Crimewatch (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.

    [Music] welcome to the program where instead of despairing about crime you can actually help us to do something about it it’s live of course and the officer waiting for your call are investigating some very serious offenses including a double murder a racist attack and a major case of arson that we’ve reconstructed the number to help with all tonight’s appeals is 0181 8055 last month 150 people rang about the murder of London restaur John Gasper who managed the pizza Pomodoro in SoHo someone had forged a letter to get spare keys to Mr Gasper’s flat and late on Monday the 10th of November he was shot dead as he went through his front door police are anxious to speak again to a man who calls himself Pizza he’s already called twice once to the studio just after last month’s program then again later at 4 in the morning to the police incident room he clearly wants to help so if Pizza is watching now please will you call us again here in confidence on 0181 8055 ask for detective Sergeant Robertson no fewer than 670 viewers called in about attacks on elderly people in North hamptonshire we showed how at least two men have been roughing up old people in their homes and robbing them of their life savings a car police wanted has now been traced and this Polaroid was also identified it too has been eliminated as a result of the program officers from Cambridge here and Kent recognize similarities with the fenses in their areas and they’re pooling information now if you can help please call us here next football violence and the murder of a Crystal Palace fan Terry Burns over 20 people had been charged with offenses surrounding the murder but we showed a photo of a man who’s nicknamed scous whom detectives still wanted to interview three viewers called in and gave his real name and then scous himself walked into Canon Row police station in London he was arrested and interviewed but has since been released inquiries are continuing and is to be questioned again next week remember you may remember last April we reconstructed a Savage Burgery in Southport in which a jeweler Peter joanes was shot and critically wounded partly as a result of our reconstruction detectives investigated one man in particular this month he faced trial charged with aggravated burglary and possessing a firearm now crucial to the case was a tape recording of the robber’s voice of recording we played on crime watch early in the court hearing an expert in voice identification a witness for the prosecution changed his evidence the trial was then halted and the defendant was discharged and this is in fact the first acquit of someone who’s been arrested as a result of information from crime watch viewers last September two viewers named a man wanted after a robbery on a North London Building Society the suspect fled from his home after the program but he’s since been traced and earlier this month he was arrested and charged he’s currently remed in custody awaiting trial you may have heard how recently an armed man died from gunshot wounds during a Chase in Stockton Police believe the man may have been responsible for a series of armed robberies at supermarket which we appealed about in November he may also have been responsible for the murder of the leads policeman Sergeant speed in October 1984 in fact earlier today police investigating that murder charged an associate of the Dead gunman with conspiracy to Rob and Firearms offenses well now to our first case this month most murders are committed by someone who knows his or her victim and who has a very clear motive cases of indiscriminate Killers who kill more than once are rare but last month it seems that one man met and then murdered two young women in the space of 36 hours and police are convinced that this is the type of killer who will attack again so your help on this next case is vital our reconstruction starts on the night of Saturday the 24th of January in the baywater area of West London Marina Monte was a heroin addict who worked as a prostitute to finance her habit she was 27 she had no family in England only a boyfriend who was also an addict beauti on the night she died she set out at about 10:30 to look for business around baywater and Paddington she usually headed towards Sussex Gardens but there have still been no specific sightings of her that evening her killer may have been among her first [Applause] clients miter Bridge Railway Junction scrubs Lane 3 miles from Paddington at about 11:00 that night the signalman noticed something usual a car turned into the service road beside the railway and stopped there for some four or 5 minutes in the darkness the signalman could see only that it was a small car he couldn’t make out what the driver was doing Marina’s body was found there by a railway worker at 7:15 the next morning she’d been strangled and her boots and handbag were missing Rachel Apple weight also worked as a prostitute in the same area of West London she was 23 Rachel lived in a dhss hotel in Earl’s Court