Discover the 10 secrets of French women to look younger and age gracefully. Learn how French women stay young and always look effortlessly beautiful.

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    bjo French women are famous for their Timeless elegance and effortless shic they are also famous because they look years younger from their Chic fashion sense to their impeccable skincare routine the world has long been captivated by this Secrets behind the undering beauty while we admit that genetics play a role there is more to it than just a good DNA and the secrets of French woman looking younger in Vis I will share with you 10 secrets of French woman to stay and look younger what they really do to not looking old I will show you the secrets I received from my mother my grandmother over 50 the things that I also love to do in my own routine as a French woman I apply to myself and usually also people say that I look 10 years younger than my age the first thing you should know about the secrets of French woman over 50 is that the AC accept aging they really accept aging and they Embrace their natural state and the Natural Body in France growing older is celebrated as natural part of life rather than something to be feared or fault against French women Embrace their wrinkles fine lines and gray Air with Grace and confidence they embrace the maturity their imperfections and are not obsessed by looking perfect or looking like they were in their 20s maybe this is the big difference compared to the state here in France growing older and especially for women is really celebrated as something you should be proud of and not something that you should erase or you know something you should be ashamed there are probably less pressure for women here and FRS and French women over 50 compared to the state to look I would say perfect here in France we really Define Beauty as something that is naturally imperfect and also Parisian women over 50 are very very proud they are super confident about the age with sty they really love and embrace the age so this is something I really admire and they are not afraid to age actually they always say I want to age but I want to age and looking good okay they are not ashamed to age the point is to age they accept aging but they want to look good the second secrets of French women over 50 to look young they don’t overdo Botox another point of French woman over 50 is really to know that making too much plastic surgery overdoing btox and fillers can really make you 10 years older of course French women do Botox of course they do fillers and believe me I go to the hairer once a week and I’m surrounded by French women and Parisian women over 50 and over 60 and trust me some of them did facelift some of them did fillers but the point is that there are so secretive about it they don’t want you to know that they’re doing something facelift are very popular over 50 and 60 here in Paris fillers also are very popular and especially the ey leads ey leids is very popular over 40 here in Paris French women over 50 do plastic surgery but not to transform themselves or not to look like they were in the 20s or 30s the p is ready to make you a little bit more I will say more beautiful fresher to to enhance your natural beauty not to erase all your wrinkles they ate when you know it’s too fake too constrained too perfect okay they just at it and when they are doing something they want to make sure that it looks natural nobody can tell that you had something but we don’t know but she looks so good she looks better she looks good okay this is what we love here in France and in Paris and it it’s very trendy so believe me French women over 50 do plastic surgery the big difference compared to the state is that they make sure that it looks natural the third secrets of French Froman of the 50 to look younger is to look younger with style and not facelift the first thing you should absolutely know is that looking frumpy and not taking care of yourself can make you look 20 not 10 20 years years older Never Never Let It Go please never even if you are overweight even if you don’t like your body okay never ever let it go even if you are I don’t know 80s 90s my grandmother my grandmother she was always always well dressed and French women and Parisian women are always well dressed you will never never see a women over 50 here in Paris wearing a fry sweater or fry gym clothes or something that is too boxy if you’re wondering what French woman of the 50 style and where to look 10 years younger they also paired on a wardrobe of good basic high quality garments but the most important thing they look you know Timeless Timeless classic and at the same time modern a good blazer for example a good pair of ballerina a jean with a good fitting white shirt for example this is something that look Timeless Chic and modern at the same time on the contrary being overdressed too dressy or even being obsessed by looking wealthy can also make you 10 years older this is something that people don’t tell you on YouTube but over 50 this is really a deal breaker looking too dry too far more or even being obsessed by looking wealthy believe me over 50 when you really par done too much logo too much Chanel too much JW can really AG you so the secret is really to mix and match you know different expensive garments you can wear designer brands of course you can wear Chanel T whatever you love but always mix it with something that is less expensive modern the next secret of French woman of the 50 to look younger is to watch your diet there will probably never tell you but yes French women of the 50 and also Parisian women do watch the diet and they do closely manage what they’re eating usually they stick to an healthy food routine the French approach about diet is very simple eat well everything but in moderation they eat the best quality food they can get and they don’t ruin the diet with endless snacking they follow a diet of fresh food with fresh product W grains olive oil fish and some Dairy meat the typical French diet s similar to the Mediterranean diet which is a natural anti-aging the next secret of French woman to look younger is also to stay active French woman in their 50s realize that they have energy and freedom sometimes they also start a new life such as getting a new job new projects or even a new boyfriend after a divorce they are very independent they keep a busy social life with social activities the typical Parisian life they also exercise daily they do whatever exercise appeals to them yoga dance pills cycling a little bit every day like 30 minutes every day they are very consistent with a lot of discipline about the daily routine the next secrets of French wom to look younger is to prioritize skin care over makeup this is the big difference compared to the state French do believe that if you have a good skincare routine with high quality ingredients and most of the time it’s not the most expensive you don’t need to focus on makeup um what’s different about the approach of French and uh other