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    asalam alaikum everybody so there are many of you who have asked in the comment section and many many many of you have asked in person during the RIS convention are we still planning to leave Canada so the answer is yes and here are our top five reasons why we’ve decided to leave Canada so number five is we hate winter we hate winter we are not winter people interestingly enough we grew up in the Okanagan Valley where it that’s all the winter is snow snow machine uh sledding skiing snowboarding all the winter things and we don’t do any of them yeah we we don’t take part in anything winter like we basically hibernate so once it gets cold we stay indoors like we don’t do anything it’s I went skiing once in my life it’s not for me never been skiing never been snowboarding I did I did go sledding as a kid but I mean that’s kind of a random passage that was yeah that’s that’s the good part is when you’re when you’re young when you’re a kid yeah you know going tobogganing and that sort of stuff is definitely very fun we had lots of good experiences as kids but as we got older we realized that it’s not for us I don’t know about you but like myself I never traveled um especially as a kid so winter was Winter I didn’t have the you ability to go and travel to a beach somewhere so our kids have had that blessing alhamdulillah and they are on board they love sandy beaches and warm water and not have to go to the winter stuff definitely I feel like both of us suffer from seasonal depression like as soon as the weather changes like we just get exhausted we’re like fatigued it’s just gray all the time we just don’t function reason number four is inflation is the cost of living so has goneo way up especially in Canada like I know it’s like this kind of like around the world but Canada it’s insane yeah it’s it’s to the point where you have to kind of question and and you look around in Canada in general like there are a lot of people that are really suffering um with the cost of groceries with the cost of literally everything um so we kind of made the conscious decision how does that affect our family you know can we get through it um you know if we had to yes we we could but again when there’s so many other things affecting our decision it’s just another kind of straw on the camel’s back so to speak definitely and and if you think about it like a lot of families in Canada are basically living like paycheck to paycheck to paycheck and there’s no room in there for things that you want to do in life that you might be saving for like if you want to go for omra or you want to go you know we’re truly blessed that we’re able to do these things but like looking at it long term we definitely see Canada doing one of these reason number three is there’s no Islamic environment in Canada now I will preface that statement by saying there are certainly certain locations within Canada where there is a high um amount of Muslims living but what we mean by Islamic environment is that in certain countries again we’ve we’ve traveled to a few different Muslim countries that when you go there you hear the Adan the call to prayer five times a day it’s playing on the loudspeakers that constant reminder whether you’re in the mall in Dubai or Malaysia or wherever you are you hear the Adan go off everybody goes PR well there’s there’s somewhere to pray you have you have accessibility to go and pray like right now we struggle when we’re out and about we have to you know pray in parking lots we have to pray in places that aren’t clean like it’s it’s just not an easy way to practice being a Muslim and not just that but like accessibility of halal food um being close to a mustard like there’s so many things like and probably the the biggest aspect of that I would say is that in Canada you have to question your daily life in terms of being a visible Muslim in in today’s day and age with everything going on in the world um you know the hate crimes against Muslims are at an all-time high um as as a parent as a father of two little girls that you know will eventually you know wear the hijab um you know if that’s if that’s again it’s their choice but you know they see their mother wear it and they definitely they want to wear it um so it worries me as a father you know when my little girls go out are they going to be the victim of a hate crime are they going to have their hijabs ripped off are they going to have you know and at that point it’s a constant like worry yeah for now they’re little and Daddy’s there to protect them right but when they’re a little bit bigger I’m not going to be there all the time and to be honest like I’m a walking Target like I I wear a hijab very visible Muslim woman um not to say like in the community that we’re in like there are plenty of Muslims um and so for us in this area it’s fine but like in other communities it’s it’s just it’s just a hard environment to live in in today’s day and age we just want to be in an environment where we’re not having to constantly worry mhm and it’s something to be said of of that comfort of when you walk outside the door these things aren’t going through your mind yeah right um and and for us that’s again it’s it’s we can deal with it we’re adults we’ve both yeah exactly both of us have grown up in a place where there are no Vis visible Muslims um per se especially back back in the day um and now we’re in a place where there are plenty of visible Muslims but it’s our children and and what that’s going to look like for them later on yeah okay so reason number two is society in Canada is doing one of these like there’s a lot of indoctrination happening in both schools um communities stores Banks everything we as Muslims first and foremost we believe what we believe other people are free to believe what they believe this is why Allah says in the Quran in regards to non-muslims and a debate between them essentially is that you believe what you believe I believe what I believe this is to paraphrase poorly um and I’m not going to believe what you believe and you’re not going to believe what I believe but at the end of the day that to you is your way of life and to me is mine it is a well understood fact anything really to do with um other than a man and a woman in the sanctity of marriage and the confines of marriage um that this is not permissible for us now that doesn’t mean at in any way shape or form that we are allowed to hate or we are allowed to hurt or we allowed to harm um based upon what we believe but we also have to understand that you know a drag queen story time at our public mall or a library or library is not something that we even want our kids to be to to even understand you know what it is so for instance the community that we grew up in we um have visited it a few times since we moved out here um to Ontario and it has deteriorated completely like we can’t go anywhere in the town that we grew up in without seeing people passed out on the ground or like needles everywhere or people in tent um literally at the playground like things are really bad here um things are progressively getting worse and our kids have so many questions and it’s just like a safety thing um it’s just not something that we want to raise our kids in and amongst so many other things like there’s things that they’re teaching in schools without parents knowing yeah there’s like so many things that are that are just in play in Canada that it really scares the hell out of us and we would much rather just be in an environment where our kids can just be kids like that is the ultimate goal for sure and I will not bow or break or bend to a government trying to tell me how I have to parent my children and the number one reason why we have decided to leave this country a big push yeah we could we could accept the previous four we’ve done it we’ve lived in this country our whole lives and we would be okay and we would make it through but the number one reason that has broke the camels back for us is we have a government no matter which political party you choose that just completely and utterly supports the genocide that is taking place in Gaza yeah and Palestine Palestine in general yeah so um we have seen our leaders stand with isra in ways that has shocked like quite literally shocked us while condemning peaceful Palestinian protests and we don’t want any part of it anymore we we don’t we we can’t like if we have the option to make hyra and make the conscious decision not to support a government that is complicit in a genocide that’s taking place against literally our people we’re going to make that we’re going to make that choice the prophet and his companions may Allah be pleased with them they made Hijra for the sake of protecting their IM whether it be to to ABIA in the first migration or to y in the second migration they left so that they could live in peace and so that they practice their face faith openly with with no interruptions and no fears and worries about safety our parents came to this country to give us a better life like whether it’s your parents down the road Your Grandparent great-grandparents whoever came to Canada and then my parents um and alhamdulillah like we are so grateful like don’t ever think that we’re ungrateful because because we are so grateful but now it’s the next step right and who knows like maybe our grandchildren might need to do it again like who who knows right and so for them this was the right decision to come here and for us this is the right decision is to leave these are the top five reasons guys why we have decided to leave this country if you guys have anything to say about that you can drop a comment down below if you have any suggestions about countries that we should go to or check out please again leave us a comment down below and so we are starting our Trek this spring not even technically this winter spring yeah I guess it depends on where you are in the world but yeah this winter um literally in a few weeks we’re going to be going across the world and we’re going to be uh discovering our options so we’ll make a video next about the top countries that we considered um and the reasons why we have considered it or why we wouldn’t consider it so look out for that video um and definitely know your like let us know your thoughts down below we would love to see what you guys are thinking of cuz we are shocked at how many of you have actually told us that you are also considering the same and you’re just kind of waiting to see what happens inshah and let’s do it bye guys Salam alikum


