@leevancamp visits Oliver Comwells’ family home in Ely. After his death, his body was dug up, hanged and beheaded, throwing his body in a pit, and head stuck on a 20-foot pike outside Westminster hall for 20 years for all to see His ghost is supposed to haunt his families home bedroom.After I visit the apaper Mills pub for a beer battered fish and chip supper London Rd, Wansford, Peterborough PE8 6JB.

    well I’ve just got to e so I want to go into Oliver cromwell’s house and the heavens have opened up and it’s June the 15th summer and look at this H stones and I want to go toilet and I’m stuck under a tree now and she said the lady said the toilet down there I’ve got lightning now Thunder oh god listen oh my god listen to that I’ve D to go the toilet I’m stuck under a tree oh my God maybe I’m going to bloody hold it went into all of the C’s house I said you got a toilet in here no we ain’t got a toilet oh how did all of the chrome wheel go toilet then well come on arry up and stop raining I want to go she said toilet’s just down here I would s the uh Cathedral oh come on Bloody summer oh you understand why people go bro can’t you oh my God more oh more more thunder and lightning that’s it I’m going to get struck Now where’s this bloody toilet that’s elely Cathedral well this chap here I asked if someone knew what it was but he’s no one in particular but I think it looks like Jonathan price Well the lady from the Oliver cromw House reception said go straight down there there’s two or 3 minutes down there I went down to Main Street I’ve gone all the way around and it actually was right near took the wrong turning typically anyway let’s go back now took got the toilet right if you cut the CH oh God chrome wheels all of all of a cromwell’s house and you want the toilet well come out of right hang on I say right there is elely Cathedral and then that’s the front of it and then if you look over on the green you’ll see a cannon and then opposite the cannon you’ll see a wall and then you’ll see in there the M’s toilet and the female toilet just ran a corner right so here we have a Russian cannon there she is is’s a big one so you can see how big it is it’s a Russian cannon captured during the Crimean War presented to the people of el by the Queen Victoria in 1860 to Mark the creation of the elely rifle volunteers and the dog reading it for me now we’re going to do a little bit of uh creative filming there you go yeah that’s where the cannon ball would have come out it’s a big Cannon must be about 10t long about as long as my thingy ah just 5 minutes 10 minutes later look the Sun comes out oh bit of blue sky does make you feel better only this country could have Al stones in June and then Sun why would you want to go away anywhere else when you can get from one extrem to another with the weather good old England now I’m not knocking I’m not knock in England it’s a lovely country it really is oh Wella that’s where I’ve parked got three hours fre that’s handy hope I got that right let’s go to the just over there is cromwell’s house right this is cromwell’s house all of the Cromwell and uh couple statues outside with the the tire that they would have worn in those days quite fetching really mine a hat like that good afternoon you giveing me a funny look there ooh hello oh look at him someone’s laughing is it you two laughing no I’m coming into the par she said a bit dark but you got a little film up there look welcome to Oliver cromwell’s house and uh they give you this uh remote control it’s like a little phone she says according to the room you go in like number one you press number one and hello why did it start started with that one oh welcome to Oliver cromwell’s house this is the only surviving house that was lived in by Cromwell other than hamton Court really but who was he and why is he so important to British history who was he you have probably heard something about him yes he had wals he was one of the greatest military leaders we have ever had without him Parliament never would have won the Civil War he ordered the king to be beheaded oh my God he was a traitor oh my my God barbaric in those days Wen they he was a Godly they mess about who ruled this country justly he brought stability back after the war so that we could live in tolerance and peace well you see all the uh paneling well over the years that’s got darker with all the polishing and originally it was more a yellow color when he was in his early not many people know that King right mind your head oh will it’s a big range well [Music] fire for the cooking this is the kitchen always have big kitchens in those days there we are some pies there would like to eat them there they’ve been there for few few hundred years ew yeah oh no I don’t like you got lettuce cake there oh that’s quite soft well as we came into the kitchen you have to drop down a few steps uh evidently over 800 years this is been a ongoing uh extension to the house and the kitchen where I’m in at the moment is the oldest part of the house here we have um Oliver crom’s house plan if you would like to freeze frame that and have a look here we have a a little mini version of Oliver Cromwell compared to me he’s little in we are now going into Mrs cromwell’s room here we are this is her room quite a big [Music] room oh my God who’s that out there portrait Elizabeth Cromwell Oliver cromwell’s mother this would have been the clothes that they wore and there’s a g down which is a bit light Checker’s DS and the the old crib there look lovely all night carved wood now it’s all plastic and that was be the the nursaid checking the baby and uh I would say this looks like a another of the Crome outfit little hobby also there look even hoopla in those days cool and you had to live in didn’t [Music] they oh if you remember one of my videos I walked up to this mirror and uh I uh I put on a [Music] um what was it Israel’s cloak look the real one and the mirror tilted backwards please don’t do it again look it’s l Van Camp again hello everybody There’s the Man himself all right we’re going into the civil war room now English civil war between 1642 and 1651 Oliver crom Rose from Country Gentlemen to MP to become one of the greatest soldiers of his age he was even invited to become the king of England that was musket there with his powder gunpowder that’s the uh the original helmets by look to them and this must be the armor that he wore which is portrayed in that massive oil [Music] painted they lucky boobs my appear him evidently he was don’t know if he was that tall it’s probably major look bigger I used to do that in those days yeah execution of the king oo as I say not very nice days then musket Pike and drum with your musket Pike and [Music] drum that’s where that song’s come from what we got over here protective clothing here that would have stopped quite a bit actually arrows you can see where the the arrows of triy to pierce the armor there’s the swords a swept hilt now going into the study every house must have a study Cromwell as Laural protector did he head move no bloody will did my me oh see f oh just slightly oh got be a wind now going into a [Music] bedroom what’s going on in here oh bit dark here in it hello hello hello is anybody [Music] there Oliver Palo died in the Palace of white wall on the third of September 1658 following an illness which had worsened with grief over the recent death of his favorite daughter Becky in life he had refused the crown and title of King but in death his people Ved him as a monarch in the chapel of the kings in Westminster Ry he had achieved much as Lord protector had encouraged religious toleration and had made his country one of the greatest in Europe however in 1660 Charles II was restored to the throne those who had signed his father’s death warrant were in their turn to be executed three of those who had already died were also not to escape punishment and their bodies were exed so it was that Oliver cromwell’s body was removed from Westminster ABY after being hanged at tyon the head was cut off placed on top of a pike and displayed above Westminster Hall but on the night of a great storm the head fell down the soldier picked it up later it passed into many hands three centuries later in 1960 her head said to be that off Oliver pwell was buried in the anti Chapel of his old Cambridge College Sydney SU when it remains to this day someone’s life ended far away from this house of but some say they have experienced a ghostly presence in this very bedroom what could it be that the Lord protector returns to keep AR rest I must admit I feel a bit cold I feel a bit shivery hope he’s not going to jump up out of that [Music] bed look he’s behind he’s behind me look oh you imagine him going boo now Bo right I’m off now Oliver sleep well mate see see you later I’m going out of here oh leave C [Music] oh well I’m just popped into the paper mill Pub just off the A1 wford and I thought we’ll have a battered beer battered hadock and chips [Music]


