bubble by check it out makeit man Cy meit Cory meit in [Applause] [Music] France whole Donkey parade mode even she know the friend song wow see it beautiful right by the Sun with a [Music] view they call it [Music] Mur we have our own channel we’re all always curious [Music] brand new Vlog if you didn’t catch the last Vlog the same exact clothes babe wore when bab you doing babe all right so today like to see the clothes I we’re going to make chicken querry I want Doc bab to try bab you say make doctor right and we’re debating on making um the CRA I me know how you going to do that yeah but yeah here’s the kitchen guys we going to where we right now she catch one way we going Grand Mar to um to get some grocery um coffee yeah um but yes I want to show you guys one thing really quick in this fridge here so yo I’m not let me mil B the other side yo hold something better turn this camera around you yeah so you know we get milk in um America me about but when I was a kid I remember the taste so this milk here bro freid enter whatever this taste like literally from the C B so you the whole container melt so that out to you I mean but y this is sp you try it no anyways the mil is really pure col go Sho to gra my [Music] [ __ ] by way it’s just the two of us in the house and nobody else use the milk just in case anybody’s wondering that you drink for me there show them show them June 17 go [Music] okay you saw we just get hype a grocery store for buy babe you know what you tell them me dve we pissed off nothing to be pissed off about but we um put the direction and the navigation on and all the stores are closed the huge grandar she Super Center I showed you guys it before um it’s closed every Supermarket is closed big big ones little ones everything is closed there’s a few little Express Supermarket that’s open I’m going to try that so he saying oh why would a big store like that close I’m like uh these people know about quality of life they home or their family or they’re at beach or they’re visiting or whatever they’re doing at least they have the opportunity to do that in America we have staggered walk shift and you some people only have weekend schedule and they’re worn out at least these people’s from stores are closed from no coffee shop is open right now yeah there’s no coffee shop open out here yo Sunday is family time that’s why one of our Vlog Vlogs the last time the beach was packed you know going I bring up St Martin most of the islands even in Guyana I guess but like Sunday is like a family day there’s no one on the road nothing I don’t know where they are we don’t we don’t see anybody bro and by the way you know what do I ask LMA places during the week you open until 2:00 you close for break open back until 7 or something kchen closes again and then it reopens at 7:00 for dinner we on the hunt than God we get potato and little probably um you know this car you go cook but you have to cook by hook or cook you have to cook by hook or crook you got to cook a you feel so nice you R something make it Happ we still driving to see if you find something I know a spot or people our people yeah we cannot make this up this is a like area in the tongue right everything Clos only thing opens for drink wine over there but yo every place is closed me know where he going is for people who work all week everywhere is close across right so we found a superl let me check here to bu be careful we’re going into this place here this is all they have no pepper wow no pepper right no pepper baby have have you ever put grind pepper walk with so grind pepper inside before you need the whole pepper pepper you don’t have the pepper what are you going to do we checking this W checking this w store fruits fruits and more fruits maybe we got ly beab me get excited of just now I got excited what what be pick up there but maybe not I see they have shalot here um and that’s about it no pepper no pepper but they got they got wine they got beer they got everything else all right there you goab get grocery in your hand bab get grocery in your hand this big yard babe was saying these people right they got this big yard right babe what you were saying bab look why they can’t what this even look they this whole big thing going on here right well go plant orange I plant orange and lemon more flour look all back here they could have plant something but no plant lemon and orange and no pepper no shallot Mark AR you and Sam had this by be pepper bab if you had this what you do be pepper plant cucumber everything hey people your grocery for long all we going to go start cook now all right check out the French old pot we got new pot thought we even hand to out you know I just happened for p to see the spot we making rice but here what happened I making the rice to be honest with you babe over there baby taking no chances because this rice we use never used it before and I don’t I can’t Plus can’t reach French backwards anywhere upside down too but um this’s the rice we