I returned to the Hoppings on its opening day at Newcastle and spent the day with over 400 attractions with a new setup #themepark #rides

    it is back in Newcastle hoppins 2024 opening day Vlog is here the weather is gorgeous I’m looking forward to get back inside with my yearly video we go to the the largest traveling fun fair in Europe now I know in the comments section some of you guys disagree with that claim now just look at the promotion material put out by the hobbins don’t blame me uh blame the promotion itself for proclaiming it that way but we are here to get inside that see what is in store we’re going to enjoy a great day out um I could just say now it’s a day where we can enjoy us so let’s get inside the fair let’s get in all the rid let’s see what’s going on inside let’s just enjoy opening day if you guys enjoy the content get down there hit the Subscribe button we might potentially do a second video at the hot if you guys are interested if you guys want to see it we could potentially do a subscribe or meet up or something like that where we get us in one of the final days and we just do a challenge or do something like that where we could do a second video down here let me know your thoughts on something like that if you want to get involved as well enough messing around door let’s get inside one thing you will realize the secondly walk into the hoppings is the layout has completely changed this year so previously when you walked for the entrance here you would have stuff on both sides now due fact there been a festival on last year here at the Town M basically the grass is still knackered so they they condensed everything down into a smaller field this year but theyve took less of the duplicate stuff out so for example let’s say there three doons yet have took one of the doons out or like five RS I took one of them out so they’re basically condensed down the duplicate so there’s less things but there’s still the same amount if you understand what I mean you realize he walking down the grass is still long as hell and one thing I actually criticized last year I’m wonder why is the grass so long but it’s been explained actually for example let’s say the organizers had this sort for 9 days and it starts raining on the first day with the grass being so long it means that when it rains it’s less light for the B muddy so it’s easier to walk around when it has been raining still a nightmare though I’m sick of my my knees getting cut up but there is a reason why the grass is actually uh quite long so that you realize that one else I recommend you wearing long pants but let’s have a walk around now and see what is available [Music] actually lucky technique there to be fair quite close just a little bit off come on on L you got this oh look at that 16 years old this is the next L little the football so any any shirt or ball like he want M got plenty of choices there which you when going to pick he’s got p c you got a pick the castle oh he hasn’t done it he hasn’t picked the castle that’s that B that is a nice shirt to be fair bit of your hand CH rest in peace thought you better than that [Music] what is that man look at all the seos there I’m quite tempted to go and win one now look how seagull the whole one I hate these little little [ __ ] just pretend that this isit [Music] power got away for we get the high speed see [Music] keeping the machine Happening Here [Music] guys please your ticket next [Music] my f we go [Music] I tell you one thing that is brutal now for some reason the machine kept breaking while I was on it so Happ got to jump a lot more than you’re supposed to but yeah good for exercise definitely recommend try not in what was it 23° one the hottest days of the year wasn’t the best idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] size of that that is crazy [Music] not actually a bad shot we need to somehow pick them up that’s a problem of these machines cuz they just designed and not pick them up come on he’s going to do it right this is going to be awkward they try and get him here out that second one going to get in the way come on this one he’s going to hit that oh no could be 10 up [Music] there that one’s in the way it’s so annoying yeah last sh I was my money do one more I don’t think we’re going to win it now never seen that all [Music] brand new Haunted House oh look at this fancy smoke here we have got to try this out I want to see what’s inside here oh that kid looks terrified we got to go on now oh look at this waa we’re going to go in there someone here [Music] [Applause] what the hell going on that is so come here no no look at this no it’s actually pit black yeah you want to go in front of it I’m bringing it you know what this someone’s going to f anyone there you going to get it yeah where you just keep walking straight I’m so scared I’m frecking this is I can’t see anything where am I going yeah I’m going oh there there Pennywise what I can see Pennywise what the hell is going on oh