    1. I stood under an oak tree while it stormed when i was young Lee, i was electrocuted and died yet an elderly man saved my life and knowing what i know now of this life, he should of let me go. Never take the risk because it is painful. The weather is bad because they/them keep spraying the hell out of our skies with the planes to produce more clouds and bad cold weather and it pushes people abroad for the sun which makes a lot of money for the corporations but we suffer for it, This year they upped the game more because people abroad are also getting the same weather treatment, it is caused by fake global warming, designed so to make more money for the elites. keeping the people indoors miserable, cold and ill with no Melatonin from pure sunshine, something so very important for good health. Big pharma is having a whale of a time with there pockets being filled with so many having to compensate feeling better with vitamin supplements . I still have the heating on here it has been so cold yet only because they keep spraying the skies. Our gov are mentally insane with greed. Have a look at the documentary film called Frankenskies it is all true.

    2. Started with that wicked thunder storm, and then in that dark, spooky bedroom of Oliver Cromwell…. eeeek!! Scary entertainment!! 👻 😮👻

    3. Hi Lee, the weather has been awful in Spalding, we had thunder and torrential rain….wheres the sun lol. Can't wait to go on hol with my daughter in September…need a tan. Enjoyed Cromwells house tour and its great that we can visit these sort of places, and see history for ourselves. Anyway Keep the vids coming, take care x 😘

    4. I love it when the fish looks like an oven mitt, it’s the small things! Great vlog, good to see you show us around these places we may never get to. Take care.

    5. Lovely to see our history and how much it means to most of us . Lovely peaceful vlog and you getting drenched to give us another entertaining vlog . Keep well atb will u do more with your brother that was fun

    6. Lee that Haddock looked like Cromwells foot, spooky 👍😁😎 fancy not having a toilet. Look forward to your next video 👍😁😎

    7. Hi Lee, nice to see you out + about again, miss you filming when your travelling to these places, makes it feel more like a day out, i love seeing the countryside. Thats useful information showing where toilets are,I learned a lot about Cromwell, as i used to avoid secondary school, i used to go into town, go into music booth's listen to the rolling stones, the kinks.the fish looked ok,hope it was tasty, weather has been mostly overcast + raining may + june here in Devon. Laters.

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