Tadej Pogacar was nearly taken out by road furniture in Stage 5 of Tour de France 2024, narrowly avoiding a crash that could have derailed his TDF plans. #TDF

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    everybody gets their gadgets and everything oh big crash a number of ciders have just hit the center reservation not seen that and who is down Bill ba is down also down is uh mulberger Nelson Ola Bill BAU gets himself going now shakes his head let’s take a look Nico oh T was very close there it was actually pagat I think that kind of caused that crash I’d like to see that again was held [Music] up slow motion how how did he not crash that’s incredible yeah and actually even in the back day they managed to to all get around it we


    1. There should have been cones or something way in advance to avoid this hazard. So many crashes happen because of bad course design and hazards – it is terrible. There should really be something done (via UCI perhaps) to set better standards to make road courses safer. That divider sign for instance could have been placed several meters in advance to warn of the upcoming split.

    2. I’m amazed how every year there seems to be 2-3 stages where glaring mistakes are made by the organizers. I know it is 21 long events, but things like this are neglectful

    3. There was a second crash in the race that seemed to have a similar cause. The road narrows and the guys on the side of the road with an obstruction have no place to go. I notice that somebody suggested there should have been somebody there to alert the riders. Maybe. There is a game of chicken going on here. There's no problem as long as some of the guys on the side of the rode with the obstruction back down. But backing down is not what Tour de France riders are paid to do. One idea would be to reduce the width of the road available to the riders well back of the obstruction so that it is no wider than the road as it goes past the obstruction.

    4. Fortunately the speed was low so no consequences I suppose. Even if Pogi crashed here it would likely not be with big consequences, but you never know so it was way better that he managed to avoid it.

    5. The bikers were used to Italy, where these obstacles are properly signed with a man with a yellow flag, and suddenly in France they are not anymore.

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