um use it and she get massal in this bag but your girl going and um strain sh rice now there’s a different way when you’re in France you strain rice differently be be careful to cover the handle little to thing all right I feeling happy by hey which guy needs male or female don’t like them rice and where’s rice cooking you going walk on the chicken just now and be tell me what you say find the fridge and everything we to driving around like all over the place find Little Things finder and stuff the chef so we good all right there you have the rice and you go with your um next Jersey check out the ventilation for this Masala smell here what what going on hey by B where there’s a will there’s a way right hey now I feel like French Guyana France meing chicken curry what you girl Masala by bab wait and you brought all this thing over here Masala made it all the way to look the girl get your set up here by your Masala what this your AA shoya adobo fancy tomato paste the only thing you want to make it though I got tell youall is your salt because there’s plenty what py sauce so this is the brand I use oh yes if you guys know yes that’s the brand I use right all right so here all right I want to show you some what I did though right so I use this machine here to season um grind up the seasoning but part of this French machine me know for take out back this thing be pressing and torning and pull so now I’m got to lean over this whole thing cuz me cannot take out this mug and I’m sure it’s a easy way to take it out and you know I have babe so the rice done make we don’t make the rice here we feel like we we feel we home now right babe smelling TR Bo all right we cooking you hear the music the on the music there right anyways I know Y in New York when was about like what time babe was like 10:00 a.m. so yeah I’m actually drink your coffee it’s not like 4:00 it’s a 6 hour difference if the Math’s correct cheers watch your hey hey watch your girl bab on cooking it’s smelling good to by I see the potato there I see um the chicken let me tell you guys what I did so I bought this tomato facee in the tube and I put like I normally put at home this I like like this view better should have told me yeah so I I put the same amount that I normally put and the thing come out little ready ready I’m like why is my Curry red my Masala changed because he crashed the ocean and come here but this is super concentrated see what is this if anybody uses it out there you probably know that um my first I’m using the one in the tube I always use the one in the tin but this is super concentrated so a little bit would have been ideal the car still looking good tasting good and all of that so just letting you guys know when I Tred this with the for first time but super concentrated a little bit half of what I used probably would have been fine okay all I know I got in cor by looking real proper right now real proper eat just now one last time before go in the belly there bubble by check it out makeit man Cur makeit curry meit in France I want know how you said chicken curry in France babe poette Curry plette and curry curry I think okay okay so we making pet Curry so pet if you see this we making um paret Curry bab what’s the deal you Bab what babe so tell them why you got this babe the fly right this door open some com and they just annoy me but I want the door open for the nice breeze all right all right the cry done by and I thought I was young but bab going to do a little baby I’m hungry I know you know I going to eat myself now to by not going to eat take up my food I’m hungry myself babe look very very happy here babe I’m happy but to be honest the food at Namaste is very satisfying to me and I I assure you I’ll go back again to eat there cuz I really enjoy the curry look at the food man real proper food that we going eat with food be Cho your fork I use my finger all right now I feel like we finally home babe um not to St Stan is a great great chef but you have Chef L right here and yes y chicken curry time for pepper and we um Can C’s um container the potato so babe you see we tried wrong today for like to get everything what happened everything closed oh we make it cuz I already had bought some stuff rice and chicken and I was just going to get some um fresh shello and um like pepper like harano or something mhm but I did see the harano over on the in the Spain side not over here right thought I would try my look but everything closed so I’m not like this chicken tastes different I’m not sure why but it tastes different good different or bad different good good good I going eat um yeah cheers babe thank you hey the place the the the weather sucks I can safely say that but guess what everybody coming out so what are you going to do have to come out we heard some noise so we going to towards the noise yeah yeah let me see what happened this right is the area them two watching the wave and babe bab where you cara babe going down there yeah we going over there