An open border is like a bank with no locks. If we protect our valuables and our families behind locked doors, why aren’t we protecting our country in the same way? Only robbers hate vaults. ••「 CALL IN & LINKS: 」•• Charlie Kirk & Kari Lake join Dr. Drew to discuss immigration and the upcoming election. Kari Lake says fentanyl is a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ and that Arizona is turning into a fentanyl pipeline flowing directly into the USA.

    Charlie Kirk is the author of Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West available at, and the Founder and President of Turning Point USA. Charlie was previously named to the Forbes “30 under 30” list and was the youngest speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention as well as the opening speaker at the 2020 RNC. He’s the author of four books including the #1 Amazon and New York Times best-seller, “The MAGA Doctrine: The Only Ideas that Will Win the Future” from Broadside Books. The Charlie Kirk Show is listened to, watched, and streamed by an audience of over 1 million people every day. Find more at and follow him at

    Kari Lake is running for US Senate in Arizona’s 2024 election. After broadcasting as a news anchor for nearly 3 decades, Kari now proudly calls herself a “nightmare for fake news” and frequently appears in the headlines for controversial statements about President Trump, immigration, and election integrity. Find more at and follow her at

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    「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 The CDC states that vaccines are safe & effective. Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on medical issues. This show is for entertainment or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician before making health decisions.

    「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky (

    「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio shows, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He’s known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at

    welcome to a special Monday ask Dr Drew we are going to have the one and only Charlie Kirk in here in just a mere moment as well as Carrie Lake she’ll be in here about the bottom of the hour of course Charlie is founder and president of Turning Point USA host of The Charlie Kirk show on Rumble and locals and host the Charlie sh Kirk show on podcast Apple Spotify you know Charlie Kirk author of forthcoming book right-wing Revolution I’m going to get into it with him very kindly agreed to strw up with us here today which we are delighted to have and then uh after the break at the bottom of the hour we’ll bring uh the one and only car Lake in so stay with us our laws as it pertain to substances are Draconian and bizarre the psychopath start this he was an alcohol because of social media and pornography PTSD love addiction fentel and heroin ridiculous I’m I’m a doctor for where the hell you think I learned that I’m just saying you go to treatment before you kill people I am a clinician I observe things about these chemicals let’s just deal with what’s real we used to get these calls on leline all the time educate adolescence and to prevent and to treat you have trouble you can’t stop and you want to help stop it I can help I got a lot to say I got a lot more to [Music] [Applause] [Music] say summer is right around the corner and unfortunately so are those visible dark spots sun spots other blemishes that the Sun leaves behind until now the Deep correcting serum from our friends at Jus cell visibly Fades away dark marks sunspots scars and other signs of discoloration all over your skin you’d be amazed at how quickly you’ll see results now you can enjoy your summer sun Beach barbecues without the annoying spots and as always jny cell guarantees you’ll see the results or your money back no questions asked right now you can save over 50% off Susan skincare Essentials at Drew Plus save an extra 25% automatically apply to checkout for worldclass skincare that works I know 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because I’ve got a bunch of questions for you um let me uh let me start with something a global question before I get to all the things my producers are excited about I I started thinking about the political landscape and and maybe you and I got into this a little bit on your own program but um you know I I I was always you you’ll appreciate this I was fighting off conservatives back in the day they took issue with me talking about vaccines HPV vaccine they took issue with me advocating for morning after contraception and things they took issue with us having conversations about the kinds of things we were talking about on L line back in the day so I was always batting that off and I I wasn’t sure where I was um uh politically but I always kind of assumed I was like a classical liberal now it’s getting confusing to know what anyone is anymore and I want to ask you what is conservatism what what is that now that’s it’s a great question very simply it’s about protecting the best we have to offer so our kids and grandkids can enjoy it that’s it it’s protecting the best it’s conserving so you yeah interject please well the best as laid down in the Constitution as according best according to whom sure exactly what is objectively best for example so having children which we’re not doing a good job of conserving that’s an objective good for the species uh so let’s just one thing we talk about in the book is the birth rate is plummeting we’re the fertility rates are the lowest they’ve ever been in American history and the idea of having children is now a luxury item for those that can afford it um the idea of home ownership so I think that’s an objective good that helped build Western Society you have your land