Recorded on Saturday, 22nd June 2024.
    Today, I revisit a location I couldn’t explore because of overgrown plant life to see if this time I can explore a bit further 😀

    greetings and welcome to another video today is Saturday 22nd of June 2024 and I’m in midley at the moment now over the years exploring different parts of tord and making videos about it I’ve really enjoyed each and every place I’ve been to and explored now sometimes for example uh the different places in doy I’ve made two or three maybe four different videos all at different times exploring that place because the simple answer is I really like and enjoy that particular location and figured it be fun making a new video about the place but there’s been a whole load of other locations that have only been to once and I really enjoyed exploring those locations as well but sometimes I think to myself maybe it’ be a good idea to go back to that place and make a new video trying to explore all over again and this afternoon where I want to go to is one such location because the first time I was there I think about 3 years ago it was it ended up being a massive dead end I couldn’t explore the place I wanted to explore we’ll explain why when we get there again this afternoon now I’m hoping uh a couple of changes and a bit of gardening has happened to improve a place I want to go to today but we’ll find out when we get there so hopefully things will go well but in the meantime let’s carry on and get to where we want to explore now as point of reference we’re starting this video here at the entrance to bliss’s Hill Victorian town which if you want to get into bliss’s Hill you just go up this road [Music] here now I’m not going to be exploring Bliss Hill today because that’s not the point of this video as I’ve already said at the start what I want to do is return to somewhere I’ve tried to explore before to see if I can explore that way again however 3 years ago uh when I was last around this way I did make a couple of really interesting videos exploring some foot paaths you can find around Bliss Hill one of those videos is I think up here along this road uh exploring Dy Mound so yeah uh the foot path for Nature Reserve you can find here at well mle Mound I meant tode yeah mly Mound was what I was meant to say so up here up this road at blist Hill is where you can find access to the mle mound and the public foot paths and the Nature Reserve located here on the edge of bliss’s Hill so I just wanted to reference that and when I get to uploading this video to YouTube later on today I’ll put in the description box the name of the video I’ve just referenced in the meantime there’s something else I want to have a look at while I’m here at the entrance to Bliss till and it’s this this here monik way which as you can see in One Direction goes off kind of that way but we’re not going that way at the moment instead we’re going to be kind of going in the other direction Monck’s way down this way along a section of the silken way now I don’t know if I’ll be exploring monik way today to be honest I’m undecided about that but it would be an interesting place to explore in a future video I may have to properly plan that one and think about that before going ahead that idea in the meantime though we’re just going to carry on down the silk way and get to where we want to for this video this afternoon so yeah we’re just going to carry on down along the path in front of me let’s uh get going on a side note uh coming down this path you’ll see this foot bridge in front of me now I’ve been here once before about 3 years ago and the video I made exploring it basically these steps here if you were to go up these steps and as we can see it’s part of the coronation walk t for 2023 so going up these steps from where I am now will take you across the this foot bridge and across that foot bridge will take you to a foot path that brings you out by the all nation’s Pub so yeah going up that way takes you to maybe one of the best pubs in allel real All Nations so yeah we’re not going to head this way today because I’ve got other plans for right now but it’s a good place to go good place to be in the meantime what I want to do is carry on this way to get to where we want to go whenever going along with silken way these signposts are always very helpful to make sure you’re on the right path if you’re going along the silen way and from here we’re going on here so as you can see the M the main road goes off to my right but we’re following the uh pedestrian path to my left so as you can see the all nation’s Pub will be up that way along that road in front of me follow that road and you’ll get to the Nations but as I said from here we’re going this way and as you can see it’s part of the national cycle Network 55 the coronation walk tell for 2023 and the uh South tord Heritage Heritage Trail coming off down this way it’s going to be a good few minutes walk to get to where I want to be this afternoon but as you can see it’s a very very pleasant afternoon which is good so yeah with that in mind let’s skip ahead spe for it’s rare that I come along exploring this section of the silken way that I’m on right now it’s a great path to be it’s a great path to explore on a day like today uh I’ll have to uh plan out properly coming along here makeing another video from mle down to cport um I know I’ve done previous videos along here cycling uh a few years ago it might be worth something to do again uh basically take more time over it and all that but we’ll see how it pans out uh I have to add that to the list of other ideas I’ve got going on in the meantime let’s say uh stay focused on what I want to get done this afternoon so yeah facing the direction I’m going let’s get going shouldn’t be much further to get to our one to to me so I’m almost at where I want to be for this video and yeah something uh unexpected has just presented itself in front of me and I’ll obviously show you what’s going on so uh you’ll see this sign slow down Scaffolding in process and it’s referring to this back up a bit for [Music] photo yeah as you can see the normal bridge that is here is getting repairs see I wasn’t expecting this to see this today but pretty impressive and cool all the same good to see this uh place getting some much needed repairs going on I wonder how long it’s going to last for