Crimewatch (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.

    [Music] welcome to November’s live crime watch UK with three reconstructions tonight and an Aladdin’s Cave of property that might be yours behind me are the detectives who are investigating this month’s cases and right now they’re waiting for your call the number throughout the evening is there 0181 8055 we started last month with an appeal on the murder of the two small girls from Brighton Nicola fellow and Karen hadway our reconstruction prompted 200 people to ring in but there was no immediate breakthrough police are still receiving a lot of help locally they interviewed one local teenager for over 50 hours he’s now been released on police bail but detective superintendent Bernie Wells tells us that several lines of inquiry are still open and if you still think you have any information please do call us or your local police station we had a huge response to our reconstruction of the Susie Lampo case Susie a London estate agent disappeared after leaving the office where she worked apparently to meet a client 260 viewers phoned us and over 100 more wrote in about the case a team of 10 detectives is still sorting through that information as yet though they haven’t solved the mystery so if you saw Susie on or after the 28th of July your information will certainly be crucial please call us the most hopeful case from last month is the armed robbery on an exclusive Jewelers in London’s Bond Street the robbers burst in through the partition wall having broken into an empty property next door there were calls from Scotland to Kent on those Art Deco pieces which were stolen one caller from Edinburgh gave the name of a known London jewel thief the man lives in Spain but he was in the country at the time of the robbery those and the leads are being pursued and of course the enormous reward is still outstanding and news on an appeal from the incident us back in April we showed you this video fit of a man wanted in connection with a rape in basilon in Essex well a viewer recognized that face and called the incident room on the Sunday after the program the same day a 17-year-old youth was arrested and charged with unlawful wounding and with rape last month he pleaded guilty at Chelmsford Crown Court and was given two life sentences well we start tonight with a series of six armed robberies all carried out by one man and all of them in the northeast of England no one has been hurt yet but the man is always armed and the gun has already gone off accidentally police firmly believe that if there’s a next time somebody could be killed they already know quite a lot about the man this is one of the files of witness statements and there are two more like this one but tonight detectives are asking for your help to put a name to him the first raid was in December 19 1984 in Stockton in Cleveland it was just a week before Christmas and the takings at the Asda Supermarket were high this security van collection was at 6:00 [Music] p.m. in that first raid he got away with 40 ,000 since then he’s carried out five more robberies all of them in teeside and Darlington the second raid was one year later in January 85 again in Stockton his Target this time was the group four office it was another raid on a cash van and he fired a shotgun as he got away raid three was in Darlington it was Easter Monday and again it was group four security guard Philip meekings was collecting the takings give us the money give us the money give some money let go give us the [Music] money that raid on Morrison’s was the first in daylight this time he’d taken £1,000 [Music] put the getaway routine was becoming a familiar patent a stolen car with false number plates we should abandon a mile or so away and the way he’d acquired the getaway cars was becoming a trademark too he always steals fairly old cars often minis or escorts usually from residential streets police believe he sometimes pushes the car until it’s safe to start the engine the robber obviously knows Darlington and tside well all the cars have been stolen locally from middlesbor and thornaby he’s also something of a mechanic every car he’s stolen has been found with its engine tuned and in better condition than it was before he probably likes music because he’s steals cassette tapes from the car and any tools he also makes up the false number plates raid four at another branch of Asda at South Bank on T’s side this time the getaway car was found a mile and a half away 3 weeks later at fine fair in Darlington he left behind two disturbing Clues a live shotgun cartridge was found in the car park and in the front passenger seat seat of the abandoned car police found this loaded pistol raid six the most recent to date was on August the 9th the second attack at Morrison’s in Darlington group for security called first to collect the takings at the Morrison petrol station probably giving the robber an early sight of his Target after the last robbery there in March the security arrangements had been changed instead of walking through the busy shopping mall the guards now used a side entrance the only part of the new route where the guard was exposed was the short walk through the record department to the cash Office three go there were three bags to be collected and carried out one at a time the guard was Philip meekings the same man who’d been attacked 5 months before as the