00:00:00 Just Chatting
    02:00:31 Dead By Daylight
    02:59:11 Overwatch 2

    Sorry for any singing without backing tracks, music must be removed for copyright 🙁

    Salty’s Socials:

    Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/extranacly
    Kick https://kick.com/extranacly
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    Twitter https://twitter.com/ExtraNaCly
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    song baby I love you like I love song baby the hell and it feels like I’ve been resued I’ve free I want you know baby that’s [Music] something what d m [Music] next song no no give me something good no yeah yeah yeah we’ll keep this we’ll keep this [Music] dep is [Music] see for for wow hello hello wow silly Sundays anybody there on this fine fine cold miserable evening that is silly Sundays that one I need to know I need no to reply the Discord to know if he made it to the comment man awfully quiet today what the hell hello is anybody there hello anybody where is everybody oh [ __ ] it we put on a we put on a dash cams or something while we wait [ __ ] I’m a cow [ __ ] I’m a cow [ __ ] I’m a cow go move move move to dash cam [Music] what we up to we watch January we watch December we did watch December up to January all right all right you’re my daughter I a bother get slaughtered with the me I’m a father McDonald oh I don’t have my hold on got to get this PC set up [ __ ] I’m a count [ __ ] I’m count later oh go okay [Music] okay wow wow January no no no [Music] let me fix this up wow fixed wow where about or an hour earlier than schedule maybe that’s why I no it’s here it’s fine I have some me time not oh my go look at it oh my God quick take a photo dad play dad play dad jeez what is this what the hell how they did not roll over that’s crazy happy Christmas oh it’s going to get me [Music] copyrighted my God what an idiot there something you don’t see I think I know this road I think this is near the city my God two cars fighting hi Kane how you doing oh did they hit the blue CS oh my God what is going on these two cars are fighting how you doing Kane could be better what’s going on oh he’s sticking his head out he’s yelling at there oh my God K have you been it’s been so long ago have you been what are you been doing what’s been going on in Secure alone can’t can’t really [ __ ] go over [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa wait whoa you missed me well I you know where I am you can come visit me any time where where were you you’re at work and on your way back from a cool you seen something and now you need to bleach wait what did what did you see can you tell are you allowed to tell [Music] whoa look at this reversing over a roundabout hold on at the traffic lot hi Habi how you doing hi Almighty how you doing oh wait okay so they weren driving they were just on the side of the road [ __ ] I thought you meant like you pulled up to a red light and in the car next to you there were people [ __ ] and I was like how does that work when do they just stop when the light changes green how are they drive how are they doing you know how they multitasking yo that’s a funny game why drinking a lot tell you some news oh God nothing good happening over here I’ll try to speak slowly and clearly so you don’t need the captions um hi Ela guess who’s back um basically go I applied for like three modeling agencies got rejected from all of them I apply for a new acting agent because I’m not loving my current one I feel like she’s not getting me much well she’s not getting me anything so I tried to apply for this new agent she rejected me she let me on for a little bit like she was asking me questions about like my appearance and stuff so it seemed like she was interested cuz like they said like on the website they won’t reply to you if they’re not interested you know like they’ll apply to submiss they’ll reply to submissions as they feel you know you’re not guaranteed a response so the fact that she responded to me and was asking me questions I was like ooh promising but then she was like actually no I’ve got too many young girls in my books I don’t want any more young girls and I was like why did you ask why did you ask me that and then and then what I missed out on some Le concert tickets I really wanted it’s just been I’ve just been going through it you know you have a new fire truck is it different to your old fire trucks am I on Twitch too I am I am on Twitch I’m streaming on both twitch and kick the baby thank you for becoming a citizen of cringe City andjoy day because you cannot leave have no funds no exchanges and no ad citizenship policy so yeah stuck here this chat here that you see on the screen this is a a Consolidated chat between twitch and kick so you can see each other so you can talk to each other well I was watch watching Dash can videos while I was waiting for people to come because it was real quiet but now now we got people here we chat it was real slow earli no one was here but now you guys are here so we can chat put the music back on you got good news what what Butter Cup it’s got a very funny DM hi you saw a second job tomorrow what you got a second job doing what what is it what’s involved 55 ain’t paying the bills you have been working because the state is chaotic his severe rains leave many people flooded so you’ve been drinking to make yourself please I know you just copied that straight from Google Translate I know you copied that straight from Google translate um damn is your area being flooded n dude you picked the most like demanding and also like long shift jobs you can firefighter and nurse you’re never going to have any downtime you’re going to have to be first responded to anything you ever see my God Kane you better be making some good money for this you’re not in a flooded area but a lot of people are okay SE it Shas Rio [Music] Grande Brazil okay but it’s giv me all the results in Portuguese like I can’t read I can’t read that but I can see the pictures crazy oh it looks kind of like a mud slide kind of thing happening too the water looks real muddy it’s global warming [Music] yeah Australia’s had real bad floods in the last couple of years whoa you’re making 140k a year bet do you uh want some help maybe you know donations tax right off you know save save some tax how’s my day going is doing okay I’m doing okay how about you gy you work as a laboratory assistant at your college but several people un built to 10 so work in C understandable so now you got all the time to drink and play OverWatch but cup how’s your week been 1 in the morning for you you’re in California most of my audience tends to be American I don’t know why I stream at very not American friendly times but you’re all the ones who show up but then when I try to stream at American friendly times like in the morning for me no American show up no huh doesn’t make sense at least it’s the weekend for you gy Saturday night right you got any plans for your Sunday 3:17 a.m. for you is this the start of your 96 hours off Kane sorry guys just replying to messages um okay in about 4 hours oh so you’re still on call right now are you just hanging out in the uh what do you what would you call it the the fire house the the fire the you just hang out there till till the next call comes in station five station You’ been good just taking it easy how’s my weekend been bro I just been having one of those I was supposed to start streaming at like 1:00 p.m. today supposed to start like 5 hours ago let put my nail oil on self-care self-care um I just been having one of those weeks where i’ just been kind of feeling down you know like everything is just like not really going to plan there’s nothing in particular it’s just like just feeling low feeling like nothing’s going how it’s supposed to go I was at work on the weekend no whack is the same as it is I think it’s just seasonal depression it’s winter and I always get sad in winter well it’s not really technically winter yet but it’s just been raining and gross and cold and Mis you know it may as well be [Music] winter I time a stream do you do reaction vids um not really I guess it depends what the video is I can do them every once in a while but honestly I I’m in jul thank you for the re excited for your shows i’ seen seen Brisbane sold that I’ve been peeping the Sydney tickets it doesn’t say what the venue is though I have to find out I went I went on the website how to browse how to squiz it just says it’s a the website it linked to seemed like it was kind of a festival type thing but it didn’t say what venue canelas is that a pub what is canels funny vids try not to lie stuff depends personally I’m not the biggest fan of reaction videos it feels like like it’s fine to do them once in a while I think I don’t mind it’s funny you know to watch things with your community and that’s funny but like when your whole content is reaction videos I feel like that’s cheap that’s cheap content you’re not really making any content yourself you’re just watching other people’s content you guys also chatting in the Discord no but we use the Discord to like hang out after streams and stuff and watch movies and play games and if we’re gaming on stream you know we hop in the VC to speak for coms fire Cole you best go save some lives Kane send me a wee woo video movies comies okay listen I leave it up to the people to decide it’s the people’s vote but I love horror movies horror movies are my favorite genre but these [ __ ] in the server they ain’t built like me they ain’t built like me they never want to watch the horror movies good of me butter cup my spicy little mama Kira you’re in the Discord server right we haven’t had a movie that in a while maybe we’ll do one this week Evil Dead 2 did you watch the new was it Evil Dead rise or whatever the most recent one I watched it and I liked the fact that they didn’t have like a happy ending you know like everyone died I like that they didn’t go for the typical you know evil get defeated rout but it was kind of boring like like I felt like nothing was happening like I don’t know I don’t know it just it was just I don’t know I felt like a lot buildup it felt like a lot of buildup for nothing secret fys phys wait what is that what is physo psycho physical what is that meant to be if your favorite game if your favorite genre is Twitter but are you verified in the eyes of God psycho are you trying to say psycho Brandon Lindsay thank you for becoming assistant of cringe City enjoy yourself because you cannot leave we have no refund some exchanges and no assist [ __ ] poliy say St it’s okay goty I got it I got it I wouldn’t say psycho I just want something that’s not predictable hi love support welcome back time for dbd we can no one else El wants to play any other games we got no other contenders you sent me weo videos on what where on what where did where I don’t see anything on Discord yeah I I’ve seen there a lot of hackers on dead by daylight as well I hav’t encounter in my games I don’t think wait do you share an account I thought this was Scooby’s account are you CJ you’re confusing me you don’t even follow you don’t even follow you don’t even follow the channel how did you how do you know when I’m live how do you know when to come by I’m going to make a mod comment on your account Scooby no CJ imposters yeah but if you don’t follow how do you know when to come by how do you how did you know I’m live right now to come do you just are you just remembering my username and checking in every now and then what’s my disc name is it salty no it’s bad well the username is extra knly but it’s like bad as [ __ ] I’m I’m at the top of I’m Supreme Overlord in the Discord server you tried playing like full matches and kill always had no hit animations that kill you so fast I’m probably not in a high enough uh like skill uh like skill-based matchmaking you know I probably am not high enough in the skill to is to interact with the the hack is yet since I’m new you broke up with the misses the other day and app parent to call the police when you went to fix things what what oh we got some GS we got some tea we got some tea recomend channels on the side twitch suggest stream as you watch a lot so that’s probably why just follow Scooby what the hell if you’re going to be hanging around and we’re going to be playing together you may as well follow so you don’t have to just randomly check in and see if I’m live when you want to talk F how often do I stream in the week is it only on weekends well listen I have a schedule but when I whether I stick to it it’s meant to be okay Australian time like Sydney time zone thank you Scooby Scooby thank you for becoming a citizen of cringe City andjoy said because you cannot leave have F exchanges and no dual citizenship policy so you’re stuck here um so it’s about to be Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Saturday Sundays show you the family true color so you’re at peace with it how long were you together for the M also said you were stuck with her but that took it 180 do do I stream and work the same day yeah so how it works on the week days because you know I’m only a I’m only a humble crossing guard I’m only a humble lollipop lady it’s only two 2 hours a day so I do the morning shift and then I come home and I do a stream for like 4 hours in the morning and that’s meant to be the American time zone but you will you all come now anyway I don’t know why I bother so that’s me to be for the American time zone get that demographic then I go to work for another hour then I come home have eat whatever then I do an afternoon stream evening stream that’s for the Australians and the European and then I go to sleep so during the week it’s going to be two 4ish hour streams on the Monday Wednesday Friday and then on the weekends I do just a long one long stream yeah lots of people have Gotti you broke up with her and only wanted her back because you dropped over 10K in her oh sh Wait what wait so you don’t you didn’t like her anymore but you want wanted to get her back just cuz you spent money yeah that’s Scooby that’s I loveed support es support he’s in the VC with you you guys are in the VC together K Alicia and I love support doesn’t sound very consistent to me but the schedule’s consistent I’m just not hi Snoodle oh you talking about okay hold up have me confused that got I knew you how you doing today Snoodle a relationship should be 50 50 look that’s like okay we can’t be strict about 50/50 all right like I think generally overall yes a relationship should balance out to 50/50 but there’s you know life is ups and downs and whatnot and you’re not going to be 50/50 every day some days one person’s going to put in a bit more and the other one’s going to put in a bit less because they don’t have the energy or something’s happening you know like that’s just life but overall it should balance out to 50/50 the whole point of having a partner or whatever is that you got someone there to support you on the days when you’re feeling kind of shitty and not able to support yourself no good I need that gy keep the chat [Music] active what did you eat today Snoodle got e I need your typing chattiness to rub off on Snoodle doodle over here he always give me one word answers oh my God he gave me almost a whole sentence I got a haircut yesterday I have not eating improvements how’s the haircut looking is it looking spiffy no oh do you not like your haircut but a cup when was the last time you had a haircut let’s include Buttercup over in the kick [Music] chat you’re going to CAU it again today you didn’t like it did you still pay for did you tell the headress you liked it even though you didn’t were you too scared to to say you didn’t like it I did ask you something butterup but what do you do while you’re lurking do you play games in another window on another monitor or something cuz I know you you just like to lur you did not pay oh did you cut your own it was not a hairdresser was it you was it your mom oh was a friend okay breakfast is the most important meal brother you got a haircut do you like your haircut Alicia have to get a haircut oh my God everyone’s getting haircuts what the [ __ ] okay you got to get a haircut tomorrow morning think about getting a mullet well what does it look like now feel free to post your selfies in the ego boost Channel on the Discord server we have a whole set like Channel just for like selfies and like I don’t know when you want an ego boost you could post your outfits your like I don’t know projects you’re working on anything that you know you want people to praise you for a praise Channel yeah you like your haircut that’s good woke up 3 minutes ago you’re just going to go skin it