you’re able to caretake for it this is my place I’m going to Steward it well uh home ownership is now at record lows for young people so we are we are increasingly losing that uh under Joe Biden under Donald Trump it required about $71,000 a year in annual income uh to purchase a home according to and now with Joe Biden it requires about $125,000 a year to purchase a home so the best is also that that’s why it’s such an interesting statement my answer Dr Drew because we could spend two hours of what is the best by what standard by whom well the agreed upon way in the west of how we have explored and defined the answer is those things that are good for their own sake and that is an Arista tilian answer uh it’s awfully philosophical but you don’t have to dwell in it too much and say that children is good for society marriage is good for society uh when drug addiction goes up that’s a bad thing you’ve been a hero on that topic so happy to throw it back to you but conservatism is about protecting the best we have to offer so that young people and future Generations can enjoy it like we have so you’re saying something that is a good with essentially a capital G in and for itself right that’s how you sort of would Define that but embedded in what you say was a deep pragmatism and objectivity about what’s good for people uh if I pulled out and just said you know what I’m into pragmatism I’ve always I thought we’ve we have become ideologues and pragmatism has been lost would I be still a conservative yeah absolutely and so I think we must understand that abstractions have probably hurt the West in the last 20 or 30 years I’ll give you one example where I have gone to war within the conservative circles this idea that we need to be the world’s policemen and that we need to spread democracy abroad I think it’s an insane idea I think it’s caused a lot of human Carnage and suffering that is an abstraction meaning it sounds good in a talking point or how about this one we need to fight the terrorists there so we don’t fight them here in reality has that actually been the case have we actually seen a decrease in global terror is our country safer has it been a good thing that we tried to spread democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan so if you actually if you read Russell Kirk who I share a of no relation and Edmund Burke they actually were anti- ideological and anti- abstractions and it was about things that are good for their own sake as I mentioned previously that all people can enjoy from for example finding your soulmate having children having strong communities and not necessarily always relying on the state or centralized corporate power and I think as conservatives we lost the plot and I talk about this in the book right-wing revolution in recent times where we’re only skeptical of govern government power or we’re not skeptical of corporate power the the blend or the flavor of conservatism that I advance in this book and I’m not alone there’s many other people JD Vance and Tucker Carlson who agree is that we should be skeptical of fizer as much as we are skeptical of the FDA it’s not okay to say that okay just big government is bad it’s also that which is probably true in most cases but also we must understand that big corporations can sometimes do even more damage to us than the federal government they can poison us they can censor us they can lie to us and so to answer your question yes pragmatism and there’s a better word for it we use the word Prudence uh that is an ancient Greek word which means practical knowledge uh people you could spend years uh thinking about what does prudence actually mean two leaders in the last couple hundred years embodied Prudence better than anybody El it’s Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill there was no necessary blueprint or game plan for how to handle the stresses or the consequences of what their decisions meant but both were great men because they were able to step up in times of unbelievable pressure and high consequence and face evil and be able to come up Victorious so yes I actually think an anti- ideological anti- abstraction uh movement is one that can unite the country and one that can um defeat some of the more radical um let’s just say idea toxins that have been infecting the West well Bo there was a lot packed into what you said I like the idea of idea toxin but uh you know you brought up Aristotle and uh nican ethics essentially and he had another word uh yeah he had another word in there called fris which is essentially wisdom or or learned experience you learning through experience applied knowledge that kind of thing and you’re really talking about fris as well as Prudential uh sort of skill which is fascinating to me uh the other thing is fascinating to me is that you bring up Edmund Burke I’ll be damned if I don’t have a conversation about today’s political landscape and the French Revolution doesn’t get involved in that conversation within 5 minutes every damn time and Edmund Burke is a response conservative response to the excesses of the French Revolution and I would argue a damn good wellth thought him and Benjamin constant uh both very good resp constant I think is his name uh one was Benjamin I think they both British I think they’re both British uh and they were concerned about excesses and about destruction of previous structure that have taken many years to to evolve but but that’s not what I want to ask get back to you on when I want when I want to sort of it’s not even pushing back I want you to talk more about is it really corporations or is it the structure of the system that we have put in place that has allowed corporate mother money to adulterate our political system and by the same token thereby adulterating protections that we should have against the corporate