guard went back for the third bag a sales assistant noticed a man crouching behind a Record Rack give us the M I’ll blast you this time the guard and Adrien web a junior manager followed the gunman to see where he was heading [Applause] Adrien Webb was within yards of the robber as he reached the getaway car it was the best description so far of the gunman’s face the robber had his getaway carefully planned he turned off the road onto waste ground known as five arches [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he was seen running towards the Springfield estate what he didn’t know was that the bag he was carrying contained not money but checks which would be worthless my detective Chief Inspector Ken lvery there’s so much information on him and yet no name to fit the face yet if you could see the video fit we’ve made up could you describe him again yes the man’s Edge between 35 and 45 he has what’s described as a weather beaten face of Hawker appearance is between 5’8 and 5 fo 10 inches tall and of sturdy build with these mechanical skills do you think it’s possible that somebody in the motor trade anywhere around the country might recognize him he obviously has good skills and we feel that he may well have worked as a motor mechanic at some time and we would ask anybody in the motor trade who recognizes the photo of it to contact us do you think he’s a local man though he has a very good knowledge of both Darlington and tside however we can’t eliminate the fact that he lives out of the area and travels back into the area in view of the fact that one of the had over 300 miles on the clock when it was recovered could I see the gun you brought in the gun that was found in the mini after the fine Fair robbery this is the gun it’s a Remington um automatic it was issued to the American services in the Second World War uh for use in Europe when the gun was found it was fully loaded and in a position to shoot somebody the safety catch was off so you’re hoping somebody might recognize that gun we most certainly are we want anybody who recognizes this weapon to contact us because we f feel that had this man been cornered at this time he would have shot whoever cornered him is it unusual in your experience to find a man working so much alone like that it is the man steals the car himself he then um Tunes the car up he commits the robbery by himself he then makes good his Escape by himself when you have a man who is a loner it makes it much more difficult to detect and potentially makes him more dangerous because he’s got so much more to lose obviously you’re anxious to catch him as soon as possible you said there are three rewards on offer yes the security companies have each put up £5,000 reward a total of £15,000 uh reward for anybody giving information leading to the arrest well let’s hope you can help remember the man is armed and he carries live ammunition if you can help the number here to the studio is 0181 8055 or ring the Darlington police and that’s on 0325 467 681 that’s 0325 the code for Darlington 467 681 one now incident desk where the police appeal to you directly this month there after bogus bobbi’s in Bristol the killer of an old woman in Hearn Bay in Kent and whoever’s responsible for taking and driving away a speedboat from abedine here a police Constable Helen Phelps and superintendent David Hatcher first on incident desk two armed robberies outside the same branch of Lloyd’s Bank in Camden North London in the first raid two men threatened the guard with a soroff shotgun and got away with £25,000 that was on July the 4th these pictures from another security van were taken on October the 31st this time the robbers dropped the cash bag when it exploded with dye and smoke but the pictures contained two Clues the Volkswagen Golf GTI disappeared from the scene shortly after the robbery the number a68 xgn is completely false that registration has never been issued the owner may not know this but we’d still like to know where the car is now and we’d also like to know who this is we can’t tell from the pictures whether this man also carried out the first raid but he clearly did this one ring us if you know him and now a sad case from my own area Hearn Bay in Kent Mabel crel was 89 since her husband died 10 years ago she’d lived an almost reclusive life in the early hours of September the 1st the fire brigade was called to her Bungalow at 30 Station Road the place was devast stated and she was found inside battered to death whoever had robbed and killed her had started the fire with petrol detectives want to trace a BMC van and a man seen with it he was seen speaking to Mrs crel in her garden the day before she was killed um he’s a white man he’s about 30 Gypsy looking and he’s got dark hair with blonde streaks in it what was he wearing he was wearing one of these a green combat jacket with epilex now what about this van as you can see it’s a j4 BMC van it’s an old one there’s very few of them about and we couldn’t get a brown one today we had to get a a blue to use a blue one it was of Tatty appearance it had a ladder rack and it also had some lettering on the side the man could be from anywhere he may be a traveler he may claim to do odd jobs he may be selling something remember a brown j4 van and a man with dyed blonde streaks seen him give us a ring next to three conmen who’ve been operating all over the country as well as abroad so far