women towards FY um so French women are more like less is more I’m prob you know like doing treatments more than like fix it and then um British they may a little bit like so board line like pretty too much makeup and everything but not really into the Skin Care uh element element okay another big difference compared to the world actually French women don’t like foundation and something I have to also tell you this is a tip from my Parisian dermatologist she admits to me that applying Vic Foundation or applying foundation every day can also create wrinkles and can also age your skin so she really tell me to stop wearing foundation and wear something what we call BB cream for example which is much more healthier for your skin forget the Highlight forget the Contour also this is something that French women don’t like for them it is too complicate actually you spend too much time with this contouring a French woman love something that is simple but they really really focus on the fact that too much makeup can Edge you is not good for your skin so usually they go for something that is a simple makeup routine what we call the no makeup look and believe me the no makeup look make you look 10 years or even 20 years younger the perfect makeup look over 50 a little bit of mascara a little bit of blush for example a little bit of red lipstick or any also nude lipstick a good concealer you don’t need to apply a foundation or heavy Foundation go for a BB cream for example a lot of French women do that actually a simple makeup routine but a very very good skin care routine and another secrets of French woman to look younger they start an anti-aging skincare routine very early French woman of 50 spend more money on average on aunti in product than the British or even European fellows and they really start much more early they unise prevention rather than correction and same thing about plastic surgery French woman understand that taking care of their skin from a young age starting in the 20s for example is just Essentials to look younger they have a consistent skin care regimen that includes clink ing moisturizing and the sun protection to prevent edging skin this is definitely true French women start super early and this is something also I see with my mom and also my grand mom they always always suggest me to start super early in fact I both my first anti aging skincare cream in my 20s and another tip from my dermatologist she always always tell me to buy products that are made for women over 50 and to start super early no matter my age actually she tell me this is just for marketing you can buy a skincare cream that is made for women over 50 or market for women over 50 and you can start super early and other secrets of frenchwoman to look younger they have a good skin care routine that works and we stick to it maybe this is a slower approach to life but French women love to build an anti-aging routine and anti-aging protocol that works and we stick to it for life we choose usually the best product when I say the best the most effective anti- wrinkles product not the most expensive Al a big difference compared to the state and usually they really really stick to it they don’t don’t try too many different product they’re not obsessed by trying the new anti wrinkles skincare cream they really stick to their protocol and that’s why they also look younger for example many dermatologists here in Paris will tell you to start in your early 30s 40s or even in your 50s to apply Vitamin C on your screen during the Spring okay and to apply retinol very real retinol during winter and this is really a routine a skin care routine that you will see all over Paris many French women over 50 here do this simple routine vitamin C and retinal another secret of French woman over 50 to look younger is to follow a slower lifestyle in France French woman love to slow down and we call it the French are the vi French woman enjoy to slow down in the 50s it could be a break an afternoon nap or maybe doing nothing the French AR is a little bit different than the American one actually but French women are not obsessed about being super active all the time we love here in FRS to slow down you know just walking in Paris for example taking a break and having a coffee in a cafe uh taking the Sun for example walking in the garden J lour for example we love to slow down eating well sleeping well prioritize yourself taking care of yourself this is really the Mantra of French women just take a break okay just take a break go shopping go buy flowers decorate your home for example take a few minutes to go to The Fresh Market cook a very good meal and the last secret of French woman to look young is to find your signature airstyle and stick to it okay a signature airstyle is a big thing here in France and it is very very generational French women do believe that finding your signature airstyle can really really make you 10 years younger so sometimes you don’t need to make Botox or fillers you just need to refresh your haircut a lot of women over 50 and a lot of women here in Paris go to the airdresser at least once a week some of the airstyle I see in Paris that are very trendy in Paris for example the messy Bob like Sophie M the long bob with bang like Bridgit Macon or a simple medium length layered the airstyle I don’t see that much in Paris is the gon aircut usually I see this airstyle in women in the 30s or 20s but it’s not very trendy on Parisian women over 50 so usually they go about something that is midlength actually easy to style okay French woman don’t like something that is too complicated they have a very sophisticated minimalist style something that is very Parian they also think that if your hairstyle is too sophisticated too formal you know it can really also AG you so forget the I would say American brushing like you will see in Texas for example or even in La here in Paris it’s not the thing you know they really think that this kind of super formal super glamorous sophisticated airstyle over 50 can really a you which is true actually which is true so they love something that is a little bit messy this is very Parisian what about gray hair do Parisian women wear the natural color even if gray hair are very trendy and might looks good if you have a modern hairstyle something that looks a little bit edgy in Paris gray hair are not that common it is still a mere symbol of age and a sign of letting yourself go so even in Paris it’s not that common I don’t see a lot of women Parisian women wearing the gray hair even it is more trendy that a few years ago and it’s still associated with something that is aging that’s it for today I’m I hope you enjoy this video about the 10 secrets of French woman to look young let me know what you think about this video let me know also if there is any big difference compared to the state of the rest of the world don’t forget to subscribe don’t forget also to watch my other videos if you love The Parian style you can also follow me on Instagram and I see you very soon for another one bye