with her 20-year-old boyfriend Ian they’d been together for 6 months and had frequent arguments usually about money you I gave you some last week well bloody spin it didn’t I I need some more got our clothes and I how much you 20 quid 20 quid that’s my money anyway Rachel depended on Ian for friendship and companionship she rarely saw her family her mother was in hospital and her father and sister lived in Oxfordshire on the afternoon of Saturday the 24th of January the same day that Marina died Rachel and her boyfriend watched television in their tiny Hotel bedroom they were there until 6:30 and it was time to go out looking for business nothing else on just came in [Music] tell Rachel had moved to London some four years ago and had worked as a prostitute ever since she could be loud and aggressive and had an increasing drink problem shortly before 700 p.m. the they arrived at Cleveland Terrace where Rachel usually stood waiting for passing motorist to pick her up she was soon approached by a man in an orange mini okay okay Ian always checked out the customers she usually spent 20 minutes to half an hour with each customer but it was 2 hours before she reappeared at Cleveland Terrace she was drunk and Ian was Furious where the bloody hell have you been you’ve been drinking a cab driver witnessed the r and anyone else there would remember it too your calm down where the hell is you going he I’m not get out the bloody C leave me alone get outy leave me alone the cab driver saw them disappear in opposite directions Ian got back to the hotel at about 11:00 but he didn’t see Rachel again that night or ever mine’s a six where’s Mine mine’s a six on it own well who put this one down me you the next anyone heard of Rachel was the following day Sunday at around 12:30 her father was making his daily visit to her grandfather in an old people’s home in Oxfordshire H Dad are you still at the hotel no I’m not there anymore I’m staying with a friend at the moment he didn’t know where she was ringing from or why she rang him that day yeah well I got to go now cuz my money’s running out well look after yourself then goodbye this Blood can’t get me up but at 9:30 that Sunday night Rachel was seen with a man and a girlfriend in the king’s head Pub Edge wear Road and again she was heading for a r she comes over here she’s blood going to get her lo 10 I blood s her the girls who were laughing at her noticed she was wearing an odd rather old-fashioned two-piece outfit that was much too big for her oh no i’ love to know she get her gear it really is something of a joke not to look and she was attracting further ridicule at the pool table she like grest man isn’t she Rachel had had enough [Applause] it was a fight that everyone in the pub that night certainly [Applause] witnessed time ladies and gentlemen closing time was 10:30 the events which followed the fight are crucial if police had def finded her killer look just forget it all right I’m going to the L where Rachel went next is still a mystery it was the last time she was seen alive she totted out of the pub clutching a white plastic bag the man she was with has still not been traced a couple of minutes later the man followed her out police don’t know whether the two met up again outside the next day at sna place in Chelsea there’s a row of lock up garages behind the flats there at about midday a resident returned to her garage after 24 hours away [Applause] Rachel’s body had probably been dumped from a car as Marina Monty’s had and like Marina she’d been strangled and her boots were missing too well detective superintendent Jim Hutchinson both Rachel and Marina worked around the same area and our map here shows where Marina went we don’t actually have much information about her do we no she left the hotel at about 1030 that night we’d like to hear from anyone who saw her leave the hotel or saw her in that area because her client could have been a killer all right now you have a lot more information on Rachel’s movements before she died first of all the driver of the orange mini which picked her up that Saturday night he hasn’t come forward no he hasn’t and that’s uh very important to us uh she was off for a period of about 2 hours with him and we’d like to know where she went who she went with it’s it’s very important to us she told her father on the telephone that she was staying with a friend you don’t know yet who that friend could be no that’s correct uh she did stay with a friend we we’re sure of that we haven’t found out who he is but uh she had a change of clothing you um the clothing you see on the screen at the present moment is actually the clothing she was wearing that’s the only picture we have of the actual clothes she wore yes that’s true now that clothing is vital to us because she changed into it her boyfriend hasn’t seen it before it may lead us to the friend or indeed give us Vital Information it had a label on the uh back of it suo uh you can see on the screen it was Warren petite um that’s the manufacturer but there were two names on it and uh with the