all the guys did today so the team did super super well and yeah I as I said I I can really not be disappointed at all your shape can improve the HS no well I mean when I’m saying I’m doing probably the best in performance of my life I’m yeah of course it would be nice to get even better but uh yeah I mean I think that as I said this this is the the best I’ve I’ve been okay that’s it thank you thank you we really went forward today yeah you lost a minute 14 is now the focus on that second place or is the battle still on I don’t know I I don’t have to talk to the that’s the question for the the management okay thank you you know you talked about strategy in the plan are there tells as well that you’re looking for to to make that final move uh no we had it planned um from a long time ago already this whole day um and yeah we were just trying to stick to the plan and do uh do the best effort possible um yeah like I said I flatted at the bottom right before last CL and I just didn’t have a power meter so I have no idea if I did a good good effort or not for that first 15 minutes but uh yeah I for sure gave my my best when you look at that uh that final with uh Jonas making a big move and T being able to follow and extend his lead I mean what’s uh what’s left to do going forward and you see opportunities like I said I think that’s a good question for the management um we’ll just have to yeah we’ll have to discuss and sure they’re already uh already already making plans surpris you at all that t was so good in what we consider to be Jonas’s territory no he’s a he’s a super good Rider um I’m not surprised I I believe in yonas today really I did I believe that we could uh we could crack poar but in the end uh he’s he’s yeah one of the best rers in the world poar so um yeah really shot to him mat puncture exide how how pleased were you with your ride yeah I was okay um again I don’t uh I don’t know how how good of an effort I did just because I didn’t have a power meter but uh I felt like I was going pretty fast you’re also pleased with way way the team took it on today definitely I’m proud of of every single guy today we we all did our best um we all had a lot of work to do and uh I’m I’m very proud of him thank yeah thanks


    1. Its too earyl. The game was just going to the middle…or climax…hmmm.. .

      Anyways i share a mental instincts or a mindset… if your treat the round of a bout as a training also you could be a monster at the final round… evry training is a stair.. .

      Even the battle is a fitness training seasson. You still gain from yestarday

    2. An honest and authentic interview. Something we seldom see in sports. I was pulling for Tadej, but Jonas is an absolute class act. Humility, mental toughness…he's a great example for young riders. Huge respect

    3. Explain to me why Visma was pulling on the flats at all. Why? That’s not hurting anyone in UAE and it robs them of options on the final climb. Let the break go, sit on the wheels and apply pressure only when it counts (second last and last climb).

    4. I wonder why nobody talks about Jonas drop in muscle Mass compared to last year – I mean compare his legs – it's obvious he miss some explosiveness.
      No wonder after being hopitalized for two weeks

    5. You are still the true champion for me. From someone who has had injuries from cycling myself, you inspire me with such a great recovery! Keep pressing on Jonas!

    6. I am a big JV and Visma fan and they did their best today. Tadej has been the best cyclist but inexplicable crashes in performance are why he lost the last 2 years. He seems to have figured something out and historically great. Jonas was very gracious in acknowledging greatness.

    7. Weak weak weak!!! 3 minutes and accepts defeat? The team manager should have the whole team watch the 89 Tour de France before they go to sleep to see how real bicycle racers did it. Lmfao

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