like right here you see right here let let me go see check the view out wow everyone is just chilling hanging [Applause] out really cool so this place was pack babed there front front no I know how she came to the front but she reach in front I can’t make it up let me show you it’s pared right are we there right in front right in front price [Music] [Music] BL thank babe for bringing me here you’re welcome everybody speak in English yo full that look at the view though really nice right thank them CH front front I went to the back bench front bench [Music] [Music] only body is right here plenty body but only body is right here love you Bab where you plenty body from and the camera [Music] like she always in front of me to see this one here [Music] everybody came for the sunset all right everyone came for the sunset leave a comment if you come for the sunrise everybody come get Sunset people love a sunrise who you [Music] know some Arabic J right there but I do know this song from Tik Tok anybody I know who love the sunrise lot of people from Tik [Music] Tok refere [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bob Marley hey long long live [Music] long your dreams am made yeah you hear loud and proud and [Music] J JZ is a man right here and Alicia Keys yo they got people from Lebanon Spain York New York uh I was going to say New York but yo you know what travel man you meet so many different people however everybody you met want to come to New York everybody wants to come to New York probably want to come because the grocery store opens on a Sunday girl we met a girl and she was like but I do love my life the way it is very relaxed I’m like well you’re not going to get that in New York but you are welcome anyways it’s nice out here this babe um friend they went to school [Music] together they call it Mur [Applause] [Music] watch full donkey parade mode even she know the friend song bab that’s the last song Last Song last song Last Song all right here what happened now it’s 10:38 p.m. sun is set for yet as you can see behind us however the club we not club club everywhere music shuts off at 10:00 the club opens at 12 midnight not a minute before cuz we know on the same Vlog you guys saw you was there at 11:55 it didn’t open I keep looking down because I am standing on the edge but it is 10:39 Now Music shut up but we have Garden of Gard Eden Rock Garden ofen rocken Rock Cafe eating is heaven yes but we in um eating Rock Cafe be careful where I’m standing I am standing on the Ed Ed yes definitely let be right here right you going drink coffee and go somewhere else here what happened what happened was it’s after I’m a New York time now it’s 20 5 no which is it’s 2 11 however kitchen closes at 10:00 sharp here so I left the place just now thinking after 10 thinking he going to grab food and I’m like no kitchen closes at 10: drinks you can have till 2:00 in the morning in in some places if you’re in the club when the Club closes food you ain’t getting it after 10 last night we were at Nam and we were eating and you’ll see it in the Vlog and he wanted sor and I said it couldn’t have it so nowhere yeah so one guy sa it’s not a rule like the French you was say he said it’s not a rule but they don’t want to work past so he opening yes he’s like yo he wish they can open like 10 11 12 1 in 2: in the morning so you found a spot if ever you come you come to this home booy spot right here it’s called PL PLO PLO morning is Monday Morning store is open for business Sunday they’re closed we came to the big uh inter Mar and guess what babe fun babe what kind of pepper is this babe BAL of fire BAL of fire pepper so we going buy you pepper we need you pepper but look how they have the grapes and you know it’s really um I like this um um Supermarket big and nice bab this can’t be shallot what is this I don’t know what this is but this is definitely natural this thing this thing is huge to be shalot and they have like a huge section for just bread y the French love this kind of um bread yo but yeah like a hug section they they bake it on the premises and they have a section like a uh Chinese New Year for all these um Sushi a lot of Sushi Wow Sushi Galore baby tell people going on here I have to weigh my stuff and put the label on it before it get to the cashier yeah so you have to actually do it do it yourself right yeah all right I I know how to read I’m looking at pictures you make I know how to read don’t know how to read they go make it you going make it it check out all they got a whole section of um fish wow a lot of fish fish Galore you know what can fish that is over there though yeah look at all these fish plenty what look at this one here wow babe you’re curious what are you looking for babe babe all the meat excite you to see what else to see we want to buy dock right this is like masobe dock or what what’s the dock called babe not sure dock is called but I think this is it right here and they got more duck inside here watch your girl