like subcribe for more other videos Y what happened hey what [Applause] he’s you’re not you’re not messing this up today huh you’re not messing this up today [Music] oh my [Music] God Nicholas this [Applause] what why did they save it weird I Just sh you so what was that what oh that’s a good ball too the is moving again a quick response from Portugal here needs to the [Music] exing pushing forward with option [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this AC but [Applause] no Excell [Music] [Applause] moving the ball with purpose [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] how do you do this for the B you know how to do it is it this what do you think why [Applause] is not letting me go the bicyle this [Applause] yes no it’s not let’s going to get on the end of [Applause] it yo look at that bro look at it look at it look at it look look legitly scored a real bicycle kick I legit legitly just scored a b bro Chris for is going to win not me I’m winning like you did I’m winning no you’re Notting I’m not making you win last time is it 9 Minutes of course I get that a freaking [Applause] give me give [Applause] me [Applause] the a nice looking ball and ball nothing [Applause] [Applause] defensive as official it NE who nebs nebs Bruno no don’t Bruno’s not injured no want Bruno that’s Bruno number 18 no open next oh Bruno’s number a I forgot how is why do you think the [Applause] head turn on the light [Applause] oh yeah we can’t use the I’m sorry y’all it was ni idea not M sorry that’s to in AAL oh my God look at oh my God I’m sorry guys I didn’t just [Applause] [Applause] no stop skipping what happened you always do that cuz I want to and I want to [Music] [Applause] distrib and the referee Tak exception to the challenge I just I didn’t I didn’t want to [Applause] do what the here right [Applause] theere how was going foul I I Tred to do a b [Applause] here an [Applause] using the red [Music] [Applause] one how is that a bully imately don’t it is private [Applause] a are [Music] you back underway intriging contest this the 21 score [Applause] [Applause] line oh my God bro look what I did with Ronaldo I think it’s a good [Applause] show you s my bicycle and I shot Ronaldo I tried to do the but miss I did another corner [Applause] well of course just keep the work all [Music] right that could be offside true bro the rif fo three one let go all that’s the disrespectful don’t say it you gay it’s not I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry fo sweet food who’s hea there’s [Applause] nothing [ __ ] it right [ __ ] what is fck at I don’t know you’re not supposed to say it I don’t know what which one the flick it you can say it I don’t even know what that means honey do that later [Applause] that who’s that who’s that oh p p got a car red car the world wants to know if you’re going to do anything peppy real name you missed it you missed it what is it I don’t know you just said what is pepp real name you dumb no [Applause] bro yes going to get a red [Music] heere he no foul oh no that’s going to be a you can score that look try to yes you can I want to do a bik always yeah my passing [Applause] I I can do [Applause] it [Applause] oh I can’t believe look at this guy fre before I score then look at this what the who number 16 the number 19 who number 19 I don’t know the number skip [Applause] that call me meny he has options [Applause] Ava be [Applause] aick I look at this I no [Laughter] surpris almost with time I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] have you know this this this guy performance from clear the difference between the two sides obviously the gos two he’s the back all s of he no doubt desate to grab the Hat [Music] [Music] [Applause] now I need I need to win I need to win I need to win [Applause] you better look at this look at this guys you better look at this I’m in the pr scissors KCK and next SP a scissors kick you no scissors kick like this yeah you did it that’s not real bicycle no that scissors K like you doing ninja oh and it’s to [Applause] be the referee exception how was it side no I the hand ball ain’t [Applause] bro oh he’s the ball away port on [Applause] the let me see what oh my God Eric why you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the love kid keep on sh how many bicycles one 2 3 4 how many miss a bicycle one you mean two dang I scored four that’s how many time how time you miss a b none oh yeah one yeah no one I ronal is going to be men of the match Portugal’s the best I swear if you pass the ball like you did oh first is meny that was [Applause] Mindy oh my God man I need to see I need to do a b like I did to no don’t fake me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is not a CH what was that I don’t know who skipped I skipped the first second oh Bruno get I i’t who I don’t [Applause] know I filing it and [Applause] yes wait pause guys got my own apartment an apartment