Low energy drags you down, makes you feel tired. Even if you are a cancer patient, with scientifically proven methods you can nourish the energy. It can be as important as Surgery, Chemo or Radiation. Not all the tiredness is necessarily because of cancer. We searched for approaches that you can follow to get rid of this tiredness.

    00:00 Intro
    01:17 Sleep at the right time
    03:08 Right Food at right time
    05:36 Exercise regularly
    08:11 Learning a new skill
    08:52 Listening to Music
    10:23 Start a new hobby or skill.
    11:23 Don’t forget to Smile.
    12:14 Learn How to maintain your environment.
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    I am Dr Manas Chakrabarti. I work with with Gynaecological Oncology patients and based in Kolkata, India. This channel is for reliable unbiased information to uplift and enrich Women’s Health. Over many years pearls of wisdom were confined within the reams of Medicine. Time has come to spread the knowledge for the very Women who wanted to know the truth, always.

    [Music] low energy drags you down makes you feel tired even if you’re a cancer patient with scientifically proven methods you can nourish this energy it can be as important as surgery chemo or radiation not all the tiredness is necessarily because of cancer we searched for approaches that you can follow to get rid of this dius for a step-by-step guide in PDF document and and list up everything in this talk fill up the link in the description we’ll send one to you directly first sleeping right next right food exercise and learning a new skill every year as Del Cari said our fatig is often not caused by work but by worry frustration and resentment as science is improving the cancer treatments are getting better it’s not only about fighting the tumor and adding those extra Years to Life but we must leave those years with better quality of life for that we need energy giving into cancer is not an option anymore in this Century it is time that we understand the science hold the hand of new researchers and Embrace Life sleep many complaints that they are unable to sleep well it is not always the lack of sleep such problems May root from poor sleeping habit and sleeping practices rather than loss of sleep we all know know we need to sleep but awareness is lacking for good sleep habits poor sleep habits will make us feel tired out of focus and motivation researchers from Netherlands to England suggest that important facts about sleep lack of sleep increases stress hormones in body high stress hormone increase blood pressure and these delay sleep even further sleep is the time when body regenerates fights with infection cell repair themselves during sleep nerves in brain functions very hard forms new brain connections this helps in confidence and taking better decisions in life it enhances creativity and improves self-confidence too we need at least 7 hours of sleep in the dark of night sleeping too much in the morning is not helpful not only the hours but the quality of sleep is important as well most sleeping pills stop working after a few days and you get addicted to that so be aware of starting regular sleeping pills do not take mobile to your bed avoid coffee from a few hours before sleep before you go to sleep from a few pre-sleep habits dim the light play some relaxing music some benefits from having a shower with lavender soap before going to bed you need to create triggers for Sleep these steps act as trigger for better sleep the day when you are Disturbed when you start these habits your brain will trigger sleep that day you’ll reap the benefit of those habits food what we eat has direct relation with the energy that we feel it is important that you make right decision about food it is however difficult to make right choices we live in a culture by taking sugar and eating carbohydrate is considered good for health sugar gives a spike of energy but then body sink in a slump you need to take five portions of fruit and vegetables one normal size fruit is one portion for small fruits and a handful is one portion for a vegetable a cooked handful is one portion apart from vitamins and other great nutrition foods and vegetables contain fiber we cannot digest fiber however fiber is the food that friendly probiotic bacteria in Colon eats probiotic bacteria and easts fight for us protects us from number of diseases and cancer no more constipation we feel energized protein builds our body take most of the proteins in the first half of the day many packed food cooked fast food contains carbohydrate and saturated fat some of them contains very high salt content all these can cause brain fold makes your brain confused you stay tired sometimes you can mix those symptoms with being feeling full but do not mix them up they are different things food must be taken regularly and in small amounts breakfast lunch and dinner should be accompanied by three snacks in between this eff is unplanned hunger if we get very hungry we tend to eat more we slow down like everything in life everyday meal needs planning too breakfast should be the heaviest meal with lots of protein water drink plenty of water how much to drink there is no easy answer use color of your urine as a Rough Guide urine should be almost colorless or just yellow most of the people in India will need 3 L of water lack of water will make us feeling low increase our stress level makes us feel sleepy you cannot focus on a job do not mix up feeling thirsty and lack of water after a major lack of water we only feel thirsty this is the reason we need to drink water every hour even before we feel thirsty exercise if you are not doing regular exercises you need to change exercise increases energy exercise reduces chance of cancer coming back NIH NCI 2020 study proved that the best way to live longer and feel happy exercise is the shortest way to trigger a mechanism inside your body that in turn will will make you feel happy after a few weeks it starts with spending deposited energy in your muscle this is called ATP if you spend ATP body will feel encouraged to mobilize liver and digestive system the mechanisms in your body runs better metabolism accelerates happy hormones of the brain serotonin and dopamine increase regular exercises elevate your mood memory and makes you feel younger and happier helps you to have