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    my final word is to the 60 councilors who’ve been caught in the crossfire your duty I believe is to the people who elected you you have two formidable leaders Mark Hunter a former deputy chief whip in Westminster well-versed in the dark arts of manipulating people’s votes and Mark Roberts a professional in the world of theater can be very convincing they attack members of the public who politely ask for evidence my legitimate questions and skepticism around your green climate policies have been met with sinister labeling providing a platform for conspirac theories providing a platform for climate change deniers as we’ve seen on a number of occasions is unable to reference a single scientific study to back up a claim that carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming so how can he truly believe it in 2019 Stockport Council declared their very own climate emergency giving them powers to spend millions of your money on green vanity project objects as you will see they’ve declared a war on your lifestyle and precious carbon dioxide a gas which is essential for all the natural food that we eat but like their counterparts around the UK these two poor leaders have run into rather an embarrassing problem public questions have exposed the fact that they have no understanding of how CO2 allegedly warms the planet despite their extreme policies and spending they cannot find anyone one from the multi-trillion green lobby to provide a scientific study to prove that carbon dioxide is the problem their Mantra is merely the opinion of a mysterious International body who appoint their own preferred scientists both the ipcc and Stockport Council exclude the testimonies of thousands of experts and scientists who say science has been corrupted it’s all a Croc of crap not my words but those of John K Clouser the 2022 Nobel Prize winner for physics this is less complicated than you may have been led to think and if you watch to the end of this video I will show you a simple method to disprove the CO2 theory for yourself from the comfort of your own Kitchen in the meantime stop book council’s website advises that you should give up 60% of all your energy use and reconsider cars air travel gas heating and nutritious red meat followers of Stockport Council watch will know that leaders Mark Hunter and Mark Roberts hide their ignorance by refusing a public debate they attack members of the public who politely ask for evidence my legitimate questions and skepticism around your green climate policies have been met with Sinister labeling providing a platform for conspiracy theories and false facts we said not say public Mone spent providing the platform for climate change deniers Council Hunter even refuse to quantify how much of your money they spent on this Dogma the costs of our green policies are nothing as but nothing compared to the cost of doing nothing if you’re one of the millions who smell a Global scam you will have noticed how media corporations dramatize every single weather event but never allow you to see the scientific debate it’s almost like the mysterious corporate leaders of this world are controlling the opinions of people and local politicians whilst profiting from our looming Net Zero misery not only do stop ports leaders prevent your local counselor from hearing the scientific debate they’re now being trained to to terrify you into this Net Zero frenzy here’s a question I put to counselor Roberts who from his little desk in the northwest of England is somehow deemed by the council to be responsible for climate change the first question is from Mr Steve Hatton it’s on the gmca carbon literacy training and it’s addressed to councelor Mark Roberts Mr thank you GMC’s carbon literacy training for counselors predicts a world of climate Peril for our descendants due to carbon dioxide greenhouse gas if true we would all want to help prevent this the training’s net zero solution is to satisfy is to sacrifice most of our energy use travel and red meat but what if the CO2 science was wrong would we still want politicians to limit access to daily human needs should we at least check the sloppy science after almost a year it seems odd that nobody has been able to provide me Stockport Council or its climate trainers with a scientific study to prove that carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming if there is a consensus of scientists why can’t you or your trainers name even one who put their name to such a study the elephant remains firmly in this room this so-called training misleads counselors with cherry-pick data and ignores inconvenient facts some of which I’ve emailed to everybody so you’ll have them on your phones no mention that CO2 is essential for Life dramatization of the rise in CO2 ignores the previous 140 million years of decline towards Extinction levels no mention that the rise has greened our abundant Planet no mention that this supposed cause of warming was a well-recorded side effect during previous warming Cycles no mention that our warming cycle started way before the Industrial Revolution no mention that modern average temperatures are exaggerated by including more builtup areas according to an independent behavior and Communications expert carbon literacy training uses emotional manipulation techniques to implant beliefs about carbon dioxide it urges counselors to segment and Target us for Behavioral change whilst asking families to have one less baby I’m sounding the alarm Bell these policies have Echoes of China’s communism can I please ask you to save public money and counselor’s Time by placing this indoctrination on hold pending a full public review thank you thank you for the question can I call on councelor Roberts to reply thank you Mr Mayor Mr Hatton there are are a number of inaccuracies and falsehoods in your question no the council will not stop offering carbon literacy training to members thank you Mr Man Mark may be a well-intentioned man who believes his climate literacy training seminar will