they’ve got away with £20,000 by cashing Travelers checks stolen from a travel agents in harleypool they use forge’s passports as a means of identification but on three occasions Bank staff have become suspicious and held the forge passports this man used the name Paul Alder when he tried to cash stolen Travelers checks at a branch of Lloyd’s in Birmingham a second man used the name Lawrence car in London and like the first he made off when the staff seized the passport and this was taken at the Clydesdale Bank in Glasgow the man here seemed to sense he was being watched and left without completing the transaction these three men could come from merys side and they could be part of a much larger team specializing in travel agency fraud if you know them ring us our next case involves a Sinister type of deception bogus policeman on the 14th of October two men called on an elderly lady in Bristol they claimed to be detectives investigating the theft of antiques but once inside the house they told Mrs Newton that she was under arrest and handcuffed her wrists and ankles one of them was in his late 20s six foot and slim and while he watched over Mrs Newton his accomplice ransacked the house he was shorter just 5’5 but stocky in all they stole £4,500 worth of antiques including three rather unusual musical bird boxes like this they’re beautifully detailed and Mr Mrs Newton would dearly love them back if you’ve seen any going cheep so to speak or if you recognize this face please call us information leading to a conviction carries ,000 reward finally it can’t be easy to conceal one of these it’s a Fletcher 170 Bravo speedboat and there are just 18 of them in the country with these red and gray flashes a month ago one of those 18 was stolen from outside the owner’s home at kintor abedinia it was fitted with a Mercury 200 horsepower engine now that’s far too powerful for a boat of this kind so it’s probably the only combination of its type in the country the boat and there’s its serial number was towed away on its trailer during the night of October the 14th so if you’ve seen a speedboat like this heading south and its last sighting was near Perth then please ring us and call us too if you can help with any of the other incident death cases and as always the number 0181 8055 0181 8055 our next film is about the sad death of Lor hailes sometimes known as Lorna black bubbly exuberant young woman who underneath the smiles may have been rather lonely she had a 12-year-old son and seemed upset that his adoptive parent was taking him to live abroad to the world she remained vivacious and energetic she was very small incidentally just 5T tall now around the first of August perhaps as the result of an argument that got out of hand someone who probably knew her killed her by plunging a carving Fork into her neck the Reconstruction begins though one month after that on the afternoon of Friday the 29th of August in South London Tasman Road in brickton police were called to investigate a swarm of flies at number five Lor hadn’t been seen for weeks and her neighbors were concerned she was lying on the bedroom floor and forensic tests showed she’d been there since the beginning of the month she was probably killed on Friday the 1st of August how’s in room can I help you detectives have had a great deal of cooperation everyone liked Lor and they can find no reason for her murder but maybe you can fill some crucial gaps in the calendar they’ve built up of her final weeks this is a week before she died the city of London on Thursday July the 24th Lor arrived for work as usual at call Quick printers in camomile street but suddenly packed in her job before she left that day she was her normal talkative self and this colleague remembers her saying she was planning a fundraising barbue for her local labor party to make friends and earn a little extra cash Lor helped out in the Brixton Town Hall Social Club she was last seen here on Friday evening the 25th of July the day after on Saturday the 26th she came here to Young’s Court in baty she still had the keys to her old flat here she’d sublet the place but now still called around from time to time of the best of Rod we start with a top five hit from the beginning of 1978 Hot Leg how are you I’m right you’re right yeah great I just come to pick up some things that’s very good you’re wel this man Albert was her tenant and he recalls that Lor was planning to go out that afternoon and had called around for a special dress hey G where are you going dressed up like this I’m going to a fashion party great do that look nice look [Applause] [Music] beautiful this photo shows Lorna in that very dress she’d hardly be missed in all that striking gold and yet still detectives don’t know whose party or whose fashion parade Lor was going to that [Music] day the next day Sunday was the day of L’s barbecue but curiously at 2:30 just before it was due to start she asked a fellow labor party helper to give her a lift here to Clapham Road goodbye thanksfully Li I’ll see you later all right see you bye bye she said she had to go to patney it may not be significant but this is another Gap in Lorna’s last week did she go to Putney that afternoon she could have taken the Victoria or Northern lines to almost anywhere from Stockwell tube by 9:00 that evening her barbecue was almost over except for two couples who arrived late I had the labor party they apparently