you’re going to shave it all off your luscious Viking locks to let me here hands on my knee shaking ass I’m hands on my KNE shaking ass I’m it hands on my KNE shaking ass I’m do it hands on my knees hands on my knees hands on my KNE shaking ass I’m do it hands on my KNE shaking ass I’m hands on my KNE shaking ass my hands on my knees hands on my knees hands on my knees shakeing n I’m do it hands on my KNE shaking ass I’m with that [ __ ] only get a mullet if you’re a filthy Mo what oh if you get a filthy Mo oh okay you have to have an accompanying mustache you just don’t want to interrupt your combo with twitch you’re just watching videos how you say wasn’t the 70s why do you like to watch History videos i’ love for you to interrupt Buttercup the more more chat interaction I get the better the more enjoyable it is for me I like talking to you guys that’s why I’m streaming if I wanted silence I would just play games alone I started streaming so I wouldn’t be alone I want constant flow of conversation this the only way my ADHD brain can live hi Anna La how you doing who lives in brzy let’s go SC be really going through it sure you may be verified on T aill aill thank you for becoming a citizen of cring City andj say because you cannot leave we funds no exchanges and no doces and ship policy so you’re stuck here what time is it for Snoodle doodle I think I have a command for Sweden time exclamation Sweden time 938 do I have Instagram yeah all my social media has the same username and it’s all linked below oh my God turx where you at now what country you in right now turx how many gifted to join Cole for how long hi KX you regret to announce that you’re a narcissistic sociopath with alcohol dependency and you do nothing but take selfies and post pictures on the internet I mean there’s worse things you could be in life that seems pretty harmless compared to most they tried to take you but you just don’t die you get a moike license I’ve always wanted to get a bike license but everyone around me says they don’t trust me my bik you’re also Australian we’re about villing Strom as long as we V we can cut it whatever okay any day above ground is a great day that’s a good question where am I originated from when you say originated do mean [Music] ethnicity Queensland very good very good where where was I born I was born in Sydney am I a businesswoman or a businesswoman I’mma mind your own damn businesswoman I’m a I’m a I have no business I’m I have no business woman you usually only watch Twitch streams at this time so you really watch aie streamers fact million how many points to get my number um Channel points what kind of points Carly Los Angeles but you originated from Italy oh do we give 20 to join call sure I’ll join a call for 5 minutes for 20 gifted Subs I’ll do that you’ll join the co you got the tea good one I’ll join once the gifted come through Chia Chow youo [Music] for [Music] how many points to get my number you didn’t I said what kind of points you didn’t answer are you drunk TX cuz you only come in here when you’re drunk is that why you can’t type you think I need some teaching seems like I need some teaching are you offering hi Dana what game I going to play today maybe we play dead by daylight because Scooby Scooby’s going through it and could use a distraction follow me L up in my arms n the mano give reasons 23 to a guy like you you’re only here for the accent mc mc I’m waiting for the 20 Subs so we can call or is it mk’s is it MK or mk’s [Music] You Love dead by daylight sarcastic hey Snoodle said something of his own bition he was not responding to a question he actually said he made it wow yes I love dead by daylight in the suck I just really love house noodle types I love the way sod communicates it makes me chuckle with the tonal indicators with the blunt in it like H I love it going to play All AA what does that mean what does that mean tur you believe you requested me requested me wait what oh song request sure you may be verified on Twitter are you verified in the of God okay okay okay on it on Instagram oh okay you just don’t like that I always die in the game I die in all the games I play butter cup okay 9 night butter cup got you think than you for becoming a citizen of cringe City enjoy your day because you cannot leave have ref funds or exchanges and no citizenship policy so you’re stuck here give me your top three hours before I gift um why is that going to change yeah evening we’re finally Time same time zone why what country are you in now tur what country are you in now um my top three Artis it changes pretty frequently right now le she’s un skippable let me look at my my let me look at my playlist right now I like Le’s voice is my cup of tea you know I don’t be skipping any of her songs um BB K-pop artist you’re in Vietnam and then that one let’s say Rosalia yeah yeah those are three artists I’m loving at the moment then I feel like when you get a Tinder match and it’s just ew brother e what’s that what’s that what why would you match with someone you don’t like what the hell Scooby going back for music festival you doing business in Nom you meant like but said MH did you pay for Tinder so you can see who likes you you sent me a message I’m do you want me to read it right now while I’m streaming the colors of the profile what I feel like you’re reading too deeply into it you’re finding sources for clothing made of bamboo fabric o sustainable King stable King am I ever going to get a a new jumper you know maybe try sending it from Vietnam you know it’s close to Australia might make it this time making money moves [Music] um bamboo is good it’s nice and breathable I think this one might actually be bamboo this top that I’m wearing someone read the tag at the back I’m not flexible enough I’m not flexible enough the tag someone okay I think I got the tag out someone read the tag someone read the tag can you read it tell me can you see is it say [Music] remember child labor is Affordable you want to have any tattoo not may not May one day not at the top of my list and it cost money so you know I’m not in a rush [Music] okay I think something’s going on with my sister hold on hold on I hear my mom on the phone with my sister aside I’ll be right back one sec okay now it’s okay it’s okay oh guys look my hair I did held up by one stick anyway sorry my sister is my little sister’s in Italy so just making sure she’s all okay apparently her there’s a train strip going on I don’t think should dri did you send me a picture on it is that what you sent me cuz I can’t see it unless I allow message I ain’t opening it in Cas it’s a dick pic no try you only deal with local Med to a treat them pleasy right wait why are you lowering the price MK you said you’d gift me 20 I I told you the arest blah blah blah how you going to reduce it to 10 no you said 20 I’m willing to join the call for 20 you were in London a few weeks ago Europe is [ __ ] right now got my and Bali tattoos I fulfilled my end of the conditions MK I want my 20 [ __ ] around and find ad MK I’m not from the states if you a sub you’ll finally send another jumper why you call me extra for T you know my name you don’t KN for 5 minutes if we Vibe we extend yeah sure 20 subs for 5 minutes Shake on it shake on it for oh my God Tito hi Tito why you why you judging me why you judging me okay okay that’s one [Music] sub that’s a start that’s a start one just 19 more to go CL once up closer to the goal just 19 to go hi guys how you doing how many what you got one more shift left one more shift left okay that’s two 18 more to go it’s free real estate it’s free real estate some if you sub Alicia is a sexy Brazilian lady you should gift her a sub you know like those ladies in carnival with all the big feathers and stuff that’s what she looks like that’s what Alicia looks like one of these ladies in the carnival with all the big [Music] feathers that’s her you should give her you should give her a sub am I working while also streaming streaming is my work unsuccessful how many more did make you move to the states babes that’s a lot of Subs to afford a plane ticket to the states let alone to move he’s po peacock yeah but only during the month of like February March you know that time period she’s like a werewolf but it’s like but she’s a wear peacock and it’s like only for like a week [Applause] hasn’t even dragged you into VC yet because we haven’t started dead by daylight yet I’m still waiting for my 20 Subs we got to get this phone this five minute call out the way this 20 minute Subs okay okay three 17 more to go gift it to Helen missing out on my go kicia here light work light work let’s let’s keep it going P5 f get to work whatever the dwarf song is he’s searching around the house for coins to find the money looking out of the cat cushions go your good publicity are you we’ll see you’re marketing major okay mock at my stream how did you mock at my stream you want to play dead by daylight Kisha we’re going to play some dead by daylight with with Scooby God no you’re doing a good job we’ll see only time we’ll tell if the free to labor payoff commercial time moment imagine not having a sub right now imagine not having a sub right now being one of the 20 gifted Subs right now would save you from a commercial damn if only someone were gifting Subs good thing your dad’s rich [Music] b s doodle trying to avoid getting a sub yes subing number four 16 a go kicia is still not one of them missed again you know I don’t know MK if you notice but you can click on specific usernames and like gift that specific person a sub just saying hi Mac would I rather watch a tree grow or some asteris grow um a tree I guess twitch getting outrageous nine you got nine ads that’s absurd who needs one kirisha the the person that’s posted under you h kirisha this one 2014 pinio P Noir sorry not pinio Noir from New Zealand 2014 that’s only 10 years old French wine is where it’s at oh I don’t know I don’t know about that one New Zealand has some really good wine thanks to the freaking volcanic soil or whatever I’m not a big fan of French wine to be honest I’m not even I know this is controversial but I don’t even like champagne champagne has a weird off taste I think I like sparkling wine get me wrong like I have a good bubbly but specifically champagne I’m not a big fan savski thank you for becoming a citizen of cringe City enjoy day because you cannot leave we have’t already fun changes and policy stuck G you don’t like pea I like pinio I like pinio I like I’m more into white wines these days than I am into red wines it feels less heavy on my tummy and my teeth don’t get stained whenever I cuz I have such close teeth like my teeth I have like no gaps they’re all like right up hugging hugging next to each other so whenever I drink red wine my teeth get like outlined like in the like between each teeth gets the red wine gets stuck in it like an outline it looks real bad and I hate it so I’m I’m a white wine girly that sounds fun it is fun savski you know what oh my God kirisha missed again kirisha missed again sub number five goes to potato aim have some bubbles okay I have one bubble okay let me try again okay let me try again there we go that’s better we’re a fun Channel I’m not like the other moms I’m a cool mom you know what we’ll bring out the kazoo here oh my God this kazoo is signed to die I don’t know what’s the lifespan of a kazoo because this thing is not sounding the same as it used to it’s dying the do is dying if you gift a sub can it take away one from his goal no it cannot it cannot guys this is his deal he made we shook on it he agreed 20 gifted Subs in exchange for a phone coal five minute coal his son’s about to sh to and he keeps finding his sleep seeing parenting advice wait what what did I miss a message goty welcome back SLE oh like I said people are handing out Subs you’re here too oh God he wants one as well one more hole and that’s called meth addiction you’re joining steam you’ll gift 10 what you’re joining steam you’ll gift a 10 gift right now what I don’t understand that sentence I do eates and stuff no I’ve never done any I don’t think like those ones where you like like a e competition or whatever you and your friends did it back in high school the pun intended wait you smoked out of kazoo hi bom squ how you doing he baby you missed me it’s only been like half an houri the heck go ahead miss me um I didn’t know you left but you just kind of admitted to me that you haven’t been hanging around this whole time I thought you were still here could it be me I’d never leave my hi stream just saying if I had a hi I’d be there 24/7 one of my friends is the daughter of some Italian mafia family she gets e free weed CU a family owns Victorious weed damn does she make good money um hold on maybe I should not ask ask this questions on stream can I be a friend why sub NOA let’s try again oh did you just sub it didn’t come through it didn’t change she’s a doctor um can I still be a friend [ __ ] that’s savski Trix thank you for the gifted sub whenever she streams and you’re not [Music] sleeping why yeah why is my go C Lea not getting a sub my hot sexy Brazilian queen MK why are you dodging my girl we still got 15 more subs to go get my go kicia one you just seen your highlights on Instagram am I a stripper no I’m not a stripper what the [ __ ] who told you I’m a stripper what do you mean I’m not stripping for anybody reading comprehension is a valued skill um was that bubble really just for you it was for you savski you want another one t thank you for gifting a sh to [Music] Kira to Lazy can you had to lay down to my playlist by who well Turk’s a true chadow Turk’s about to overtake mk’s MK do you want that reputation you’ve only gifted five out of the 20 you promised turx already gifted two and he didn’t promise any you’re about to get shown up only if you get good tips Caravan Palace I haven’t heard them in a while we were connecting going crazy on the poll yeah that’s correct sure you did you perhaps maybe read the captions that go along with the Paul dancing clips hi Dana Dana thank you for becoming a citizen of cringe City andjoy day because you cannot leave we haven’t already F exchanges and no door assistantship policy so you’re stuck here yes turx tur is at three U is still at F five let’s talk on voice so you can laugh at your accent I want to see you bust down that’s bubbles foravi bubbles foravi oh my God [ __ ] the bubbles ain’t bubbling there we go C say we ain’t connecting now can I CH 8° West what the [ __ ] where’s the compass up okay 8° West that’s this way okay I’m now 8° west what the [ __ ] ghost why did you just gift nightbot thank you for gifting nightbot a sub guys you said you would never gift to me because you like to make fun of me being poor and now look at you that was like a week ago sure you may be verified on Twitter but are you verified in the eyes of God brother respect you’re here twice a year yeah turx comes by sporadically and he’s owed me a jumper for like 3 years now he said he was going to ship to me so waiting I have 5K followers only 14 viewers yeah that’s because not everyone that follows you watches they just follow and cuz they like you the one time and they forget about you and they never come back okay K who just gifted 10 we just skip to 10 subbies let’s go let’s go just five more left five left we have 15 we have 15 for ooze just five left for the cool Turks is at three and ghost is at one of course you can follow me on insta public AMAC thank you for becoming a citizen of cring City andjoy because you can not leave funds no exchanges and no door citizenship policy so you’re stuck here next person to chat who isn’t sub gets one oh will I follow back probably not if I’m honest I’m not going to remember do I work fulltime and stream um well I’m a permanent part-time crossing guard there you go it’s in the [Music] bio thank you for gifting go the sub T is now four Subs you’re going to be on stream yeah yeah you’ll be on stream we’ll call on stream we’ll call like right now once you once you deliver the final five as long as you have money coming in oh [ __ ] is that the final five hell yeah I’m going to ad Ghostbusters the feminists are taking over I’m an adult virgin I mean good evening you f blond St de here from M and Ken [Music] good evening salty you blonde we’re going to have to change that a l when I finally stop dying my head realate wait wait let me okay he had to search between [ __ ] hold on I got to scroll up I’m missing messages that’s 19 wait what do I miss one did I not count right hi IQ management you’re not playing I can’t scroll it keeps springing my messages back to okay tr get sub oh my God Savi down this up oh my God the I can’t read