look this is so creepy oh there we go is this the fear of the unknown he kid are scared I’m actually break what the hell is going [Music] on [ __ ] hell loud I actually a I knew I knew i’ be more scared than what it actually is let’s try this [Music] one well we got to go downstairs [Music] now oh no oh no where am I going straight I think there the steps here I swear the steps here I can’t see no you’re not you’re not step oh my I think I got to watch straight they when the kid was Sho oh where am I going straight straight okay okay I I can see something oh I can see a camera there there definitely going to be some guy around the corner oh yeah I’m freaking I’m braking oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] scary you see when you close your us one day you time for food review now we got some the live music on the background I’ve got myself some chicken and from the F just there in terms of the chicken I mean it’s like it’s just guun chicken really it’s not really like sort of Chinese chicken Al how you associate with but give a little try the noodles yeah you got a little portion [Music] there got your noodles are I’m normally someone bigger F of big noodles like G noodles for example F noodle like that so nice the G are just basic not much in it in terms of price wise know B got water CH same size I mean heod get them but not big as chicken [Music] [Music] you just got to [ __ ] it before never used a [Music] before last one [Music] not always the biggest fan of those sort of good ones guys cuz I think especially that second one now if you aim down the scope I promise you I’m not sound like a soul loser but if you aim down the scope like the bullets almost sway left they don’t seem to go I’m actually aiming the shots so uh you guys may have your opinions on that I know for example the dots for uh give you an example here the dots when you actually throw them Mand behind the board so the dots don’t go where you actually a them so there are ones that are a bit dodgy and just basically designed to take your money so watch out give you little heads up [Music] there your SP myself matter whack head this thing honestly I walk H today walk past avendo with loads of fre lines merise I don’t even want to think about them anymore list forget about I don’t want to think about them but yeah there is mer here if you want to get it guys we got to hook a bag here so we got to hook one of the small bags for £6 we get one in the P it’s actually quite exciting I’m hoping there like some house keys like a car inside that be great but yeah I like look okay to [Music] oh six British pound put I going [Music] again all the 33 Green Line 6 and three we’re on the green 63 white this time it’s 5 you’re on the white line 50 yellow there three bline [Music] 30 Green Line 6 and five we’re on the green 65 white this time it’s four and nine you’re on the white line 49 6 and N it’s each way around 69 caller there on 69 please don’t move your markers wait for the check could be the false call let’s check two 2 19 19 54 54 69 69 any further claims anyes any further winners all corn One winner then one winner [Music] [Music] who’s going to do it this time who’s going to get it pick it up eight coming in with 10 two and seven keep going de up race it in four one four four for the winner this time [Music] [Music] that is nuts B the most expensive ride here the biggest mobile RSE Bungie in the world you can just see how much that spin and turns my word my body would not be able to handle that so fair play if you can get your s on that [Music] [Music] looks like he’s going to go for Pikachu down there youed a little goodie bag here [Music] mommy look at that one actually sorry see this down there guys there was a biggest fan of the footballs yeah just that one pleas okay finally got one in there definitely was try now I’m hly this one any one you see the Anthony Gordon one down there I mean needed two and to get that chance to getting two thank you so much is unlikely so got get one this one little Germany ball certainly have that exced to go with this youorn you had a bit of tape on it still come off e nice CLE fresh Germany ball soon we forget about this T I don’t even want to talk about the three line from yesterday but the you want to and how to actually get your done always recommend just trying to place the ball it is so easy to go up there and to lash it as hard as possible try just hit it straight the top it’s not likely to happen if you place it your the ball it’s more likely to go your way be wrong Miss bunch of shots but I think it’s more like if you just try placing not mov it 30 coins went down there so I feel like our best tactic now is for that voodooo as we just seen there to knock the pound in that voodoo doll is going to go so it’s just whether it takes the pound down no what you supposed to do there now the thing is it says here no no it says here all winds the that not going to come down I get the do send it down oh the P looks [Music] there I don’t believe it we got it you [Music] now our last two P that were used on the last pound of went and now there’s near a pound gone aren’t there’s a few dudes all on the edge actually be able to rince the machine on getting all those two Fe out the bottom there is our last one of the dice already taking two things SW look how black those hands are my God that is disgusting got what we came here for we have got what we came here for ‘s going to put that final t p in oh no it’s happened they’ve sucked them in I’ve actually G up I’m not doing anymore i’ I’ve accepted that I’ve lost but Owen once want the second Jersey P wants the second V how many bags how many bags are there you don’t learn that’s £ that’s 3 listen I’ve learned my lesson or hasn’t learned his yet we going we’re going all the way [Music] my hell is going on there that mean to be is that is that part stuck there and might do a VR again with a man at the to mean why the not standing today the going to go with what the hell is going on there that’s in that’s got to be in look it’s it’s down ‘s actually managed to win the pound out I can’t believe see I mean he still put3 in the two piece but I mean but that’s a win now if it stay just has the man take it out actually [Music] in that is a win for you young man thank you oh my God might as well get the V all hour [Music] here one and a half hours it has taken me and or we have spent well over 20 it is almost pitch black now for two Jersey pounds that we can’t even spend in this bloody country and one voodo dollar I swear voodu was like bad Lu finally clean the hands which is a good thing only thing I’m seeing is is uh you guys must think we’re like the biggest pair of virgins ever I mean we spend all this time for one Jersey pound each men [Music] feel [Music] [Music] hey come on everybody move your body this way come on E make your day hey move a little closer move up [Music] [Music] player one it’s not your bike kick that M actually think that’s probably going to be better than mine a full crowd watching one second [Music] got player [Music] two that was a hit [Music] for CH man [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] inside but there we have it guys I hope you enjoy the opening day Vlog here at the hot is around 10: p.m. now at night we are here at Bess Closing Time we’ stuck the entire day here can’t believe I’m saying that hope you guys have enjoyed this TI this experience of the hot positive and a negative and it’s most definitely a negative for me in terms of spending so I spent approximately I would guess 60 British pounds today let’s see what I got back for that money so start off here we got a malet which is got a bit C tape on the side here and judging by the fact that it’s lost a bit of air chances are there may be a potential cracking that so that’s not great Stu inside the goodie bag we have got Pikachu if he’s been like stuck down like a Dre for half an hour like some some squished to go out I don’t understand Pikachu does not look like that but that is meant to be Pikachu or at least his SN little by far the best it I’ve actually got is official U 2024 ball my favorite football St now the thing I like about is football St is the fact that if you put one ball in you guarante basically any prize there whereas you do all you put two or three it’s realistic probably not going to hit one on one uh this ball is nice I do like collecting balls and I definely want I actually just keep my room I play bits of football but I don’t actually tend to use balls I don’t want to wreck them they’ve got we somehow have a a Teddy of a prime but not a natural bra bottle like a teddy some people going to be sleeping in bed with KSI beverage I’m not going to be doing that uh this somehow cost 6 inside the bag so there somebody taking the M what an earth is that I kind of feel we sorry for the thing they need to put down but yeah that can go there I still got stuff in my pockets that we need to get through so I’ve spent about £15 of the orcades and we have got back one Jersey pound which we can’t even spend in this country I don’t believe so there we are water short if you watching me you can have that on me and finally we have got a voodoo doll I swear these things are like bad luck I don’t think they’re supposed to be good luck but if you are good luck then we’ve got one of them but appreciate you guys watching regardless going to head away now it’s been an enjoyable day at the hot winds I’ve enjoyed being here I wish you all the best might be back later in the week so let me know down in the comments section you want me to produce favor content on the H I’ll be happy to do so thank you all for watching take care see you all in the next one


    1. Top vlog Adam 👍
      Spooky Tower Haunted House looks absolutely Terrifying with the pitch black effects
      Glad to see you having lots of fun at the Hoppings once again on a very warm sunny day

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