knew Lorna but no one else there knew them the police say they want them to call in to crime watch simply so they know who these people [Music] were clap and common on Wednesday the 30th of July it’s now about 2 days before Lorna died the police know she came here that afternoon to hire some videotapes she had no work that week and detectives would like to know how else she filled her time hello even without work Lona always kept herself busy on Thursday lunchtime at the laundr in landoor Road these women remember her calling to see if they were free for a sales demonstration at her home that evening are you coming to my hway party tonight I can’t I’ve got to have my hair reped but can you still order what we wanted I bleach our floor cleaner I suppose I could do oh thanks L bye all right bye L probably see you again tomorrow for L the salesman’s visit that evening was another chance to have people round to her house but though she’d invited others no one else turned up for the demonstration the salesman recalls Lor seemed quite relaxed clean that’s basically it this is last year in the course of that a year the salesman left by 9:15 and as far as is known no one else called around that evening and Lorna didn’t go out Tasman road on the morning of Friday August the 1st Lor’s papers were delivered and then there’s one last sighting off her as she popped into the laundr again as always she put on a bubbly cheerful and optimistic front I’ve got an interview in North London with this writer as a traveling nanny means traveling all over the place that sounds great good luck thanks very much let us know you get on bye oh by the way I’ve ordered your cleaning stuff right thanks bye cheers and Mr Richard that was a curious thing that Lorna said just at the end though she said that she was going for this job as a traveling nanny she already knew I gather that she hadn’t got that job yes that’s true but Laur is a sort of girl who find it very difficult to to admit failure she wanted success she wanted friends you’re you’re pretty sure it was one of the friends that killed her now why do you think that why was it someone who knew her well in in most murder cases of course it’s a friend or somebody who they know um in Lor’s case we do know she was cautious she did not open the door to anyone she either peeped around the curtains before she let anyone in and I don’t think she would let anyone in at that time of the night unless she knew them well now as I said in the film you’ve had enormous cooperation her friends have tried to help when you’ve they’ve known you you’ve wanted them you’ve traced dozens already I GA yes we have we’ve spoken to more than 200 people but there are still others you need to to get in contact with you yes there are there are some I’m sure who don’t even know we’re making our inquiries any in particular yes well I have a calendar here which uh used to hang in her kitchen and as you can see on the 9th of August is detailed a wedding Saturday the 9th of August wedding it says she never went of course because by then she was dead but who invited her that’s exactly what we want to know right that uh gold dress she was wearing now obviously that was very very distinctive nobody’s come forward who who saw her in that no nobody at all and I don’t believe she would have gone very far away from Battery possibly on that doddington estate where she used to live somebody there can come forward and help us right you’ve brought an address book yes I have this address book was from a handbag and it uh it CH a party there it is in pencil a party on the 2nd of August 1986 so who invited Lor hailes to a party on the 2nd of August 1986 whoever it was uh please contact us of course the other thing from from the film were those late comers to the barbecue yes we still don’t know who they are could fill in a very important part of the last days of her life and uh it’s vital that they come forward and talk to us who are the any idea I have no idea who they are these are other friends who we just cannot find at the moment now I gather you have some reason to believe that this was an accidental killing in other words whoever did it may not have intended really death to be the outcome yes I I’ve got that very much in mind and anybody who perhaps is watching this program he could rest assured that he contacts us us we can think it may have been an accident we’re quite willing to talk about that I think it was a temper and perhaps an immediate ACC an accident with one Stab Wound well if whoever did it is watching do please call obviously it’s better if uh you call the police and they call on you if you’ve got suspicions then uh if you were in involved in any of the incidents that we’ve shown if if you were friend of her if in any way you can help here’s the number 0181 8055 0181 055 or of course you can call the incident room that’s on 01 3261 1212 that’s 01326 1212 well now our Aladdin’s cave if you’ve ever been burgled you might spot a long lost treasure and help convict a burglar in the process here to describe it all is John blee from the Antiques Road Show John thank you Zoo probably the saddest part of Aladdin’s cave is when we have things that are of no commercial value but are irreplaceable and Beyond value to the owners this sort of thing a plated cup in the Georgian style it’s not very old it’s not very valuable but it’s somebody’s pride and joy and