use of ultraviolet we managed to bring up the name p Suarez and also the initials TK we’d like to hear from either P Suarez or TK who are able to say well that’s uniform that I wore because I think it probably belonged to someone working into the hotel or catering trade right absolutely vital yes the other thing is that the man seen drinking with her that last night in the king’s head in Ed Road hasn’t come forward either no he hasn’t and and he definitely is vital to our inquiry yes he’s a man of uh Continental appearance probably Greek or Arabic he’s about five n in in height aged 35 to 45 uh he his hair is black and it’s got uh specks of gray in it he’s wearing gold rim spectacles and uh although we’re not sure about the clothing he may have had a ski jacket on on his left finger or finger of his left hand he had a large Medallion ring and somebody must have seen her at closing time of when the pub closed that night in oh yes certainly she was very very drunk and she couldn’t have got away from their on her own she may have been pushed into a vehicle it’s vital that anyone who saw her on the busy edge of her road at about half 10 that Sunday Come forward and talk to us is it possible that other prostitutes might be able to help uh yes there’s a possibility many of the girls actually travel down from the uh Midlands from centry Nottingham and Huddersfield many of these girls haven’t appeared on the streets since they can indeed help us we’d like to hear from them Mr hutchingson thank you and if you think you can offer any information about either Rachel Apple weight or Marina Monte and particularly their movements over that weekend beginning the 24th of January last month please ring Us in the studio here on 0181 8055 or call the incident room at Kensington police station on 01741 6212 that’s 01741 6212 the magpies are at it again this week the government relaunches its campaign against Berg urging all of us to be more security conscious don’t let them get away with it at least half a million houses are broken into every year that’s one household in every 40 and what’s more a home office study published today shows that the emotional effects of burglary are often far far greater than the Practical effects and much more than people have generally supposed most burglars are very young indeed in fact the peak age is just 15 these are opportunist crimes for a video recorder or for cash relatively few house breaks of professionals who plan their operations in great detail we start with the professionals you might be surprised to know that the burglary Center of Britain is the South Coast Seaside town of Brighton 25 years ago Brighton Corporation enforced a bylaw Banning Barrow boys from selling fruit and vegetables around the city and drove them out of business so they turned instead to house clearance selling old furniture and pictures to the numerous antique dealers in Brighton from house clearance they moved on to the practice of knocking on doors trying to persuade people to part with their valuable possessions at ridiculously low prices they have now become notorious as the Brighton kner boys there are now maybe two or three thousand of them operating right across much of England and Wales and although they stay within the strict letter of the law their tactics are devious and threatening and there’s definite evidence that some of them use the visit to case the house police warn that once a knocker boy has called a burglary often follows this was the case at Leon SE in Essex one day last December a retired gentleman who’d lived alone in Lee for many years was visited by one of the kner boys good morning sir I’m from Hope anything to sell uh you mean antiques well not necessarily in around 1920s or anything like that no no I have nothing that’s a rather nice grandfather clar sir oh is it yes so not interested in selling sir no no no no no I have nothing to say right thank you very much for your time morning a month later the old man set out as he did every evening to visit friends as usual he left the light on in the hall it was also his Habit to leave the up and over garage door open sometime later the burglar’s car must have reversed into the garage they closed the swing door behind them and went through to the Back Garden they had no problem removing the loued panes of glass from the kitchen window the key to the French doors lay within easy reach when the burglars got in they found so many valuable antiques that they had to take extra bags from the house to carry them away a neighbor passing later was surprised to see lights on and the garage door shut unfortunately for the Old Gentleman he didn’t think to call the police they took a large collection of s Bain which would be Irreplaceable and a very fine picture by JF Herring which also has great sentimental value as it was left to me by an old lady and um some very very fine clocks which again are irreplaceable it’s over 40 years collecting and uh I was just chat by it so um as you can imagine I am devastated by it oh detective inspector Chris Nyland that