with your blue dress the Sun finally came out right babe wait for where dress no no you’re the son you finally came out anyways we going out um yeah guys we’re so happy look so that’s brightness that you’re seeing above uh somewhere there that’s the Sun and it’s glowing into the water to see the sun yeah but let me show you my we dress up ready for go out hey Ricky your chain make it you know are we going to go have some um walk walk not going bottle wine or something again yeah yeah like we um like how you went to the place yesterday um Eden on the rock or something Eden um Eden Rock Cafe B bab by Duck making duck May if it’s going to be on this Vlog or maybe next next Vlog anyways let me she draw a picture I’m just very happy the sun is out let me just draw a picture and um come with us let me go eat some food this was a picture we trying for capture imagine she fall along there babe imagine the worst anyways beab dress up with your friendch chat and we going out I like your dress babe thank you is that zaru or mango what it from gosh man Sheen oh Sheen at least she cheaper nice I like though anyways baby let’s mix it up you know I’m in a shame about uh b b should she Andress we doing a photo shoot look Miss Miss Queens USA m m r SC want m r SC by anyways guys look at the backyard you ever you ever happy for see Sun we’re super excited that sun came out cuz it’s you know it was raining the whole two weeks but um yep not forgetting holy yes the Lush green we can put a cricket on this pict and we going to draw some picture again yeah this is all grapes I guess we going to look for grapes now anyways yes the sun came out so taking full advantage of the Sun and babe babe where you see the grapes those are Bunches of green grapes oh wow this this is like heaven and you have grapes above wow let me show you how I and you have your angel here with you oh wow yes so me this is my this is my um wife in heaven guys Angel and we got grapes baby they enough chipping is now grapes and if y’all can see it baby grapes all the way up there these are grapes this whole Vine the whole top is with grapes they got a bunch over here look if yall can see it but those are all grapes and this is the next gripe right here okay so we don’t take out our picture and everything but babe want to show you guys like since the sun is out where we’re staying show you guys The View like it’s not um it’s not like Paris or what was the word I’m looking for it’s more country right so babe show them um we can turn the camera around show youall yeah all right so yep we’re in a town called Aras and I’m not going to say it in my French accent today and there’s Farms Cow Horse if you guys notice the houses are all the same yeah it’s not like Wanga black Wanga blue Wanga green Wanga white they make it like uniform you know what I mean but a lot of greenery lot of greenery and lots around the about right babe yeah few lights more wrong about I will show you next next section just now so yeah like we said we are more in the country the house is more in the country and then we drive for like what 10 minutes or so and then you get more into like a city settings yeah that’s when you find more stores shopping and everything so anything we need we have to drive out and get it look at their park a little playground over there kids playing let me slow down man kids are playing in the park kids play freely here there no parents hanging over them you know which is nice and they stay up late here too kids stay up very late here Friday afternoon everybody going home here it’s traffic oh Sky it’s Monday on vacation was happen to you it’s Monday afternoon oh God yo this stop they got one two three green so if you pull up a little too close you can’t miss a small green all right we we going through the tongue here we go here’s some of the nice architect on the buildings that M Tesla here too Tesla everywhere all the cars are here look BMW even girls riding more the bike look yeah kids going home from school on their little bicycle bam you need the bus so this is be we’re in beitz right now if ever you guys come to uh France come to beitz cuz facts say so yeah recommending again there’s so many um WR about I think bab we got to go through here and we got to go through here and I think we got to go 800 ft at Ron Point fr’s Bas take the first exit and stay on Avenue our navigation does not know how to speak French so she has an accent all right let me keep going and driving we going to the parking lot yeah all right sun came out everybody happy um we’re walking uh babe is trying to trick me here no don’t say that don’t yo I feel she said let’s go walk cuz the sun is nice we going shopping trust me but yeah we um need buy souvenir what kind of souvenir her stuff have souvenir bab find all right so we afternoon time let’s go buy some souvenir what is girl here by driving this mot bike what Chie riding what Chie there watch hey them friends people love to ride um motorbike and bicycle and if you