the inscription reads the Swinton and pendlebury licensed vilers Association kelel Cup anyway onto something a bit brighter there’s a little corner cupboard I suppose it was made about 1900 and it’s continental and certainly Any Corner would look different without that and on it standing quite a good example of a Chinese porcelain bowl of a type we know as Canton you know it’s extraordinary the amount of Oriental art we have in this country look at this collection of ivories for example now these little standing figures have always been popular they represent all walks of life and they’re made in a great variety of qualities from Pretty Good Wonderful down to really rather poor these I’m glad to say are absolutely exceptional I particularly like this little chat you see all these arrows are absolutely separate and they all come out and if you want real quality you’ll see his purse there lying on the floor well there’s a silk cord and at the end of that is a little button called a netki that stops his purse dropping through from his belt because that’s how the Japanese always carried their purses you want to see one in action there it is there’s the little netki there’s the belt and there’s the purse hanging from it that again a wonderful quality figure now I don’t think we’ve ever had anything before from The Grand Tour of Europe now here’s a pretty pair of paintings they’re hand done but believe it or not those were the sort of things that the wealthy tourists used to collect like we collect postcards today now over there on the other side we’ve got another collection of Oriental porcelain and potteries from Japanese and Chinese and right in the center we’ve got a set of four Satsuma vases standing either side of the large square one which incidentally is extremely difficult to make and which someone might recognize because it had its top cut off you see that uneven edge now if you look at these enamel vases you’ll see how the Japanese design played a large part in the Arts and Crafts movement in England culminating in a style we know as nvo and here’s a wonderful example this was made for Liberties and the mark underneath it’s solid silver the mark underneath shows from the letter Zed that it’s made in 1899 in Birmingham denoted by the anchor and there is an inscription on the top which says here a man’s gladness is a friend’s Joy now there aren’t too many precisely like that and I suppose it’s worth about £1,000 today from one extreme to the other as I said earlier we have so many things of no interest to anyone except the owner medallions presentation watches running medals these believe belong to Elizabeth coxhill from northon but to end on a real Aladdin’s cave note look at this two diamonds Each of which is worth well in excess of £335,000 and if you think there’s anything there that belongs to you just call the number here in the studio 0181 8055 one of the cases on September’s incident desk was the Abduction of an 8-year-old boy Jamie Thomas from Lincoln he went out to play on his bike but didn’t come home he’d met a man who took him over 50 miles away to Petra police are anxious that unless this man is traced another child might be taken to the relief of his parents jimie did turn up the following day he’d managed to escape but his account of what happened is somewhat confused from what he has been able to tell police and from some eyewitness reports we have now put together a reconstruction of the events of Wednesday the 27th of August as jimie set off on his bike he promised he’d be back for tea but as his mother later discovered he’d emptied his piggy bank of about £9 worth of savings and he headed straight for the city center he was fed up that day he and his family had had to come back early from their Seaside holiday because the weather was so bad Jaimie doesn’t have a lot of friends and his main interests at the time were his new kitten and his bike a neighbor of Jam’s saw him just after 5 cycling around Lincoln’s main shopping Precinct at that stage he was on his own 6:00 at Lincoln Station a passenger had just got off a train from grimby excuse me are you the person in charge here uh yes I am um well I just got off the Grimsby to London train because somebody at Grimsby told me there’ been a derailment and I had to get a bus from here to Newark that was the case but normal service is now in operation well no one told me that and I’ve got to be in London by 8:00 the man then seemed to resign himself to a 2hour wait at Lincoln 215 over an hour later jimie was still in the precinct it was well past his tea time it seems this was when Jamie met his abductor a witness saw a man carrying a white carrier re bag walking a pace behind the boy oh goody here comes a train minutes later he was cycling towards Lincoln Station what about my bike don’t worry about the bike we’ll put it on the train all right this was the 828 local train to Newark a smartly dressed woman got into the same Carriage she spoke to both the man and Jamie during the half hour Journey one witness noticed the man kept combing his hair where’s my bike it’s all right it’s in the Gs van the woman May have Vital Information but so far she hasn’t come forward Mama 900 p.m. New York station there was 15 minutes to wait now for the London connection the station manager remembers them well is this bike yours it’s my bike oh well I’m afraid you’ll not be able to load it on the train