poor man made a lot of mistakes on security didn’t he yes he did it’s the second biggest domestic burglary in the last 12 months Le he did make a lot of mistakes but at least we have some photographs of the beautiful items that were stolen this marvelous painting by JF Herring senior it’s signed and dated 1841 it’s worth £30,000 We Believe the frame may have been broken during the burglary has it been offered for repair that’s what we’re appealing for repairers Etc to come for sters might remember it that’s right a truly beautiful collection of sever porelon stolen mainly 18th century every article very identifiable by its artwork its coloring it’s distinctive maker marks on the underneath of most of the items that’s a very identifiable piece there isn’t it it is that’s a beautiful mon teeth painted by three different artists somebody must recognize that if this I would hope so tragically some of this was probably broken as well during the theft and again with the painting frame has it been offered for repair restorers and this people like this could they come forward the trouble was they bundled everything into a bag they were obviously surprised at the amount of stuff they found they were surprised with what was in the house um they took three bags from the house owned by the agreed where are they now have they been discarded by the thieves the combination of the three bags the Navy canvas hold all um it’s older than the one shown and the the real one is brown and green green I got that’s right it is it’s an old issue Navy bag the plastic patients property bag again identifiable old the old marks and Spencer hold all and that’s been out of production for the last 14 years now the combination of those three bags are identifiable does a dustman or anybody know where they are now considering this was a lifetimes collection it’s almost incredible that he wasn’t insured it is he couldn’t afford the premiums but he can now AFF to offer substantial reward for any information concerning this case he wants his lifetime election back right Mr n thank you very much and if you think you can help please do call us on 0181 8055 or you can ring the incident room at Ry which is 0268 753 that’s 0268 the code for r753 well now to more typical burglary the sort that involves not precious antiques worth a quarter of a million but a few quid Nick from down the road it’s called petty theft but it’s not Petty at all it’s terribly distressing when it happens to you isn’t the rich who suffer most from burglary but believe it or not the poor the last British national crime survey found that the poorest estates had burglary rates five times higher than the national average now we all know that we can do a lot to protect ourselves of course in your local police station will have a crime prevention officer who’ll be pleased to come around free of charge and advise you on how to keep a record of serial numbers of video recorders and so forth um on lock on alarms if you want and indeed how to security Mark your property like this so that it’ll show up under ultraviolet light you could uh if you want even consult the police about how to set up a local neighborhood watch but some crime prevention has less to do with the police than with the local Council especially where the council owns the housing thco pit is 8 mil from barnesley on the outskirt of the village is the Thornley cresant Estate One in 12 homes here are burgled every year 2/3 of householders are unemployed many houses are damp and run down and there’s little respect for privacy or property I came out last night from a friends I found the allll out this they couldn’t get in because I got a wheelbarrow and a box of tires at back in it but if they could have got in they could have took me tell video it were half 7 at night somebody smashed me window we an House break y let get somebody around trying to pinch things but I can’t afford to put put glass back when burglary and vandalism reached this sort of level it’s hard to convince victims that traditional crime prevention is of any use at all houses are very unsafe in fact it’s like it’s a waste of time even locking the doors I don’t lock mine very often but for the simple fact I mean if anybody wanted to get in they’d have no problems whatsoever they could get straight through that door a more radical approach is needed in effect a redesign of the whole estate and in thornly Cresent there is a plan to change the very conditions in which crime flourishes the residents have worked with necro the local Council police local schools and an architect to develop some straightforward Solutions the first problem that the estate suffers from is that there’s a a road right through the estate which is um subject to abuse particularly from motorcycles lacks privacy and isn’t a particularly safe place for children to play and we’re proposing to convert it into four cuis saacs Garden Street has always been a cuac and residents there certainly have had far less problems cuis ACS will certainly discourage joy riding but the houses themselves