the messages cuz it keeps bringing my chat back to the bottom fulltime streaming is not easy yeah I know you girl knows you girl been knowing we on that government welfare supplementary income trying to make this life work how much do Subs cost depends on your um country wa we got to level five hyp train what the hell I didn’t even notice complete level five with a combined contribution of six tier one subs or 3,000 bits level five emotes emote rewards are offered for Milestones all the way up to level 100 Hye conductors MK has contributed 15 subs and is the current hype train conductor use bits to take over this spot Channel alltime record was level 29% at level three so we’ve we’ve exceeded our all our hype train record cuz we’re at 56% of level five hype train this is the highest we’ve ever had a hype train anyone want to finish off this level with 6 tier one Subs du for the gram you’re still getting charged in Canadian Vietnam oh that sucks yeah the money’s gone out for Australians as well it’s N9 9 AUD to sub now but you still only get like $250 Australian like back the stream twitch is taking a bigger chance now it’s ridiculous let’s finish what we started uh if you give the six Subs to finish off the hype train level turx I will forgive your jumper debt that you owe me the hoodie or the Jumper whatever it was I’ll forgive your debt if you give the six Subs call MK us you B me up yeah we’re gonna call now he’s gifted the 20 do you hear that someone’s going out going going down outside in the family home how do you get the salt by what watching The Rock the channel points call in Discord yeah we call in Discord you only see 19 gifted let’s verify gift Lita how do I see how many he’s gifted looking at his badges sub gift the badge MK oo has gifted subscriptions in it doesn’t say how many how do I see how many he’s gifted oh hype train ended hype train ended we missed out we missed out RP thatt is not forgiven the six Subs were not gifted all right MK get in the Discord get in the Discord Channel I’ll be in special spot join the Jo join the QVC underneath where I’m sitting in special spot I’ll drag you in I I did click on it say how long is the streaming going to be streaming for you just want to know to start looking for another TBH oh okay to replace me cool I’ll be here for a few hours still we’ve only just started streaming we haven’t even gone to games I am what you want mean you’ve been at the top too many times where is DVD DVD will be after the call I’m waiting for Mk o for our for a call where’d he go he’s suddenly not typing in chat hello MK where do you get Discord go here exclamation Discord join the server click that link click that link I’m waiting in a voice channel for you in a private voice Channel how many people stream but a boring oh I’m not surprised I’ve been doing this for a long time and it’s so hard to even get 20 viewers like I have right now I am not surprised you he had to give him the win this [Music] time I’m waiting waiting MK don’t tell me you got cold feet don’t tell me you got cold feet you gifted all all these subs and you decid you don’t want to chat anymore now it’s something little too real too scared to [Music] talk what to do you stream before average like 25 viewers but just got Lu CU he Bas me 20 so I kind of fell off I ain’t going to lie when I first started streaming I used to have like I used to average 50 viewers and in my first month of streaming I averaged 50 viewers and I I literally there’s a stream there’s a recording there’s a clip of me out there saying my gosh I think we can hit partner by the end of the year neck minute 6 years later I’m stuck here we fell off I fell off which animal would I rather be from these three what is that it’s too small is that a pig a cow and an elephant choose one and Y for a day if you immediately become the one chees without getting eaten or sorted if you without getting eaten or S if you became your chosen animal immediately like immediately start transforming it takes two hours to become the animal what a any of them not fa I’ll be any of them any Min miny mo honestly MK us is here hello mk’s he there your m is muted just one any of them how do I even pronounce your you name the vi the vi I’ll take any of them I don’t care you want me to e m hi bunny welcome welcome to the sh the stream how you doing today bunny yeah you can choose for me Thomas okay Thomas make let me make a m note for you MK hello he’s in the VC but he’s not speaking I’m so confused you gifted 20 subs for this and now you’re not speaking you’re my fan nail thank you blenny you should be more active and full of energy you go has a she doesn’t take meds for it cuz you talk the time yeah I’m unmedicated I’m unmedicated he’s fixing his mic I’m waiting shout out to India cow all right I’m a cow you choose cow for me I accept I am cow for 24 hours I had ADHD meds but I didn’t take them like daily so I have the bottles and I would like save them for like one had like an exam or something important on right but then I hid them and now I don’t remember why I hid the bottles so there some there’s like six full bottles of ADHD meds somewhere in my house I haven’t been able to find them for two years what’s subscriber only mode um it means that only subscribers can chat in the chat but I don’t have that equipped that would be pretty detrimental to me if I had that equip I have no Chatters you get your Vance for free really it’s like 60 bucks or something here for my monthly thing work a lot and I talking to people for work you forget forgot brother but yeah I get it cuz social batter yes you may ask more about the cow Thomas give you a dare um I dare you to sub how about that I dare you to sub what’s the Discord you want to talk in chat too well mk’s oh my God he left the VC he paid for this hello what he keeps leaving he’s dragging himself out hello stop running away what do you mean finally I had you moved in for 10 minutes you were muted finally yo i y i all I was pushed off like push what do you want to chat about this is this is your five minutes should we start a timer you said these were your own terms and conditions you said 5 minutes and if we bube it goes longer no I’m just for Vi who for vibes and you got to hit me with all your fun facts that you can fit with five minutes okay I’ll tell you when okay I’ll get it up let me get it up you’re the five minutes now or okay 5 minutes starts now all right off he [ __ ] dragged himself out my God stop dragging yourself out of the VC no you kicked yourself you clicked on the other VC wa get kicked oh my God I can literally see you I had to drag you back in I did not um water all right first of all I have a drink in my hand what are you drinking um Soda Stream perfect same with me Fiji how about yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah self carbonated water again soda stream all right first thing um uhuh I love Australian women I’m from New York what do you think of what do you think of American guys hon I need to know my honest answer for stream a little silly for not the smartest not the brightest tools in the toolbox silly not the smartest guys in the toolbox okay so second thing uh have you been to America I went to um California when I was 10 more than 10 how old are you now more than 10 I don’t know where I went in Califor I was 10 so I wasn’t keep do my parents job to keep track where we were [Music] we we went to Disneyland so I’m guessing La all right what part of Australia are you from um okay so you’re in La of course you’re in Hollywood okay exactly where you are bird bank and I’m I’m in New South Wales Australia New South Wales South Wales Okay so South Wales okay so I’m not south of you know what the capital is no no no yes you’re wrong am I wrong all right let me P my map my map right now my my view of American men has not changed since you since you asked what wait okay wait hold up right now isn’t it Melvin no wait wait I’m calling to right now New Zealand New Zealand right now sorry Australia all y my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault Capital what order would I like to trans no it’s not no shot wait it is J yo wait yeah camra canbera camra oh my God wait what did you call CRA y CRA not really I mean the what do you consider the coast because oh my God per wait Perth is Perth is Coast way I thought Perth might have been it too that was my second guess oh my God what old would you like to transform myography is ass body parts um I would transform into the cow from bottom like from feet to head that’s how it transform into the can okay so so I’m updating my uh my Australia goo right now okay so cityne Southeast cityne Southeast Perth Southwest right like the like the middle of Australia it’s just like the entire the entire Island the Island the island so like from the center of Island that is Australia right you know what I mean so okay so okay so so if I cut Australia in half like down the middle I got Perth my my Southwest I got Sydney my Southeast and then where the hell is K Bar you have 3 seconds left oh it’s Southeast yes you’re you’re Northeast of Melbourne your 5 minutes was up and you spent 9% of it talking about geography is this how you want to be remember all right 100% so okay so how you your uh have you been in New York uh California whatever give him five more minutes we give him five more minutes oh go says you don’t deserve time oh we got a tie here we got a tie Gody says to give give more time and go says to not are you pulling the chat wait we say we say type a one in the chat type a one if you think we give him five more minutes type two if you think no yo chat chat chat hey you com Myer Kendrick give him a chance what I’ll come you anything zero yo chat chat chat chat two oh Val you haven’t even been in here false false Oh no you’re getting voted out wait wait Trix is trying to help you shut stop speaking and think second question all right Trix my sh tries mad’s got no Riz oh first time chatter Blacky over here even says two get him out first time chat is even roasting you oh this is the first message first time chatter getting me out yo yo yo zero business women out of my girl zero business women first time chatter getting me out yo at least get the subs in says one wow Snoodle a hater is giving support that’s crazy Snoodle a hater by trade did not expect a one from Snoodle what oh my my God what’s going on sa mk’s here he get oh my God he [ __ ] left the VC of his owner Court what is he doing he left we we um he gifted 20 Subs to to have a five minute call on stream and the 5 minutes is up and now we’re debating in the chat if we give him more time or not because he spent 90% of it talking about geography how do you feel about this you moved yourself out no one’s touching you I’m the only one that has permission to touch I didn’t doesn’t have dag me out anyways I get another five anyways no no any who okay getting 2 minutes talk about the Kendrick and Drake beef right now okay start now okay all right I’ll get two minutes okay oh what who said that I know you’re Drake down I know you are no what streets are you patrolling Ward on the Street Southeast of what obviously the southeast streets it’s southeast of you have two minutes you doing oh my God you one second two’s in chat two’s in chat he’s wasted he’s wasted another minute he has one minute left wait wait wait wait wait I’m we can’t wait it’s a time left wait 1 second wait am I getting wait there’s wait oh timer you made these ter my God EXC my language excuse me you’re wasting your own time you have 45 seconds this is true okay let’s make some content right now okay all right okay Y what do we want in chat let’s Okay MK what’s your star sign do you know March the end of March AR I’m a March baby so I’m Aries how about yourself I’m the beginning of March my Pisces I am 23rd you know that means we’re not compatible again all right all right let me guess third you’re the third no why are you shocked by that there’s 31 days you could have picked you’re shocked that the first one is not mine all right so that that’s where you went wrong there’s not 31 days in March this is weting up this is just said there not 31 days in March oh my God he’s not helping wait let me pull my calendar he’s not helping he’s not beating the he’s not beating the American men not the sharp sharpest tools shed alligation allegations right he’s not beating the allegations yes is that is that wait is that what people think about Americans he’s not beating the allegations what is chat saying right now I actually don’t even have chat pulled up wait I’m also pulling up my calendar right now not all Americans a lie hold up yeah hold up hold up hold up is an American man I’m not as dumb as you not beating the allegation bro you’re making us look bad oh my God there is 31 days March [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I pulled it up I P up I pull it up up wait am I wait what so so your Pisces yeah I mean it’s not been a secret there’s a whole command for it actually I think it is it even is in my bio no it’s not no you let me know what are we waiting for what’s wait what are we waiting for yeah I’m P up your fire right now oh my God so you are a merch said that you are early March no what Daye what day hey do you want to guess or do you want me to tell you there’s also a command in the chat for it all right let me guess I’ll guess everyone wants you to leave wait if there’s course it’s a very important day come in my birthday Turks wants my birthday let’s quiz Turks right now all right it’s important all right it’s important but I mean give one too many CH let him figure it out no but now you’ve made a claim to need to know if you what welcome back on it no tell me it’s the fourth is it all right one more time guess wait a minute wait all right older than 10 we already establish that one how old are you all right you’re older than the 10 and I’m younger than 30 so guess my age 26 up I am I’m real good on the money God you’re good God you’re C you’re good wait a minute okay so what I’m going to put a finger on you I’m 17 say 23 I’m going to say 23 shut the [ __ ] up okay so we’re going to up that number real quick we’re going to up it by seven and then we’re going to say 23 more than 17 no no no no yeah but you said you’re not you’re going to up 17 by 7 but 23 is not what 7 + 17 go up you’re not beating the allegations he’s not beating the allegations he’s not beating the small the D American once again stream stream stream once again not 17 we’re going to up it and we’re going to go that’s what 7 + 17 is God you’re good God Australians are so much smarter than Americans okay so we’re going to go 24 he’s not beating the alligation g n I’m older than 10 and that’s all I’ll say am I not am I not be allegations okay anyhoo we’re going to do all right stream this is your final question because voted out by the chat they’ve been voting this whole time but you’ve been yeah you got voted out 5 minutes ago but I let you ramble I’m getting voted out that you’re not be any allegations what is chat saying about me verica I don’t see anything in the song request L noodle I’m playing up right now actually I have to let you talk yeah you’ve got over 10 minutes already for the agreed upon five you should be satisfied comparing Kendrick and Drake is like comparing a gourmet burger to a wet piece of lettuce no yo exra I wasn’t talking about you I I I was I was oh he ask oh your oh that’s your vote SLE SLE votes for Veronica okay you guys no you you may answer his question I see chat debating chat debating right now and also you do not need song um points to CH to song requests just exclamation Sr will bring up a Spotify playlist a collaborative playlist that anyone can put requests on and I’ll play the playlist the question was do you prefer Kendrick or Drake whose side are you [Music] [Music] on no one’s answering no one has an opinion on this both garbage I like Kendrick Kendrick makes good music you don’t give a [ __ ] about celebrities MK just muted himself again MK M do you have any any farewells to say to the stream okay he’s gone he’s G oh there he is there he is he’s unmuted okay okay I’m G say your final say your final message to the was that your mod that said yo no you’re good uh yo Kendrick definitely winning I said the in chat it’s uh ghost ghost heavely said Kendrick winning in chat say your final goodbyes MK your time’s up I’m switching to De right now oh my God hey God bless everybody God bless everybody and I love uh Australian women God bless okay okay I said by daylight time is Kisha still here Alicia baby kicia is still here you still want to play Turks do you want to turn give me 4 minutes oh no that’s too long that’s too long