here would you mind taking it down to the to the guards van and load it at the rear of the train please would you mind not riding it son please just walk it down to the bottom walk it down right thank you very much it seems they didn’t go as far as London they got off the 125 King’s cross train at Peter Jamie roughly remembers the route they took from the station where are we going don’t worry it’s not far he remembers going past the taxi rank they followed the cycle Track by the a15 bourge Boulevard and turned right into this underpass to cross the main road what did you say your name was again you can call me Steve or dad the cycle track continues past Johnson’s Frozen Foods Jamie remembers the graffiti there from his description it seems he was taken to an upstairs flat he had a bedroom to himself and apparently wasn’t molested piecing together the information Jaime’s been able to give them police believe the flat is somewhere around Cromwell Road and glandon Street in Peter an area full of flats and bed seets next morning he was given some breakfast then finding himself alone quite simply he let himself out and set off towards peterb on his bike he spent that morning cycling around close to where he’d stayed the night between The Cromwell Road area and the Queen’s Gate shopping Precinct then he left his bike to go and look in the window of the cycle shop at cowgate in those few moments the bike had disappeared [Music] [Music] I’ve lost my bike hello son what’s your name Jamie well detective Sergeant Brian bulock has been working on the case what sort of man do you think that was who took Jamie a very strange man indeed he befriended a small 8-year old boy in the city center of Lincoln and then he took him many miles away from his home on a train he kept the boy in a house or flat during the night and perhaps if Jamie hadn’t have left the following morning there might have been a different story do you think he really was called Steve he possibly could have been called Steve but he did ask Jamie to call him Steve or dad nearly at the beginning what do he look like can we have his description he’s described as about 5′ 7 to 5′ 10 40 to 55 years of age and his hair is described as thinning on top fair or or light colored and rather strug straggly at the back he was wearing a two-colored nylon anarak and he was carrying a blue hold door with a shoulder strap is your most important witness the woman who was on the same train as Jamie and the man yes we have this lady being seen off at Lincoln by a gentleman carrying a set of trade plates the lady is described as very smart middle-aged and during the 30-minute Journey from uh Lincoln to Newar she had a long conversation with Jam’s abductor and we would like to trace her and obviously the man carrying the trade plates who saw her off right they obviously knew each other could we just recap on the geography of it could you Jamie and I know took you back along the route from Peter station if you could take us along the Route yes we took Jamie back to peterb bur and as he says he left the railway station and turned left walked past the taxes along the a15 road and then he went under the subway under the main road and this eventually LED uh across a grassy patch which led to cobon Street which is near Cromwell Road and Glaston Street in Peterborough and there Jamie is lost he can’t tell us anymore where he was that night as we said his bike was stolen from the area that still hasn’t turned the next we haven’t found his bike no the most important appeal presumably must be to anyone in that area of Peterborough who’s seen a man who looks like our description perhaps we can see that one more time yes somebody must know this man they must work with him be friends with him or even live with him this is a story with a very happy ending but perhaps the next little child that’s taken away may not be quite as happy and lucky as Jamie well Mr bulock thank you if you recognize that face or if you think you know where Jamie was taken do call us now on 01 81855 or ring Lincoln Police on 052 291 that’s 052 the code for Lincoln 291 we have a full 40 lines here at the studio please though do keep trying if they’re all busy uh all the phone numbers are on cax if you have it that’s on page 186 of cax or you can write to us in confidence the address is crimat UK BBC TV London w128 QT and let me tell you we’ve had some very encouraging calls this evening we may have identified at least one of those checkbook fraudsters we’ve also got somebody who’s on the phone right now giving very important information about that armed Raider in Darlington and an appeal would the person who rang and identified the four people who were latecomers to that barbecue at laor Hills is on the 27th of July that Sunday evening with the person who made that phone call please call us back well we’ll be back with our update after question time that’s at 20 to 12 if you won’t be staying up that late thank you very much for watching thank thank you for calling if you did and by the way next month that’s December the 18th we’ll be back at our usual time halfast 9 and remember the violent crimes we show really are extremely rare and with your help right now some of tonight’s cases are being solved so unless you’re responsible for one of them don’t have nightmares do please sleep well good night good night

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