very interesting so as you can see I’m on VI side of the uh bridge on the silken way getting some repair work going on and you got an information sign here uh talking about the hay inclined plane and yeah there’s a lot of interesting information going on with that uh supported using prob funds by the Arts Council England it would appear this is all being done by which is really good so yeah but what we going to have a look at now we might come back to this another time but what I want to look at now is just behind me and as you can see we’ve got this sign post and if we were to continue on in this direction that I’m looking at right now going that way will take us to cport in half a mile and onwards to Ironbridge while mle and T Town Center as you can see are back that way in the direction we’ve just come from and uh this sign post here blister SE mly again pointing back in direction we just came from that way but what I want to have a look at focus on right now is this staircase which I’ve explored couple of years ago three years ago I think it was last year and as you can see it’s part of the uh monx way a six 625 mile walking trail following The Escape of King Charles II after the battle of Worcester in 1651 and there’s a QR code you can scan which will take you to more information so yeah and as you can see to my left that yellow sign public foot paath is pointing us up the stairwell and this is where I want to be at the moment this is where I’m planning on exploring so let’s carry on oh hell right there’s a massive Gap a breaking a step so that needs repairing that’s for sure so if you come in this way yourself be very careful of the steps but yeah be very careful uh need to SL up these stairs make sure they’re safe but let’s in the meantime let’s carry on up the staircase to see to get to where we want to be now some these steps that I’m on now obviously a lot more secure and a lot safer to walk up but they are pretty steep steps so uh be careful of that if you’re coming up this way yourself and yeah good exercise these steps are actually sturdy they’re just a bit steep to navigate with that in mind let’s uh Carry On Up to where I want to be this afternoon okay so then as you can see we reached the top of this flight of stairs and we’ve got a choice follow the path in front of me to my left uh we’ve I’ve explored the path to my left once before about 3 years ago I think it was and if we were to follow the path to my left that’ll eventually bring us out back at bliss’s Hill and when I was here making that video 3 years ago that was a really really interesting place to explore a really good path to go along this path to my left so uh yeah definitely going back and watching that video is worth the effort in my opinion but what I’m here to do right now is instead you’ll see this gate on my right all these last two steps oh there’s a sign post here to begin with so as you can see Co Port is back down toward the silken way down these steps have just come up okay and S Hill as you can see suon Hill if you want to go there then you follow this path I’m looking at right now which I’ve explored before like I just said and it does bring you out by bliss’s Hill as well as bring you to suton Hill so that’s a good path that is but what I want to focus on right now is upper Haywood upper Haywood which is through this gate here now when I started this video I was talking about revisiting a place I’ve been before or tried to get to before and it led to a dead end this is what I’m talking about this path to Upper Haywood when I was here first time around a couple of years ago the path through this gate was a dead end because of overgrown bushes um yeah basically the overgrown bushes and everything else it completely blocked the path towards upper Haywood couldn’t go any further so what I hope to find out today right now is if the path is still blocked or if it’s been cut back and I can actually get to Upper Haywood from where I’m standing right now so yeah with that in mind let’s carry on uper Haywood can we get there through the [Music] gate okay so yeah let’s see how this all works out I’d be surprised if a path is actually been cleared since I was last here to be honest I mean it would be good if it was cleared but i’ would be surprised well I think I’m further along the path when I was when I was last here hang about hang about monik hang about oh L you in monik way I know where I am all right we’ got this sign post for monik way which uh yeah if we have a look goes off in this direction that way and uh yeah you’ve got an information sign here with a QR code with more information if you scan that but yeah but monik way I’m not going to explore monx way at the moment that’s for another video instead let’s come back back here okay kind of feel a bit cheated well I don’t know uh this didn’t turn out the way I expected and what I’m going to do is go back to the gate I was at a few minutes ago uh and explain how what I’m looking at what I’m looking at at the moment uh isn’t what I was EXP expecting but yeah no the good news is the good news is the path I came here to explore has been cleared and you can now access the path uh I wanted to be along but the interesting unexpected part was that the path in question connects to a different path that I explored uh a while ago and I’ll explain what I mean when I get back to the gate I was at a couple of minutes ago okay so as you can see I’m back at this gate here and as I said the original plan was to follow the path to Upper Haywood but it turns out it turns out that uh going through this gate here you don’t need to do that you don’t need to do that I mean you can go that way if you wanted if a path was clear but you don’t need to go this way instead maybe a better idea a much better idea would be to come up follow this path going towards Su Hill and what we want to do is get to the top of this path CU there’s a gate at the end of this path which is a much better point of access so coming up a path towards certain Hill what you want to do is look for this signpost here pointing you toward coldport Bridge okay now if we were to go and follow a path to my left if you were to go off in R Direction I’m looking at now that will take you to Su Hill and that’ll take you to bliss’s Hill but we’re not going that way instead we want to focus on this gate I’m looking