we’re switching to gaming if you don’t if you’re not ready now unless you want to play dead by daylight because poor Scooby over here has been waiting real patient real patient the spine on my shoulder oh no there’s a SPID up there been living in my room for the last 5 days now I have a roommate I don’t know how he’s alive how it doesn’t stop death what’s he been eating are there bugs in my room I don’t know about how often do spise need to eat that’s a good question no I haven’t played the Friday 13th game is it good lights [Music] [Music] scoy do you ready the game oh yeah very good oh let cared is this the only car you saw the car me wild wild those are my cars what do you mean what is the number play is it wild AA wild [Music] wild oh okay oh no it’s ACR it’s an ACR B oh okay yeah it’s a piece of [ __ ] compared to my Ferraris you would rather the Vio did did you manage to make it to the K me today or not no I did I asked for sass [Music] update hear his mic and his voice amazing this is Scooby this is I love e support later [Music] on later on touch me I [Music] you DJ might be home soon I’m not too sure he’s picking up his sister or something I don’t know I no I was at his house once and like all the lights were off and I was walking outside to get some drugs and I turned around she was there she looks like you know the chick from The Ring she scared the [ __ ] out of me she just appeared in the [ __ ] Lou room I what she came out why does it only come through now the notification wow wow all right tell us this drama tell us this the T the gossip with the breakup give us the playby play the ramp yeah so I broke up with her like over a week ago and then I like kind of you know when it’s like you know someone’s bad for you but you still love them so you kind of want to get back with them oh well you know you just skill issue then but it was like that so I went in today to like talk to her and had like some flowers and Teddy and [ __ ] and I went to her house to try and talk to her and her parents like skitted up the driveway when I was there the dad got out of the car all pissed off and he said he’d like call the police and [ __ ] even though I hadn’t done anything and he starts going on about like domestic violence and stuff which was [ __ ] because I’ve never like I’ve never like raised a hand or verbally like raised my voice or anything at her how long were you with her so I just had me like [ __ ] shook I was with her for like a year but when that happened I was like what the [ __ ] this came out have you met her parents like many times before and um yeah yeah I knew like a whole family it just came out of nowhere it’s like as far as I can tell like there’s clearly been some lies or something going on about me and were you izy I don’t know but I’m completely over her now it made it very easy to get over her once I jeez figured that out so no feelings all feelings are gone now that killed that killed any SP back on the what’s your username on this no cuz we played together before let me check uh we played Siege and I think I was just CJ invited me on De by my name is the same on everything extra so your man ditch the Tinder and fake women well how else you going to meet women what are you what’s your advice I mean I meet them at the gym I have like a 9% the G 95% success rate in the gym oh yeah cuz I’m lazy would you go back and into a relationship right right away or you going to have a like a little ho face oh [ __ ] call him a little call him B I can have a little relationship well you we’re going to find that say oh I think I haded join Ste would you say you’re a serial monog no no this is only my second relationship my first one lasted a few years and that that one was definitely my fault that breakup this one is who [ __ ] but it was [ __ ] too cuz it’s like we had a kid together and everything that we lost in like a we lost in a um miscarriage so it’s like come out of all this stuff wait so you had a um you almost had a baby with your with your ex or with this last one this this most wow wow that’s a very tumultuous relationship yeah you’ve been together a year and you already almost had a child together that’s crazy were you wanting the kid I haven’t enjoyed a moment oh like it wasn’t planned but I was all for I would have taken care of it I wanted it but she didn’t me select a challenge I got to sabotage some hook on pass the Dutch bang is there a way to text in a Discord Channel yes there should be uh a symbol when you’re in the VC when you hover over there should like a little like speech bubble should pop up the coms aren’t working you’re using a fullon headset but you’re trying to get your boom mic set up man you’re getting setting up a whole studio over there well any any good things happening in your week Scooby yay that’s a celebrate that did you have anything good to eat no not really ien I hadn’t really been eating cuz I was feeling like [ __ ] but now I’ll start eating again you got to got to get that stamina up for all the sex you’re [Music] yay yeah 100% you know like have a have a mid sex break Chey snack I don’t know if it’s just me but I swear I get really hungry off the SE like I always just like get off and go make something to eat you know it’s exercise yeah true girl’s just like laying there and obious I do you leave immediately or you like you know wind it down know yeah no give it give it a minute or two then go make a sandwich make it feel like an object my God you’ve been here since I started streaming for the last two hours and you’re even close to 5,000 yeah you’re not going to get 5,000 one stream I think you get one point per minute or something I think that’s how twitch is set it up cuz I can’t um change that that’s that’s a twitch thing oh why do this stream got less charges on it what pack is that no it’s a brand new part come on Stick the stick the where’s he going he’s right there okay he didn’t go after me I got bugs on me I got to spray myself byebye gine oh [ __ ] he’s nearby I got a sabotage six hook so I’m just going to keep sabotaging the same hook and running away he ran over to the hook so what do you do for work Scooby uh at the moment I’m going back to UNI oh yeah I that’s just last time I’m doing my vet science degree hi Sky how you doing welcome in so what do you what does vet size get you can’t be a full vet can you or is oh I can’t oh okay not Tech what do you need to be just the tech like the assistant you do like vet like you do you want specialize in anything like exotic animals or just just your standard bit um not too sure yeah I did want to be a zoo to own The Zo our family yeah our family’s friends with the Ann family but we’re also friends with the people own and another private zoo in Victoria yeah do you all talk all the vet fames I mean Zoo families talk uh not really no you love my accent thanks Sky I grew it myself is this a chill Wesker he’s not going for anyone no he’s not chill he’s just [ __ ] my mouse switch screens hold on I got all tab for a sec forgot to scroll lock it okay like this car kind of DC I’m still injured hello man is coming I’m going to hide since I’m injured oh [ __ ] why did he why did he yeah he didn’t even go you not much of a choice is it he just wants you yeah bit of a s I should have sabotaged this hook use too many double vpns and encrypted Texas what are you doing tox hello I’m stream you just going to hang out there for a while while I do this gen um you’re right you got like another 20 seconds cool cool cool cool I think this Ace is coming to get me I think he thinks no one’s coming to get me he’s now just run by you oh he’s coming for me no he’s not never mind you got to come grab me now I’m about to hit second phase please you took too long Y no I hit second phase you [ __ ] you took long it then and now he’s now he’s chasing yeah I didn’t Ace brought him over here blame Ace I’m on death with oh no he’s going to oh what the [ __ ] is Ace doing try and sabotage the hook that’s next to you the one that I was just on he’s gone off to the other chick just I [ __ ] it cuz I started saing H come come where’ go what the [ __ ] am I blind oh I’m right next to you yes yes you are very blonde I needed to do my sabotage I [ __ ] it up I need to saou six hooks oh he’s [Music] coming I’m coming home coming home tell the world I’m coming why is this gen so [ __ ] was like halfway on you keep doing that I’ll get the other guy I know if you want to risk that you might get killed oh [ __ ] just let him hang there while we get why did he even come this way [ __ ] on you know that my death is because of you I can live with that well you could have gone the J any time you just didn’t I could have not let the killer over what she get um gizman and Gomez are having $10 burrito balls and stuff for sink of De DEA I don’t know if that applies to the app oh e op is good [Music] we should have just started a different gen I’m not going to be able to get this gen it’s just coming back too much so many things to try when you make it down then you’re going to have to stay for a month just e the food are you going to come safe for Monster Jack Jack you let me know okay hi Alec you want to come play we’ve got Scooby here who’s a level 1 billion player but he got me killed and we’re not happy about it too bad you won’t make it much further come on see I going to sabotage that hook for you still alive some someone let me get to maybe face was on a j PGA what is that how old am I again above 10 more than 10 years old per [Music] golf tiny Hawks part golf Hy if it’s any consolation just let me get the second stage as well how we really [ __ ] this game though we going so we have one generator left and now we’re all dying well I’m dead we have one generator left ice I want the Tony HW golf game that’s the golf game I are you going to let him die yeah [ __ ] 100% 100% Tony Hulk’s your favorite golf fist mine too maybe second maybe second favorite LeBron James is my first I think Mike Tyson’s your favorite that’s yeah that’s a good option why thought you could have let him die you could have just left the this Wesco was camping you could have just gone and open a gate while he was hanging yeah well now he’s going to chase us again and I can actually go and open the [Music] gate you have resilience right now be opening this door so quickly just saying how many hours you have in this game yeah a lot of might th000 a a few yeah I can check probably I can check you don’t know you can just tell cuz I’m the only one have two more hooks I just have to stay alive two more hooks how many do I have ah 177 on this account how many counts you got I used to play on console and then I had another account with probably about 500 Fant 176,000 record okay okay okay someone used to make a show where they make athletes play against each other in a sport that isn’t theirs I’d do that now but that’s any sport wait no that would be so good if you get like a professional like who’s like a professional one sport and then make them verse like an everyday person like me in a sport that neither of us are good at and see what happen they would still but maybe then wouldn’t maybe they wouldn’t though the athlete would win it’d be funny no they wouldn’t they would atic abilities are very no athletic abilities are very transferable yeah cuz you would still lose by a lot I could take Mike Tyson at golf I reckon that’s not how the game works smash that’s not the rules doing good doing good the game made it so make the boys jump on it how was your day how’s your weekend being are you going to tell Mike Tyson that like yes I’m going to tell Mike Tyson why you guys so afraid of Mike Tyson everyone’s always like why are you afraid to tell someone they’re wrong just cuz they’re bigger than you [Applause] especially if you have a gun as well like play a gun at Mike Tyson then you know doesn’t really like if he’s done something wrong I tell him if Mike Tyson was my Barista and you like made my coffee wrong I’ll be like hey you made my coffee wrong I’m I’m going to [ __ ] out just cuz M tyon we not in a boxing rooming just reg regular people if if that’s how you guys act like like if you if Mark Mark TOS going to [ __ ] off if you tell him he’s call are you guys scared to tell anyone that is at a physical advantage to you that they’re wrong you can’t live your life like that if I live my life like that I wouldn’t be able to speak to anybody men are my natural predator bro I I w’t be able to tell any of you guys do live in fear live in spite yeah I tell you off in spite of you sabotage of H who is Ed if it was like Ed G if Ed G made you coffee would you tell him that he was wrong oh he’s the you know leather face was based off Ed you [ __ ] bird [ __ ] I’m just hide by this hook until my sabot thing cools down oh [ __ ] she is nearby you’re going do whatever the [ __ ] a game wants you don’t want to end up as this newest piece of furniture no let me die I want to be captive of his forever never let him take you to a second location you know kill yourself beforehand oh I’m rubber banding I’m teleporting oh yeah you got hooked oh no oh [ __ ] like good old scoid who is not making that of this one I got birded I got bed bird bird bird bird is the word oh yeah what is off the Record off the Record just not [ __ ] work anymore it’s supposed to not let me just get immediately [ __ ] killed off the hook yeah one one might say that considering I had less than 10 seconds oh [ __ ] she’s coming for [Music] me no I I got hi Ice King couldn’t even sabotage a hook before wait I already read that I don’t think we’re winning this game it’s not in the not in the cards Tower says no computer says no how I say I’m I’m pretty mediocre you should ask Scooby how his day is run little sa run oh they trying they’re trying their best is once some one every on in the other come get me go come get me oh I hit second stage [Music] again yeah she’s a tough tun she’s a tunneler I’m dead here tell she lost me run girl run I’m dead on this hook oh she left me you want to hop down and finish me off well you going to that’s what she said yes please or you want me to get down and finish you off you talking about D or something else oh my God she blind she blind oh [ __ ] oh sh wants to finish I thought she was going to go in your girl on girl action oh my oh [ __ ] it’s done we managed to get we only managed to do two jennies why didn’t they p man okay it’s just warm up it’s fine first two games don’t count no it doesn’t neither of them count it G Count second one doesn’t [ __ ] upate I think she’s lost me she got find hiding in plain sight hiding in plain sight roll for the hatch it’ll spawn next to you trust if this chick just hurries up and just lets go yeah right behind the boot watch it’ll spawn in front of that vanin oh [ __ ] there she is she’s see me no no oh she coming we wiggle oh my God it actually did bro I was wrong I told you it was going to spawn there I’m going to go buy a lottery ticket my God hello lucky how lucky but unlucky cuz I still died I mean I count it as death we lost just count it as we lost I’m going in for the kill I’m doing it for a thrill and I’m hoping you’ll understand any more okay I complete that level two high than 10 minut of the kill have been caught for 60 seconds okay that I get the feeling something horrible is about to happen I’m going to do a risky play here you’re going to judge me I swear if you’re doing that basement [ __ ] what can I say I like to be alone in the dark by myself it’s comforting I didn’t even realize until you said it before the same age as well no I didn’t yeah you said before it was 23 didn’t you I swear my life like ages ago not when that guy was guessing but like some like I read 23 chat I’m I’m not 23 I am an age younger or older yeah one of them oh yeah I did guess I would have gone like [Music] 26 she ignored it she ignored it guys she’s 26 confed here today we need more people to play custom how old do you think I look okay so that’s what my face looks like she 26 okay I’ll take it yeah about that 69 years old [Music] [Music] there’s Ki waiting for me outside in the kitchen and you grab a bowl of but everyone’s talking out there and I don’t want to get caught don’t want to get caught up chatting with them just want to grab my food and come back oh I’m running into the killer immediately love that oh it’s a skull mat how do get [ __ ] why she have no Terror radius oh it’s just like it like a [ __ ] F made a terror radius that’s sick I’ve only played against the skull like once before how do I how do I live you don’t you die this is not good for me oh my God I [ __ ] hate this killer oh yeah people some talk about like a medium Vault what the [ __ ] is a medium vault it’s like when