can see all was over there um yesterday it’s on the same Vlog but um yeah more bikes it seems like it’s a hotel office building right babe this nice area right I like it here yeah it’s so this is be reads guys wow yo this was the club babe was tearing up a storm two floor here where we came to uh duplex right here all right we walking I think I see her mes up there she blend into this scarf here babe you got a scarf I wish I could Rock the scarf but what else are you getting I just looking at stuff you’re window shopping window shopping means you’re outside watching from the window this is inside shopping I wanted more detail it’s your Bo man going to get you something it looks good baby I like it really nice it goes with your um outfit there yeah good right it’s good yeah perfect hey bab you happy yeah uh why not went and buy something and um now be can you buy me a bottle of wine sure oh it’s a deal bottle of wine but anyways I like like .99 I I have to pick it out so she deserve it deserve it in one of our Vlogs you guys remember this famous um hotel where we went to yeah yeah this is actually our first Vlog in beit um yeah but we’re going to take a walk at the beach and then go and eat something and talk you know I know we going to talk about today I know something somebody else somebody else forget talk about today yeah May take a walk at the beach but the water seems rough let me go to the be look whoo let me show you guys we was there one day and the water was all the way outside but look how rough is water is and them kids over there by look they’re having a ball wow not me and nobody by the way swim by what time is it now babe it’s like 6:30 6:30 and look everyone is at the beach how you going take a walk yeah the water rough but I man a lot of these young folks are inside the water and they got a lifeguard right here but why not the sun is beaming hot right now wow we left beit and we going to anglet it’s like a next Tong over but babe this place look like Rich Ridge by and there’s the beach right over here ocean yeah so we going to a restaurant to eat we found parking now we got to find a restaurant um we got three options um there plenty of options but that’s what need that I look right right at so um let’s see this one here and it says roof that babe you’re kind of thing let me go check it out so this place have um a stretch of restaurants on both sides well not babe but you know they looking to eat your one come out but yeah all the way on the other side too and we got reservation at the place called the ocean it was nice we got reservation for uh 8:30 now it’s 7:30 but we want a drink so I think we’ll go to one of those table babe and have a drink what you say right there those barel your destination is on the right I bring bab bab I found this place it’s called um yeah was find everything it’s called a seven there we go yeah um we’re having drinks here cuz we have reservation at La ocean everything is L less or L le le yeah so we at we at Le seven right now um babes have what you have babe Ros Ros I have like a glass of wine let me show you guys The View they have the um what you call that thing um Lighthouse yeah and this is our view we at uh as I said La 7 got some people Adventure us over there they’re in the suring surfing but yeah we got a little wine as I said with french fries for now and need to sip two more glasses and then head over to little bit chipping on you look a babe right here man with your French hat get a turn on right by the sun with a view we get the french fries right ketchup here so on the side however y know coming up next what is going go to french fries Burger hey bear brand new B bring your pepper sauce for me it’s so Grim but um bring whever you like whatever you like T pepper sauce NE it see that even bab ask for the pepper sauce bab I do I do I do she actually pepper sauce sometime right yep the fries a little pepper feel like at I buy you buy me a like pepp yeah a lot of people feel embarrassed right and oh you know they feel embarrassed why you got to be just embarrassing why you pepper sa but then you’re left stuff there’s place you can take it and place you cannot take it this is very casual so yes you can take it what a bab I take it everywhere when I can I take it everywhere cuz I know I got a good more food he does love pepper so who doing pepper sauce I like it I don’t love it it goes good with the flavor of the food anyways we eating and let review right here when I had known babe in um back in coron this walk from the um not for know I didn’t know she then we we walking on the sea you didn’t know me but we didn’t walk on seaw wall together well now was our time to walk whole hand we walking on the seaw wall but here what happened I ain’t walking for too long cuz I one fighting Banner bab you continue to walk it’s all right babe you can talk to me this way but they walking on the sea wall partner danger me I say right here so huh Rock here yeah look imagine falling into the