Just an American trying to learn more about and Germany and the rest of Europe.

    Today we’re gonna check out IS THIS TRUE?! HOW TO UPSET GERMANS (American Reacts)

    Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRlLrq4izOE

    oh my God ugly tourists in Germany how to upset Germans is what we’re going to be covering today I’ve traveled to Germany three times last year and I’m coming back for a fourth time this year actually and I was very very conscious of how I maneuvered when I was out there I had been reacting to German stuff for the last four years actually a lot of European stuff and there were a lot of things that you guys were telling me over the years that I should not do and things that I should do when I get to Germany a few of them being make sure you learn the language at least a little bit I mean you’re in a different country so at the very least learn some key phrases and whatnot the next thing was make sure you study the customs and courtesies and abide by those because you’ll have better interactions with people when you do that in any country anyways let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and let’s get into this video you could upset Germans when you come here as a traveler because we want to make sure we’re Eng gracing ourselves the locals and we don’t want to do the faux paw that might make our German friends a bit arish a little upset okay and I think the first thing you need to realize the first way that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that word you can upset a German is just being late Germans are all about being pnck about being on time if you have a meeting and it’s at 9:00 in the morning ah we debunk that man that is true it is a true culture shock however comma the deuts bond is never on time I could go on and on and on about that forever but y’all know that doesn’t mean you show up at 9 that means you’re in the office you’re in the room where the meeting’s going to happen at 8:55 so right at 9:00 a.m. the questions start going okay so always be on time and if you’re going to be late let the people know because um one they’re they’re not going to be appreciative that you’re late but they will want to know what’s going on now another thing that might upset your German friends if you get a little yiy okay which I like to say is yiy oh yiy I know what he means basically if you’re indecisive you need to be very sure of what you want cuz you’ll hold other people up and it’ll make people and no exactly so uncertainty if you’re uncertain people don’t like that and you waste other people’s time you’ll have a rough time out there that that is true I told this story a lot when I was in Germany man I went to the grocery store and there’s two grocery store stories but the one that applies to this situation is I was trying to decide which bread roll to get from the little Bakery section and as I’m making a decision I completely was unaware that there were people behind me also trying to get bread rolls from this r that I went to which is like a little grocery store and it wasn’t just a few people waiting there were probably like 15 20 people waiting but they were all kind of laughing cuz I was struggling to find like which bread roll I wanted for myself and I was dropping things out of my hands and I was trying to record myself doing it cuz I was trying to make a vlog at the same time I looked like a hot mess and it was very clear that I was not from the country obviously generally speaking they don’t like that cuz this also happened in the morning when everybody was getting ready for work and stuff fortunately no one was yelling at me but I could tell a few of those people waiting were at least a little bit annoyed nine put together okay it’s kind of like yeah no I’m not sure look Germans do not like uncertainty they do not like Risk they want to know what’s going on they want the certainty of are you coming or not and if you’re kind of Flippy floppy if you’re thinking about ghosting your German friends that stuff doesn’t happen here okay you need to be more like yes I’m going to oh man that happens all the time in America man we’re like the ghost Champions do it no I’m going to not because if you’re not that kind of upsets them because they want to make sure all their plans are set okay and I think one of the things important for you to know is since the Germans are very direct they’re not insulted if you’re direct to them so if you don’t want to do something or you can’t do something don’t try to figure out an excuse just let them know hey I can’t come and they’ll be okay with that but just telling them yes and then not showing up the whole ghosting thing not cool here in Germany okay there’s actually a really good YouTube short that highlights all of what he just said would you like a slice of cake oh that looks delicious but no I couldn’t possibly say yes to that no come on just take it don’t worry about it yeah I want you to have come on take it for you foring me you thank you yes thank you would you like a slice of cake yeah can oh you’re very confident quite rude actually oh that looks delicious but no I couldn’t possibly say yes to that no no wait what see what I mean you see what I mean basically if you’re uncertain it’s going to mess up the whole funo of everything there’s obviously schedule set in place Germans in general do plan a lot right and when you set like times to meet up and do activities that is literally locked in their schedule so when you go against the schedule man it’s terrible uh another thing that I did while I was out in Germany I had meet and greets right with a lot of my subscribers and two times I showed up either 5 minutes late or 30 minutes late because of the deuts bond we me and my friends were traveling from one end of Germany to another at least inside of the city of Hamburg and also in K and I set a time a date and a time for each of these meet and greets and I was late to both of them and people literally took time out of their day to be there and they were telling me that and stuff like they took you know maybe a lunch break or they set aide a slot of time to come and talk with me and whatnot and I was like uh oh my goodness I’m