powers it’s a great question it’s probably both and the reason being is that even if you don’t have corporate money in politics your corporations still run your country look at Germany uh beay Mercedes-Benz the major pharmaceutical companies still run German politics but they have highly prohibitive corporate money regulations so it’s not just money in politics that’s a problem let me be very clear I I I know it but you can look at other Western countries they’ve not been able to shed themselves of corporate power or corporate Dom or corporate influence let’s be honest the the biggest companies in Germany from the chemical engineering companies the pharmaceutical companies to the automob they call the shots right I mean the government can kind of say but they’ve merged and that’s the the bigger issue is that we’re seeing more more of a fascistic oligarchic model than we are actually having the separation of economy and state you know a lot of people like to talk about the separation of church and state the true separation should be separation of Corporation and State uh and I think a lot of people on the traditional quote unquote left would agree with me I will go to the first part though is that one of the reasons why these corporations have become so powerful and so vast over American life is that this the incentive structure is less and less about Innovation and about driving change for the American people and it’s more and more about graft now I don’t want to deal in overgeneralization there’s still amazing innov Innovative companies Tesla I love Elon Musk but look at the wealthiest counties in America the wealthiest counties in America America eight out of 10 of the wealthiest counties in this country around Washington DC 40 years ago all the wealthiest counties were around Detroit Chicago New York so we went from a country that largely rewarded production Innovation and entrepreneurial activity to one that now rewards access and who can gain the system better so I think it’s both and I will agree with you on the corporate the the corporate money and politics was used to be a crusade of the Left Post citizen United um now I think there’s a bipartisan agreement that this is deeply unhealthy to who the biggest bidder goes the public policy I don’t think that’s a good thing for us but I also don’t want us to live under any delusions that if we get quote unquote publicly financed elections this is going to solve it and last thing I’ll say Dr Drew is that Barack Obama he up this is not necessarily A criticism I think he did the right thing but Barack Obama upended a long tradition post Nixon where every major presidential candidate would receive taxpayer money for their presidential campaigns this was after Watergate this is a lesser known Wrinkle in American campaign history uh which is that in the 80s and 90s Reagan Clinton all major presidential races would get a check from the federal Tre treasury would be like $700 million and you were not then able to raise any big outside money quote unquote big outside money Obama said I can raise more than that so you can always decide to reject the money and I think that was probably a bad thing for our society Dr Drew I think it was probably better when presidential candidates weren’t doing fundraiser after fundraiser or like Joe Biden going to Hollywood even Donald Trump to Silicon Valley where where what what is being promised what is being brokered it is the rules of the game and the the loser is the everyday American that doesn’t have a seat at that table yeah I I completely agree with on that um yeah this the the corporate governance government sort of incestous relationship I don’t think a lot of people understand that was the original sort of construct of fascism you use the word fascistic but that is exactly what it is number one but I’m conflicted in that there’s nothing the government does well or better than corporations so I don’t want them doing things either it it’s just I don’t want the the the back and forth influence to be so and you’re right and maybe we need a renewed sort of Teddy Roosevelt style I don’t know if it’s Anti-Trust or whatever sort of some way to decrease some of the power of Corporations but but do you have an idea about that before I because I want to go to a completely different topic so yeah I’ve done a lot of thinking about this in fact there’s a whole there’s a whole CH on corporate power in the book the only the only solution I have that I know will work is you have to deregulate the small guy so let’s just take artificial intelligence for example in the AI arms race Google Facebook and Microsoft are doing everything they can to regulate the smaller AI companies in Silicon Valley that actually have a way to make more ethical and effective AI so they want to try to create an AI oligarchy and so that’s the only solution that I’ve been able to find that I think people can agree on is deregulate the entrepreneur don’t give the regulation that the big guys want because regulation is no longer what you think it is you know who wants more regulation Facebook does Apple they could they have a compliance Department that is larger than most than it’s 2,000 people large so they they use regulation as a butress against competition I want to ask you a news story which is I guess yesterday in Detroit president Trump had been speaking and there was some sort of security breef do you have any information about that oh I don’t know if it was a let’s be very clear yeah I’m happy to clear it up so it was at our event and so we have a convention hall and Detroit police were Manning one of the doors and four individuals with backpacks uh got through not through the security channels it was all benign it was fine they were one of the sponsors the Secret Service to their great credit shut everything down