you’re sprinting from the side and you’re like not completely slow but you’re still pretty slow scared I am scared every day my godamn life Saint every day every damn day say say how old get me out of this match I hate SK Merchant oh what the [ __ ] why is she have no terrores like the third time I’ve vers this killer and I hate this killer yeah [ __ ] this I’ve got us with the invocation it’ll help greatly I’m potentially doing it 9% faster I look 24 to 27 interesting attack that drone and didn’t get CAU what the [ __ ] you think I could play a teenager in a High School drama stop it Stacy we have history in sixth period she coming is she coming here someone told you you look 19 yeah when I went to get a facial oh my god really walked all this way no I at 90% don’t hit me I swear to God I swear to God it’s so close to being done oh we J how did she manag to carry you all this way without you wiggling out you didn’t fight it did you yeah you [ __ ] you’re really sabotaging my game today just letting me die but I could have tried got some blood points for it yeah you got the struggle points then well I do have theack it but don’t have it equipped in this build I could have unhooked myself and you someone told you you look 19 yeah my facial lady when I went to get a facial other day she thought I was nice oh yeah we’re like talking about life and she was like oh you’re still so young like you still have so much time to make a decision what you want to do you only just finished school right and I was like what and she was like you look like a 19 and I was like H yes um yeah you started streaming when you were what 13 perhaps where’s my my day our view isn’t working oh I would find that odd cuz you said you were getting more viewers 6 years ago well no matter how old I was sitting watching a 1y old stands like they still obviously liked me when I was younger what now she’s being run through why did you stay that what does the red skulls at the next to the perks mean oh that’s theob to go against this woman no I don’t you have the worst specific circumstances like when the Killer’s AFK my gen got blocked [Music] I play a lot of dead by daylight um I suppose like I’m new to it but I’ve played a lot like like in the short time I’ve been playing it you know what I’m saying yeah oh CJ’s home surely you can hop on for sure what huge an is going down none of us are making it out this mat to do one come with me buddy we’re doing this gen we’re going to at least get one done we’re at least getting one done oh you didn’t come with me he’s going for the immediate save got’s a gentleman [Music] everywh you’d only play if you could be the Killer she scares me you got everything unlocked how long have you played this game for T how many hours you have in this she also has the some pack that makes silent skill checks I’m not getting a sound notification when I’m getting a skill check what rip CJ doesn’t want to talk to you I’m an angel I’m nothing but a delight to interact [Music] with can’t my chat want to play just remember that just remember that this is this is a s Behavior yeah yeah here I was playing game with you keeping you company cuz You’ gone through a tough week and now you’re leaving me oh [ __ ] I missed the last skill check I was like one click away I die here but I stick it I stick it [ __ ] I missed it again I got scared maybe she’s a nice SK imine confused she’s just standing here what’s happening here I’m going just go mind my own business am I going to do any reaction videos today no just oh he’s left he already left he didn’t even wait till the end of the game he left already oh my God I looked at the chat I miss a skillet well do I switch games so I switch to all six [ __ ] it happened too quickly I pressed space but it was too late [ __ ] I did it too early this time I just keep blowing up the Chets that was like three skill checks in a row I [ __ ] f up see the substance I abuse the ugly places that I live [ __ ] hell every time I look away why the sil let go check oh now I got sounds there’s a hex there’s a hex sever [Laughter] the [ __ ] is going on here where’s Maurice where’s is he over here I heard him before where’s Maurice Pat Maurice we Pat mace Pat Marice Pat Marice good horsey what’s up here let’s get an item [ __ ] my good let me heal him since she’s being nice look at the healing points what they go where everyone go are we chasing what’s happening it’s getting C oh I just rubber banded I teleported I’m me heal you Hy give me the points it is getting cold it’s getting so cold here and raining every day for like it rained like all the time last week and it’s going to rain all the time this week like so two weeks in a row of rain where’s the generator what the [ __ ] where is he I here upstairs my fu his face oh it’s cuz I got no one to talk to now do I stay in dead by daylight or do I swap to like Rainbow Six Siege or something after this match [Music] you shall still wait for the reply back what did you send me I can’t see what it is because you sent a [Music] picture it’s you and a text a picture of you [Music] I hope that one day why not we do like weekly movie nights and stuff [Music] [Music] are we do slug race do slug race SL Grace yeah oh neck and neck with the dude next to me who wins we do weekly well I haven’t done it in a bit but weekly movie night so can hop in the Discord cool then I am in control request you back don’t leave you hang what are you talking about on it no you don’t even shoted him anyway you’re sleeping hold me back all right does anybody want to play dead by daylight or should I switch should I switch to Rainbow six se oh actually OverWatch Need to do my weeklys for OverWatch cuz I’m not playing in silence okay OverWatch time shaking my head to play Without Me Oh I have scroll that on wow oh watch [Music] to am dying for conversation that’s a title No OverWatch time but y do that but dangerous wow wow furthermore I’m her live in a constant state of fear and misery do you miss me anymore and I don’t even notice when it hurts anymore anymore anymore anymore I want to get a ball Cari I’m hungry that’s your estrogen I’m really pressing Pretty P the rest [ __ ] after this match I’m going out I’m doing it I’m just trying to avoid getting stuck in conversation who’s in the VC Misty foxes hi Soldier how you doing today hello having a good weekend yo nothing held back everything held back why my grenade not throw down how we doing tonight terrible terrible lonely oh oh oh how was your ooh ooh very unproductive mine was very productive clean my room I clean the bathro feel fresh feeling good little reset y okay we got a chat we got a chat Lucio just [Music] get in there thanks was it wor it did you have fun being Nano I had uh such good fun oh [ __ ] got dad going off with Anna not really this is a warm up match this is first match of the night I you’ve been playing tonight Jaa an eagle you guys playing tonight it’s my first first match of the night on OverWatch ooo over there tactical visor activated I missed that sleep up big time do something oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she’s right there what you why are you apologizing that’s what it’s there for it’s to be used to interact with each other go for a got chat away chat as much as you like score to one I never asked my father his opinion of me now he is beyond my reach I’m sure he was proud even if he never said it haven’t played OverWatch 2 in some time I know just not vibing it how come I feel like the Skins this season are pretty good but this most of them are like pay painful you can’t unlock them just annoying just scummy money hungry [ __ ] up this Lucio Jun Queen doesn’t believe me that we were talking before actually I mean oh my God stop running for me oh my eny keep running for me break the C I still have addicted full pie used to play they end up quitting and solo queing wasn’t yeah it’s exactly what happened to me I lost my stack it’s just not fun to play alone you know it’s definitely a game [Music] why is he keep running away the hza no one’s going for this far yeah it’s definitely a game that gets boring real quick playing alone I kill the fire geta you’re power up get in there I didn’t do it oh this so annoying I keep getting a low but I can’t finish her I tried to make you proud oh missed my [Music] sleep oh my God MK you’re still here still lucking good night I go out on my sleep well King sleep sleep well in your New York apartment I’m consume youir she slept she slept ah she’s one hit she flew away I don’t know where she went where is she I hate that ho oh my God oh my God all my homies hate [Music] far figure out this won’t you take me by take me somewhere I’m with you with you is everything so confusing [Music] my yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what other games I play we were just playing dead by daylight before and then we’re on our fourth playthrough of Fallout 4 what we play Rainbow Six Siege we have fortnite I haven’t played that in a long time I think I have to reinstall it valerant as well um yeah yeah I’m o sorry I had little bit there going to um grab a bowl of Curry I’ll be right back don’t go anywhere don’t go anywhere oh like why Grand not done [Music] all right you also play that by daylight oh very good I just hopped off cuz I was playing alone and again that game is like one where it’s like not fun to play alone I got my Curry very nice mix it around a bit think about everything that we had if we ever broke up B to me all these I’m begging on my knees hi vashion how you doing welcome back how’s your weekend seems okay it’s real quiet but it is what it is no yaers yeah I’m having a silent night too I’m quite new to the game I’ve only been playing for about a month ja but I’ve sunk in I’ve already managed to sink in 100 hours in that month but I’ve only been playing Survivor stream stream still here I’m tanking let’s play Malo I’m the only one in VC a gun in each hand and a smile on my face here I come you a buut yes you didn’t want to be the only one I never had one I believe I have pictures no mistakes no mercy M no Mercy vishar is offering a large Su for your arrest and what they sent you to intimidate me inom let’s play the smart oh no I died oh that’s so sad oh no so sad I have an opportunity to eat oh that was embarrassing sure you may be verified on Twitter but are you verified thank for a citizen a cring city enjoy say because you cannot leave refunds no exchanges and no dual citizenship policy so you’re stuck here with a name like ja Binks do you celebrate May the 4th that was yesterday [Applause] that’s um taking a nap I’m going for the honor in the back stomp that [ __ ] you really can’t get back into the gro we try to play comp or oh quick play time to get serious we need to their progress I’m here sold on Route damn I’m just dying instantly got to swap not great my G oh [ __ ] we bring out the orisa ah oh my God I’m just getting [ __ ] eaten not we’re going to watch a few movies but you had other plans you had to attend forun what did you do what plans did you have oh man te HTI pushing the system h ow I just get taken out [Music] immediately finally a kill oh God my God that was so rough sorry team I couldn’t be a better say play of the game what you do for work oh hi baby Brooke how you doing baby Brooke thank you for becoming a citizen of cringe City enjoy say because you cannot leave having fund exchanges and no citizenship policy say St you how you doing a chef what kind oh jealous I wish I could cook and each hand and a smile them up with tears good thing I have both maybe one day hi and how are you going today 5 4 3 2 1 I’m all right good how about you did you have a good weekend with this fair enough fair enough that’s for the weekend [ __ ] all this weekend to recharge run from me you little to see you yeah beat him up where she go I’m helping you out over here going crazy now art museum for dinners that’s a fancy Art Museum office dinner W woo we have enemies on the Let’s go Team let’s go next [Music] Point surrender such a romantic oh no well we capture this all a little bit of that tell me but whatever happen that was embarrassing [Music] eny let’s go oh I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up you’re stuck in it yeah you’re trapped with me where did he go yeah point is mine thank you I got the team kill for patching me up that shortest play of the game this little to he’s too scared he scared to try I’m feel taking care of you’re welcome sec let come this way get him sick him you my sight it’s been forever since you played this just realized that ain’t the little HS you’re playing as no I’m playing a big island a guy called malga okay let’s things up bananas hey monkey get funy get off my get off my support who w we won you’re stuck in here with me to you’re stuck in here with me to he stuck in here with me oh he’s so low yes we got this Shorty all that team is dead just [Music] twoo it’s just just a tank left yes nice job to join me [Music] F and so they got funky ratra oh yeah a couple SE ago I think I think there’s been two since I have to like check the hero gallery enemy not nice EMP he got his all stay out of my way let’s go we [ __ ] them up yeah yeah his name’s [Music] M who me I got some chicken and potato Curry here okay and rice n n night version I’m all right I was not very productive today but now I’m streaming so that counts as being productive what do you guys think shark five is going to be about what do you think the plot will be hey I was looking at the butt let’s do this you cannot Escape me they’ve got a turret what was I life griped for don’t know why I like this R and K FS probably oh yeah yeah yeah for sure that’s what Shrek is going to be about look at this everybody what high in with the the Marvel Universe they give Shrek Hammer not bad at all he start smashing things stop that from pushing enemy turret ahead surrend will forc retirement does wonders is the Somebody Loves You already treats you good [Music] wait ready for this you’re ready for this you’re stucking it with me [ __ ] I got two double kills instead of just full kills shark makes a Hulk and they fall in love what about fi what about his three children team kill team fin donkey ends up kissing p and then I don’t like that I don’t like that at all girl barricades on the move easy my sights holding after She-Hulk Marvel have PL to make solo Hulk series called World War Hall hey it’s me it’s me I’m not a bad [Music] way I think it’s because they’re trying to milk it too much they’re trying to make too much out of it instead of just investing in a few projects and giving them the budget they need and like making it good you know they’re spreading themselves thin trying to trying to do it all goodbye 4 3 2 1 attackers incoming stop the payload I will not leave a broken World Behind little granny legs I missed my name I needed that I got suck I got stuck on the wall Bad Boys four which one’s the Bad Boys movie I’m going to need a plot Refresher you make all of reinhard’s Miss over there fting over there you want it oh she ate my name no we didn’t stop that from touching no one can hide from my sight correct en don’t [ __ ] with me [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] with me good night take a [ __ ] nap where did I die from W Smith mons I’m not it’s not ringing a bell I’m going to need a plot synopsis it’s her noon Mery stop the payload checking in being done I remember this feeling I I don’t know what to do now what to go just throw aen H Team kill still some fight is ready get in the I make work meet your fate oh God oh God oh God run hide byy no man they cops to do their own thing while way causing oh okay okay now starting ring Bild you fine ring a bell oh yeah and Will Smith gets like he doesn’t he get like moved to that department or something to work with him because like he’s has a history of like [ __ ] up his case or am I thinking one no I’m thinking the one with Eddie Mafi what’s that one he like I don’t want a upon this respect your surroundings [Music] how far did you cycle how [Music] much let me take a look [Music] I keep you up I’m let’s give them this McCree needs to okay okay you’re power up get in there this this McCree still holding on to his all I’ve been waiting for him to use it I was waiting for him the whole time to use it so I couldn’t out him and he was using it I outed him and he still didn’t use it my God that’s a lot of kilometers bro 14 to 16 kilm I’m here keep fighting don’t I see you yes you’re still at whack right now right okay damn I [ __ ] up my under attack [ __ ] up my sleep damn we really brought that back bro 10,000 healing of I did do great I did do great oh sorry I hit the microphone tell