    1. And if you don’t believe us when we say the racism in Canada is getting out of hand, all you have to do is scroll the comments below. Canada clearly has a BIG Islamophobic and racism problem rooted in society.

    2. Other then online, I just dont see this behavior going on.
      Its a melting pot as they said in school.
      Being a melting pot, of course your gonna get the odd racial or religious tension.
      If i would take my own advise and not watch videos based around this topic.
      It would probably be a much more chill vibe.

    3. I'm 65 now I get a pension I'm now in Puerto Vallarta Mexico it is the best place in Mexico I pay $700 a month for rent for a one-bedroom I'm happy 👁️❤👁️

    4. Out of five, four I understand . it is the 3rd that puzzles me – soy expected Canada to be an Islamic society? Is that ignorance or conceit? Canada is a secular society and, in my view, has made abundant accommodations to muslims including allowing muslim priests to hold religious sessions to students in Public school premises. Ask yourself, would you or any predominantly muslim country allow that kind of thing to the followers of another faith? But your are doing the right thing – if any one is not happy here then, yes, leave. I wish you well.

    5. I'm an afghan Canadian,and i came to canada 1999 now i live in Australia unfortunately,love canada from the bottom of my heart and canadain too, especially people of montreal i will fight for canada and willing to sacrifice my life to defend this country,thank you canada and Canadian love ❤️ you and missing canada

    6. Maybe it's because you sucked all of the Free MONEY and BENIFITS you could, now you run back to the Hovels of home !! And by the Way, how many Brats did you drop so they can get free Healthcare, Free PENSION and anything else you can't get in STINKISTAN or where ever you left an OIL STAIN just by Breathing !! Too Harsh? To Bad!

    7. Almost sounds like u trying to make canada 🇨🇦 of what u r and well we r blessed to live free in this and our country where I was born and raised 🙏 where my 4 fathers took there life for freedom and well u know war is everywhere……….

    8. كل هذه الكراهية تجاه المسلمين والعرب وبالرغم من ذلك حين ياتي المسيحي لبلدكم تكرمونه وتحسنون إليه وهو لا يستحق ذرة إحسان، المسيحيين والكفار أشد الناس كرها للدين الاسلامي ولو يجدون طريقة لقتلك بدون ان تتم ملاحقتهم قانونيا لفعلوا ذلك ، ارجوا من كل العرب والمسلمين عدم التساهل مع المسيحيين والاجانب غير المسلمين وعدم إبداء الترحيب الزائد، لانكم مهما فعلتم من خير وإحسان تجاههم سيبقون يرون انك اقل شأنا منهم وانهم ارقى منك في حين انهم اوسخ اناس على وجه الكرة الارضية. لو أراد الله الهداية لهم لهداهم، ولو اراد الله لهم الاسلام لدخلوه ، ولكن الله يعلم مايفعل ، فلا داعي لدعوتهم للإسلام لانهم ليسوا أهلا لدين التسامح والحب والرحمة، إن الكنيسة أصل كل الشرور في هذا العالم.

    9. Most governments and politicians around the world are corrupt and if you move to a third world country, it will be worse there. Second, religion was invented by man. Islam was formed by humans and is highly imperfect. I don't think any other faith as superior either. So, literally following what a 14th-century person said is not intelligent. While Muslims are mistreated in many nations just for being Muslims, they are also mistreated within Islamic countries by clergy and governments who hide behind Islam.

    10. I live in a fairly big city. I have been an educator. People of the muslim faith here just go about their lives. I understand why you would leave Canada. I will stay here as i am older but I get it.

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