Here are the three pillars of performance for nailing your long run nutrition – as you join me for a 30km training run of my own.

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    I’m Focus Crawley and I recently ran 250 km in one go and I’m currently training for a sub three hour marathon and in today’s video I’m going to break down how you fuel your long runs hello and welcome to Spain I am over in newor for a couple of weeks with some training and other Shenanigans and we are witnessing my pre-long run Meal which is an important component of effectively fueling long runs this isn’t my typical breakfast but this is what I could grab from the supermarket and store in the fridge in our hotel room I’m doing my best to be as quiet as I can around the room just because I’ve woken ER and up and trying not to disturb her too much before I head out the door but I had myself some cereal a banana and some sort of protein milk drink things with the world’s most disappointingly small spoon which made this take a very long time to consume my breakfast al fresco we’re going to talk in detail about carbohydrates and fueling as we go but I think the first thing to mention is just to make sure that if you are going in a long run make sure that you’ve got some fuel in your system before you get started so play around and figure out what sits best for you what makes you feel best and what leaves you feeling energy guys let’s get in the car okay on the menu for me today is a 30 km long run low intensity steady state aerobic Focus which means for me anywhere between 140 and 145 average heart rate heat May well have an impact on that given my British complexion but it is a little bit cloudy today and I’ve got plenty of stuff with me so I should be okay I am getting out of the door a little bit later than I’d hoped however to get ahead of the heat just because I was kind of tiptoeing around there and still in bed this morning coffee machine and lights on and off Etc I felt pretty bad just cracking on at my end so I was trying to be as quiet as I could whilst also filming a video so not necessarily the best planning in terms of timing or sleep structure but nonetheless here we are oh I forgot my sunglasses bollocks you can tell that I don’t run in nice weather very often God damn it oh well at least it’s a little bit cloudy at least it’s a little bit cloudy anyway today as I’ve already mentioned we’re going to be talking through the three of performance for endurance performance nutrition obviously this is within the context of training itself rather than with a sort of daytoday body composition daily calorie intake daily macronutrient intake Focus plenty of videos on the channel on that but this is about how you are fueling for your lung run so I’ve got a 20-minute drive to Palmer and then we can kick things off by discussing the first pillar of performance which is carbohydrates so if you are hitting 90 minutes or more in a long run or endurance training session you should be considering intra workout nutrition and as I’ve already mentioned you can saturate your glycogen stores ahead of time with a big meal beforehand which I always recommend as I have done this morning but then as a rule of thumb you want to be hitting about 60 to 90 grams of carbs per hour every hour to sustain your performance think of it like putting more logs on the fire keeping the furnace lit coal in the train whatever analogy you want to use I have everything laid out here just for me which I’ll talk through in a second but you just want to be able to do this so you can maintain efficiency performance and how you feel as you go so that you can actually get an understanding of how you’re moving and Performing rather than just steadily running out of energy and feeling destroyed as can often happen in people’s first experiences with long runs so if you are a heavier body weight then you want to be considering top end of that Spectrum I’m 93 kilos about 205 lb so I’m hitting about 80 to 90 gram of carbs per hour consistently and today I’m doing that with a banana and two 30 G chews here plus 187 1/2 G of carbs worth of carbs in the form of sport drink and carbon electrolyte powder in here and as the 1 and A2 lers of water in here we’ll talk on fluids and sodium shortly I am tripling down on three of my performance pillars in one solution here so we’ll come on to that shortly but that’s my carbohydrate intake for the day I’ve worked backwards from how many hours times 90 G 270 G divided by 3 hours equals 90 G per hour and that’s the total there so that’s an insight into how I’m approaching things any questions drop them down below I’ll talk you through when I’m consuming my carbs and how often I’m consuming them etc etc as we go so I’m going to get my shoes on and get started [Music] [Music] okay so the second pillar to consider is fluids and as a general rule of f again we should be aiming for between 500 to 750 m of fluids per hour however that’s massively dependent on the individual sweat volume and very topically today for me the temperature so a context I generally in Scotland need about 500 mill per hour whereas today I’m anticipating that to be more around the 750 ml Mark so again as with all recommendations today use the guidelines as a starting point to then ascertain how you feel take notes of how much you’re consuming when you’re consuming it and what you should do next so we’re just over 15 minutes in and for me I like to use 15 minutes is a bit of a nudge you can even set up reminders on your sports devices smart watches whatever to give you a nudge and I generally aim to have three or four decent sips of fluids every 15 minutes and that tends to keep me on top of things whether I’m running on the bike in open water is a little bit more difficult but if we’ve got a boat then I’ll probably do it every half an hour if I’m being totally honest but today’s about long runs so consider that essentially import important to note that I say fluids rather than water because it takes into consideration a few things that I mentioned when we come to point number three on sodium so stick around cuz we’ll break down what I mean by that shortly okay so clouds have dissipated a little bit and temperature has gone right up so two things one I’m reasing that I forgot my sunglasses and two I reckon my fluid intake I just increased episode slightly okay half an hour deep so I’m using that as my timing queue to get some food on board again every half an hour whatever structure works for you whatever nudging system strategy works for you the important thing is to have one so mine is every 15 minutes get some fluids on board every