your friends to relax at home want some piz CH they want your Cy yeah relaxing a pizza sounds good you know what sounds better cycling 16 km I could really go for a quick cycle just a quick 16 km oh yeah of course hey Sunday I’m silly m I will not leave a broken World Behind stay close I can’t hear you if you stray I bear my burdens as best I can I drink energy drinks no do you you wanted chicken Tika Pizza WAOW chicken Tika pizza schwarm I want a schwarmer what the [ __ ] going on I don’t know who to look at do I do damage to heal di to a ball I’m not finished Sigma present actuating the Mario let go my God he got yings blazing Mass kind waste of wow the your fast food places in India sounds so much more experimented and like unique what anyone else have heard like you’re always telling me about some random [ __ ] combinations your fast food chains are offering on Pizza what was that your MC is had some weird [ __ ] no I like it I I want to try some of this stuff like if I ever came to India you know you know if I ever felt safe enough to do that I’m I’m coming one by with you we’re meeting up okay and I want to go try some [ __ ] you got to take me around to the fast food come back oh [Music] [ __ ] the barri weakened hes are taking the OB you’re down get in there oh my God yeah good I’m pleased you guys are talking I makes me really pleased that you guys are using my services using my server to like connect you know that’s what’s there for no one ever chats in the VCS they’re all too scared noodle pizza another day another mission man I’m so excited nice make your preparations careful research is effective research just don’t feel right do one more time now when you and your friends go back on time way just made Maggie and some oh my God reer please help me where did he go I saved him but not myself oh already died anyway there was a small fast food in your college for you prob always made some best girl sound please won’t give [Music] in just from above w you’re power up get in there Ry come back oh my God why did he charge a point but capping it why did you do that of days I’m trying my hardest they have Superior numb freeze don’t move I see your [Music] [Music] I know that looking an old I Wrong someone dear to me I want stupid love trying I hope so 3 2 maybe we should go back to just chatting was popping off of just chatting stupid I’ve got you the point needs to be taken I’m under [Music] attack what the [ __ ] no one why is no one go to the [ __ ] slep tank I don’t get it I appreciate the support thank you I am unable why can’t I healed hi unhinge glitched sh with those socks are just panties for defeat yeah that’s true and vice versa can someone like turn around and like look at the [ __ ] to you know far this team keeps ignore the obvious targets I’m trying to think about what my most recent child thoughts in to that was I had a thought it was like same Vibes as that your power down get in there your you’re welcome enemy s here why is Noone killing this [ __ ] my team please H my off Maguire was my queen Grand my idol I wanted to crimp my hair just like hers in fact I got my hair caught in a paper crimper is under attack had one second on my nade I got my hair caught in a paper crimper trying to crimp my hair like her was a kid I have to like cut it out I go out on my turn yester what is that Melody universe is singing I am un me your one second off myo there is Al Lucio no we have a Lucio beaken clearing the oh he sord close to death [ __ ] what do you call him doomfist was one to touch [Music] him let the dragon consume damn [ __ ] him up girl you’re power up get in there yes [ __ ] him up he’s purple you got this it’s just the one Doom you can [ __ ] him up no way how are they losing to the singular D system’s running hard there was three of us against him and I purpled him oh it’s over defeat who are you choosing on hinged are you choosing Hillary or my to the [Music] aspirant change roll what do we got to do dailies we have have to C rolls we do have to c z rolls I just want to play support reaction no I’m not doing reaction V what that’s I don’t do that I’m not a reaction Channel you’re going to catch me in the first hour if you want something like that first hour is just chatting that’s what we do that but now it’s gaming time it’s gaming hours [Music] ma R hello RAR how’s your day going no never mind no Mike a gun in each hand and a smile on my face Angela I can call you Angela right for you Dr IGA a I’m a little hurt doctor D oh my God R doesn’t speak it’s so sad why do no one speak at any games anymore it’s so lonely gaming these days gaming is not all it used to be I am the superior mder oh yeah is vure out yet is vure character I want this point I haven’t seen anybody play Venture yet I’ve got a few tricks I’ve got acks damn no team n we’re going to just let him take the point My ultimate is almost ready not today not today no stop trying to hook me bro keeps trying to hook the where did he go [ __ ] up now we wait now we wait we don’t stay too close to the edge no hooking he really just pushed us out of Bastion piggy just pushed us out of bashes all he cocked his teammate thank you trying to let it go trying to get let’s take things up a notch now we’re talking we’re coming from the sky damn all the Tarts they got in there oh she jumped too high she jumped too high for the r that was embarrassing the battle oh God that’s just too much DPS that was just too much best round oh TS Bastion all Ts TS tets To Who It All what experience do you possibly bring to this Mission last week my friends and I S A Hashimoto party boat so nothing this one thing that got me tripping is this one thing that got me tripping it is this one thing it’s just one thing you did w round you can’t pull me in you won’t pull me in oh the [ __ ] the lamp basion should be dead what the [ __ ] we need to oh we swapped to Arissa we swapped to Aisa only is this one thing you did w I just I’m just getting [ __ ] plowed through I don’t know no I haven’t watched any of the races iard them it was so annoying like doing so much damage but I could kill him I must what the rubber ducky finally finally are you in I thank you finally [Music] come around the corner come around come around do that no I will not my [ __ ] get pushed again get pushed again oh a I could have aled on him oh coming I should have pressed q and brought him in with me play of the game what efficient the widow have the most kills on our team what is he talking about what is he talking about that money bring everything oh the richest baby one anything to attack no reaction videos oh moist f is in the VC moist f is in the VC that’s a beautiful name Mo was it your mother’s why seek answers when we do not know the I promise to take this one serious hello F inquiry is unnecessary we will win but if you don’t know how do you in no not you think you H me you think he AFK should I try again should I say my line again initi [Music] no why I don’t feel like it you know I just don’t feel like winning that’s a lot of work do you always feel like winning mat you always feel like winning actuating the barrier cing the area barter barrier unsuccessful oh Super Boy think that I need him and then what and now what to you just ignore my [ __ ] Boulder bom into the [Music] uh the m over there actuating the barrier all the barrier weak barrier unsuccessful finish this [ __ ] off my God winning is for loses I agree I agree winning is for losers barrier initialized barri has overwhelmed yeah no resing for you the universe is sing to me I’ll do what I have to do who wal away yeah we made it we won we’re losers we’re losers play of the game you fell asleep in your back did you have a good nap a nice 4our nap you feel refreshed the counter it wasn’t me banging on the S it wasn’t me in the shower it wasn’t me even got me on camera on my shoulder that I told her yeah what you dream about tell me in great detail to attack sect your hero this we will both Walter why Walter I was just on the other [Music] team C confusing you want skydiving okay answers yeah what happened question I was in the world of Fallout in my dreams this morning I was in like the Fallout like Universe you know Fallout 4 wal which should put your Walter away wal oh put your win in way Walter attack coming barri initial hey colling the bar oh that’s the first time I’ve seen someone play Venture barri has on the objective GA and there were dogs everywhere oh wow what you do say w no one can hide from my sight you do anything productive this [Music] weekend payload in motion stay appears the barri weaken hey in the universe is singing to me actuating the barrier no Oneil barri barri has been overwhelmed I’m not so sure oh no I died that team play kill streak though both you must Carry On You must succeed where I could not at least you got one and a half th000 stream points while sleeping PX did I kill myself I killed myself according to the according to the the feed Begin Again tell the devil I said hi that’s okay you have to be at every single I mean like obviously I’d love you to be at every single stream but no let’s be realistic from the brink once more no one can hide from the universe does not wait when the sun setsa the barri the barrier she die why you live cre me just keep healing me boy oh no where Walter wal payload in motion stays in motion whereas the payload at rest stays at rest progresses oh put your dick away Walter do not payload must follow its course put it into motion no one can hide from my sight self self cap itri initial wal we did it Walter Victory let M [Music] alone of the spend mine when I can spend yours we won wal take your thck Out w we won Hey sister soul sister I never finished Breaking Bad I never finished it I have no idea what happens in the end I can’t remember why I stopped watching I think maybe season 3 m baby mama hey hey hey touch my skin feel so am I going to play any Val games anytime soon I haven’t played valerant in like a year leave behind you not to Esa what did you eat this week since you have been here for a while give us a recap of any good foods you’ve eaten how you doing today just me have you had a good weekend hello oh oh hello hello have you had a good weekend hello is that a yes yeah yeah myad this Zen is just absorbing damage bro it’s okay it’s just quick play I have the wall you’ll have to try harder than that it’s all about DPS or who’s taking the point oh no oh no thank you my DPS should be down there with you help you go [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up you’re powered up get in there she [ __ ] up her all she [ __ ] up her all hi n where’ your sub go I don’t know where did it go not the end you want to come play you want to come play with me you know there’s also like a massive health pack Lally there thank you my she’s asleep [ __ ] her up a [ __ ] I got symetric is there a gun next your head in game yes yes I still have some fight in me you see how SP I was with that killed one slept one kept walking aside so smooth so smooth that was what are the Beats beats beats what ghost enemy I’m on my game no you’re doing fine I’m I’m sorry I’m actually really bad brought it back to 99 you’re up look at that we won the round it wasn’t a 4H hour nap how long was the nap score to Z you didn’t ask that question before did you eat anything good this week since you haven’t been here all week we need a food recap if you had anything good that we should be envious about I hope they put up a fight we are just better have you had a productive weekend you done anything interesting one round two the finalize their demise just went to our kid that’s about woke up at 9 your time I fell back asleep oh okay so when you woke up so when you came to my stream that was you were just what about you this [ __ ] is trying to [ __ ] with me [ __ ] the [ __ ] [Music] the um yeah no nothing much productive this weekend just playing games yeah I don’t get anything productive I um This song is called 3% cannot es by no it’s by 3% that’s my who is this hi X it’s funny how the any Gos in salty stream think it’s funny I think it’s a crime as if that sleep didn’t land are you kidding I’m fine fine that sleep 100% should land on that Bastion before I died the bullet had left my gun of these days I’ll end up in Fiji on the I’m coming back I’m coming back jump back to me if you can oh no time to apologize it’s fine sorry I’m I’m trying to get that no you’re power up get in there how are you doing exit enemy over there it’s go step aside step aside oh I got got oh you know my name yeah you do it’s not a secret though is your name Brian this is not the end [Music] [Music] oh my God I’m getting pushed oh [ __ ] what’ you think my name was AA tocharge poopy pants poopy pants Miss poopy pants your reservation is ready I still have some fight in me [Music] okay weird Choice good not you never thought about it my B name salty salt from the womb don’t put don’t push run over time just come back to the point protect it yay see we won y we going to have dinner I already have dinner yippe yipp [Music] you to hope you have a nice day or life what a whome little fell they the car yeah car and I oh wish still got to play if we win the next two games we only have to play two more games of flex you got to play Four wait n you getting on oh you coming to play get the VC oh I’m already in the VCF for but [Music] I change this [Music] song oh that’s a good song how’s your week being nightmares um actually it been good her Herby with the b b i e her not happy like happies I don’t know I heard him getting yelled out before earlier heard him through the door getting yelled at you keep getting shot by someone you can’t see what you’ll never play OverWatch again cuz it pisses you off people you got you just got to get good ASA get good it usually helps to turn your mon on that’s me me learn a new trick you can name one of your own dogs nen pick left or right name it herpy the dog the dogs in him get those dogs out have we play much of season right um actually not really I’ve [Music] been not playing this game at all what think B level is V just available to everybody is this do you know I have to unlock the new character in the battle pass is it just free just available uh no that’s it’s all the characters past and present so much for that fre know play oh [ __ ] I killed myself [Music] we coming [Music] through okay you just hiding in your room Brian playing in your F oh here we go I’m dpsing I can try out this is the longest Discord chat you’ve ever have a new amazing friend I’m so glad tur it’s I’m really happy to see you using the VC no one ever uses the VC no one ever just hangs out we got talkers someone just spoke that’s illegal hi tuna I’m speaking I watch let’s history hello how you doing todayy my favorite no I’m I’m pretty good do I do I know you do you know me yeah I you just sounded like just spread your name like you knew me just from how friendly you were people don’t exist watch hi bless I guess that’s why I’m I’m bugging out I don’t know how to react to Z minutes watching give me [Music] [ __ ] see this [Music] goes I’m going to let him live I like him this is my first time playing this new character expect not much the other day you would have joined me oh what when plus P thank you for becoming a citizen a cringe City enjoy day because you cannot leave we have stuck here she’s better than me at the game her aim is so [Music] good how do I [ __ ] find this character have value let a to who’s Brian m don’t know no br’s here whoa I just glitched my name Jeff my name Jeff is my thing even hitting or am I too far away how short is this how short is my it’s pretty short b b b this guy is useless a m l sitting alone in VC I will come n administer mom I threw up oh I I got a kill D you kill [Music] them come for me Rob no yes oh my God H back are you going to redeem o sound how you doing today hyra do I have any guests what do you mean in my house right now don’t know Hydra the name above you your eyeballs go bro I this is really I’m getting no value what does my ALT do tectonic shock probably have around a few milon points your gambling spr I don’t even have a few I don’t even have a female no I’ve never play before I need help okay um only took me like 3 minutes but I got my old let’s try it out I di I don’t know what it does I aimed at the ground cuz I thought it was going to be like reinhardt’s Shadow but but but I think it’s like a gun yeah thank you oh what I was under the ground how did I this character useless get okay okay let me let me let me do something let me do something let me tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you something no when I stop asking when I playing Siege well I was going to