ocean you wow all right well there rocks the water is here this baby man she walk a it came for me babe so what had happened was I order a beer it never came but the fries and those two drinks was 16 not bad not bad at all however however you had reservations for 8:30 in a different place but we found a better place so we ditched we ditch the place but that happens right babe you got reservation for one place but you saw a menu of a different place and you just be like okay this one looks better and we have a better view here too right babe here is good so we ordering um oh God the yo so the menu is like all friend so you got to take Google translate so I think we’re ordering what um what good getting oysters oysters yeah getting I think crab cake mhm I’m getting lini for dinner I got a STI vegetables and a bottle of wine for sure gra what’s it called grave wine all right we get done with View and it’s now what time is 8:3 8:34 the sun down bright bright bright all right let me eat food as always babe order a bottle of wine for her and I order a bottle of smof for me so yeah have your bottle of wine I bottle water but yeah we order a bottle of wine bab the bottle of wine is that much it’s only about like 20 one is 20 25 or 27 it’s not bad it’s not bad at all why not we on vacation they drinking I watch baby pour for me to Baby Ali since I met you you introduced me to water I got start drink water now anyways we drinking and ordering with food we did Google translate right and we expect something else but El SK I did order I you did but uh yo look at this how you start eat this got your far and everything is so be ready man be ready be ready to eat bab hook me up with the oyster all right babe I’m not a big big fan of this thing but know I ready okay yeah but drop a pepper sauce inside you know you have to eat the pepper right bab some does it right lemon juice um um they give us pickled onions um normally put little hot sauce but there’s no hot sauce but we got pepper sauce to save today ready cheers mhm so good mhm nice and fresh really good sharp right F go all right oysters is it no it’s oyster yes yes yo the crab inside is so fresh right babe yo this here when they have the onion pickle and pick onion pickle onion onion pickle same thing like you know be wine but yo this is really good inside how’s yours babe good all right yo so this crab right here this yo I look at the thing like yo what is this but these are fresh fresh um crab meat inside um yo I like seafood come on you could get it fresh I ordered something called he he steak I think it is beef but it’s fish it’s fish he is fish he right so now I got try you’ll like this try to bit feet bab I can see bab I love this bite really good crab meat look food is good crab is good check the view out the Sun is [Music] setting everyone is waiting for the sunset right Full House for the sunset and um bab is over there on the phone talking to somebody but yeah it’s really beautiful having dinner with a view baby’s laughing on a lighter note them not buying nothing out there right look how them block up we I know right look I can’t I can’t make it up look right here right in front of me I know and babe is right here babe you want to go in front babe want to go front all right get bottle you’re good the Vodka moving the Vodka moving and the wine moving so we good check this out bab sunglass wow see it beautiful yo so when when babe look at the sun it’s different because her glasses cuz that what you guys see what what you guys just saw just now the view was beautiful through her her eyes through my eyes my God we def sunset here Kish this is not Rockaway Beach in um what is it called cuz we’re not from that area Queens new Queens yeah this not Rockway Beach Body it’s anglet La Plage in France okay all right we we didn’t eat yet you know we got eat now but the sunet hey watch we by the the Sunday inside babe hearty that’s a nice shot babe very nice right on time B where you got it be Linguini L and I get um H steak which is a fish and um yeah babe doing something there for your Tik Tok she’s a CEO for Tik Tok and look our look at our view sun is right there all right we go eat I think might troll pepper sauce on this but who babe no bad behavior please no bad behavior right why you being so bab you typical New York want fight you Daddy you on the Sun a little bit to the right who on the sun you Daddy check out it’s going down that’s the sun right there Priceless bye-bye Horizon I know we show out of sunset but it’s beautiful but babe how’s your food really good it’s good you know my pasta love yeah I love it and actually guys I took I thought the steak was like steak H steak but it’s fish and um let me show you but it’s really really good man I know I kind of made a mess in my plate not really but it’s very delicious B babe hungry the food is good but you know what we were talking right me and babe I mean I know the sun set whatever yeah you got to appreciate life babe guys appreciate