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    Speaking & listening – consists of three tasks and is 18 minutes long

    1. Topic (4 minutes long)

    You will choose a topic to prepare before the test, for discussion with the examiner.
    You must complete a Topic Form in advance and bring it with you to the exam.
    Here is an example of a completed Topic Form.
    2. Conversation (2 minutes long)
    You will have a short conversation with the examiner about one subject area chosen by the examiner.

    With a SELT test, there are two types offered by Trinity College London; GESE (Graded Examinations in Spoken English) and ISE (Integrated Skills in English).

    Skilled Worker visa
    Level of English
    You must prove you can read, write, speak and understand English to at least level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale.
    Prove your English language abilities with a secure English language test (SELT)
    For visa or citizenship applications, you may need to prove your knowledge of English by passing a secure English language test (SELT).

    Applications that require an English language test
    There are 2 types of test as different immigration routes require different levels of English language ability. The test you will need to take depends on what you are applying for.

    For the following application routes, you will need to take a test that assesses your reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities:

    Health and Care Worker
    High Potential Individual
    Innovator Founder
    Minister of Religion
    Scale-up Worker
    Skilled Worker
    For the following application routes, you will need to take a test that assesses your speaking and listening abilities:

    International Sportsperson
    Representative of an Overseas Business
    settlement (also known as indefinite leave to remain)
    The level of test you will need, known as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level, will depend on the route you are applying for. To find out which level you need, see the specific guidance for your immigration route.

    Approved test providers
    If you are in the UK
    You can only take a SELT with one of the following providers:

    IELTS SELT Consortium
    Trinity College London
    If you are outside of the UK
    You can only take a SELT with one of the following providers:

    IELTS SELT Consortium
    PSI Services (UK) Ltd – Skills for English (UKVI)
    Find an approved test
    For your results to be accepted, your test must:

    be on the list of approved English language tests
    have been sat at an approved test location
    have been awarded in the two years before the date of your application
    The list of approved English language tests has been assessed as meeting Home Office requirements under the secure English language testing arrangements. Only those tests and test levels specified are approved. If you intend to use an English language test in your immigration or nationality application, you must take one of the tests on the list.

    You should make sure the test that you book is the one approved for SELT:

    IELTS SELT Consortium: ‘IELTS for UKVI’ or ‘IELTS Life Skills’
    LanguageCert: ‘LanguageCert International ESOL SELT’
    Pearson: ‘PTE Academic UKVI’ or ‘PTE Home’
    PSI Services: ‘Skills for English UKVI’
    Trinity College London: ‘Secure English Language Tests for UKVI’ – Integrated Skills in English (ISE) or Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)
    It is for you to decide which test to take.

    The list of approved tests gives the CEFR level and minimum grade requirements for each level.

    Where 2 or more components (reading, writing, speaking and listening) of a test are examined and awarded together, for example a combined exam and certificate for reading and writing skills, you must show that you achieved the required scores in all the relevant components during a single sitting of that examination, unless you were exempt from sitting a component on the basis of a disability.

    Exam format and timings
    Reading & Writing – 2 hours

    2 x Reading tasks:
    Long reading
    Multi-text reading
    1 x Reading into writing task
    1 x Extended writing task
    Speaking & Listening – 18 minutes

    2 x Speaking tasks:
    Topic discussion task
    Conversation task
    2 x Independent listening tasks

