There’s FIVE Labour Party witch-hunts going on right now here in the centre of the universe.

    hello there as you can see new studio ah Studio new studio moved moved a couple of months ago I’m in a um better place better neighborhood been keeping it quiet I haven’t had that much to say and what I’ve had to say really wasn’t was Saye to be honest about the you know the World At Large the largest thing my concern is Rochdale my concern has been Rochdale you know from the very start and I feel the need to have a word because of what’s going on what’s going on you ask there’s about five consecutive you know five witch hunts going on at the same time for for judge now it’s like who’s after judge oh well there’s a local mob of climate Fanatics who were just part of the labor party the labor party a uh a fanatical me know Mr Mark Coleman old friend of mine spoke about him previously he went from being Vicor r del to gluing himself to the motorway and stopping traffic as part of first uh Inu late Britain and then just stop oil he’s a an activist for extinction Rebellion but he’s his wife’s just a recently retired labor counselor they’re campaigning against Jorge because he’s a climate change denier because he recognizes that we live under the same sky as China and um committing National Suicide chasing Net Zero won’t make a jot of difference as long as they’re building two cire post stations a week now to to most folk this makes sense but to them it doesn’t they’re going in hard on jarge because jarge is a climate change denier and have you heard how these people speak I mean I’ve been playing a lot of Fallout recently and I find that kind of you know apocalyptically funny well it’s like they talk like that’s what the future holds for us if we don’t do what they demand they’re fanatics but they’re Fanatics that are part of the local l Liber party Fanatics and then uh we had the recent Witch Hunt for judge when he um refused to bend the knee to the identity politics trans uh stated a preference that he his children weren’t tarted at school a completely responsible parental position he’s got that choice he can have that opinion but then suddenly he becomes the enemy of the lgbtqp plus Community he’s a homophobe he ran against what was she what she called Joe or he was shot by the mental patient but they made it about right-wing extremism he run against her sister she’s a lesbian therefore he’s a homophobe remember that so it’s like the greens are witch hunting the lgbtqp plus are witch hunting and then suddenly hope not hate have started lethal in the town campaigning with the prospective MP who’s this smiley smiley sort of happy Slappy happy [ __ ] smiley smiley journalist with a lot to say about the environment who hails from bath but has relatives in Rochdale and claims to be r through and through just like Simon dankook did Simon dankook came from uh West what it east rdale east rdale also known as Huddersfield East Rochdale we call that bath is South Rochdale don’t you know rdale is the center of the world everything’s rdale it’s like they have putting pets through doors accusing judge of being dead dangerous and divisive George is talking politics right well that’s dangerous and divisive isn’t it because labor aren’t talking politics that their campaign is solely as always on we’ve got to get the Tes out the Tes are to blame for everything that possibly goes wrong let me show you some yeah look at this council tax bill I’m in the lowest band obviously ccial tax because I am a POA who’s now like on the longterm sick I’ve recently had an MRI scan I’m now on the waiting list for a pacemaker it’s uh I’m in a situation as to where I can’t do very much at all all not your problem though see what council tax bills look like in rdale 1,553 49 to have a council who L it over us and treat us like children while they destroy the town while they pay millions destroying the town while the local election on they put their plans to turn the whole town into one great pedestrianized cycle Lane mess at the cost of tens of millions they put it on hold and then as soon as they won the local election with something like a 29% turnout oh well the people have spoken were moving ahead with our plans to finish destroying the town and for the privilege of being treated like that we get our bins emptied for 1,553 49 a household now the new guy coming in Mr Paul War he’s a rubber stamp for that he’s not going to stand up to anything the council does he isn’t going to say a word he’s going to be all about well you’re being a bit negative aren’t you we’ve got to think about the future what about the future Generations like you’ve got a crystal ball like we don’t live under the same sky as China so we have to commit National Suicide to shame them into changing their ways and do you do you think it’s going to register do you think the Russians are going to keep their a underg ground really you know really what are Brazil’s plans to reach Net Zero what are Argentina’s plans to reach Net Zero oh they don’t have any at all and we share the same planet we breed the same Earth we share the same Sky although when you put that to these people they accuse you of not understanding the science as if Rochdale is a bubble as if Britain is a bubble as if Britain’s got its own environment that we don’t share the same atmosphere with the rest of the world this is what we’re up against and if you go up against it they tell you you don’t understand the science you just don’t understand the science so well what about uh like relativity like you know you put your green plans are expensive who’s shifting all that concrete who’s building all that infrastructure for your green craziness it’s not green scientists is it it’s not it’s not uh climate scientists shifting tons of concrete is it no it’s not it’s the trades isn’t it it’s the working people it’s the government contractors doing that burning energy wasting money so you can feel good about yourselves this is what rdale is and these are the people who are coming after jarge witch hunting you see they can’t call yge racist and they can’t call him Islam phobic it’s like well why is that John it’s like because his core support is rell’s Muslim population why why have they recruited and turned to and brought in George Galloway because they’ve had enough of the labor party because they live in the same town as the rest of us they’re getting ripped off too they’ve had enough I know you guys are pretty down on immigration but it’s a matter of workers party people in Rochdale i’ want had had the guy who was who sort of ran in my stead in Healey who was telling me I didn’t really want to run I wanted to run Bamford and they put me in Healey so they bumped me at Healey to put you in there’s a little bit of a disaster that happened in the local elections in uh in rdale with too many let’s say too many cooks too many chiefs in not enough Indians you had an overlap between the people in roale who were running it and the people who were working for George Galloway were uh far away in in you know north south and east rdale south rdale being London so but that’s conversation for another day it’s like um people who were born here are red aliens and they’re not going anywhere you can say what you like about immigration it’s like uh it’s you know the most racist thing that happens in