still have no defense against stray dogs litter or burglar much of the wooden fencing which used to divide one Garden from another has been broken up and stolen for firewood but a clear division between Gardens adds to a sense of privacy another simple and durable solution replace the old wooden fencing with solid brick walls a physical and psychological barrier to any Intruder and when dilapidated houses can also be given a facelift by new brick work the residents really begin to feel more positive about their homes and I’m looking forward to when the houses are done to move back into a safe secure warm comfortable home the plans include better lighting better public telephones which work and in a place where burglar start at the age of four or five play areas and a youth and Community Center the aim is to get more facilities for people especially young people and to get a kind of community Spirit back in the area in thco the local Authority have backed the project enthusiastically but to work here and elsewhere crime prevention schemes like this require money and therefore political commitment John brgh works for voluntary organization concerned with crime John these schemes look terribly expensive are they crime prevention in these areas does not come cheaply for example replacing flimsy front entrance doors with with strong ones with decent locks and Frames can cost3 to 400 a piece redesigning Estates which have been badly designed can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds um some some measures can pay for themselves but in general if we’re serious about reducing crimes in these areas we have to invest sensibly in the housing Estates you’re saying we keep going on about crime and feeling as though nothing can be done about it something can be done about it we’re prepared to put our money where our mouths at yes indeed there are some Estates on which we’ve worked where crime has fallen quite dramatically as a result of the efforts of the council and the police and the youth service and a number of other agencies what sort of measures have you done strengthening people’s front entrance doors window locks installing Entry phone systems providing facilities for children and young people and how much have you got Crim down just a few percentage points or really radical drops no in some cases by 50 or 60% but only when all of these measures have been introduced as a package and what can ordin people do presumably not a lot well uh tenants living on Estates who are troubled by crime really need to join their tenants Association or set one up or in some way try and Lobby the council to introduce measures that will make their lives safer well let’s hope some uh government ministers are watching and take note incidentally if you are the victim yourself of any sort of crime it can be a terrible experience and there are over 300 victim support schemes around the country a trained volunteer will visit you at home either to talk to you or give you advice on where can get practical help your local police station or your town hall will tell you if there’s a voluntary scheme near you well now to the incident desk where we invite the police to appeal to you directly this month WPC Jackie Johnson from merys side joins superintendent David Hatcher from Kent first we want to trace about 30 party goers who could help solve a vicious attack in London’s east end the attack resulted in this man Trevor Ferguson losing his sight in one eye and caused two families to move out of their homes on Saturday the 3rd of January a party was being held in beckfield Road in Canning Town it was a family birthday party and most of the guests were black around 1:00 a.m. on the Sunday and again at 3: fumes from some sort of noxious gas were sprayed through the open Windows it seemed that someone at another party in exing Road might have been responsible most of the guests there were young white people Trevor Ferguson and another young man went round to ask them to stop and that’s when Trevor was stabbed in the face and I next morning another family in beckfield Road discovered ra racist graffiti on their wall it was a culmination of four years of harassment and both families have since been rehoused when the house in exing Road was searched officers found this CS gas canister but so far we’ve only managed to trace three people who were there that night if you were at Martin Kane’s party on Saturday the 3rd of January well you know someone who was Ring Us in confidence next Detectives instrution need your help at 5:30 p.m. on Monday the 8th of December an 18-year-old girl was grabbed by a man and bundled into his car she was driven from rodom court in Newport to a lane at the bottom of Broomfield Road where she was raped now tonight we have we have a combination of Clues which might well identify the rapist the girl helped us to produce a video fit she thought he was about 40 of medium build and had dark brown greasy hair he probably works outo do because his face was weather beaten and he had dirty rough hands and he was wearing