so sorry okay so have a heads up now the third way you can upset Germans when you’re here is if you assume that everybody in Germany is from varia and where’s Le hosen this is another thing that played a huge factor in how I traveled to Germany most of the experiences I heard from other people that have gone to Germany in the past originated from their experiences in Bavaria and for me I was like okay that’s cool but then the more I got to learn about Germany and the more a lot of y’all populated my comment section you’re like listen Bavaria is not the rest of Germany you need to see outside of Bavaria to get a better idea of what Germany really is cuz ARA is like Germany’s version of Texas you wouldn’t say that all of America is Texas right America is basically defined by the rest of the states minus Texas but Texas is the most potent part of the United States so in true Goblin fashion that is what America is identified as so when I was choosing places to visit in Germany for my first few trips I want something that will kind of give me a a very unique take a very unique perspective on Germany and I haven’t seen a lot of Americans at least make videos on K like there probably are but I didn’t get to see that I kept seeing videos of Americans traveling to Munich and other parts of Bavaria so I’m like you know what I’ll make K my first place that I go to in Germany cuz it did not feel like the typical Germany that I was used to seeing online and hearing from from people’s experiences so that completely changed my entire world view on Germany specifically and I’m glad I did that because I don’t Envision you know Germans with lay their hoes in their dle and stuff like that even though that is a cultural aspect of like the South the way I view Germany is entirely different than I would have viewed it if I had my first experience in Bavaria now I will go to Bavaria this year hopefully but my first three trips in Germany were definitely all up north and it was it was a Vibe it was a Vibe bro look people were later hosen at October Fest and most of those are actually tourists okay Germany is a very diverse country I mean going to Munich and Bavaria is a very different experience than going to Hamburg or coming here to fryberg or going to Berlin you have such Variety in this country that when they think that people are thinking they’re all the same and they’re all bavarians with the big beerstein and stuff that doesn’t go over very well and if you actually know Germans you’ll know that if they’re not from Bavaria they like to make fun of the bavarians yes bro it’s just like America and Texans if you’re not from Texas typically a lot of Americans make fun of Texans and stuff a lot of people a lot of Americans will make fun of anybody from the south in general because they got the southern draw and whatever and so it’s very comparable to how Germans and the rest of Germany treat bavarians especially with how they speak Germans now another thing that tourists do that might upset the locals and definitely will upset a few Omas grandmas and opa’s grandpas along the way is if you jaywalk and when I talk about jaywalking I’m not saying like the middle of the road I’m saying when you’re at the crosswalk and the little EMP Menin the the the street light guy is there telling you don’t walk that’s true and also not true he’s going to probably cover this but I did that in Germany Knowing damn well that you’re not supposed to jwalk it was crazy because I was like looking at the lights I only went when the light turned green but in every other country I’ve been I mean I’m in Korea right now but in America in Korea man look if there’s no cars I’m running across the street okay in Germany I was very shocked cuz I told you I K was my first experience there were no cars in sight people would just walk across the street man especially in the morning when it was like basically rush hour for for work right everybody’s getting ready for work they’re like running across the street and stuff like that briefcase in hand business suit on and everything and I’m like oh okay so I did that but I think you’ll get more backlash everywhere in Germany if you cross the street during a red light if there’s a child in a nearby proximity because a child in near nearby proximity and their parent is there and they see you crossing the street on a red light they’re going to yell at you that is like a given so that’s also something I wind up looking out for too I’m like cool there’s no kids there’s no parents and stuff like that with their children and whatnot so I can run across the street get to where I need to get to quickly and then you know whatever but he’s he’s going to break it down and you go I mean I lived in Germany for a number of years and when I’ve done that like people really put their arm out and stop me and they’re like what are you doing Z FID Foody kinda be an example for the children I’m like there’s no kids around here there’s no cars what’s going on no follow the rules I feel like how this is enforced also depends on what part of Germany you’re in because if you’re in like very populated cities they’re not going to do that but if you’re in smaller cities smaller towns then for sure people will do that for otherwise they’re going to be upset and and crossing the street against the light is one of those things there’s even a saying or uh R ganga to ganga like red goer dead goer do which is by Red you have to stay but by Green you’re allowed to go all right so just know that young old male female whatever you just know the gerant are like no no we’re going to wait until the light lets us go okay okay another thing that might upset your German friends when you’re here and this is one thing that my students that have studied in Germany have brought up to me and when I’ve had students have worked with German exchange students and and that is you might upset them if you don’t agree with them on certain things I got to hear them out cuz cuz Germans like to do a lot of research they want to make sure they know as much as they can before they make decisions they feel that they have the best answer possible okay that actually is true I was about to say that’s not true