every a simple thing as a sunset when you wake up in the morning everybody get problems world of problems me get no problem I get no problem I swear to God but like everybody does right but you appreciate life appreciate life as long as you wake up and you have and you’re healthy you can go and Conquer whatever it is you have to face yep don’t think we don’t have issues we have issues we have four Sons think about that I’m an ACD I’m bad I’m just saying and then come in different age range me here right now me big issues with you even know about I got major issues you know how they say when the kids little little problem and when they got big is big problems th% true our kids are not giving us problems we love them to the moon and back we love them but we don’t have a perfect life don’t think we do but we make the best of it yeah so chair if you’re having a hard moment right now yeah that two Shall Pass cheers you got drink and eat and uh B me going drunk face I don’t know like even when bab drink bab have like a regular look at me face no I get a drunk face like I know people get drunk face look look like I drunk right but look bab I know you’re sweet yeah what what do I even mean yeah by sweet man s Sweet oh cuz when I learned that from Little no no when you um when you sweet be sugar come out your mouth know that but like to get high you get sweet sweet that’s what I mean you’re sweet mean like when you get high you want hug up love story for cry all kind of that’s what it mean you’re s like right now this face a drunk face bro yo Cheers Cheers To Life cheers to be blessed cheers to be thankful salute salute we don’t eat right and babe not satisfied babe want go she want go by The Horizon for see the sun gone down you going to fishing or what babe I think she going to fishing have a second yo look at the view look at the view y babe the view is amazing it’s amazing I can’t make it up watch watch bab satisfi she want going end in she’s insist she got to be a front front I’m not a rule breaker there’s no rule that says I can’t go so I have a strong feeling we were not we was we were not supposed to be here but you got two big sign said like X and like you know like you can read any sign no matter what language it is it says two x Circle one cross one check mark but let we go that was happen after one botle way it’s all joking from this is where he was look at look behind us it was right over there I’m pointing was right there and um there’s like a a what it called a jetty I call it a jetty I don’t know what else to call it and the water going out water wash water water wash or fall what does it mean fall fall water fall water gone out and we going all the way to the end and you got a light house over there too working spinning but we going to the end me FR water wash hey you the same monkey see monkey do watch me and babe come to the end watch what going on here hey monkey see monkey do I never get what I mean so bab babe go in the water jump off go in the water make it to the End by watch your girl by the end not me me not go there not me me stay right here so but yeah we um we close man we are to the end water splashing up see that yeah and um look look and my we have two fans are coming to see us whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo babe we got to go no it’s just water no no no no it’s beautiful what we looking at the water it’s going to come up all right stepping back back up B me fren by me not go there they’re coming one more one more all right let you go along now look at the beautiful the Sun the sunset man priceless priceless priceless to the French authorities it wasn’t me I was forced to do this it says accessi interdit and it says no swimming strong current import bab the sign says danger accessing not right look it says it big I’m not making it up it’s for swimming cuz the current bu I feel all right she knows somebody who knows somebody probably so we learning some history right now so these Footprints are the actual Footprints of all these Surfers so Tom curan from California and babe actually reading this board right they got a lot of footprints so apparently Tom Ken he was blah blah blah his father is from new Beach California his father a pioneer of Hawaiian surfing all right there you have it so then B probably came here to Surf and they got a lot of footprints as you can see like one two three but my bu me from USA morning we made it home safe last night um you guys saw you went out to dinner in anglet babe was catching the sunset we drink a bottle of wine did we make chicken curry in this Vlog I remember the Vlog Master yes yes anyways um today is Tuesday we’re going to end this Vlog here um we’re going to San Sebastian for um the weather is hot right babe yeah today is going to be uper 8s finally we get some son so we’re going to go we’re going to Zar first to return stuff that he bought not me so she’s going to stay in the car while I return the stuff and come back and meet her cuz if you