rale where they’ll bring in somebody from like Afghanistan and they’ll put him in a council flat and then when he sort of shits in his neighbor’s Garden or pours rubbish out of the window the council look at it as to say well it’s your problem he’s a member of your community there’s nothing more racist than lumping all the Muslims together that’s racist and that’s what they do treated as pets got labor counselor now he came around to visit and I didn’t speak to him because he was a friend my brother-in-law was here and um he went to he went to college with him about 20 years ago for some nice school he were doing and this guy didn’t not even have command of the English language you’d be talking to him and the look on his face you can’t be convinced he’s understanding the word he’s saying yeah he’s the labor counselor oh he arrived in this country 20 years ago he’s the labor counselor that’s what we we’re into it’s like it’s all divided it’s all divisive best thing that’s ever happened in this time was George Galloway turning up why because suddenly you’ve got a united front there’s someone to vote for who people think can win and he has one already and will probably win again but it’s like The Witch Hunt by the labor party now in bed with hope not hate and Nick lels it’s like where does where does Nick lels and hope not hate get off going after George Galloway usually they go after Tommy Robinson they’ll call Tommy Robinson racist but they’re coming after George Galloway 2,000 leaflets distributed in rdale a a registered charity registered charity campaigning for the labor party is the isn’t that illegal but it doesn’t matter if it’s illegal because you who’s the the Top Line fter in the in great Manchester area Andy Burnham he’d be all for it he would support it there’s absolutely no way that there anyone’s going to get the knuckles wrapped for breaking election law arounda they can do what they want they can say what they want and be throwing out we can say what we want we can tell any lie why because he’s a climate change denier and he’s homophobic because he ran against a lesbian and he doesn’t want his kids teaching gender ideology in the school and they’re trying to trick him into apologizing for his position so at this stage of the game when people start throwing [ __ ] around I suddenly get myself involved don’t I certainly I’ve got something to say about it it’s like there’s only one hit piece been written about me since I became associated with the workers party of Britain you want to see it it was in the um what is it that those who every every Campa every time you see a rental m they’re always there holding the sign the Socialist Workers Party the Socialist Workers Party wrote a hit piece against me a national so calling themselves a anti-extremism think tank identified me as being a dangerous subversive and what did they do they look through me Twitter feed so you ain’t seen nothing I’ve said far worse things I’m far more extreme I’ve said things you would have believe that had stand by so it’s a matter of as soon as my name got associated with George Galloway soly Charities apparently Charities think charitable organizations started taking an interest in what I’d said on Twitter as to that I might be a dangerous political subversive well I am certainly a climate change Den I’ll talk till I’m blew in the face I can sit down and give you 10 hours on why I’m a climate change Den identity politics well I see it as I’ve been I’ve been in the battle against that from the very beginning giving bullies a license to bully a shield from which they can snipe behind make them above the line more many respects and I see that as being a terrible thing and it’s not just because I’m a white straight man and don’t have a PC card I have white privilege don’t I so I use my white privilege to say what I think and what thees same what what what price have I paid for say what I think over the years it’s cost me everything everything so there’s nothing more to take from me you know you could take the last 26 pound out of my bank I’m seven days until I get me uh get me Universal Credit I’m on something called I’m on something uh I’m on basic Universal Credit having made applic for basically to go on the sick when I was hospitalized and we’re halfway through June and I still haven’t received a single penny on top of basic Universal Credit I am effectively housebound due to my uh 25% ejection fraction my uh left ventricle that doesn’t work at all yeah I’m s sat in absolute poverty with you know the only luxury in life I get is I get myself 30 grams of tobacco a week that’s my only luxury in life and here I am I’ll stand against you and come at me what you going to take away from me is there anything left have I got anything left that can be taken away I’ve lost my health the only thing I’ve got left is me life to be alive to be actually still in the game as long as I live and breath I’ll not shut up about these fools it’s like they’ve got absolutely no idea what it is to struggle they’ve got absolutely no idea what it is to see to to live in poverty and despair they don’t know about it they’ve got absolutely no clue and they’ve already decided who’s to blame and it’s not them is it it’s not them you Haven spent a minute thinking about the ins and outs of why things are the way they are in a town like rdale it’s just well it wasn’t us was it we’re the good side even though we’ve been in charge of the town for many years every misstep in this town is has got it tracks back to the council tracks back to the labor party who the hell would want to come to roel and get and going to business with those gangsters who suddenly it’s not your business it’s their business and you’re just running it for them they are worse than the banks they’re almost a protection racket the gangsters haven’t got anything on rdale Council for how they want a piece of your action and now you have to bow and scrape to them yet they come to you every year with a bill for £1,500 for the privilege of having your bins empted by such a fine organization this is what it’s like


    1. Watched in full now. And these people as I said will be in charge with a “super majority”,, carte blanche to do as they sodding please.

    2. If that is Galloway's position on climate change he's not thought it through properly. So according to you GG is just a left populist with no intellectual credibility?

    3. Come on John, we want your opinion of that little thing they're calling the UK Reform Party. Tories 2.0 or a glimmer of hope for restructuring the UK for something more positive ?!?

      Lets face facts, in Rochdale the Labour party seems like The Brotherhood of Steel who don't own the tech or are clever enough to use it even.

    4. It's war. 

      The radical brainwashed power mad marxists, using nothing but oppressed/oppressor narrative for every problem who are now indoctrinating children must be stopped. This madness is imported from soviets/china, and these ideologies must be defeated, again. I'm not a keen conspiracy theorist, just watch a Yuri Bezmenov video from the 80s predicting everything happening today, it's not a conspiracy theory when all the marxist literature tells you exactly what they're going to do before they do it and it's happening right now.

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