but yes it is it is so if you make a statement that they’re like no that’s not true actually and you have a counterargument bro yeah that that’ll that’ll rub some feathers for sure and if you don’t agree with them they don’t understand why you wouldn’t because they’ve done all this research so that’s what I’ve seen in business settings a group project settings where people have gotten some upset feelings from both the Germans and from the locals so it’s like you’re invalidating the research lowkey but it also goes back to the brutal honesty right it’s like well this is actually like what it is and stuff and not and not this and so because of that there’s there’s such a directness that the conflict is also very direct and up front it’s it’s pretty crazy but I will say this there is and I think this has like been a thing maybe over the last five to six years probably more of an American influence when it comes to sneak dissing which is like people talking behind people’s backs and stuff like that and not being really up front if they have a problem some people will will literally just bite the bullet and not address the issue up front and i’ and this is is from what I’ve heard from you guys from my German audience you know that’s observed a change in Germany over the last few years but I think that comes from like America cuz we do that all the time we’ll smile and people go yeah okay I do not like that person or I definitely disagreed with that individual just have a heads up with that but don’t think the Germans are all stiff and and no fun they will do parties they will have a fun time with the party and one thing I want to tell you though is uh you might upset people if you don’t follow the party rules okay cuz if you’re a German friend of yours invites you to a party they’re inviting you not you and your friend and your bro I kept telling people this oh my God okay so every time I would go out right it would be I would get invited to like these parties and stuff when I was in Germany and to me that’s just like a a a principle no matter what country you’re in I’m like bro if they did not invite you answer is most likely no because they’re they’re just expecting you and nobody else right yes it would be nice if you brought other people but I’m imagine if you threw a party and you invited your friend and you did not expect your friend to bring like three other people because you only have resources for a limited amount of people right well your friend doesn’t let you know and brings three people with them well now you have an awkward situation cuz you got to tell those other three people that they can’t be there or you let them in and then they don’t have enough resources to thoroughly enjoy the party maybe there’s not enough alcohol or food or whatever other friends no no it’s very much just you are invited there’s no plus one you want a plus one you need to ask ask them and they’ll probably say no um but just know that they’re very specific when they do ask you to come to a I’m dude I’m very thorough when it comes to things like this especially if I’m scheduling like a collaboration or something I’m like hey I’m going to have these people with me is that okay or is there something we can organize where maybe it’s just me or maybe we can have like a bigger venue for XYZ blah blah blah party okay so so don’t overdo it also I learned this when I lived here for a number of years is if you’re going to be having a party let’s say you’re staying here you’re going to school here you’re moving here and you want to have a party and it’s in your apartment building you need to let your neighbors know that you’re going to have that party that’s facts cuz they’ll report you to the police I mean you don’t have to invite them but you need to let them know it’s going to happen otherwise they might be a little upset which I learned from a lady dumping a bucket of water into my apartment what oh no bro you got to be Petty you got to be Petty right back I’d be Petty like oh okay I would dump o outside that individual’s door I don’t care they call the police they will be calling the police on their knees just have a heads up on that one now another time you might see an upset German and this isn’t your fault at all this is their fault is if you’re taking a train on a Friday or a Sunday that’s the cop bonhof bro that’s the very first place I was at really really busy and you have a seat reservation and you go to your seat reservation on the IC and somebody’s sitting in that seat okay I have a story for this so me and my homie right we hop on the uh on the ice train right the Doge Bond and we had already purchased our tickets and stuff like that we got this like you know cabin this really nice cabin and we’re looking at our tickets and it gives us our seat selection so we get up to our seats and a whole family of people sitting in our seats and so my friend says in German it’s like hey we paid for our seats to be here can you please get up so we can sit here and and and I’m like yo we don’t have to do that man it’s like a wife it’s a husband wife and their kids you know what I’m saying you got to and the husband’s like no well we pay to be on the train too but these are not our assigned seats but can we still sit here and my friend was like nope get up I was like what and the guy’s like come on you don’t have to be like that da d d and my friend’s like nope get up we paid for our seats get up there’s plenty of other empty seats but we paid for these ones the mom the dad the kids they all looking at me with pleading eyes they get up and they move and they leave I’m like I felt bad bro but he wasn’t lying we paid for those seats cuz it wasn’t just me and my one friend it was me and three friends okay so yeah it would have been a little tricky because then the same thing would have happened to us if we sat in these random seats and other people get on the train when we get to different stops and they’re like hey what are you doing sitting an hour assigned seats so a little awkward there were definitely some tensions and stuff in there because the the dad and my friend were going back and forth and they were being real Snappy with each other and stuff so I