A 4.5 stage epic from the foothills of the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Coast in beautiful Slovenia. This epic route, in the Slovenian early summer, includes amazing variety through singletrack, forest trails, back roads & bridleways. Our journey takes us from the mountains through to the lake region, through wine country and ending on the coast. We ride together in small groups & stay at charming 4* hotels, eating together each night to make this a social week of exploring this amazing country.

    Slovenia has really beautiful roots for cycling uh because it has a lot of mountains beautiful roads scenery Waters makadamia is graveling uh in Slovenian yeah what’s special about Slovenia um many things are special but let’s say the the in terms of cycling uh we use the terms Slovenia is green so more than 60% of the land is covered by Forest meaning that we have a lot of gravel roads inside the forest to do the gravel I am T from PKA do cycling helping with the logistic staff for a glorious gravel event in Slovenia where are we in Slovenia uh we are now in very North West part of Slovenia close to kagara I’m mik kofia I’m the owner of P cycling uh today we are in bohin uh so Lake bohen the the largest Alpine Lake in Slovenia it’s in the Julian Alps the natural park tro so we start directly in the heart of the Julian Alps um we are traveling through through the mountains the Julian mountains and we finish in the end at the Adriatic Sea [Music] we’re in Slovenia in the Julian Alps we’re on a glorious gravel trip we’re currently on the prologue 20K just to test the bikes out yeah beautiful surroundings and nice to be riding in the mountains [Music] y that’s incredible that backdrop isn’t [Music] [Music] it is it cold James it’s freezing that’s it that’s it oh know it’s good for [Music] you we were there yesterday uh today we are leaving kagar and have a nice steady ride to Lake bled and from Lake bled we take a um long gravel uh climb to Plateau yellow and then we descend to Lake bin morning nice day riding beautiful scenery [Music] ready for a Day always ready if you’d like to make your decisions now guys you can choose between our two great [Music] guides we’re just leaving CR Gora and heading out on a 90 km route for stage one of Glorious gravel Slovenia it’s a bit overcast but I think the sun’s going to come out later yeah looking forward to a good day on the bike enjoying the climbing oh loving it no it’s really pretty [Music] [Music] fres water the there’s a rope swing have you enjoyed the riding so far yeah yeah today was nice barely had to Pedal apart from a few steep yeah yeah there was a bit in the middle that was a bit of a wake up call absolutely amazing good swim yeah really good really goodoo oh some warm here [Music] [Music] how you feeling so so good mate yeah keeping the uh keep pushing that’s is yeah [Music] glad to be at the top of the clim yes we’re all over this like a cheap [Music] [Applause] suit what was the highlight of your day definitely The Descent last it yeah and made all the uh all the uphill worthwhile good see all the different techniques here isn’t there you got like the jet wash approach got spren col approach I’m ready for today yeah very excited can’t wait Sun’s shining it’s going to be a beautiful day anything you’re looking forward to the desense the desense uh the climbs are fantastic they’re hard work but satisfying but the descent is the real reward glad to be in the mountains I am look at that still snow up [Music] there we first we are going to Lake bin and then we will take a climb to beautiful Village Shepherd Village Zam Niki yeah I don’t even know what that is oh mate that’s [Music] epic yeah boy yeah baby we’ve ridden along the shores of Lake bin and we’re now heading up the big climb of the day after passing through feed stop one yeah sun is still [Music] shining this is brilliant cold shower halfway up the climb couldn’t be better [Music] enjoying it though uh overall yes definitely points where I was like oh this going to off now yeah but you get views like this so it’s not yeah it’s amazing great thank you it’s very don’t want it had a lovely lunch stop homemade IC te some pasta and a Slovenian version of apple strudel absolutely delicious and now back on the the gravel roads and uh hopefully the rest of the day is pretty rolling and um gradually downhill [Music] La go go go why is Slovenia so big in the professional pelaton now what’s what makes Slovenia so good to like produce what talent it has now uh it’s a million dollar question but I would say um it’s just the tradition that we have uh hardw working uh from the junior age uh in the past we we already had a very good cyclist uh and they basically made the foundation with uh with their academies uh and uh yeah they just find a way how how to teach the kids to do the the great cycling and then of course you need to have a talent to to fulfill everything did you have a good day yeah really good it’s pretty hard highlights getting here I be dinner later I think you can’t be grumpy at uh views like this can here yeah just the rid in on that Tac is pretty amazing yeah it was good and of course good company all go great unbelievable best ever end a ride um lots of downhill and then a cold dip in the river only improvements the um River temperature needs to be warmed up for next year please ‘s going to lead the way down there we’re going to stay as all as one group just go down to the train station then when we get to the other side we’ll obiously spit into our normal riding gr we get to the other side EMT you would like to Le off we are in binsa today we first take the ride with the train we will uh take the longest San tunnel over 6K uh we are living mountains we are living Al region and we will uh exit in the train station most Nai then we will start cycling along the the emerald green SOA River nice train ride under the Julian Alps heading down to subit train in the Adriatic today looking forward to [Music] [Applause] [Music] it we’re riding along a beautifully smooth bike path better than any UK road with a river alongside this Kazakhstan blue and we’re about just under 20K to lunch [Applause] [Music] almost over the the big climb of the day the rest of the day is pretty rolling and hopefully we get to see some white horses at the end they’re going to be in the STA for the horses by the time we get there no dancing horses for you Josh today [Music] today we will finish in lipit which is famous for its um white horses lipit which are usually um trained for um Royal ceremonies in Austria is that yeah yeah exactly yeah how was it today I loved it I just thought it was amazing I know everyone else thought we finish earlier but that last bit was awesome you mustn’t miss it you ready for the last day yeah I’m really ready for the last day really excited about the last day got my new Slovenia top on you like to see that it’s all right it yeah no dead excited so it’s going to be a good day def going to be a good day still quite a bit climbing today but it’s basically all downhill all the way to the coast to the Adriatic to the coast yeah we’re just going to jump I’m just going to Pedal straight into the sea four car standing by the coast is 28 so it’s going to be like really hot as you get down there just make sure you’re drinking pling make sure you take off F water balls as you go past all of the stops last day of riding in Slovenia hey there having fun enjoying it well kind of enjoying it I’ll enjoy it more on the way down good rolling set I do love bikes [Music] good day so far yes very good lot of pills enjoying the Descent um more than the ascents yes really good so yeah on which to lunch [Music] [Music] just pass through the lunch stop tasting the local delicacy of sausage soup and now heading up a Berg and then we’ll be hopefully heading gradually downhill towards the coast Full Belly going up a climb not ideal [Music] upill down to the [Music] [Music] seide the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea boom [Music] I was amazing riding in Slovenia even just saw a picture of T Bacha 7K left two more small climbs and then a descent to the coast and I’m really looking forward to a dip in the see that was the most that was the most stop taker photo kind of day wasn’t it day two not including the prologue if you day three with the prologue that was amazing well the first he on day one was great but on day two just eclip it didn’t it [Music]

    1 Comment

    1. Nice video. ❤ Must say, the more bike touring of Sovenia videos I see the more I want to go. Looks an incredible place to cycle, particularly off-road and on quiet country surfaced lanes! 😊

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