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    you right I’ll do CH let you know I’m recording that’s not a problem thank thank you for letting me know that’s all right um so if you throw this drone up here where are you going to fight from just here yeah before I speak to you please could you identify please yeah 281 sters not a problem what what station pardon what station I don’t work out the station I work at headquarters headquarters yeah I’m part of the Drone team under schedule eight of the air traffic management of onmed aircraft act yeah I’m going to ask to have a look look at your drone and uh just check it over check it’s all legal that’s no problem I’m not going to seize it or anything like that I just need to check it yeah that’s no problem y um you cannot fly that drone okay at all hello and welcome to another absolute Banger with audit in Lancashire so on today’s video we’re going to take a recap on my video when my poor drone was no more when I wasn’t allowed to fly it and I almost got it taken off me so without f do let’s get straight into the video okay we have track Ops has arrived yes so tack Ops has arrived new tack Ops car that look at that yeah we got two got tack Ops and we’ve also got a scarer we got the tack hops brand new tacops car and a brand new scarter as you can see see as we can see there you are how do CH let you know recording that’s not a problem thank thank you for letting me know that’s all right see now a lot of Lancashire police fail at this point they fail to inform you that they are Rec recording but this guy was right on point he said he was recording um so if you throw this drone up here where you’re going to fight from just here yeah before I speak to you Polie could you identify please yeah 281 sters not a problem what what station pardon what station I don’t work out the station I work at headquarters headquarters yeah I’m part of the Drone team oh right so oh so you part of the draw team right go on if you fly this are you flying it from here you’re not flying it from their side are you no no publica in a public place obviously yeah before before I even set the drone over the side I’m going to check the Drone assist make sure there is no flight restrictions on the um drone assist you know if there’s no flight restrictions I can fly it you know it’s like if there was if it was a military side anything like that you can’t fly it because obviously restrictions same as airports and stuff like that you always have to check the Drone assist um it’s up to date and everything like that you know brilliant so yeah um under schedule eight of the air traffic management of aircraft at yeah I’m going to ask to have a look at your drone and uh just check it over check it’s all legal that’s not I’m not going to seize it or anything like I just need to check it yeah that’s no problem y um so at this point the Constable stated that he was not going to seize my drone but it was take he wanted to inspect it under some aircraft article act which I didn’t have a clue about myself but you’ve also got to think at this point I did not fly this drone one bit so what actually gave him the right to use the article to inspect my drone when my drone was not flying in the sky and I did not get it out to fly I was going to fly it but I did not actually fly it I was going to wait until he went so he didn’t really have a right to check my drone or correct me if I’m wrong so two is it your drone it is I see I can’t see a operator ID on it at the minute yeah I’ve got my operator ID yeah but it’s not displayed on the Drone is it and the Drone is in poor condition no there’s nothing that’s not that’s not air worthy there’s nothing wrong there’s nothing wrong with the um stabilizer or anything like that that’s that’s only due to the camera being a bit rockety that’s all that is and I’ve not actually flew the drone at this moment in time right so I’ve not actually flew it just to show you y that propeller is UN aworthy it’s unsafe okay you cannot fly that drone okay at all I’ve not flew it okay yeah I’m just saying just saying the Drone in this state that has obviously been treated very poorly is crashed into something so whoever flew it is obviously not a very good pilot and uh he’s flying unsafely so if you were to lift that now I would have to prosecute you yeah okay yeah for a number of reasons one being in where the condition yeah and two you’re not displaying an operator ID okay so here he had his bank to rights he had everything bang on point so no point arguing with him it was actually quite decent and quite fair to be honest with you but it takes me back to the point of what gave him the authority to inspect my drone in the first place when the Drone had not been flown I have have you got something with your operator ID on it I do I do have it I do have it but obviously what is your operator ID um well I don’t I don’t I believe I don’t have to give you that unless you suspect me of committing a crime an offense yeah unless you suspect yeah unless you suspect me of committing an offense right and then I and then after okay so you said you plan to fly that I’ve not said I’m going to fly it you said you were going to when I first came up you said you were going to you’re planning to play it if there was nothing on the drawn assist that um prevented me from fing it but obviously you just said that I illegal and I can’t fly it won’t be able to fly that so you’re not willing to give me your operator ID well I’m not going to fly it you just said it’s in condition so I’m I’m not going to fight so I won’t be committing any offense okay you’ve told me I’m not allowed it’s in a poor condition so I can’t fly that drone so what you need to do is um either write it on with a sharpie or get a sticker you know make a label something like that even if it’s just like a bit of paper so what would you what would you say is um the malfunction on the Drone then just the propeller no the CRA body so the whole airf frame is compromised by that so just get the um body fix basically put a brand new body on and the uh the tape holding the camera on that’s not suitable for flying either your payload must be secure properly okay uh by the manufacturer standards okay okay so take holding a camera on that could dislodge itself is not you can’t