half an hour get some food on board yours might be every 20 minutes you get both on board whatever it may be trial and error is the name of the game here so I’m going to can’t really open this with one hand you can just trust that I ate the banana [Music] okay and that’s halfway but stop here for a second cuz it’s as good a place as any just going to stop my watch actually don’t often do that but cuz I’m filming a video and talking to you lot let’s talk about sodium the third pillar of performance so I’ve mentioned carbohydrates I’ve mentioned fluids and then combining all three of these in totality is kind of where you find The Sweet Spot so sodium like fluids like carbohydrates is individual but there are parameters that you can operate with and to determine what works best for you with some trial and error so generally speaking rule of thumb 400 to 600 m G of sodium per hour as a baseline some people might need a lot more than that depending on your individual sweat composition so there’s two components to sweat volume and composition composition is how much electrolytes you sweat out in your sweat volume is how much you actually sweat so few things to consider here if you’re somebody that finds that as soon as you’re in a hot room as soon as you start exercising you start dripping buckets that probably implies you need a little bit more fluids than the ranges I’ve given earlier or you’re at the top end if you find that you’re in black clothes and you get real saltiness even after 4 5 minutes an hour of just sweating a little bit then that implies that your sweat composition is a little bit higher and you might want to start with at least 500 migs per hour and bump that up steadily to see how you feel I’m normally around 500 milligram per hour but I’m aiming for about 600 per hour today because of the Heat and because of the fact I’m not used to it so again starting points to consider trial and error and if you can combine sodium fluids and carbohydrates concurrently you can feel pretty solid the whole way through and be effectively fueled especially the case if you can triple down on things like this we’ve got fluids carbohydrates and electrolytes in one solution very practical in a race setting or a training setting if this was just water I then had electrolyte tablets separately and then had carbs separately I’d be causing myself a lot more hassle so combining the three is an important thing to practice and trial a little bit more technical than for purposes of this video but you can get sweat testing done all over the world effectively there’s companies in the UK companies in the US that can test it for you and they will give you your volume composition so that you’ve got an exact formula to approach that’s only really worth considering if you’re pushing sort of top end performance or Triathlon distances that sort of thing but if you’re bought in then definitely something to consider so I’m going to turn around what a beautiful setting I can’t believe the architecture of that Cathedral it’s stunning so nice to be out in the sun enjoying a long run those are the three pillars of performance I’m going to take you along the ride the rest of my 30k run I was wrong it wasn’t 3 hours I was prescribed 30k and I was estimating it to take about 3 hours up to 3 hours so I’m going to continue but make sure to stick around because at the end of the video I’m going to give you a link that you can subscribe to which means that if you register through omnia’s website you’ll be able to get a free consultation with our in-house nutrition lead Tom mclaw so that you can talk about your circumstances with a nutritionist on all the things that we’ve been talking through today so there’s incentive to stick around to the end of the video and I think I should probably start my watch again elapse Time 1 122 15K down 15K to go [Music] okay welcome back to a very dark and dingy car I am soaked through that got quite hot definitely a lot hotter than I’m used to data on the screen for you just here pleased with that overall average hr1 144 and I just going to sip on these electrolytes all the way home ordinarily if I was at home at this point from a fueling point of view I would make myself quite a micronutrient dense smoothie with some protein in it so FR and berries handful of spinach some Greek yogurt some skin milk bit of water scoop away protein and just get that down me straight away just to sort of kickart the recovery process but as I’m on the move what I’m going to do is just make sure that I get these consumed and then get back to my hotel and get some micronutrients and some decent food in me as soon as I can anyway final considerations I think to summarize I don’t really need to go through each point again but what I will say is that I’ve been quite clear that those are starting points and parameters to work from in terms of trial and error just because your friend gets on really well with science and Sport beta fuel doesn’t mean that your stomach will tolerate the ingredients and carb sources in that as well as they might so it’s important to try different products see what amounts work for you see what practically works for you CU yes there’ll be people in the comments being like oh well you should eat whole unprocessed Foods because it’s much better for you yes but it’s very difficult to carry sandwiches on bike rides and long run so you do need to access convenient practical foods but any Whole Foods that you can carry can consume comfortably great to experiment with so no matter how far out from your race event distance that you are make sure that your trial and error ring not really a thing but you know what I mean the wholeway through in terms of what works for you those are some parameters to work off any questions drop them down below and most importantly head to the link in description and you can register yourself for a free consultation call with Tom McClure or in-house nutrition lead at Omnia performance and you’ll fill in an intake form give some topl line information he can come prepared to debrief it a little bit with you and see where we go from there but essentially if you want to unpack a few of the things that have been discussed today then make sure just that link down below and you can access a free nutrition consultation what better than that other than making sure that you’ve liked the video commented down below with any questions suggestions thoughts feelings or insights and make sure that you have hit subscribed I am now cooking in this car so I’m going to say goodbye and get into some cold water as quickly as I possibly can thank you very much for watching adios


