Does that handlebar look right to you? It feels weird.
Just bought this bike off marketplace because I think it was a steal for $150, but that handlebar feels really weird to me. I have only ever ridden flat bars so maybe that's why. Does it look right to you?
150 seems like the standard rate for a bike like that did you get a good deal no not by a long shot as for the bars you limited your bar selection substantially by buying a bike that uses a quill stem so you’re limited to bars with a slimmer clamp diameter your choice is to either get a set of bars that you like that will also fit your quill stem or get a quill adapter and run a threadless stem with a lot more modern bar choices imo I’d just try to sell that bike back and get something with a bit more quality and slightly more modern
Like a track drop bar. Which it probably is.
150 seems like the standard rate for a bike like that did you get a good deal no not by a long shot as for the bars you limited your bar selection substantially by buying a bike that uses a quill stem so you’re limited to bars with a slimmer clamp diameter your choice is to either get a set of bars that you like that will also fit your quill stem or get a quill adapter and run a threadless stem with a lot more modern bar choices imo I’d just try to sell that bike back and get something with a bit more quality and slightly more modern