    1. Wonderful advice. French women don't pretend to look younger but naturally beautiful and effortlessly chic regardless their age. They don't follow trends but stick to what's flattering on them with self-confidence. Merci beaucoup pour votre conseil comme toujours, Alice. Vous êtes très formidable ❤

    2. Yes the age well concept is so true! I am French and for my mom there was nothing better than just taking care of yourself and trying to embrace yourself at each stage of your life. Enjoy what each decade has to offer to you in your fashion choices, makeup choices etc. There are thing that are a little too mature looking when you're 20? Wait patiently for your 30s and it will look better.
      Also the diet thing, again, very spot on. As a rule of thumb when people ask me why are French women more lean in comparison to other populations, it's because of that principle. You can eat anything you want, variety in the diet is key to be healthy, but with moderation. Moderation is a keyword in the French habits. Moderation in the style, in the attitude, with your diet etc,
      AND, last but not least SUNSCREEN! I started at a very young age because my mom taught me to.

      But all and all, so many points resonates with my personal experience. Staying away from stress, living slower, sleeping well, keeping an eye on what I eat, vitamin C and retinol (do that too) etc. and I am not even from Paris, I am from the ''province'' as we say it.
      And on a side note, I just wish more and more ladies would embrace their gray hair. A beautiful silver needs some maintenance as well, but I find it so beautiful on every ladies I cross who embrace it.

    3. We can’t say the same for all of them, like Brigitte Bardot or Catherine Deneuve, they were beautiful icons, but…… I don’t know

    4. They look younger because they keep their youthful figure , they dress according to their age and which is classic.
      The best asset any woman can attain is a good straight posture. Straight shoulders will make any thing you wear look it’s best. And it’s free. The most costly beauty secret is beautiful white teeth. They don’t have to be perfectly straight just as white as possible.

    5. My thoughts are a healthy diet, moderate physical activity good skin care. I do agree with a good hairstyle that suits your face and your personality. Dress, neatly and stylish for your age group. I do believe that your base attractiveness is genetic. There are things that you could do to increase your attractiveness as stated before good grooming, good styling personality, etc. let’s face it. Not Everyone can look like a model, but we can always enhance physical traits.

    6. This woman preaches that we should accept aging while boasting that people tell her that she looks 10 years younger. Also, going through such elaborate and time/money consuming skin care routine hardly sits well with 'accepting' aging😂

    7. You are literally contradicting yourself. If French women embraced their aging, the majority of them wouldn’t look like clowns after having had a lot of plastic surgery and what not to make them look younger. I’m a foreigner living in south of France, plenty of women here had the work done. They also dress in a way that makes them look desperate to look still young.

    8. Taking care of the skin early is good but don't use products for mature skin when you're young, it should be a big NO. Also I wouldn’t assimilate a small Parisian privileged cast into french women…

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