    1. Im Gonna run my first loooonger long run with 39km this month with 1k of elevation, prefect timing with the vid. I’ll only have around 3 liters of fluids on me, and I’ll run for probably 5 hours, hope that’ll be enough
      Thanks as always, greetings from germany

    2. Just a question and I know its more geared for Jonny as he has the beach master, but I have tried to message him to no avail. How do you manage your splits etc when using a analogue watch and aren't able to see them on your wrist?

    3. Fuelling is one of the biggest headaches for me in endurance training/races. Now after 2 years of experience im finally starting to find stuff that works for me. It's trial and error just like Fergus said in the video and about learning your body 👍 there's plenty of videos about this in youtube but i feel like you kept this simple and didn't go too deep in to all the products/supplements which was good! Great video Fergus, everyone should see this 😇

    4. Why is going over the top a problem in the first place to be save? If you can tolerate 120g of carbs per hour… what"s the issue? If you can tolerate 1L per hour… what's the issue? If you can consume 1g of sodium per hour… what's the issue? The easiest rule of thumb: Push it as far as you can -> experience side effects -> tone it down a notch. Some people might object by mentioning the cost of hydration products but you don't have to use those in the first place. Just mix sugar and salt with some flavoring agent + maltodextrin and you'll be fine for no cost.

    5. How do you drink 500ml an hour and not end up with cramp? I'm similarly 95kg and 1500ml over a 3 hour run has me cramped up so bad

    6. Are heavily processed foods not a concern? Maybe a cleaner diet with more fat based foods would work better for recovery and health than consuming so much sugar.

    7. Hey!
      Im currently looking to buy an omnia training plan, however i cant seem to purchase in Australia. Is there something i may be missing that will enable me to purchase? Thanks!

    8. Hi m8 love palma be there in 5 weeks🤞what’s your weekly run routine or you got a fairly recent video on it, don’t get chance to go through many thx?

    9. May be a silly questions… but what if i take in too much salts/electrolytes ?

      I usually only take water ( South African weather ) and usually fasted ( cuz im silly ) and I run like 15km usually – and I guess om okay? – now im thinking i can defs up performance by just fuelling a little bit more

    10. Fantastic informative video, just starting out on the Ultra journey and your info is clear and precise. What chews do you have in this and what is your backpack you are wearing? Am after a minimal hydration pack as my Salomon is quite big. Thanks!

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