they’re so small it doesn’t matter to me mom going to make more paintings and start selling them I’m going to live my own life I just want to say I’m sorry I know you were kind of thrown into this big famous life and I thought that’s what was best for you what is that I had to do something big and dramatic so you’d finally understand I thought my goep afraid that you weren’t going to make it in life well Mom you’re just afraid of being irrelevant and not being famous I’m going to go live my life the way I want to listen here kid you will never have what it takes to be a part of this Rich scho deserves a CH yeah well not you all right you’re stupid and poor you’re so poor it’s not even funny this guy sucks and nobody likes you either I may be broke now but one day I will be a billionaire here I was even stuper than before you to take some stupid SP idiot hey quit it get this through your head including me you will never make something out of yourself to just give up where are you going oh man I’ve got to get home fast still have like a couple miles to go this storm is not letting up man this sucks that’s a pretty funny CL I’m so distracted right now wa that car is driving super fast that old lady has no IDE it’s coming hey lady watch out watch where you’re going you broke loser who are you okay that man is terrible well come on let me help you to the other side of the street just be more careful next time okay that guy was not paying attention at all no he was not but you were thank goodness look at you you look very down on your Lu here take this money no no I don’t need your money oh honey it looks like you need it more than I do please take thank you so much you know when I work hard and I do good things I get rewarded for it extraordinary scine all right you heard it here folks if you want to get rich come down to Larry’s bike shop and please help me out just call this number on the screen now man that guy gu is so weird feel like companies like that nothing but scams they never work hey man hey Dad how is your day long and exhausting and the job I have is terrible it barely pays us enough dad worried about you don’t worry about me come on worry about yourself you’re always coming home late you’re always exhausted from work yeah it’s fine as long as I can give you a good life that’s all that matters to me yeah but I want you to have a good life too dad what this of your friends coming over no I don’t have any yeah I know I’ve been late with the rent a couple times but uh I don’t want to hear it okay where is my rent could give you half now and give you half in a couple weeks angry this makes me huh for that I’m going to raise the price of your rent even have the money or time I promise Andis that you have broken you have a week to have the rent situated you are kicked out of this place and add an extra $500 on top of that but Paulie Paulie come on dad he do that is part of our lease all’s in charge around here he’s the landlord he can do whatever he wants just uh leave me alone for a second all right I got to think about this man I hate seeing my dad like this maybe I should give that company a call after all how was a fre all right the place what the heck it’s completely empty looks like a ghost town in here hello hello is anybody here oh good uh customer what would you like to buy sir hi I’m not here to buy anything actually I’m here because of your commercial oh that stupid thing oh that was all a lie a lie yeah man I just didn’t help all right no one wanted to buy any of my bikes so you fooled people into thinking they could get rich if they called you that was a good idea at the time all right stop judging me oh my goodness do my eyes deceive me oh great another customer and this one looks Rich would you like to buy something what do you think you’re doing here M wait a minute do you work here yeah I was trying to get a job can’t even imagine working man sounds like a lame way to spend my time well some people need to work for their money they don’t just get inh handed to them like some people C well last time I checked no billionaire has ever worked in a place like this obviously you guys don’t have any like Ferrari bikes or Porsches here so I’m going to go somewhere else this place is lame wait no no buy anything I I’ll give you the lot just just anything oh man trust me Larry you do not want that guy as a customer nothing but a spoiled jerk I don’t have any other options this place is run down no one ever comes in and man I’m going to lose this business in a couple of months time maybe you’re going about things the wrong way I could really use a job and I’ll work for you and I’ll make sure this shop is the best bike shop in the whole world seriously you think you can do that I know I can do it as long as you give me the chance and if you pay me all right don’t go too overboard now but uh fine you’re hired oh yo hey is this the bike repair shop oh hi yeah