maybe play Siege tonight but then OverWatch [Music] one oh I played Siege last can play tomorrow if you want you play with me oh I wonder if I take surr surrender to my tower reading yeah I got the C righty here yeah check it out got thing baby you got me by a string baby get you sketched about it I have no hope what they were very sad I don’t know talking about don’t make me sad I love you more than sex appeal that girl girl well how you going to do that you don’t have a PC to One V one on okay my bad U we’ll see we’ll see I don’t know maybe I give up maybe I give up maybe I resort to like sketch or skit comedy you know try to try to be popular on the tick talks with the kids maybe that gets me noticed you have PC you don’t have a PC here can’t One V one you right now now you don’t have anything you’ve been spooked and haunted before so you don’t mess with the spirit things I have a Ouija board upstairs why it’s been here for like 8 years now I think if anything was going to happen it would have happened by now it’s literally made by harabo like I think it’s fine don’t think there’s any negative energies in that board don’t [ __ ] with that [ __ ] you’re eight years too late with that warning I’ve already [ __ ] with it hi SL puppet how are you it’s all about confidence [Music] baby she was a confident [Music] lady she’s driving me crazy I’ll find the picture for you me playing with the wer board at schoolies hold on [Music] that [Music] sound it’s all about baby here it is prepare for battle select your hero that’s me and the pink Tow and Aaron Davey the Ouija board and a lot of a lot of sers and the Ouija board hold on let me just swap to let me get the big screen up the big camera up real quick wow wow it’s the real Aaron dve look at me I look Poss Aaron Davy I’m the demon I summon myself with the Ouija board it looks like you yeah we did drunk a lot of alcohols I’m trying to tilt it I think it’s just sumers be what you drinking hold on my angles are the camera is opposite I’m trying to it’s [ __ ] with my head the way I’m trying to we got the game salty quick I’m I’m coming wow oh it’s a flash point one yuck oh I’m tanking wow yep did Luigi pop out of it no I’m popped out of it you want to usea yeah I do I have youed it alone uh yeah hold of the Luigi board if he doesn’t pop out yeah pretty worthless bro I spent like $50 on that board okay let’s take things up a notch gr up here comes with batteries that’s how you know it’s real DUS off what they’re not even at the point what the [ __ ] they got kill hungry they abandoned the point here we go go team GOC what’s the last one possess and you chase you around is that thrilling to you being chased by possessed person we have anyone on the VC oh no there no no taking nap oh no oh we do we have sé and dab dab rodiny dab careful we’re outnumbered again I say it’s over it isn’t when it goes sideways so last thing you want is a possessed me chasing here anyone tring I’m taking a nap good stuff team I’m proud of you all the div is hiding here I’m on it potato potato potato potato [Music] [Music] potato what it that’s not Fone only you can’t see F we because it feels like someone’s putting Sero found your arm you didn’t say goodbye to them correctly then you didn’t you didn’t say goodbye to the spirits correctly you didn’t leave them alone you got to you got to say bye on luiga board you know got to break contact say hey thanks for chatting I’m going go now chat over got one here yo enemy here tell Spirits L tell Spirits no har you can always drag yourself to sleep backs this ends now backs where you from s pupp not bad not bad at all’s damn I just taking all the damage someone got a back cap someone just got a back cap a sneaky some don’t mess with that [ __ ] you’re telling me like I told you I’ve already done it like your warning is too late I wish I could eat attack the objective I’m with you help why is eeko going so far kill hungry hey there oh it’s you why are you going the complete other side of the map I’m killing them all on my way come here I kill you cop your B don’t put TX don’t put TX I wish I could this ends now hey some make me take it’s Anna making me nap bro yeah I stunned him oh no he still got it off that Luci go this let make I’m skinny you see that the bomb the bomb was right here are you looking are you looking come back I’m trying to show you look the bomb was right here and and I went here and I survived I was skinny yeah yeah I was just so me if you come back and I’ll use my Al on them oh [ __ ] so we can do maximum damage I’m taking the nap a [ __ ] [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up power I’m not checking in I’m always taking naps finally things interesting I just use in front of you better catch you then you’ll be chasing you’ll be chasing turx oh here comes div yo oh yes go to go sneaky cap no you’re not in the point you’re not in the point move that was embarrassing over it this ends now Luigi appreciation deat thought he was the cooler brother deat wait doesn’t Echo take damage from our own explosions I thought she did I thought you could take damage from your own the little three explosions what oh no is your conversation been interrupted by a battery TX not the longest VC not in this one and just in OB this V some random person just messaged me saying can I join thec with you guys question mark oh yeah you changed it you’re not best piure my name is completely different mhm my name is even better this is VC this weird not VC weird DM I got still trying to understand the whole streaming thing but I feel like you girls do more than just stream games bro just just be be straight just ask for the what you want to ask like what how they do that what about my profile says anything other than streaming games there’s nothing else associated with my profile these people move past the crisis so quickly I envy that Marathon but once I do it they’ll call it a TR I got lucky with my call sign can you imagine if they mepp I’ve watch gam play is great you just want to see me play tank one time I just played tank last match oh no I didn’t check oh the phah yeah take a nap en enemies here got a new friend targeting hot we all die eventually but when I’m done with it tracon a tracon I know it’s the it’s the intonation for me the way she go they’ll call it a tracon [Music] where did he go no get him but once I’ll do once I do it don’t call it a tracon not bad not bad at all yes sir what I do oh no oh you see Clips on Tik Tok people are weird but before it looked fun especially the cosplay out when they all go to a convention you can’t fly okay let’s take prob not this year maybe not next year but one day through everyone’s favorite you know I’ve been on a bit of um what’s the word like I haven’t been feeling real satisfied with anime like I haven’t been having any real oh no I’ve just been slowly watching um that one anime it’s like free freen journey to end but other I haven’t really really found anything that’s been interesting me lately genre of anime uh the P moving not I like a bit everything me got the magic get out of here of die oh [ __ ] was in the back line like one heal oh you like the studio gibl I do love the stud GI I my guns aren do much damage at long range I need them to come closer enemy in let’s make a SE where she got you just chill just hiding on that ledge up there they’re not even trying to push the P they’re just hiding on the ledge like hello what are they doing man they’re all just up top you can’t push the payload from up there like what’s the goal I pressed E I pressed e anime isn’t for everyone but you love it no I love anime too it’s just this this season this year I haven’t really okay’s intrigued the moving I [ __ ] up running running in small space hard she how’s the stream going um you’re here aren’t you good see yourself how do you think it’s how do you write this stream out of 10 but once I do it it’ll be tracon tracon a you know what I was watching I forgot about B foooty the one that’s like I don’t want to get H to max out my defense yeah we started the second season we forgot about it Illuminating Illuminating do like gave me alt charge excellent excellent yeah oh they [ __ ] cancel my all that was a perf all there oh got [ __ ] up that was perfect they were all there again till I say it’s over let’s go you with the Massy Escape okay solid 7 out of 10 just cuz a good respon wow how do I make it a 10 out of 10 what do I improve on why what do you you I told you from the start that wasn’t going to happen that can only happen in the first hour when we’re doing just chatting this is gamer time oh Su just too slow yes lure them away from the payload that’s what I’ve been doing the entire time was embarrassing just sitting in the back line just oh I got [ __ ] up shut your eyes for a moment oh no defeat of the G damn that’s good there’s no stopping meing me there that got you’re crazy with that you going to go to bed good night Turks good night G because of the white you’re fine because of the what the what yeah I just keep closing alcohol prepare for battle sect your hero what you been drinking got [Music] him oh my God we have a full team full team chat Let’s Go full yes I will can you hear the tra it’s so quiet I was did anyone read drama drama drama drama know I don’t want to hello hello hello hello hello hello you guys have a good weekend you twice no no here here where else would you rather me be oh exactly UNL I still have some fight what kind of cheese are you big cheese oh that’s a good that’s cheese I accept Bri so what you think you’re really quiet turn your microphone Up’s opinion to be correct dir dir sinking base dirty sinking base big diry stinking base bsh bsh bsh don’t let them push any further don’t get no sleep but I’m a Bas junky say it again Bas junky and I Keep It Funky you doing I thought you touch it I thought you touch it bro I just worked out instantly died takes Meer who Bri them best go around best girl around what about the M what M enemy go pie balls come back I’ve got you in my what do you think of big Dy stinking B big Dy stinking Bas hey hello never going to let you down [Music] R make you going to say goodbye going to tell a lie and you oh B you had it that was it that was the G I’m not finished forward spawn lost Crusaders you ready fana oh [ __ ] you’re up get in there gra one stand up moving along now keep you my God is kimat playing right now I can’t tell the game’s too [ __ ] loud XX [Music] XX I am unbre go in go in Fe pushing you just keep killing nice oh yeah oh yeah oh my God oh my God all warm inside we w of the did you not get it gy did you miss the joke n Nia x x x x x I want to change my rort by love you need you no you redeemed a sandalet you redeemed a sandalet so it plays a sound on stream an alert sound on stream you’re redeemed moans and Rick a you got Rick rolls way it’s anti horny it’s so anti horny like you tried to be horny on Main and you got Rick Rolled what if I’m still warny though I just yed my Ethan at cable did you still there everyone’s still there okay oops I just bumped it sadly for the one time yeah what do you mean you sound alert is an external thing it’s an external extension it’s a bunch of sound alerts that you can play on stream like you can play there’s a lot other options it just makes a sound play on the stream and he tried to make Mo play but it’s a roll instead it’s a bait it’s a bait whoa whoa whoa I A A some common [ __ ] man come on I need at least $5 to moan my equalent that’s not how it works that’s the whole point that’s the whole point you get caught wanting to hear a girl moan so you get Rick Rolled this is the whole point can’t just that any horny on man trying to hear girl M you get Rick Roll instead it doesn’t make me do the sounds you canot accept all you want but that aert was never doesn’t make me do anything in real time it play sounds on streams it’s it’s not me making sounds on streams you got to pay him five bucks he just said no I [Music] did n you be posting those pictures you’re getting Subs now no D you can’t give $5 [Music] so bad I’m not leing you’re leing wait did are we not in Q hello oh it is okay my my thing just glitched didn’t have the que at the top of my screen I’ll try bapti why [Music] not we got four people on VC another day another Battlefield no mistakes no mercy how’s everybody’s weekend going a arct always completes a task to perfection hit it up and gave it back good leadership makes all the difference I’m eat it up not there basking ah Noone speaks in this damn game hello girl get back in the immortality field bit okay let’s going oh [ __ ] I got caught in the crossbow you have news is Pooky coming Pooky coming to Australia I see an enemy guess he’s done trying to rec me back I’m Pooky over there save them all en I the dog big titties waste crazy cury wavy big titties a waste why would they kill Ryan oh [ __ ] is py going to come to sh [Music] though I’m coming stay alive com with IM moreal bu it’s this let get in it no I’m just throwing it from like outside the [ __ ] oh no I was throwing it through the doorway I was trying to estimate uh I tried eventually I play one day so it’s not happening this year anymore St the pay ow I just got [ __ ] drilled off the edge bubble pop bubble bubble pop pop another go maybe enemy here no I’m coming John crat oh oh is it is it it must be nice to have boys to hang out with and abandon people for must be nice must be nice to have friends to hang out with I hope you guys had such a fun time on dead by daylight playing with the boys roet I got [ __ ] stuck in knowwhere to go seem like every El surrounded that wasn’t my best sh to you left me you left me mid sentences while I was still speaking I was still speaking to you when you left the BC finish m what how did I die oh do this that Venture was one HP I have my window I stay Al me to your strike no I can St it’s too slow another go maybe enemy here where she go what the [ __ ] why did he just come for me play games to avoid the depression how I that again I’m going to stop [ __ ] yeah happen in the chat and play the [ __ ] game let them up oh big go I see an enemy oh God I got stuck next to the Bob you wish you could go skinny dipping with the boys me too I wish I had boys go skinny dipping with where are my boys are you my boy my boy right my boy it’s you it’s my boy my boy my boy oh my God I just keep getting there’s too many too many punching type characters on team the adventure the Doom they keep [ __ ] booping me around bro [ __ ] War not every day gives you second the name shut over here well there goes off far again typing stop typing my boys over here oh my God what the [ __ ] even killed me shock wve oh you can do multiple we got four shock waves like Ry but you got four of them help me help me if she go sking by yourself does that make you weird no I do that in my pool no one will know no one will ever know if you do of the game rigel what a name a gotta be great tell St to my face you thought I was out of this line of business NPA sort ofing something more [Music] exciting with how am I still awake um it’s only 11 p.m. 11:40 what times are you in zabski now have you ever been skinny dipping are you’re in Queenland yeah it’s not late life we time we’re in the same time zone [Music] yeah have you ever been skinny dipping nightmare I don’t know what that means but let’s go uh no comment why why I comment that’s all I’m say hi team how’s it going today they comment oh no you heard me this is so awkward [Music] and stay will you I leak too much info no will track me down I have a question for you guys your dog died today all systems fired up and ready to engage 5 3 2 a years ago well I don’t I don’t care I don’t care about today [ __ ] up it’s [ __ ] up hope uh no than no thank you should do it I disagree I disagree my rabbit died 5 years ago 6 years ago something for the my what the [ __ ] who pushed Bob into the room someone pushed Bob into the room I was hiding I forget that I have THS I forget I can attack his live sure you be verified oh Blacky you’re back Blacky thank you for becoming City enjoy sa because you cannot leave fund exchanges and no assist policy so you’re stuck here how did I get hit I was so far back how did I get hit by the shadow you some want to go thrifting feel with shopping the [Music] section you know what die feel like a face s to day damn it only took three shuriken to kill me team I have a question team have you have been skinny dipping something get i y like the diva to me to protect me but I died I should just flow pedal up back again to another try why you don’t shop in the women section I shop in the women’s section why don’t you no must be a new thing no damn it I need some girls go