was like oh my God and you tell them uh and she’ll going that’s is m is that’s mine like excuse me this is mine oh they’re not going to be happy cuz they got this seat and they’re they’re going to argue with you they’re not going to just get up they’re not going to they’re not going to just get up bro they’re going to argue with you bro like that that’s what happened like they were arguing back and forth and my friend was like packing him up he’s like no where’s your receipt pull out your receipt does it say that this this uh seat’s on your ticket no then get up and I’m like oh my God figuring no one’s going to show up in it so they’re going to take it without a reservation don’t be surprised if they ask you to show your reservation exactly that’s what they the the guy said show your reservation and so we all pulled our tickets out we’re like well is you is or is you ain’t go get up prove it’s your seat and then they’ll look at you like you took my seat yep ex exactly no lady didn’t take your seat I spent the four to get the reservation all right so uh do have a heads up for that now sometimes you don’t even realize you’re upsetting people when you travel and that’s okay and the Germans have a fantastic way of letting you know that you messed up and that’s when you hear hollow hollow or man you hear those two things and you [ __ ] up bro like okay bro I was walking in the bike lane now I’ve I’ve reacted to plenty of videos that say do not walk in the bike lane but in the cities here’s what I will say that was mad confusing for me um I know that if you see red do not step in the red lane if you are not on a bike right but there would be parts of the city where the road was kind of messed up so you couldn’t tell what side of the road was red or not now obviously if a rule of thumb is if you don’t see like um a definitive split in the road just stay closer towards the building structures cuz there will not be a bike lane close to the buildings you know what I mean it’ll be closer to the outside towards the street anyways I’m like oh well this sidewalk doesn’t have a divide between bike lane or sidewalk it’s all just pedestrian sidewalk so I’m walking I’m talking to my friends and stuff and all I hear is and I’m like oh oh and then like Bike Dude like bikes right past me he’s like Holo like you know B do dum like I’m like oh [ __ ] okay my bad my bad my bad like they’re bro bikers in Germany are aggressive they’re like wasps dude they’re they’re aggressive when you hear someone say hello really loud I mean if it’s soft it’s hello it’s like hello but if it’s Hollow it’s like hello like Hollow like hello [ __ ] you’re doing something wrong whether you went in the wrong door at the Museum or you’re in the wrong bathroom or you’re you’re doing something you’re not supposed to your kids are doing something stupid look that hello will let you know that you upset somebody all right so just have a heads up when you hear that cuz you be like what what what’s something here it’s just a way they get your attention all right now another thing you might do that might hurt your German friends feelings is insinuate that they’re cheap now Germans are cool if you say they’re Frugal they’re economical no problem with that but if you insinuate that they’re cheap that’s when they’re like hey I’m we’re not cheap we like yeah exactly like the the whole Flex for German culture is that they save money and America it’s the opposite it’s like how much money can you spend oh my Rolls-Royce cost 400k but then Germany they also take pride in having expensive things but for a cheaper price for a a good deal right Germans will go out of their way to look for the best deals and so they’re like oh I got a $400,000 Rolls-Royce for $100,000 and that’s a flex but in America if you paid a lot of money for something that’s like a a socio economic Flex for a lot of people they’re like wow you must be wealthy as hell like people want to be your friend and they’ll be fake to you but in Germany it’s like oh how did you get something that’s worth so much for so cheap so I guess it’s like what the the difference between go ish and billish right gsh is you get a really good deal for a high quality item and I usually a high value item for a low price and then bilish is just you know the quality is cheap and the price is cheap it reflects the quality we we’ve got money I’m like I know I know but the thing is is if you talk to you know in Canada in the US you talk to waiters about tipping they don’t like German tourists because they don’t tip as well and they live some money but they don’t usually the usually leave the 15 to 20% like you’re supposed to leave yeah tipping culture in America by the way is diabolic so don’t worry about tipping people in America they they get they get butur but I did I I had something messed up and I will apologize right now so I apologize because I thought at first right like people in Germany don’t like tips at all you can tip and it actually is encouraged to tip a little bit not as much as America just like as a small oh hey thank you you don’t have to tip as much I think you just you can either round off the bill is what I heard like a few bucks is okay but nothing ridiculous like you don’t have to tip like [ __ ] 15 20 $30 you have do all that [ __ ] but like you know a little goes a long way but the big thing is that in all the restaurants in Germany people do make good money they make really good money at the restaurants it’s not like America where you’re getting paid under minimum wage and the establishment expects the tips to make up for that in Germany people make normal wages and I think that’s pretty cool you like 5% or $3 on a $100 bill you know so it is one of those things if you insinuate like dude that’s kind of cheap you’ll see them be upset and I’m sure in the comments below you you’ll see those things there or you might invite them over to a party like hey you know we’re all bringing a potluck over bring some food and they might show up from with some mgy spaghetti instead of something else so don’t don’t don’t timate their cheap it won’t go over well all right just say very economical choice very frugal Choice smart business move okay