do that okay it’s unsafe for everybody and I know that what you’re doing is to fly as safely as possible and you you want people to challenge you because you know you can’t fly drones well you can we know you can um but I want you to do it as safely as possible yeah that’s all it is that’s not a problem okay yeah um regards to going on their land how far in have you have you been I said I was asked to leave straight away there were no aggrevated trespass or anything like I was you been car park I’ve not been on the ramp I went down I went down onto the site yeah um there’s no signs on the gate or anything say no one off access or anything like that as soon as said please leave you left yeah I left straight away you go like they said there was no there was no my trespass I was really po they were polite with me to be honest with you there was only two guys at the beginning who were swearing at me and stuff like that who were being more aggressive with me no but other than that like you can ask them themselves I’ve not um I’ve not been NY with them or anything I’ve actually been really quiet and pleasant with them they’ve been nice with myself as well you know but yeah unfortunately like you said I’m not going to fly my drum otherwise I will be committ get them sorted before you fight again and then then you’re all right then aren’t you problem well we are about educating on on our drone unit we’d rather educate people so I haven’t seen you flying that I don’t know whether you have or you haven’t and so I’ve advised you now if you were to fly after that advice then you all flying um with a full intention of flying it while you know broken um which you know then we’ have an issue that’s fantastic information because obviously you’ve let me know as well you know what I’m saying I’ve looked it up myself but obviously I didn’t think that was going to be a major issue obviously all safe is it you’re dra you’re draw pilot yourself toly our drone in that condition we we be in mega trouble yeah okay no worries so uh yeah just get it sorted before you fly again put the operator ID on it it has to be displayed okay and then you’re good to go yeah no that’s not a problem me quite a lot of birds flying around our drones and things and uh yeah an issue but that’s it all right mate yeah no that’s not a problem thank you very much yes unfortunately guys um we’re not going to be able to fly the Drone yeah we going have a look nice little um layout around here as well look yeah there just one thinging we’ be able to let the chat know nothing finger we when my drone is fully operated operational would you be able to let me know that I can fly the drone on all no I just didn’t know I was over there now that’s that’s is no no worries like said you’ve been a g yeah look at that brand new tack Ops car looking good that look at that Ford and then we got the St as you can see oh that one’s at a little bit of a a bump there yeah we’re going to Skid out all in a minute guys we’re just um waiting for them please to go as soon as they go we’ll go you know that’s where we did want to go get a nice closeup of that [Music] capture these going and then we’re going to SK out all guys [Music] in we just had me in his car aren’t we the new T op Ford is it yeah yeah yeah brand new used to be bm’s used to be BM is it yeah for brand new yeah yeah they’re old now same as the new scor is that what new scor that come then brand new I’m not too sure Fords are quite um they got like some horsepower aren’t they I’m not too sure though yeah they got all new Fleet two lanc consta new Vans as well a Ford van and um VW hey that’s about it people that’s a wrap that’s a there see in a bit PA it looks like that’s a wrap yeah that’s that’s a wrap I’ll probably see you again at some point I’m sure of it still over in Darwin we have this old tram Turning Point look at that guys old lamp one probably would have come along here and then switch routes to go that way and that way into town that way for Bolton and that way to town it’s got it little um plaque thing there as well check out that guys but we ain’t going to leave it there we’re going to fire straight back in with another one from Karen the angry cleaner at Darwin police station with her disgraceful behavior let’s get straight into this one people there she is can [Music] read go get a proper job get a proper job mus guys let’s do it music [Music] guys woohoo W down come on come out another Dance come on [Applause] [Music] come people it looks like we’re doing the Mexican [Music] standoff Mexican stand off here guys wait for it to kick in [Music] oh she ruined it she ruined it come on no Boogie time no Boogie going to dance she don’t want to dance she put some music on for us and she don’t want to dance [Music] come [Music] on not be your time a she’s a Karen she’s a Karen no Boogie no not yet I stay all day me love what would to what’s she doing next to my bike what are you doing with my bike stalling in it you are stalling in it stalling my bite love my bite love get your hands off my bite how your bite get your hands off my bike why is it your bike get your hands off my bike this is private property it doesn’t matter if it’s private property get your hands off my bike love get your hands off my bike what you going to do I ain’t going to do nothing well get your hands off then no you get your hands off yourik this is my bike that’s my pad loock with my lock how do you how do I know this is your bik this has been left over here no it hasn’t been left there well I I’ve never seen this it’s clearly on my videos love I don’t know who you are love do you not when you were shouting out the window my full name love what I don’t know who you mean yes you do what yes you do just get a private property Los you’re loser look at St to you got a job got a proper job all right okay yeah get a proper job yeah curen tried stealing my bik private property is it do something about it then do something about it cuz you can’t do nothing so it looks like that’s a rat people I hope you all enjoyed that one from next week we’re going to have all brand spanking new fire content over on Audi in Lancashire so make sure to stay tuned for that from Monday onwards but for now without forever Ado this is L laner all right out until next time peace and respect