at which turns out to be a much better option exploring this area this gate I’m looking at right now is a much much much better point of access and as you can see if you want to go to coldport then we head down back down this path which we’ve just come from and that’ll take us down to the silken way but what we want to do like I said come through this gate toward cport Bridge w okay and if we come down here as you can see even though it’s a dirt path hang on firstly take a photo that’s a really good view really good view there but anyway as I was saying even though this uh is a dirt path it’s already in better condition than the other path we were on at the other gate and the reason why we’re coming down this way is because as we found out 5 minutes ago coming down here coming down here this will bring us back to where we were as you can see you’ve got couple of uh signposts for public foot path so yeah but if you have a look over here here we are again at Monk’s way so if you have have a look to my right that’s the path leading down to the gate at the moment that we were at earlier but yeah well if we have a look behind me yeah good that is so as you’ve just seen if you happen to see well if you are exploring the exact same path that I’m doing at the moment you’ll find two gates one one gate pointing in the direction of upper Haywood and then further along the path a second gate pointing toward coldport bridge now as we’ve just found out which I did not know before both those Gates join up and meet at the spot I’m standing at at the moment personally because of that because they join up personally I would say the gate pointing toward cpot bridge is the better access point but as long as both as long as both paths are clear and you can get through either path it’s entirely up to you which path you decide to use so yeah good times so with that in mind uh let’s have a look monx way so yeah uh I’m not going to explore Mon’s way today maybe another time in as for this afternoon what we’re going to do is have a look over here and it looks like the path we’ve got a bit of a path going off to my left but we’re not going to follow that way instead we got this path here which seems to be far more clear we’re coming down this way on a path on the right basically and uh I have explored this is the path I’m thinking about uh I have explored this path once before in a previous video uh I think it was uh might have been 3 years ago I came down this way so yeah if I remember correctly yeah it’s a gorgeous day today and as you can see because it’s June the flowers in Blossom are in bloom it’s absolutely gorgeous around here so a little bit further along the path we come across this gate couple of signposts uh for the countryside service the coronation walk t for 2023 and uh another one with a paw on it uh yeah # Milly and or walks or www.7 Forge s gorge. so yeah that would be worth taking a photo of but yeah if you find yourself exploring where I am at the moment and you find yourself here then you’re in the right place basically and uh what we want to do from here is come down this path in front of us flies around it’s absolutely gorgeous around here really really peaceful so yeah it’s a carry on walking along the path in front of me and see how things work work out so a bit further down the path and uh yeah you know you’re in the right place when you look here you’ve got a this little row of power lines going through that is pretty pretty cool so yeah let’s carry on now as I’ve kind of mentioned I’ve only been down here once before a few years ago and if I remember correctly it should bring us back out on to the silken way only closer to co Port so yeah oh it’s starting to get a bit overgrown here so if you’re coming this way yourselves be careful of your footing and uh yeah be careful of any Stingers but yeah that’s not going to stop me today let’s carry on it’s good walk along here maybe I should come here more often maybe but at the very least I do need to uh walk along the silken way more often especially on days like today when the weather’s nice yeah but no pretty good so pretty good going so far but yeah hopefully not much further back to the main path but uh let’s see it pans out oh yes okay coming to the end of this path now uh and just about to see a gate in front of me yeah there we are there we are following the coronation walk tord 2023 climb over a massive pile of mud and we go out through this gate here all right you if we have a look to my right there’s a little signpost uh seven Gorge Countryside trust welcome to Heywood you got a telephone number there 01952 43388 and then below that you’ve got this sign here so yeah so yeah that’s the gate we’ve just come through and if you were to follow that gate in the yeah so yeah that’s the gate we’ve just come out of and if we come out here here we are this is the silken way so yeah as you can see we’re back on the silken way and if we were to follow the path to my left going that way that will take us to midley T town center and back to where we started this video today and uh if you were to go VI the Direction we’ll find ourselves going to Ironbridge so yeah let’s go this way for a few minutes uh because going this way towards cport where’s a place I want to stop out along here cuz along with silken way if I am where I think I am uh there’s a little spot here that would be worth stopping at so let’s carry on now if you walk along the silken way toward coldport far enough you’ll see a really good little stopping point yeah if you’ll walk along the silken way toward cold Port far enough on your right you’ll see that P there the brewery in I’ve only ever been to the brewery in once before I think it was about 3 years ago and it was a nice pub at the time so yeah worth visiting basically at least I thought so at the time so yeah uh that was a nice little side Adventure going on this afternoon I didn’t quite end up where I thought I might end up uh the plan didn’t go to plan but that said it was a good afternoon to go out exploring and I’m glad I’ve done this today even though it didn’t go to plan on that note I’m going to finish this video here thank you everyone for watching this video I really do appreciate it take care be safe and I’ll see you all soon in my next video thank you goodbye

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