so have a heads up with that now another thing that you’ll learn very quickly is a way you’re going to upset your German friends is if you try to take their food or their drink cuz you know if you try to take my food or drink without asking I’m going to be serving a life sentence cuz I’ll send you straight to god dude don’t touch my food are you kidding me you know in some countries when you order food like everybody’s food’s kind of everybody else’s and we can try this like we’re in Italy like oh try this have some of this have some of this palenta Portugal it’s like every plate it’s everybody’s right in Germany it’s not that way that’s my problem good like cuz I paid for my food I expect to be the one to eat my own food and vice versa I’m not going to eat your food now like I said if like people are asking and stuff that’s a little bit different but you still 99% chance will get a no out of me I’ll be like no that’s my food you can get your own sorry that is my spu that is my beer you don’t get it and so if you go and take some especially without asking yeah that’s like an afterlife request if you’re trying to get sent to the afterlife then yeah go ahead do it it’s going to them and if you do ask they say yes just know in their mind they’re like N I say no but they were very polite and said yes so just know they don’t they don’t like sharing their stuff okay if you’ve gotten this far in the video another thing you might notice that Germans might not like and then you might upset them with is if you point out any of the eccentricities of the Germans and German culture so look in the comments below and you’ll notice some comments of people like pointing out some things I’m messing up and how they’re going to be right about it okay yeah of course there’s also that too it’s like we don’t do that we actually do this I’m like all right cool same with Americans though right I mean we’re very arrogant and stuff we think that we run the world and all this other craziness and blah blah blah I’m trying to break that cycle and kind of explore and learn as much about the world as I can and and it’s very interesting spotting other fellow Americans in you know foreign countries as well because there are a lot more like-minded individuals like myself that want to learn more about the world because what we’re being taught in America is just like whoa and we were defending you know our ignorance you know and now we get to see worldwide that we were wrong and we get to expand our knowledge and it affects our mindsets in a good way and it’s cool okay now another way you might have set Germans when you come here is if you recycle wrong I mean I lived here a number of years and the recycle program here is legit the gruna I messed up bro I ain’t going to lie every single time I’ve been in Germany I have not I think I’ve recycled a handful of times but I haven’t recycled bro I I would just use the universal trash can I’m not going to lie bro if I saw a universal trash can I’m like cool cuz I’d be walking and I’m like okay well where are these like multicolored garbage cans well in the city dude it was hard to see like the multicolored garbage cans but I would see the generic trash bins and stuff like in the middle of like you know each City Center so I’m like oh okay well just throw my stuff there and I would observe other people doing the same thing before I did it I didn’t just like throw my stuff there and like mess up the fun chy you know you know what I mean but uh yeah difficult but honestly once you get the hang of it it’s not that bad but I haven’t lived in Germany I’ve just visited and each trip has gotten longer and longer the first trip I was there for like four or five days second trip was 2 weeks third trip was almost a month this next trip will be a month pretty much it’s like this little like Arrow going around it’s called the green points they have lots and lots of different kinds of recycling here so it’s not just paper and plastic it’s good God oh my God paper plastic glass different kinds of glass all kinds of stuff that’s out there they have that set up and people are very serious about it so you want to make sure you’re putting the right stuff in the right recycle bin and the right garbage to go in the right place because they do a really good job with that and it really upsets people when you don’t and there’s things economically that will get you to incentivize you to make sure recycling correctly cuz they have these things called a fond yep the fond machine super dope a deposit like on beer glasses and or sorry yeah beer glasses but like beer bottles and soda bottles and stuff like that so you don’t just throw it away you take it back get your money back so they can recycle it easier okay so be aware of that one now my next one for you that might upset the Germans when you’re here is if you drive in Germany not like a German look Germans are dude oh my God please everybody in the comments blow up the comment section right now because I’m traveling to Germany for this camper tour but I’m being told I might have to drive in Germany and I do not know how to drive in Germany I can drive I’ve I’m driving in Korea right driven in the States but driving in Germany to me just seems terrifying cuz y’all have the autobond I’ve seen how people drive the aggression is insane people do drive like they have some sense though I haven’t I think that to me seemed like the the most tame like um environment for driving in Korea people out here are goblins bro they’ll cut you off I the buses drive as if they are mini coups or they drive like they’re convertibles and they’re not obviously they’re big vehicles and stuff right but they’ll run you off the road they don’t care okay everybody in Korea drives aggressive and and there’s like high tensions on the road and the roads are real comp complex and stuff Germany it’s just it’s different the roads are small there’s a lot of people sometimes a ton of aggression especially when you’re on those long stretches of Road and whatnot I’m confused man I don’t want to be put in that position but I might so subscribe so you can see me mess up they’re very much we’re about to Auto our car right and so they’ve got