welcome in how can I help you today well I need someone to fix my motorcycle it’s not working for some reason and I don’t know why just makes me so angry whoa hey hey calm down I think I could fix this she she a couple adjustments and he careful with Sheila okay she’s the only bike I have don’t worry she’ll be fine I think if I just do this this will fix it dud you actually got this at work what was that it was nothing I thought it was going to have to get rid of Sheila for sure but you saved her and my life okay you know you guys should be advertising that you fix moreor that’s actually not a bad idea there’s a lot of people that have bugs and they constantly down try to get I think just last year sc3 my dude you deserve it thanks for [Applause] fixing oh my gosh hey Larry Larry yeah what do you want I just fixed this guy’s motorcycle he just gave me $1,000,000 bucks oh my goodness yeah I think we need to start fixing and maybe making our own motorcycles maybe this is how we can make more money and sa this business or 26 I don’t know yeah Dad Larry said if business keeps going well I’ll actually be able to get a raise you know son I’m really proud of be you thank you enough and look you even bought me these new clothes yeah well we deserve it Dad it’s time we actually started treating ourselves a little bit Dad what’s going on what is Paulie doing I don’t know but I’ll figure this out Paulie what is the meaning of all this I am tired of waiting for the rent you guys need to leave now waiting for the rent Paulie we we paid you last month and the Red’s not even to till tomorrow yeah well I changed my mind and I want it now look you can’t do this Paulie we’ve lived here for years you can’t just keep raising the rent on us and now kicking us out Dad wait we need to stop wasting our breath obvious that we’re no longer welcome here that’s fine well man this is our home we can get a new home maybe a better landlord that isn’t a total jerk hey you better watch your mouth you stupid kid don’t talk to my son like that he’s right we’re much better off without this stupid place come on man let’s get our things and let’s go that’s right ladies and gentlemen as you can see just I’m simply looking around all of these people here are interested in buying one of these brand new motorcycles all right and C wow mat you’re doing a really really great job I just got an alert on my phone you’re number one in selling motorcycles myter if they buy one of these bikes they’re stupid wow this is crazy look at this G I did no when he fell the floor it looked like finally turning in my favor what this is all happening because of not can’t let this St hello I’m going to need more money and I’m going to need it now no I’m not I I did the big deal huh just keep your eyes closed Dad it’s supposed to be surprise come on hey don’t peek oh I’m nervous I I hate surprises you’re going to like this one on the count of three open your eyes 1 2 three open them well Dad this is our new home no no are you serious making no more gold making good money and was able to buy this for us Matt thank you thank you for this surprise this means the world now let’s go check it out who what was that is that the news helicopter ladies and gentlemen this just in there’s a brand new company competing against Matt’s motorcycles TR motorcycles and they are selling expensive exclusive bikes and are selling quickly the heck oh I can’t believe this CH start believing it buddy Trent did you seriously start a business just to compete against me look at this sick motorcycle man but you don’t have anything like this yeah you’re right I don’t have anything like that it’s really flashy and looks insanely expensive exactly that’s kind of the point of having an expensive motorcycle all right get a l to this guy yeah well I’m going to keep making motorcycles that are affordable and reliable I just can’t believe you would stoop so low well actually I can’t believe it yeah we keep believing buddy cuz you can kiss your stupid by shop goodbye what the heck is going on why is the place completely empty no one’s going to want to buy us stupid bikes anymore now that that new company’s up and running hey uh so I know this is bad timing and all I still getting paid now all right that’s bad timing I’m out of here oh Matt sorry I’m sorry I didn’t want you to see me this way Larry dude what is going on why are you crying as soon as that new business opened up all of our went out the window what are we going to do now huh keep going all about flashy colors and expensive Parts I can’t believe excited about this new bike I’m uploading that coming up the wilion oh my gosh that’s so much money yeah I know and if Trent wins that not only is he going to get the billion dollars but the entire city guys like And subscribe for more videos and you never miss one so bye nli cheating goodbye see you soon

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