better quality sleep too better sleep means a fresh morning and an organized life it helps you focus and fulfills your dream better you cannot afford not to do regular exercise every living human being should do three to 4 hours per week of moderate to heavy exercise cooking and doing household chores does not count towards exercise exercise is not to reduce body weight only it boosts your brain to feel better it protects your mood heart liver digestion and prevents cancer EV buy one get five free it is tough to find motivation but just start with 10 minutes of exercise every day Arabic exercise is the best but you can swim dance High take a bicycle ride before exercise change iners and clothes and wear a shoe run a rhythmic music if possible get a guru the class can be on online on gym ideally with your buddies having a guru and a buddy will indirectly help you to establish this skill if you cannot move because of your knees arthritis problem or heart problem stay focused and do everything to sort those problems out as a matter of urgency the life that you get without moving or doing exercise is not the life you want if you have lost your legs or have paralyzes then you can still do some exercise with the upper body if with a expert do not let your health sleep at any cost overall you have little bit of willpower then give your last drop for exercises learn new skills you must change your culture and start learning one new skills every year though this is not a medicine but new hobbies and skills can do Wonders by elevating your energy this concept is new to science so not many people know about it age is just a number it is never too late to start edua brelby a typical stressed out mom with three children till 50 years of age then she started edua is almost 80 and has completed Iron Man triin in England at age 72 can you imagine she is an inspiration novel researches from University of Jon of Germany proves that music affects our personality can calm us down improves our energy its Rhythm and beats can stimulate precious alpha waves in our brain there is a special beat called binaural beats it helps in our deep sleep reduces anxiety and helps us to relax this is also helpful in meditative and creative state neurologist Oliver sax observed music can pierce the heart directly it needs no meditation music gives you energy as was proven by ju Georgie trial in 2006 study brain.fm is an excellent site to listen to binaural bits it subscription is quite costly though in YouTube you can get free binaural bit music create at least two playlist one for relaxation and another for more energetic Works identify the time of your day when you can feel low then use your Mobile to put your music alarm so that music starts playing automatically at a given time every day take a small Bluetooth speaker in your washroom in the washroom our mind feels vacant and we may start weaving unpleasant and insecure thoughts no more turn your washroom as an energy recharge Zone listen to energetic playlist so when you are coming out from a shower your mind is also as fresh as your body start a new hobby this will uplift your self-confidence both your mood and mind mind will improve stress will go down join a class singing dancing guitar flute violin or anything but the class is important a learning on your own I repeat joining schedule classes is very important you can even learn gardening just check lovely Oman bug in YouTube channel how she does daily gardening Garden up is another vibrant Channel seriously we need to learn from them if you like creative writing then bring out your pen and paper start writing on anything and also take an online class so that you can improve your creating writing more to get energy out of your new hobbies and skill you must be regular never expect outstanding result if you just indulge in these habits every now and then oh yes in your classes you may even find new friends isn’t that great next learn to smile as we grow old we stop smiling we can smile 16 different lers egman said this when we smile our brain Secrets a happy hormone called endorphin it increases the blood circulation in our heart reduces inflammation and even early researchers suggest that these may even protect us from cancer by boosting our immunity this special facial expression while laughing can also help you live longer if you do not have hilarious family members read just big fat jokes by kushan Singh the best joke book period by William donu and even watch standup comedies of Kenny Sebastian Kunal kamra or Michael McIntyre you will keep on laughing and get better energy learn to maintain your environment now this is important the people who you mix with regularly have profound effect on your mental health and energy level if you are surrounded by negative minded people who only talks about failures and always super cautious then identify them and start avoiding them actively they will reduce your positive energy level try find and identify people who have got deliberate and responsible positive mindset mixing with these people instead will improve your energy in Psychiatry this phenomena is called social multiplier effect and yes learn to take breaks between long stretches of whatever you are doing staying engaged in some work for a long time can be damaging to your health it increases stress too if you are stressed you feel less motivated before I finish if you are a patient tell your family members to do these good habits with you these work wonders together and increase the energy level of the entire home if you are a family member of a patient and you want the patient to learn the skills and she is not listening to you don’t give up if you can get a link to these Topics by visiting the link below write down this topic one by one on a few small sticky notes and put the notes on the toilet door fridge beside stable and keep on requesting the patient daily in a mild manner fighting with patient and forcing them will never work if you stay away then send a voice message to the patient Daily Record every day and send it with another friendly talk so that patient finds interest in opening your message it will take up to 70 days to install the small little things but if you start today success will not be fall that’s all today have a great life see you soon

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