the autobond when they’re going way faster than you think you are so move over cuz you staying in the left lane that Indiana drivers you can’t do that here in Germany you got to stay to the right cuz people will pass you by no matter how no matter how fast you’re going someone is always faster I promise I got to see it myself we were going about 120 M an hour on the highway or on the autobond in Germany and people were booming past us man we had to like get out of the left lane several times and I was like good God bro everybody out here is like on their Fast and Furious [ __ ] how fast you think you’re going someone else is going to zoom past you in a porsch or BMW or Mercedes all right and Germans do get upset when people don’t drive the German Way when they’re here so I do recommend maybe take a class about driving or watch some videos on driving in Germany before you come because then you’ll be better for prepared and less likely to upset and get not necessarily road rage but just upset Germans driving next to you and also uh don’t expect a really good cup holder for your your big gulp in the German car and they don’t understand why okay so so leave that there all right and then I want to finish off by another thing that really upsets Germans and that is if you make Nazi jokes okay you got to do it in Good Taste all right cuz I covered this years ago I’m like oh you probably can’t joke about that at all you got to be tasteful with it bro you can’t just be throwing [ __ ] out there and it it rolls off bad like know your audience and also like you can tell jokes like that it just has to be tasteful just like people can make messed up jokes about America like the school shooting jokes or slavery jokes or whatever you can you can make jokes about anything it just has to be tasteful you know if it’s not tasteful then it won’t be received well and they’ll pack you up okay like I would avoid if you don’t know how to tell a tasteful joke just don’t even mention it don’t even mention it don’t that should not be one of the first things to come out of your mouth when you’re there but if you guys are like playful banter back and forth then yeah you can like you can go there if you know how to tell a decent joke but if you don’t don’t even don’t worry about it bro cuz I brought it up myself and you guys are like oh it’s not that you can’t joke about it you can for sure but you have to be tasteful with your jokes it’s all about the delivery right um and the material whatever it’s with anything that’s why I brought up like the you know all of America’s problems you can J about anything it just it just has to be tasteful otherwise it won’t be well received like you wouldn’t joke about fat people in a room full of fat people you know what I’m saying like you could if you’re tasteful about it but if you’re not tasteful I you could imagine it would it wouldn’t go over very well the na the history of Germany and the Nazi National Socialist Party that was in power here for a number of years and World War II and the Holocaust and everything is a horrible it is a stain on the world history not just German history but the world’s history and if you make a lie of that you make Nazi you make Hitler jokes and stuff like that that does not go over well here people do not like that that is that is something that they’re ashamed of themselves and they are for sure but like I said know your audience cuz you can tell those jokes it’s just you got to be mindful of who you tell the jokes around and also how you deliver your jokes and stuff like that that’s with literally any subject rule of thumb with comedy that’s how it works with any any any any subject everything is fair game but you have to be aware of your surroundings obviously if people are very like if that’s a super sensitive topic for a group of people you’re talking to then but you’ll know it’s like bro you can’t play Cards Against Humanity without you know making messed up jokes you know what I mean like if y’all if you play Cards Against Humanity you know what I’m talking about but yeah he’s he he brings up a very valid point but you can you you literally can if if if if you are around people who can reciprocate the same energy and stuff and who can receive your joke well if you’re good at telling jokes then people won’t be like okay basically if if you’re overkilling it though if like every other word that comes out of your mouth is like a Nazi joke then yeah they’re going to get sick of that [ __ ] and you’ll get you’ll get in some trouble um but if it’s like oh they said some some crazy [ __ ] and it’s like messed up but it’s funny about your country you can dish it back you know and it’s fine but yeah let me know what you think about that in the comments down below but that’s been my experience since I’ve been out there and it’s just it’s all good people made some crazy jokes about America and I made some crazy jokes back and I’m like okay and people were cool with it I’m like I whatever but like I said you have to be tasteful I’m emphasizing the word tasteful when you’re delivering jokes that cover sensitive subjects because it will not be received well if you don’t deliver it in a tasteful way promise and you may think you’re oh it’s a fun joke I’m poking fun at things it’s not it is not something that you joke about when you are here okay cuz that will upset the locals and I just want you to know that all right we’ll say like that with younger people bro like in general like across most cultures we get it like we could like you know we joke about messed up stuff all the time look at meme culture meme culture right there should tell you everything you need to know all right right so those are some ways that you might upset your German friends when you’re here in Germany but what are some ways you’ve accidentally upset some of your German friends let us know in the comment section below that was a great video wonderful video uh Walter’s World phenomenal phenomenal Creator I will link his video in the description down below let me know what you guys think like comment subscribe and I will see you guys very soon hopefully you guys watch my upcoming Vlog it will be about Berlin take care peace