    [Music] that’s just for fun Trinity B1 isc1 four skills test selt secure English language tests B1 English test isc1 skilled worker health and care worker scaleup worker student visas our study appro mhm family background other other okay so if I would ask you what is the most common reason for learning a foreign language then what would you tell me personal interest and enjoyment yes that’s right and what is the least uh uh reason for learning a foreign language least reason H last one like not minimum one this is the first one you told me common one the maximum major one what is the least one the minimum one other yes that’s right okay if I would ask you that from this section if you have to tell me that how um uh how learning a foreign language could be useful for students in the future so what points would you like to pick degree requirement using the future career Future travel or study right yes okay now this is related to anyways if what whatever examiner will ask you could B sorry read B Now read B scientists scientists believe learning a second language increase brain power researchers from University College London studied the brains of 105 people 80 of these people were BL beling Bling by means two lingual means language a person who can speak two languages bilingual they found learning other languages changed the part of the the brain which process information they compared this change to the way in which exercise builds no total paragraph be muscle studies shows muscles studies show that people who regularly speak more than one language are better at problem solving in addition students who study foreign languages often score better in tests than students who only speak one language this is particularly true in maths music reading and understanding vocabulary okay what do you understand from this in English sorry screen is not okay I understand science H other language is increas your brain power like you uh give more information it’s better your studies like foreign students more more on the other side what can the students do students can get better marks in tests be good at problem solving and learn other skills like maths music reading and understanding vocabulary this means that people who speak more than one language are smart you know students they can learn easily okay M okay now let’s R text C student name no this is just reading student name Maria CEST class for a language experiment today our class one sec and screen is today our class conducted an experiment based on a research about learning languages researchers at the University of Adra read School of Music have discovered the that Learners memory skill are much better when learning languages to music our class decided to test whether the music helped us learn languages in our school experiment we tried to remember presses in Greek and repeat them 15 minutes later it was of course important to choose a language no one we were divided into three groups each group listed to the Greek Paris and repeated them but each group did this is a different way the first group here the prees spoken the second group group ha presses set a rhythm Rhythm set to a rhythm and the third group here proceed in a song the singing group was able to remember for more Greek than the other two groups our conclusion was that learning languages is in a song does help you remember but language is more easy yes yes that’s right that’s absolutely right okay so basically it’s an experiment at the University of Adra to learn language using music you know but learning language through music okay then text D what is the best way to learn a foreign language iung South Korea you should definitely go and leave abroad the best way to learn a language is to be with native speakers and not speak your own language Lexi Russia I use the internet all the time it is really cheap and easy way to learn you have to be care full to as not all websites are good car ity I think watching films with English subtitles is very helpful my friend listen to English music but I don’t think that’s very good way to learn okay okay what do you what do you understand from this passage in this spes guys is told language no if you speak different language you go to abroad and other guy says you use internet for language and car says you watch English movies uh you watch movies for English T subtitles it’s good or learn English okay good okay now I want to give you some questions okay you’ll first start of it also for this section also you will always start off with fill in the blanks first fill in the blanks first okay sir as you can see that the first one uh is uh okay now how to read this how to read this how to understand this part um look sir can you see that that first point is the benefits of studying a second language the benefits of studying a second language now they’re using the word pleasure here something enjoyable interesting to learn the language is required so can you you see this is point one that they have mentioned in here this is point two that they have mentioned in here this is point three and this is uh probably that’s all okay because then the next Point starts here um can you tell me what’s the answer of 26 from text a missing word no more than three words 26 the language is required in order to study far mhm uh sorry I don’t understand uh what are you saying is question this is complete the summary missing words you have to find the missing words of course you have to take information from the uh passage and check that which information is missing because they have told us the benefits of studying a second language pleasure pleasure means enjoyment right something enjoyable and interesting to learn why people learn a foreign language uh the the language is required in order to study for a deg degree This Is The Answer here degree okay yes okay then 27 uh blank is increased by learning for by learning languages foreign language students often uh get higher marks now pick up your keywords students in text B and also increased from text B and also uh higher marks from text B and find the answer for 27 and 28 from text B text St and text B sorry I read the G text Dash is in increased okay okay okay second language no sir uh blank is increased by learning uh can you see this word increases here yes exact word phraser number sir they are saying that don’t pick any word on your own pick exact word and those exact words are very closely mentioned with the with the words you know so itrees brain power that’s right that’s right brain power is increases by learning languages okay and number 28 yes now you also from the same text find it text B number 28 is only blank yes because students often get higher marks find your word marks or score foreign students often get higher marks in sorry I didn’t know okay it’s given in here that uh studies show that people who regularly speak more than one language are often better at problem solving uh foreign language students uh students the word students who study foreign languages often even the word often is given here can you see that yes uh even word often even for students even foreign language uh this is given a foreign language students often score means marks okay uh better means higher in tests the answer is tests even the word in is even the word in is given here in tests okay now effective ways of learning uh a language text C and text D both texts carry some information first you need to understand listen to a blank to help you learn a new language listen to a what and 30th is blank to a native speaker the word native speaker is given in text D and a native speaker uh please find the answer for 29 and 30 I can tell you 29 is from text C 30 is from text D listen to uh blank to help learn new language listen to a music yes no our music can’t be correct you have to pick another word because music is a collective noun we can’t put a no music seems to be correct but we also need to look at grammar here uh what is pi other word no phrases we can’t even put phrases there because phrases is also plural right so pick some other word oh music we can’t say because a is written there can you see that listen to a music that is wrong okay and what other word song listen to a song it’s in the last line phrases you can’t write because phrases is plural okay if you would read the last line you can find the word help also you can find the word language also okay listen to a song to help learn new language okay okay number 30 is fill blanks and practice with native speakers use Technologies easy language that’s a one one line question 13 no use technology no television with this um sorry I don’t understand can you please read