a black or navy blue sweater with a lion Motif like this his car had one of these large puppies stuck inside the inside of the wind screen she thinks a small teddy bear maybe something like this was hanging on a red ribbon from the rear view mirror she remembered the interior of the car was beige and it smelted of a sickly air freshener but now look at this artist’s impression we think it may be the same man he seriously assaulted a woman in Stafford only 12 mil from Newport on the evening of Sunday the 4th of January both victims feel either either face could match the man who attacked them so if you know anyone who looks like either of these and has a poppy and a teddy bear in his car please don’t hesitate call us now next on incident desk this man who’s robbed building Societies in Nottingham norch and Sheffield here he is in action in norch in January where he got away with with £4,600 from the national and provincial we suspect he’s not local to Norwich because he’s carrying a presto shopping bag yet there’s no Presto supermarket in the city the glasses he wore were probably part of his disguise and don’t let the blonde hair fool you it’s almost certainly a wig because he decided to dispense with it when he carried out a similar raid at the Abby National in Nottingham on December the 17th but notice how he’s wearing exactly the same Woolen hat and padded jacket if you think you know him please give us a ring since joining the mercy Traffic Division I haven’t yet had cause to stop one of these they’re vintage motorbikes and they belong to Keith Aon a collector from Birmingham in the early hours of boxing day six bikes worth £10,000 was stolen from his garage a vintage fellet just like this one was taken the registration was eha 424 but it had a slightly smaller engine than this a beautiful old James motorbike with a 225cc engine was also stolen there’s the number again it was registered back in 1922 and here’s the log book the first proud owner would have paid about £55 for it then it’s now worth about 2,500 but I like this one best it’s a 500 CC Sunbeam from the ‘ 50s this is an S7 model but a gray S8 was stolen the other three which went were a 50s Vincent and from the 30s a BSA and a Triumph all Mr aston’s bikes are lovingly restored and he would dearly like to get the stolen ones back so if any of my colleagues in traffic or anyone else is seeing any of them do please call and finally we’d like you to take a look at this it once belonged to Henry VII’s grandmother lady Margaret bord and was bequeathed to the nation on her death it’s very delicate that’s why I’m wearing gloves it was used by medieval Royals as a clothes chest when they were traveling from one country seat to another unfortunately its counterpart has gone missing from the public record office at Chancery Lane in London that’s the place where the nation’s most valuable historical documents are kept from Doomsday Book to copies of Magna carter the chest was kept in the record office Museum that staff noticed it had gone missing last year prior to that the building was being cleared of asbestos so The Keeper of the public record can’t be sure that the chest wasn’t carted away in a skip either way whether it was stolen or not if anyone watching tonight has seen one of these please let us know so it can be returned for safekeeping at the public record office well if you’ve seen that chest or any of those beautiful motorbikes or if you can help with any of those cases here’s the number 0181 8055 our final reconstruction tonight is a case of arson and it’s the most expensive crime we’ve ever covered on crime watch the damage from this one case amounts to several million pounds and there was a real risk of someone being killed or injured by The Blaze or the explosions that took place the target was an Aerodrome in Wiltshire home of a bugey observation aircraft called the Optica now the Optica does much of the work of a helicopter but at a fraction of the cost it’s been much in the news not least because the first plane to be sold crashed two years ago killing the two police officers on board an inquiry put the blame on human error but the firm went bankrupt 200 jobs were lost a new company then took over one Friday night earlier this year almost all their aircraft were destroyed this was was hanger one seven finished opticas were stored here along with a helicopter and two other aircraft my first reaction was uh was sadness but then when it sank in what had happened uh the sadness turned to anger because I know nobody was was hurt in the fire and it was only aircraft that were burned but those airplanes those seven airplanes of ours represented thousands of hours of skilled technicians work with the problems we have had here in the past we didn’t deserve this to happen to us and I was just very very upset about it old serum Airfield is 2 miles north of Salsbury hanger number two is Optica Factory which escaped the far completely apart from the Optica buildings on the Airfield there’s a third hanger and some smaller buildings that are owned by