    1. The Tipping Thing: please stop tellin people waiters and waitresses don't welcome tip. We share tip to our coworkers even if the guest doesn't tip. 10% are usual, 3 € on a 100€-Bill means in fact almost nothing for the Service workers and is really disrespectful.

    2. It's incrediblle how well James got know us Germans and our customs and quirks in such a short time. And I am really surprised how good his German has become.

    3. "ärgerlich" is a wrong translation, imho. "verärgert" would be correct. Both are related to "eerie" but mean "aggravate", to worsen something. Something is ärgerlich if it worsens your situation, it annoys you, and then you are verärgert, annoyed. Wiktionary lists the state of being annoyed as second meaning for ärgerlich, making it a synonym to verärgert, but imho this would've been used centuries ago for the last time and is utterly outdated. Maybe you find it in some Southern dialects or old poems still.

    4. driving on the autobahn isnt that hard: just stay right if u are slow or no one else in sight, go left if you are speeding and just avoid to "sleep" in the middle lane haha 😀

    5. The people in Germany are very pünktlich, propbably to balance out the Deutsche Bahn….

      Ärgerlich is another way of saying "verärgert" which simply means "to be upset". Normally you use it like "Das ist aber ärgerlich" / "Well that is upsetting".

    6. Well, the seat reservation in ICE is expensive, so stealing the seat for free on the cost and effort of anybody else is just not ok and they could do the reservation for themself too very easily (App or whatever), so there is no excuse.

      By the way @James, thank you for making sure, that there are no kids nearby before jaywalking.

    7. Hey James, when you're driving in Germany, you really don't need to stress out. On the autobahn, it's only important that if you're not overtaking, you just drive on the right side because in Germany, you're only allowed to overtake on the left. And otherwise, if people honk or get angry, just take the time you need. The guy will be just as annoyed as if he had only needed an extra 10 seconds because of you.

