Hitchhiking can go one of two ways: surprisingly good or really quite bad. 

    There’s no inbetween.

    Episode three of S.U.R.F involves a surf contest that starts far from the beach in the windy hills of Byron Bay, with each surfer being placed on different spots along the road. 

    Using nothing more than their thumb and a case of Byron Bay Brewery beer they need to convince the strangers whizzing past to get them to the surf. 

    Every wave counts and the comp ends 30 mins after the last surfer arrives.

    their boards are here but there way over there and the surf contest starts now using nothing more than a case of beer in their thumbs our four Surfers are in a race to the [Music] beach this episode’s challenge starting with r is ride I’m pretty sure I’m on to I’m pretty sure I know exactly what [ __ ] I wish I was more clever I’m first the Surfers Drew numbers out of a hat I want three real bad sorry a I got three I got two num not surprised frankly these numbers all corresponded to different points along a windy road out of town crookie spot is the closest next is jelly then Vinnie and finally Aussie is the furthest from the boards at the top of hater Hill the Surfers were then blindfolded and dropped to their Final locations where they would hear for the first time what today’s challenge would be yeah this is exactly where I thought we were going to be oh is everyone going to different spots oh hater Hill I knew they dropped me here what are we doing are we hitchhiking so I can read it today’s Surf contest starts now first one to the beach has the best chance of winning every wave you catch counts every wave will be scored and you can catch as many as you like until the comp ends the contest ends 30 minutes after the last person paddles out oh my God okay [ __ ] let’s go could be here all day I would pick me up I’ve got a sign I’ve got a case of beer I’ve got a wizard star like hello [Music] hello [ __ ] hell I may as as well start walking to the [Music] beach there’s not a lot of traffic yeah sure thank you so much for how’s my setup looking oh thanks so much oh another don’t pick him up don’t pick him [Music] up let’s go she got picked up straight away all right where are you going to tell’s beach ah oh yes it going oh I got thank you so much oh you’re a legend what’s your name man my name is Aussie aie yeah can’t believe it I thought it was going to take me hours any in that are coming up I think oh he’s got to ride thanks man yo thank you so much the head of T’s that’s perfect look that kind of fun out there [Music] now we all on this road yeah if we pass a wizard don’t pick him up he’s dodging no one’s getting that guy Japanese girls picked up Aussie that’s so perfect of course I’m last are you kidding imagine picking this up you’d be like he’s a spiritual Predator he’s a serial killer he does do a fully charged crystals but the LA is probably already there I [Music] think n there’s fear in their eyes are we first here again or I think maybe one person in front of us guaranteed J is there [Music] already V’s not far behind yeah would you mind dropping us off there no wor woohoo I wouldn’t pick me out would you pick me up thanks girls no wor yeah that’s great thanks so much y hun what’s going on let’s go let’s go the [ __ ] how did Del get down you’re [Music] ready how you baby the [Music] wizard [Music] there a van van love good I should be smiling hey hello this guy wants a show I’ll jump on the back of the take tell us I’ll just jump on the back [Music] [Music] he [Music] give me a oh yes thank you is the sign throwing people tell us more simple I’ll try it I’ll give you a case of be to go to [Music] Teta went pass in a Tesla or you went past in like a tiny y with like 18 Japanese people in it and also the last I picked up I don’t know why I can’t really work it out yeah right did I ride a fish or a soft top you R pretty hard on the soft top so yeah half an hour of power man yeah half hour of power that’s it thank [Music] you that was stressy 80 car pass at least jisa oh that was sick [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you there you go great Ching today guys thank you yeah cheers Legends do you guys reckon the carton made it way easier nothing about it was easy for me yeah I can’t believe the outfit didn’t help I reckon it was the stick that stuff stick was terrible Club it just for the shot though it had you can’t trust a wizard if he doesn’t have a wand yeah my guy didn’t realize the carton was for him until like the very end that dude was he fro his often who’s French I was saying it’s crazy had like no locals picked us up only tourists yeah my guy was German what was a guy picked me up oh he was heading the wrong direction and turned around to get the wizard I was like oh give you a of what take for a of be I was like I’m killing you I’m going to [ __ ] whoop these [ __ ] I was like 2 minutes or something o he just comes screaming past I’m like Dam it feel like I stopped them I flagged them down then I like you coarse those peopley I know I feel like I was pretty pushy you get you got free case of beer and you be in the surf movie they had so much stuff and they were’re over it they’re like no we have too much stuff in the back I was like no no no I’ll move it all no way I barged in there pretty I think I had too many variables going on the outfit the beard and the massive club and I also had a sign all crystals completely charged yeah crystals underline so I was holding this and I think it was too much information it coming down that Hill it’s tiny even even TS is too small it’s not it’s driving down a hill 60 they might have thought it said like um palm reading or something I can’t put my finger on it no that’s so legible tell like into a psycho laback yeah I saw that Larry too pretty mental I didn’t say it but I saw the goofy Lord on the left you get some sick ones at the end like a couple barrels and I saw you do a sick shove I saw that shove that was pretty [Music] sick I’m just going to have the like perfect wipe out highlight real of me just like coughing lips on the head [Music] you must have been so bummed like I thought I was killing it and I was the last one to come past like it was just so funny coughing all your heads with the biggest smile like I was so happy I like I was acting all cruzy to the guy who picked me up I was like oh yeah you know acting like I’m a hitch kind of like who happens to have a filmer but like it’s so Biggy and then I was just like so you’re Beauty it’s now time to hear from our nine local expert [Music] judges [Music] [Applause] Jelly’s taken out the hitchhiking Challenge and the leaderboard after three challenges looks like this Aussie’s in front jelly and crookie tied for second and Vinnie despite ripping every challenge is fourth which is also last stay tuned for our next challenge starting with f fake or our Surfers are suddenly not in Baron Bay anymore and we’ll throw a party to announce this year’s s Q RF world [Music] champion yeah I pick up hitchhikers definitely pick up hitchhikers yeah cuz I’ve been a hitchhiker last time I picked up a hitchhiker it was this lady and she had a dog on a lap and the dog like snuck into the front onto my lap and then I looked down it had like bull sack that was like this long and it was just like on my leg and I was just like where did you get your dog from uh Baron Bay beautiful but um he was meant to have big balls [Music] and straight to the pound


    1. Long may this glorious show continue! Krooky makes it even better with his presence… The footage of him running to the beach with his helium-high wizard war-cry is iconic.

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