made everyone leave the convention center and had to rewand and res sweep everything I was very encouraged by this not just be clear it threw off our uh agenda by about two hours in Detroit which you ever run Live Events two hours is an eternity right we had people missing flights it was but however I was encouraged because I I as AE as a friend and a vocal supporter of President Trump I remain very worried that he’s now subject to assassination again that’s not a conspiracy theory Reagan got shot they tried to killed Gerald Ford they killed Malcolm X they killed Bobby Kennedy they killed JFK Julius Caesar so this idea of ass assassination is not foreign to American or Western history but the Secret Service they went above and beyond they said we play no games our job is to protect the former president and they shut everything thing down did the right job so that’s the story there it’s actually the first I’ve mentioned it publicly oh thank you for their clarifying it here Garfield McKinley uh Teddy Roosevelt was shot in the chest and I think it was a Bible or something protected him if I remember right so yeah we have a long history of uh this problem okay I have a question that’s completely off these topics and I I something that caught my eye and I was fascinated by it you uh are reportedly I don’t know if this is even true of course you can you can never tell anymore what’s true and what’s not but it had been reported that you were critical of President Obama’s H1N1 response which was slow and plotting and I would argue that’s what I was looking for in the covid response I was looking for a thoughtful advisory something at least proportional to the H1N1 response just proportional and I the fact that we went from the pandemic preparedness committee being an advisory committee to local and state officials to it being a thus sayeth the Lord from on high was just shocking to me and certainly not what President Obama did so I’ll let you respond to that oh I probably said some really stupid stuff uh so I probably yes said that no and that’s part of what I say in the book is how much I’ve grown intellectually I was probably just trying to criticize Obama for whatever reason I don’t know when I said it or how I said it but I’m I’m I’ve said when you have a Twitter account that has 32 th000 tweets you say a lot of things but I I’ll I I will say early on in the pandemic and I don’t like calling it the pandemic I like calling it more the lockdowns I knew this was a bad idea and I said it publicly and the this is a very important aspect we talk about in the book which is the over Reliance on Experts experts have created almost this paralysis of action where experts say experts say I am now at a place when I hear experts say in the media I immediately think that you have an ulterior agenda or you have to connect your previous point no wisdom so let me and we talk about this in the book what is wisdom there are two types of knowledge there’s practical knowledge yes exactly and then there’s Eternal knowledge so I have no doubt that Anthony fouchy has a fair amount of practical knowledge about I don’t know um genan sequencing or and he’s not even a real doctor but the the point is this is that I’m sure he could answer a bunch of trivia questions but he has no wisdom wisdom is the knowledge of things that do not change and so the problem with our school system and the problem with our expert class is we were then taking moral decisions from Dr Burks and from Redfield and these people that have no business in the moral realm telling us well if one PE one person dies that’s a tragedy really that that that’s the moral guideline you’re going to lock up 330 million people to save a single life remember they said that they said if even one life is spared because of these per meur this is this is a wonderful thing and if that if that is the new moral guard rail we should get rid of driving tomorrow you’ve heard this argument before Dr Drew right because 55,000 people die a year on the road why would we ever have driving why would he have swimming pools it’s one of the top killers of infants in the American southwest Liberty comes with a price and it comes with a cost and so our expert class lacks wisdom more yep yes and I’ll go even a step further not only do they lack wisdom but the they act as if they have the moral answers and they act in a evil way it was absolutely evil to lock down Society it was evil to mask children it was evil to shut down the schools and evil to shut down the small businesses and one of the pent up 2024 political issues is the lack of justice that remains for the covid criminals Donald Trump is facing 700 years in federal prison and a 34 count indictment and everyone has different opinions on Trump but you cannot tell me that Donald Trump deserves to be indicted for 34 counts while fouchy and fizer and astrazenica and madna and Johnson and Johnson walk free that that is the inversion of Justice I don’t know if you if you saw the video with Francis Collins admitting that they only took one priority which is stop this virus and whatever risks were incurred in doing so were completely ignored so the so these are clinicians allegedly who are not considering the risk reward of their actions look when you’re when you’re a medical provider you consider the risk of everything you do just bringing the patient Across the Threshold of your office has risk iatrogenesis is alive and well you know mean people are killed in hospitals by mistakes there they we we have to constantly Do no harm that’s why that K is so much at the head of our thinking because everything we can do could potentially hurt so you have to weigh the risk reward the fact that they took no risk reward in massive decision-making and mandating the behavior of entire country entire world it turned out was you