    1. He had right to look at it. And he presumed the drone had been broken in flight by a bad pilot. It may be in poor condition from your bag or any damage.

    2. You touched on this, but the constable had no right to inspect the drone under Schedule 8, this only applies if the "flight IS taking place", not "will be". The constable also has to have, "reasonable grounds for suspecting that the unmanned aircraft has been, is, or is likely to be, involved in the commission of an offence". What was the offence that that the pilot was suspected of committing.

      Schedule 8 gives no right for him to inspect it to "check it is legal".

    3. So post a video of your incompetency as a drone operator. Some many things wrong with your drone . The police office did you a favour. Get the drone sorted or a new drone plus but yoir operator I.D. on it if you have one.

    4. What gives you the right to go out planing to fly the drone that was illegal…if you have had drone training,ignorance is no excuse.if you want to play with the big boys,then grow up…..

    5. Idiot woman at the end is a new human subspecies. The scientific term is "Lumpy". Traits include brain shrinkage, comprehension problems and frequently abandoning situations that require logical thinking.

    6. So as you see the two Black ISIS Gang Badges and trousers tucked in boots there’s going to be trouble. Then on go the black glasses, against police regulations, maybe trying to intimidate ? 
      Cleaner, sounds like car has a modified exhaust, but nothing will happen her pals won’t prosecute. Let’s hope she’s not been in the store cupboard sniffing the spray polish.

    7. He is right about that propellor. That's dangerous from a 'it dropping out of the sky' perspective.. And YOU gave him authority by not refusing but, in my opinion, you did the right thing. Sometimes, it's just the lesser of two evils. Now, get the quadcopter repaired and upload more vids.

    8. Had a quick shufty at the legislation plod is quoting. Quite revealing that Section C states:
      the commission of that offence involves or involved the use of the unmanned aircraft, or the article associated with an unmanned aircraft, for one or more of the following purposes—

      (i)to endanger any other aircraft (whether or not an unmanned aircraft);

      (ii)to cause any person harm, harassment, alarm or distress;

      (iii)to undermine security or good order and discipline in any prison or in any other institution where persons are lawfully detained;

      (iv)to damage property (including land or buildings);

      (v)to threaten national security.

      So, there's that old and very subjective 'harassment, alarm and distress' bollox.

    9. LEGALS

      Arrogant, self entitled, hatless, policy breaching, dark sunglasses wearing, poppy wearing, hands in pocket, gang badge wearing, charity wristband wearing, overweight Plod … inventing the Law – again.

      s8 Only provides the power of inspection IF a drone criminal offence HAS been committed.

      What a 🤡. What an embarrassment.

    10. what a sad bunch of wasted tax payers money. have absolutely fk all to do for work so they have to interogate a man with a " dangerous" drone

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