save the world but the system protects him from factual discussion by denying members of the public like me a right to respond to him directly I wrote for clarification of these alleged falsehoods but after 3 months he still can’t name a single one so you might want to listen to my question again as we’ve seen on a number of occasions he’s unable to reference a single scientific study to back up a claim that carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming so how can he truly believe it and we haven’t forgotten that global warming had to be rebranded as climate change when the warming Trend embarrassingly stuttered back in the 1990s so Stockport can now expect to see freshly indoctrinated counselors promoting a net zero dystopia to you and your neighbors Mark has recently armed them with another £72,000 of project givaways for any local groups who want to join this war on a gas which we all exhale 25,000 times every day this is where your 5% council tax increase is going and it seems to be happening just about everywhere so as Council has dish out the new do they might want to reflect on the fact that the climate has always changed and human Prosper far better when it’s warm thankfully our current warming phase began around 1700 long before planes Motorcars or the Industrial Revolution even the BBC once admitted that regular public festivals were held on the river temps when Winters produced several feet of ice cover the climate always changes due to millions of factors but they are dominated by the Earth’s proximity to the that big orange blob in the sky which provides all our energy hopefully the climate will change enough for Brits to actually see it again someday so as promised here’s a bit of science which everyone is familiar with opening a bottle of fizzy water straight from the fridge we’ve all witnessed the hiss and flow of bubbles of carbon dioxide moving from cold liquid into warmer air well this natural process also applies to our vast oceans and soils scientists agree that carbon dioxide levels in the air rise as a result of each natural warming cycle but hold on a minute aren’t warming Cycles caused by carbon dioxide if both were true surely temperatures would have escalated ever since time began ice core data allows experts to estimate temperature and carbon dioxide back over millions of years and hey guess what there’s no correlation maybe I should charge you a license fee because this is what the BBC should be explaining only 4% of the Earth’s carbon dioxide is generated by human activity suspiciously the world’s bosses point to blame the things we love driving flying warm houses and even red meat do you really think that they themselves will give up these necessities and their Creature Comforts or have they decided to keep our god-given resources for their Chosen Few who can still afford them and have our well-meaning counselors been pressured into selling a giant lie for billionaires using alarmism without any scientific evidence to support them please think about it if you agree why not tell your counselors or come along to a council meeting to learn more your find a link to the CO2 Coalition in the notes below please comment and share and subscribe for more videos as we keep an eye on Stockport Council or you can look out for your own local Council watch teams popping up around the UK my final word is to the 60 counselors who’ve been caught in the crossfire of this discussion I ask you not to believe me but to keep an open mind I’m a genuine member of the public who’s brought information into the chamber in good faith and I know from looking around that chamber that people are not aware of the information that I presented they’ve not been given the opportunity to see this information debated now your duty I believe is to the people who elected you rather than to your party or your leader and you have two formidable leaders Mark Hunter a former deputy chief whip in Westminster well versed in the dark arts of manipulating people’s votes away from what they want to do towards what the party wants them to do and Mark Roberts a professional in the world of theater can be very convincing I don’t ask you to believe me or or disbelieve them I ask you to keep an open mind for our children’s sake because if we’re to transform Human Society with these Net Zero rules it’s their lives that will be changed and I believe it’s the owners is upon you individually to make absolutely certain that we know that this is based on real science and I’m prepared to introduce you directly to a former ipcc scientist who will tell you exactly the same thing that we have all been misled I think this is your duty and this is a big moment in history and very few people have got the opportunity to do what you need to do you’re in a position of local power and we’re relying on you we’re relying on you to make sure that the truth is at least debated you can contact me directly in absolute confidence to discuss these matters in the meantime thank you for watching


    1. 👏👏👏 The climate scam is their gravy train, the more that know this then the more likely these "believers" will be held to account for their lies and knowing deception and part in the scam.

    2. The 400 Year Reset – We go into a mini ice age every 400 years and our cycle has started, it follows the Maunder minimum, we are going into a cooling period, they are trying to artificially heat the atmosphere is what theyre really doing, you have to ask why are they hiding this looming freeze from the world?

    3. Last week the chemtrails over Stockport were insane, crisscrossing like crazy, I gather they were all over the UK.
      What's the carbon footprint of those jets

    4. An excellent rational analysis of the danger of the pseudo science around nett zero. Unfortunately you are trying to educate a ship of fools who are either too stupid to research this themselves or have a financial incentive not to. Good luck on your attempts as we are all about to suffer from this madness.

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