you call it evil I call it disgusting uh it’s all not okay yes and the lack of no no no please no and the lack of Contrition and the lack of humility and the lack has been really telling for us in the west where a lot of lives were lost unnecessarily we don’t know the exact number lives are still damaged and are being lost to this day because of what they did and so in the Nic in the nican ethics as you mentioned there are two uh there’s two types of way of looking at moral judgments there’s the intellectual and the moral judgment and you’re left with choices and our expert class time and time again will make choices that are bad for the people that they are supposed to be stewarding and that they’re supposed to be shepherding and that are increasingly at odds and at war with the body politic this is not this is not a political statement and I get asked all the time Charlie what is the most disturbing thing happening in the country there’s a lot the border right the suicide crisis fenel the number one through line is the people that have the most that are in charge of the most seem to have disussed for the people that they are supposed to lead that is an unsustainable ruling model you cannot be in charge hate the people you are in charge of and then get good decisions after that I absolutely agree and there’s there’s another layer to that which is literally the middle bureaucratic layer in Washington that is in sconed that have no respect for the elected officials they want to be the ones running and can will feel free to run contrary to the will and opinions of our duly elected officials that are supposed to be representing the will of the people it’s all not it’s all upside down um by the way two things before I let you go I know you got to go these are very quick one you might look up the word oop phobia it’s how successful societies learn to help hate themselves it’s actually a whole theory behind it o oi o ik KO oop phobia and then uh I don’t know if you’re aware but Adam Smith was a moral philosopher as well before he wrote uh Wealth of Nations he actually was a I’m I’m a big Adam Smith fan yeah so and I thought he had some very interesting insights as well so you got to go I’m going to let you go I do appreciate you being here uh very interesting stuff Charlie thank you so much where do you want people to go other than Charlie Kirk 11 on Twitter on X and get the book right-wing Revolution the the best way place to get the book is 45 that is 4 you guys can get that without enriching the corporate oligarchy of Amazon so if you want to get it without you know making Jeff Bezos even richer it’s 4 thank you sir we’ll see you again soon I hope Charlie KK everybody uh and also the Turning Point let me get his uh hang on a sec I get his webs for the Turning Point the the Charlie Kirk is where he wants you to go all right so we’re going to have Carrie Lake in here right after this break uh she obviously has some interesting things to say herself uh we have some important information we hope you will support people that support us they’re all carefully selected people we use products we use on a daily basis I assure you and are very excited about so we’re happy to have them uh supporting us here so check it out joint and muscle pains are exhausting and frustrating but I’ve got to over-the-counter medication I introduce you to that provides great relief using the power of check it out Chili Peppers capson is made with a proprietary formula that contains no non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents no opioids no anesthetic or steroid nothing no chance for addiction no side 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goes down as as we age it does so with a nutrient called nicotinamide riboside or NR specifically patented form of NR called niagen it’s the most efficient and trusted NAD booster NAD can also play a role in reproductive Health boosting NAD is recommended with prenatal vitamins for women over 30 looking to start a family here’s Dr Amy also known as the egg wear spur a highly influential specialist in this area as NAD levels go down and it starts going down in our 30s that’s the same age that our egg supply also dwindles so I’m fighting for every single woman’s chance to have a baby and you know repleting NAD is one of the greatest Tools in my tool chest that I’ve been using now for almost 6 years trogen is an amazing Ned booster you’re going to want to add it to your reproductive Health Arsenal and of course it’s in our family of Dr Drew sponsors go to Dr trogen for 20% off your order that is Dr true niagen enter Dr Drew at checkout for 20% off there are four distinct and outstanding medic kits from the wellness company a first aid kit a travel emergency kit I was very instrumental in developing that one I love it a CO emergency kit but let’s unpack their medical emergency kit the one that gives you immediate access to treatment for varieties of medical conditions here’s the kit pneumonia uest infections skin infections gastrointestinal infections you’ll have onhand medication that will even serve as immediate prophylaxis against a sexually transmitted infection rapid intervention for lime and other tickborne illnesses of course we’ve added Tamiflu to our kits in case the Aven flu should become human to human transmissible then we know something is up and we want to be ready and look we want to be covered for biot terrorism even and of course the Nobel prize winning antiparasitic ior mecon and a how-to guide and a virtual consultant get access to these prescription Meds by going to TC to save 15% off that is $30 off the medical emergency kit Dr gwc for 15% off off the kit and any of their kits or their supplements do it now gwc that’s brilliant and thank you drew who’s Dr Drew Where is he Dr Drew Dr Drew you don’t think that was a