I just got a Garmin Varía and am loving it! The problem is that is where I have kept my saddle bag. My seat is perfect, so I can raise it any more for room on the post. I tried putting it where it is currently in the pic last ride, but it kept sliding down. Any advice on where it could go?

    by haydenchampion


    1. The_Unknown_Baguette on

      I’ve seen them at the top right corner of frame triangle as a mini frame bag of sorts

    2. Drop the mounting bracket down till it touches the seat post collar. Then put your saddle bag back where it belongs.

    3. Put it on your saddle bag or use a holder that attaches to your saddle rails?
      Alternatively get a small frame bag. Apiduras 2,4L comes to mind. Still aero and fits some snacks and a jacket additionally

    4. You have ample space to lower that Varia if you were so inclined to free up space for your saddle bag. This is the approach I took, it is dropped all the way down to the seat-post clamp, still tons of clearance for the light and radar.

    5. my buddy just used a go pro mount to extend it off the saddle so it goes behind the bag but high

    6. You can push your Varia all the way down to the seat clamp and put the saddle bag on the saddle rails. I have done it on one bike with less clearance, but have had a couple of false negatives (ie radar missed a vehicle). So the Varia does need a good clear line of sight. (ie don’t have any of the saddle bag, close to the Varia)


      1. find a saddle bag which allows you to mount a Varia on it
      2. use a go pro rail mount (my method) which put the Varia further out the back and above a saddle bag.
      3. use a tool bottle for your spares, if not riding with two bidons
      4. use a proper top tube bag, where you have your saddle bag, will not slide and allows you to eat snacks on the move.

    7. Party-Team1486 on

      Easy, get rid of the saddle bag. Put a CO2 and a multi tool with a dynaplug in your jersey pocket. You don’t need anything else.

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