for me number 30 blank and practice with native speakers the information is mentioned in paragraph D so it is connected because you know use of technology is using internet that is already given that’s not the blank can you see that it’s already given here uh using technology then television and watching uh reading and listening to subtitles that is the paraphrase paraphrase of this and this you need to find out list uh 30 websites is already given right that’s not the blank websites use websites it’s already given done okay this one is already given subtitles of films you have to find the missing information so what would come in 30th answer sub language Lear internet no no that second point is already given right use technology uh like websites no 30th answer go okay answer is live abroad live abroad and practice with native speakers live abroad and practice with native speaker yes understand yes okay it’s fine it’s okay it’s your first test I hope so one test you will solve by yourself you will understand okay next um I’m going to take a photo of true false and not given from this section and you have to pick eight out of eight how many correct statements five okay we’ll first do um text A and B can you read uh one number one and tell me if it’s true or false number one h a a read a a common most the common most reason for learning languages is to understand films and music uh personal interest enjoyment yes it’s true because it’s personal uh it’s not films and music no it’s incorrect it’s false we don’t have the word films and music here you don’t have see this is s exact word picking not like that it’s not they have not given here they have not given music here they have not given films here they have given us some reasons for learning a foreign language personal interest and enjoyment degree requirement using the future study because I learn music and uh films is uh enjoyment but there’s no heading here where’s the heading okay okay okay false okay and also most important no no no wait a second wait a okay fine fine cool if you say see this is a very easy text you have you don’t have to overthink actually it’s the information that is right in front of you you know you have to match it with the it’s a paraphrase of the statement for example if I say paraphrase you know right it say same thing but different words that is paraphrase okay okay now read B and tell me if it’s true or false more people learn another language because of their studies rather than their family yes true yes this is true because more people actually learn it uh because of uh studies right family portion is very little B is true okay now C this is from text B no number 21 is the B no a is false that’s why we can’t write it read the question again M pleas read question the title of the question choose the five statements from a h a to H below that according to the information given in the text B okay as Okay C Now read C people who speak more than one language are often better at subject with but people who speak more than one language false people who speak more than one language are often better at subjects with numbers that’s true because they’re good at problem solving and maths this is true from text B okay text B do you understand yes okay so then C is also true then language learning uh boosts the brain boosts mean increases brain power when you speak uh the second language often is this true or false language learning Boots the brain when is true yes this is also true so you’re going to put D here what do you think about e this is from text edra like so you just find your keyword Eden bra from Tex University of edra tested different VI of learning music okay de see one second is true no this is wrong because they did not want to teach people music but actually for learning language not learning music okay is mentioning yes yes yes it is easier to remember words when you sing them it is easier to remember words when you I didn’t understand uh it is easier to remember words when you sing them this is true because it is easier to remember songs when you sing sing a song you know that’s why they’re saying Learning Easy when you sing so this is also true this is true uh f is true now read G do you think it’s true or false regarding words on a screen can help you learn a language yes true that’s right because subtitles right yes from screen yes that’s right more um h any website can be good place for language learning false why is it false because uh every website not good H uh because text D I use the internet all the time it’s really cheap and easy way to learn you have to carefully through as not all website are good good job very nice okay so you little little understand it’s good uh one text you do by yourself then full understand okay last part let’s do quickly okay which paragraph talks about explains that learning languages can help you learn other skills which paragraph that is text in this one you can use any letter more than once like explains that which paragraph explains that learning languages can help you learn other skills that’s paragraph B that says that if you learn another language you can learn math vocabulary reading and other things also music as well which paragraph advises language Learners to travel advise advice is given in text D so you will put put that in in here uh in front of it do you understand d d you no I don’t understand I don’t show your screen F uh now you can see for one second please read the question task two yes multi text reading yes read the for short text about foreign language and answer the 15 question on pages 4 six yes question 16 to 20 read question 16 to 21 and then read text a BC and below the question okay as you read each text decided which text each question refers to choose one letter A B C D and write it to on the line you can easy okay which text explain number 16 explain the learning language can you learn other skills that is text B that text B says if you learn other languages you can learn music reading vocabulary and other things it’s given in here adise language learns to travel A B C or D this is D go and live abroad this is travel advise this is first paragraph a talks about traveling but this is a reason you travel that is advice advice means suggestion you know so why do you travel so that is D then you will write D here okay D this one is B this is d uh then which paragraph talks says music helps learning that is text C right you read it by yourself also that is text C and uh which paragraph um uh shows that more people choose to learn language for pleasure than for work pleasure means enjoyment which uh paragraph shows that uh more people choose to learn a language for pleasure than work which paragraph shows this paragraph a next that is correct so I’m going to write a here uh what do you think about 20 s which paragraph suggests that people who learn more than one language do better at school which paragraph suggests this can you please move down do better at school I think there’s just one paragraph that talks about school that is text B text yes text B that’s nice these every time different but these are sample papers sample paper means sample questions you will have questions like this and pattern is exactly the same but the text is different you know maybe today you read about foreign languages but in your exam you might have a topic about uh the New Castle you know anything text is different but question types are same okay of course it’s it can’t be the same this is because answers are given at the bottom so you don’t go to end page you just do by yourself okay any test you can choose right now we’ve done test one you can as hbook do test too full test okay tomorrow when you will join me I will teach you full writing okay okay but writing we will do from task this task first uh this one that we have read we will do writing from this task first okay this this task we will do tomorrow this one how to write very easy task not difficult so I think you uh you uh can try more reading from the website but tomorrow I teach you uh reading into writing and also extended writing I okay okay okay just one test sit down and practice by yourself good practice and you will feel that oh I know this this is not difficult this is easy extend writing no writing just reading uh sample papers will open in front of you you will choose paper number two from here three from here four five six seven any paper that you want to read your choice so there are many reading passages in it long text readings and multi- text readings you can practice okay okay thank you I’ll see you tomorrow than you bye thank you

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