know I take her there what going to happen right anyways um also I got a bir birthday shout out to do but hold on coming right back with the same position cuz I got to set the board a shout out and I forget the the person name but yes I’m we’re going to close the Vlog out from here here all right so the birthday shout out is for Patty from from Navin Chris Chris and Paul PA and from us from us the facts PTI and Ain was the first couple I believe who came from Canada to America and by we F merch with that being said we got F merch still available yes but py happy birthday to you um your birthday they did come and Dany parade with good in um in canadao not having proper dance so yes yes yes so guys um happy birthday to PTI her birthday is June 25th I’m not sure whenever you guys see this Vlog if it’ll be before after her birday is June 25th that being said um we out um thank you for watching I hope our um Europe trip so far has entertained you guys and um inspire you to travel and try different parts of the world like bab like your glasses you look what something nice with this morning first you want last second you know like my glasses guys byebye that is why it’s important that as gu we make decisions based on the fact thank you good evening and remember we have to stick to the facts [Music] [Music] jum fore [Music] for for [Music] for [Music] yeah yeah I’m out that Brooklyn now I’m down in Becca right next to the narrow but I’ll be hood forever I’m the new Sinatra and since I made it here I can make it anywhere yeah they love me everywhere I used to cop and Har them all of my demc right there up on Broadway P me back to that McDonald’s took it to my stash spot 560 St Street catch me in the kitchen like a Simmons whipping past Street cruising down a street off white Lexis driving so slow but BK is from Texas me I’m out that best sty home of that boy biggy now I live on Billboard and I put my boys with me say what up to T still siing my ti sitting cide Nicks and Nets give me high five [ __ ] I’ll be spiked out I can trip a referee tell by my attitude that I most definitely from with dream there’s nothing you can do now you’re uh-h uh-huh uh-huh these streets will make you feel brand new [Music] I made you high [ __ ] catch me at The X with OG got a Yankee game [ __ ] I made the Yankee hat more famous than the Yankee K you should know I B blue but I ain’t a crypto but I got a gang of [ __ ] walking with my clickto welcome to the Mel po Corners where we selling rock Africa been by the [ __ ] home of the hip hop Yellow Cap Gypsy cap dollar cap hollack perers it ain’t feel they act like they forgot how to act 8 million stories out there in the Naked City is a Pity half of y’all won’t make it me I got a plug special I Got It Made if Jesus paying LeBron I’m paying D Wayne way three dice CEO three card Marley Labor Day parade rest in peace Bob Marley Statue of Liberty long live the World Trade long live the king yo I’m from the Empire Concrete Jungle with dreams of there’s nothing [Music] you welc to the bright light make you feel new big lights will inspire you [Music] let lights is blinding curs need blinders so they could step out of bounds quick the sidelines is line with catch who life casually then gradually become worse don’t fight the Apple eeve caught up in The In Crowd now get in sty and the winter gets cold and vog with your skin out City up sin it’s a pity on the whim good


    1. Hello beautiful you guys are really enjoying your vacation chicken curry looks delicious 😋 lema love your blue dress 👗 they say when you wear blue your love is true by the that leeks in the store Farad thank you for sharing cheer. 🍷🤎👍🇨🇦

    2. The chicken curry is really looking good and it's not surprising because Lima is one amazing cook. Great tip on the tomato paste. Maybe that's a specific tomato that was used to make the paste. Lima, you are looking stunning in that blue dress, I think blue is your color. Sunset is always nice, and you guys had a nice hangout. You guys have a blessed day ❤❤💯💯💪💪💪💪💪🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾🙏🙏

    3. Assalmo O Kaium Celeberity Farhad and Beautiful wife Lima. Chicken Curry looks Delecious. Beautiful Lima is a good cook. Exciting Adventure in France and Spain. May Allah swt reward you as you always attend Juma Prayers. My freind who is from Unity up the East Coast lives in Scarborough at present watched your Blog and this was her comment…"Farhad does not miss going to the Mosque on Friday" Alhamdo Illah I replied YES. I visited Albion Mall and ate at Caribbean Cuisine. I told the Owner that I drove 1 and half hour to visit your eating place. I ordered Dholl, Rice and Panchonie it was Delecious, Delecious. My family order the Boulanger Choka and chicken curry. Was really good. I said to her Farhad and Beautiful wife Lima saw them on their Blog that is the reason why I came. Keep well enjoy your vacation. Salaam Nazeela from Canada

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