shopping W the only way to make friends is to go outside really can’t have it getting worse an enemy not enem are’s this team doesn’t speak okay bye bye noed okay ladies and gentlemen yourin life protects life I’ve been holding on to that tree for a while we had have needed it I just use it cuz the other guy used his a trio my tree is bigger than hising with light get welcome oh oh this the quiet concentration going on both are it’s just silent we’re just lock in left clicking left clicking the diva made a kill us H man you you hey look at you got kill him yeah kill him yeah yeah I killed him oh smash staring at my shoes just away at me something about makes me feel guilty for liking you when you with him with him this is a song for a girl that never know it’s about her I know it’s really stupid but I’m much too shy to tell her she is leaving next month she’s going to take up residence where she going in a place in W where she’s going to provide education for underprivileged children probably faster too your house was option number two think you up at least there was a consideration be talking about ourselves oh is that people in the VC Vegeta hi Vegito how you doing [Music] wasting I’m all right have you had a good weekend this is a love song for a girl that’ll never know come on over here I’ll keep you up you keep fighting no to die thank you so much get over here enemy sniper [Music] my oh damn I’m sorry for you lost I didn’t realize how long way you together someone is compassionate about it damn that’s a lifetime for real six days I’m on I let I let you down I’m sorry I should have pulled you thought I no you’re full health pull pull me pull me no free TGs fu fu what what an enemy we’re all dead I know free TGs cuz he didn’t pull me so what’ you do this weekend Vegeta Hest let’s take him to the [Music] you okay it’s not embarassing if [ __ ] got pulled there you go how about that you don’t have to do everything alone wind so no hey what you doing my buddy Vegeta why did you do this of youe shut up I’m trying to you what Vegeta saying [Music] like y big that’s big bro ho [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re massive you’re massive bro sorry really fcked over what what did you do this weekend out where out doing what Z’s out why not are you a spy life protects life just I preer cover is it was he right who who W well I thought you were a spy if you can’t tell no way you see Mee in One V two really really here you about 16 about 16 double cheeseburgers y y I’m hungry person hungry person on I two back the back line this no one’s to the point you all left you all left the point oh [ __ ] really I’m not letting go of the OB I seem chill thanks Blackie you were here earlier do you not remember I see an enemy clearing the area know yeah okay good get your booty over here you’re better off with me Crusaders bye Vegeta I’ll miss you yes I will I don’t me oh [ __ ] left the channel play of the game and everything just left doesn’t give a f we endorse him here C he’s playing hard to get I can change him I can fix him to the group let’s see if you want he’s already in a group what he’s in a group with must be with Shaggy Dog and sad jams sad jams wow he’s only level two endorsement I’m level five you should want to play with me cuz I’m clearly a valued member what the hell who is this who is zeyon Shaggy do I don’t know oh it’s the other guy from the group what the [ __ ] why did you shagy dog why did you invite him I just invite the other guy too not fair how can Vegeta be in a group if none of the other two are in groups okay God guess we we play G what the he’s hello is he in the is he in the VC this how you make friends he’s not he hasn’t joined the group chat why we just have this random in our group see play in the other match I wasn’t paying attention to anyone except for Vegeta I want to try no don’t okay give me one don’t shoot one of them I want to test how much the the the tunneling oh wait I [ __ ] up hold on Magic well now I got to reset it okay okay let’s see [Music] olds all it takes away more than half the hell [Music] interesting magic magic magic magic magic magic magic oh I [ __ ] up I thought L I keep thinking click is to like go forward you don’t know when to quit hey like 100% like brand new to OverWatch is why you hire a professional [Music] got step right up oh okay you can can two shot with this character you can twoot okay you can two shot hi hi Gino Trill sorry I missed your message I was testing this character thank you for the follow Gina Oopsy [Music] Daisy Jessica thank you for becoming a citizen a cringe City andjoy day because you cannot leave have any fun changes and no dual sistership policy so you’re stuck here bless you follow this Shaggy Dog around with these I don’t need any on freeze I don’t mean to tell you my anxiety surrounds you overing braing love let’s take them out oh I made it up here got you don’t look so good where did you [Music] go I don’t think I can do that oh I did it this abely B we could be already know nothing [Music] the [Music] with I don’t me to you my anxiety [Music] [Music] exavation initiation second G change bot team a sh dog left keeping the heat on he left oh no get him goodbye well but we found a game how good bounce bounce bounce for B but once you get your clothes what you feeling wishing to the ignition give me that two give me that beep beep hands through my Thro a remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchen man wishing spend every moment growing into who you truly are hi team how we doing today easy don’t make this harder than it needs to be let the party was cob Jacoby don’t have freaking speaks in this game bring back veget can’t believe it’s been six minutes without him already I guy with no dark yob enemy your is the robot could use our guidance destroyed we’re pushing the barricade come along no no they took it from us this wouldn’t happen if Vegeta is here I’m just saying the enemy is really everything was going the obligation something for the St they’ve taken the lead let’s take it back the in this game got me yeah coob he jumped so far yeah oh my God still though on the other team he was on our team before [Music] honey let’s move forward I a TST de party the more got me it was just me the a I would have won [Music] sity eny lovely oh God the enemy the life protects life bar damn a for LGE uhoh they’re pushing doing my best to save your C’s life over here my God we making no progress with this bot that should do it [ __ ] you got [Music] me I would you we can stop them pushing join us life they ready let the got you robot with us now push let you cry’s I you [Music] [Music] I oh my God or really left the bot oh my God she just keeps randomly abandoning objective don’t get caught by that turret n really iress my ultimate is ready even though going feel alone than you for you for you the robot is ours what the [ __ ] bro they got the seconds feel the i w into that one we not making any progress I’ve been attempt to R for too long give me a life for life rur [Music] Che the robot for Life protects life someone’s up top the Parade’s moving join us we have to push all the way oh God fire in the H online can’t let them push us off the robot I took the hit I took the hit keep going no enemy turet ahead defeat defeat play of the glorious [Music] feeling and play two more games hopefully yeah I was going to say more games and then I’ve like completed my challenge for the night I can call it there I play 15 games as hero is not in your top three I saw this this wait what can’t switch an [Music] arcade the custom oh yeah it’s like an Arisa uh roller coaster game mode [Music] now what plus I’m hearing a lot no I res search on Tik Tok I saw someone playing hi titty we’re about to end two more games filter watched where is it no that [ __ ] Arisa roller coaster map where is it damn okay next game I think I found itct your her I’m sleepy just see want me in here no one else canot count on you I’m not your best subject this body isn’t exactly Cutting Edge Tech anymore Miss Chase I insist that you never tear yourself down in my presence again all right I get the picture why is it so War wion the Earth Ison how do you get that emot do fail how you get the winon EM Earth on attack your [Music] this win oh my God’s a better your spirited can’t have it getting [Music] worse there’s the enemy turret oh [ __ ] it’s just me ah a noo why back enemy that should do it no one can hide from my sight come back I can’t get you oh [ __ ] oh my God coming to the front lines with me G we’re going to the front lines oh [ __ ] enemy B having babies like it doesn’t [Music] matter [ __ ] is Gypsy Rose so spectating get out of here can you hey I’m trying to heal you stop diving in [ __ ] me to your strike life protects life okay something about team comp is not working something need to change C the of blood the energy flows be fall easy [ __ ] why did my pedal left my go all hes neutralized IR repressible iress do you feel repressed do you feel repressed I’m on what cuz you shouldn’t we’re irrepressible why SDR sequence hello sure you may be verified on Twitter but are you verified in the eyes of godici design work hi it’s not as nice [ __ ] my life my life [Music] long gaming session average we did two hours of just chatting then probably about an hour or two of dead by daylight and the rest is now OverWatch girl [Music] did you eat her all noce [ __ ] it should I put tree up yeah tree time it’s go time it’s tree Time Life prot hi sirious that’s okay okay come out this way I got stunned seems like a lost have you been gaming today you’re having a long gaming session areful that one thany face do you have voice lines like macro on hotkey or something I on my SC no one can have yeah blocked [ __ ] blocked by the wall help me should do come over here come here uh-oh your behind just got off work you worked all night oh you work night shifts are you from elsewhere from outside California H so it’s probably like 4 a.m. is for you the better sequence oh what the [ __ ] he shot me like once and killed me oh no so close so close for the back cap 737 already damn Time Flies what you do for work come on I get your kicks don’t look like that to you can you distract him I’m going to back up we enemy ahead the pay is progressing nicely let’s go prot cover oh I’m dead no oh so close so close another man welcome back D it is 12:40 a.m. on the Monday Sydney yeah they got three head shots wait they shooting all right last match last match of the night let’s go if we win this one then I complete two challenges for the evening otherwise just one what do you do for work what’s what what are you doing that like what’s a night shift for shift of what and Oh wait we’re going to play the G the map and I import C I think it was 40 m 5 m okay oh putting us in a c custom okay good game so we get to ride the roller coaster how do we ride the roller coaster press F to interact we got to find a c taking off where is the cart you got to find the cart is that the C oh cart four what why is it not I’m on it press f g jez my interact that’s why not yay I want a roller [Music] coaster you can make it go fostter and stuff oh you can you press right click you can boost it I feel like the video still looked more fun security at a food processing plant interesting prare for [Music] battle what kind of food do you process good food or bad food amid Discord we will find Tranquility is this a nonrelevant conversation is this a non-relevant conversation is this I wish I could eat too I wish I could eat hold on [ __ ] I’m pain my nails one sec got oil them up oil these babies up the got it okay I’m coming I’m coming yummy this will cut the pain the good stuff the good stuff okay so what’s in season this today like this season what’s this season come here I wish I could eat I hear does a lot of damage strawberries I want to go and pick some of those wow [Music] strawberries what’s your favorite well you don’t do the process you get security but what is your favorite fruit [Music] iiv I wish I could eat too oh God I got eight trying to a reminder they are taking hold of the objetive hamb Baggers are your favorite fruit I don’t think that qualifies make you cry who what the [ __ ] oh I didn’t even see join me at the obje glor symph oh what the [ __ ] Lucio spawn camping adversity is an opportunity for change everyone ons the objective don’t let on the point administered tactical visor activated Pizza qualifies Tranquility no how would it qualify as a fruit what does not grow in nature it does not have a seed I don’t need your it does not reproduce how can it be a f alone a long it doesn’t have Roots can’t multiply the hell it’s not fit the crotch here for biotic life this you up top for me [Music] why does a food processing plant need a security gun do anything happen at night do people try to Rob food processing plants is it is there much action happening like any place is security plays what do you mean at night time at the protess I don’t know schools don’t have security guys at night time but trolling enem Oh no I got got the criminal Enterprises nice and quiet why would a food processing plant and you’re always there are you employed by the food processing plant or you like contracted out by like a security firm because I feel that’d be such a chill job you’re just there every night you’re just show up and just sit and watch Twitch streams or whatever you know just chill help help me help me oh God you’re employed by the pl I me go such up security J I can stream in the daytime sit at the desk in night time watching Netflix I guess I can’t watch Netflix CU they put in the [ __ ] location [ __ ] now only watch it while you’re at home it’s so stupid yeah it’s like Geck now so that you can’t like otherwise they think you’re sharing passwords you know you think you I know if you’re not watching your home location they assume someone’s trying to use it without paying a subscription p is an excellent teacher [ __ ] him up he’s discorded he’s discorded I’m Ming on the point let’s go what killed me oh she’s in the back corner why haven’t have subscription yeah it’s really wor yeah Netflix quality really fell off as well like it’s really yeah price is going up the quality is going down ridiculous down face me through there you finished your OverWatch battle pass already it’s only been like 2 weeks [Music] oh that’s right they released Mythic skins available to everybody now awesome present you’ve been playing a lot of it damn I don’t know who is zyon VB is this who is this who is this I hope when people change their usernames I don’t know who they are anymore who are you what is this okay Dam check out mys what are the new icons what does this mean is that wait there’s no Emerald what’s what is it green what’s green mean what’s this one Diamond mon the blue one’s Diamond Okay so Master plat Diamond Everyone Falls Down sometimes not hard to 42 hours played it’s okay if we were to get contam by biological terrorism people that’s I guess don’t think about it like that mostly mirror watch has been pretty fun mirror watch is pretty fun I ain’t going to lie you haven’t played it you should do it get the challenges get from the challenges I’ve already done them all way around it everybody’s um what is it skills is swapped so like for example Sombra instead of hacking enemies you hack your teammates and it makes them gives them a bit of shield and makes them abilities go quicker and when you use your alt you EMP your teammates and they get all of that and then mercy like instead of resing people she explodes the souls and she can explode anyone from either team soul and like damage everyone around them and what else it’s like yeah and it’s just like everyone’s skills are like flipped roll revers how you get the how does everyone have the winon the winon emot I don’t know if I have it there in the last battle pass I think it’s in this one or this one wait it’s in this one I unlocked it oh yeah oh it’s premium you got to go stupid done hi unwashed deflated bread I’m about to hop off coming right at the end don’t know how to [Music] respond all right time to I have work in 7 hours yeah how wow I have to be there wow fall no I think prob little detrimental if I fell asleep on the job full collapse on the road take a nap yep all right good night everybody night say good night to everybody good night night bye okay good night everybody good night unwashed deflated bread good night Snoodle doodle good night titty good night Jack Jack good night Jack Daddy I hope everyone’s had a good evening I’m sleepy I’m sleepy I’m going to bed good night see you tomorrow for tomorrow stream bye

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