    8. Im not quite sure why people who want to visit Germany are going to this foreign state called Bavaria.
      Thats not Texas of Germany, but just something somehow clingy to Germany because Austria and Switzerland are the other options 😉

    9. People from the world are 90% same 10% different. And these are really enjoyable and educational at the same time 👌
      Whenever you come here I will give you a introduction to German drivers brains 😃

    10. The statement about germans always only inviting the people who got asked is not true. It depends. But it kinda goes hand in hand about being reliable when it comes to times. If you are a person known for randomly appearing regardless of what youve said before with a random number between zero and 100 of people, again regardless of what youve said before, then the inviter might indeed made an exception for you and invite only you specifically 😂.

      Also mind that you are meeting with other streamers and twitch viewers who are an awkward kind. It is not common in Germany to ask families to stay up and leave if we have a reservation and there's other free seats left. I'm 99% sure that person made a failed attempt to impress you by speaking up for your group, when there was no reason for it. Prolly left the house for the first time in months on that day.

    11. 'So I'm telling a bunch of bullshit and oh… guess what.. if you tell a bunch of bullshit, people will be mad about you telling a bunch of bullshit, see like in this video, where I tell a bunch of bullshit, the comments underneath is will have people, pointing out, that i'm telling a bunch of bullshit… who figured?'………….. who is that guy?

    12. 'if you take something of their food — **especially* without asking – the will call you out!' 😂 😂 😂 what the fuck? How disrespectful do you want to be? this guy: 'uhm?! Murica!'

    13. If you reserve a seat on a train, you should 100% take it, even if someone is already sitting there and the rest of the train is empty.
      Because – if you aren't in your seat shortly after the train leaves the station, you actually lose the reservation. If the train then fills up and you are left without a seat, you cannot reclaim your reserved one – the people who took it now get to keep it.

      And at the end of the day, it is their fault for sitting there. There should be a sign saying it is reserved, sometimes it even tells you exactly between which stops, sometimes it doesn't.

    14. Driving in Germany: For the most part, it shouldn't be that different from the states. Big difference is that (most) people actually follow the rules. Like sticking to the right.

      Learn the traffic signs, they are extremely similar across the EU, so that will help you not only in Germany.
      Learn about default speeds: 50 within built-up areas (yellow place sign), 100 outside built-up areas, no default limit on motorway, walking speed on car parks (that last one is commonly ignored even by Germans)
      Note that speed limit signs, with the exception of zones, only apply to the current road. If you turn onto a different road, you are not in a zone, and there is no new speed limit sign, you go back to the default speed limit.
      Learn about right-before-left. Basically, if there is no sign saying otherwise, a car coming from the right has the right of way.
      Oh and, there is no right turn on red unless there is a specific sign for it. (Green arrow, no bicycle underneath it)

    15. Autobahn: drive on the farthest right lane possible. If you go on the left lane with 100 km/h you will pretty soon be visited by a very fast car giving you light signal and inspecting your trunk. Best not to go left under 150km/h, except for traffic jam or if there is a speed limit. And with a speed limit, go at least 10 km/h faster than the limit while visiting the left lane. Of course check mirrors and signal, common sense, right? Oh and check out the word „Rettungsgasse“! That is how you are supposed to place your car in a traffic jam to allow Police/Firemen/Ambulance to get through. If you don’t and a firetruck comes booming, you are in a lot of trouble! -Rightfully so.

      Thank you for your videos – thoroughly enjoying them!🎉
      Greetings from Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Germany 🖖

    16. "Günstig" is a word that is easier to explain if you use it in context.A "günstige Gelegenheit" translates to "good opportunity" and a "günstiger Preis" translates to "cheap price". Another translation for "günstig" is "advantageous". If something is "günstig" it's a better deal. No matter if it refers to a price or an opportunity

    17. Watching these (in combination quite overwhelming) rules that I know all apply to a certain degree and certain age group, I have to suggest: Instead of Germany, meet Austria. It's like Germany's laid back, rural, alcohol-addicted, somewhat dumb and rude yet philosophy-minded, generally more friendly and quite likeable cousin. As the saying goes: "In Berlin, the situation was considered serious, but not hopeless. In Vienna, perception was the other way around."

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