the ministry of Defense Friday the 16th of January that morning an Optica flew in for [Music] servicing the work would take all afternoon and the plane was due to be collected the following day it was parked outside the hangar inside hanger one other opticas were being prepared for shows and trials around the world it’s 20 to [Music] 6 The Works manager John Thompson checked that the hanger was Secure he was usually the last to leave the service Optica outside had also been locked but the company had no overnight security guards there’s a sport Center on the Airfield the West Haram under 14s were training there until 8:30 by 10:30 the Airfield was deserted apart from two security men employed to guard Ministry of Defense property one was doing some repairs to his car opticus hanger one was 200 y away [Music] Joy quick a school boy Nicholas Stoner heard the explosions from a quarter of a mile away as he watched he noticed a white Audi driving slowly around the Airfield the guards had called the fire brigade but the blaze was already out of control you wait for the engine I’ll check outside the building [Music] right there’s one in every corner of the building is there another coming coming right [Music] police know there was a number of onlookers at the Airfield that night but they’ve yet to identify them all that was going up well isn’t it yeah never mind about that there’s another fire engine coming so you better move on clearly out [Music] a couple gave a warning of a major Hazard the p on far over there and the tanker of Aviation F next to the tanker was pulled clear just in time [Music] at the height of the blaze a witness noticed two men leaving the scene in what was probably a beige Cortina farman fought all night to put out the Blaze the final damage has been estimated at 4 million [Music] pound Spector Terry for what Clues have you got to go on now well as you saw from the film there was a trail of of material laid to one of the aircraft on the tarmac it consisted of two types of material firstly a blanket type of material it may be curtain but it’s has a blanket texture to it which has the letter e embroidered in red upon it it also has what appears to be two arrows or possibly sevens underneath the E somebody has to recognize that another piece of material as well you have a there yes um a cotton a softer cotton material this again we think maybe curtain material with a very soft raised pattern upon it yeah very hard to to see precisely what that could have come from but if anybody recognizes that you want to know what it is yes it’s it’s possibly a curtain material and I would really ask anybody who has any idea about this material to ring us tonight what sort of motive who did this roughly what sort of person well I think it’s somebody who knew something about airplanes or who was instructed about uh how to set fire to an airplane because as a again you saw from the film they released the drain Cox on several of the aircraft had been systematically opened and the few spread about before it was lit and the motive well we’ve have several lines of inquiry the company of course have a large Insurance claim pending probably someone who was to do with the company or around the company at the time well possibly of course it could be a grudge because people have been laid off by this company and the the previous company that went into receivership now there are witnesses you still badly need to trace there was a cyclist I gather yes near to the St of the fire a man was seen cycling away from the direction of sawbury in the direction of the winterborn which are Villages nearby almost at the start of the fire and I I would dearly like to trace that man and of course there was the car that white Audi which seemed to have the damaged Bonnet or or right wing uh there was the couple there’s the top right hand side there the man who warned about the tanker and uh there was a woman with him wasn’t there and a beige CA with um two men we think it was a Cortina we think it was a CA we’re not sure about that okay there is a reward yes there’s a £2,000 reward for information leading to the prosecution of the people responsible for this offense right inspector Ford thank you very much indeed if you think you can help uh the number here 0181 8055 or you can call the incident room at devises that’s 0380 731 that’s 0380 the code for devises 731 if you can’t get through at the moment the lines here are open until midnight and will repeat the local numbers on the crime watch watch update at 20 to 12 the numbers are on cax page 186 or if youd prefer to write to us the address is crimat UK BBC TV London W12 hqt I’m getting newsing we’ve got some extremely good uh calls with useful information about the murder of the two prostitutes in West London uh a woman has called in who thinks she can identify one of the paintings don’t worry too much about crime something’s being done about it right now so please don’t have nightmares do sleep well good night good night [Music] a

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