weird moment uh plus uh as far as TWC that Aven flu conversation is continuing to evolve now Dr Redfield has said is it is coming I’m still concerned that they’ve been messing with that virus so we put T flu in some of our emergency kits check the the contents to make sure you get the tlu because that has shown some activity against avien flu should that actually become a problem which we’ll see uh it but be ready again I want to have rational Revolution and I want to have rational Readiness those are my two monikers going forward rational Revolution it’s the pragmatism that Charlie was talking about and then rational Readiness is TWC now speaking of rationality uh people are telling me I maybe I should begin to identify as organic and grass-fed finish since I consume so much paleo Valley products uh these are also guys we love bone broth beef sticks Tallow olive oil tal Tallow was big part of our meal yesterday coffee I just had it with the functional mushrooms before I but here with this I had it in this cup and it was amazing you go how much love the coffee The Taste the bone broth especially in the coffee the chocolate one it’s made from Bones not hides like other other organizations bone broth it’s the highest standards of Purity nutritious with collagen glycine more bio available protein than the other brands but I learned something this past weekend when I don’t have it I get irritable and hungry it helps me with appetite as well I get cranky so it doesn’t like when I’m cranky I don’t either um you don’t no one wants to be cranky so go to Dr paleo valy for 15% off your first order or 20% off when you subscribe so you don’t run out that is Dr Alo Valley now it’s time to bring in our next guest uh Emily bar did a wonderful job today getting us amazing guest we have the Arizona candidate for the US Senate uh endorsed by President TP you can follow car lake at K Lake k a i also uh at Cary Lake onx uh please welcome car Lake to the program Carri welcome it’s so good to see you uh oh we don’t have a we don’t have I don’t have sound at least Susan is my return on here can you hear me can you hear me now there we go gotch you now okay gotcha gotcha it’s great to be with you Dr thanks for having me today so uh I noticed a lot of things going on for you obviously uh throws of a of a election VI ramaswami I saw a little video by him uh endorsing you which I thought was wonderful and I thought the way he brought in the way you take on the Press which is something I noticed right away month years ago I guess when you started taking on our peers in the Press um he was he was very grateful for that and he said something that I actually a wrote down he said you know the Press is supposed to be there to hold our government accountable they’re not and now who’s holding the Press accountable you well that it’s a big job somebody’s got to do it and and thankfully I don’t know if I had anything to do with it I I think I’m showing a few other politicians how to fight back because they’re so dishonest they’ve been lying to us for so many years and you know I’m old school I got into journalism way back in the 90s and the early 90s and that’s when you know I thought you were supposed to be impartial ask you know cover both sides of the story if there’s three or four sides you cover all of them you keep your opinion out but boy have have times changed it has truly become propaganda it’s it’s shocking what’s happened to our press I just did an interview with a local reporter and you know you could just tell he walked into the interview and he was against me and you know all I all I ask for is just honest line of question questioning and to lay out what I say without trying to twist my words but there’s such an effort by the media right now to push their chosen candidates which sadly are the ones that are not America First that are um behind the weaponization of our government that are behind Lies when it comes to covid and and pushing government propaganda and that’s just not what our press is supposed to be doing so I’m happy to push back against them I love having vies uh you know his endorsement means a lot to me and of course president Trump’s endorsement people like Mike Lee Burgess Owens um so many others you know great people who are part of our government but doing the right thing that are public servants not trying to make us feel like surfs yeah I you know although the history of uh press in America it’s interesting five minutes in every conversation we’re referencing the French Revolution I was listening to a historian from SE talking about 1790 and he goes you know the reporters then they they weren’t like reporters that we think of now they were sort of propagandists and and opinion writers and I thought oh my God that is exactly what journalists are now and they were before in the 1860s they were too in fact there was a republican paper and there was a Democrat paper and you what they when they were reporting on say the Lincoln Douglas debates you could not recognize them as the and so we left that and journalism developed a professional set of standards and now we seem to have left that again shouldn’t we be alarmed that the Press is for anybody well I’ll be honest I’d almost prefer going back to where you knew who they were for and they were upfront about it I mean it’s one thing if you’re reading something like Breitbart you know you’re reading Breitbart and you go okay we know this conservative leaning and we understand they’re not trying to act like they’re totally impartial they actually uh you know prefer a an ideology but I have a problem with the mainstream media the CBS the NBC the ABC CNN of the world that are trying to espouse the fact that they are neutral Arbiters and and they’re anything but neutral and so I’d almost rather you just lay it out where you stand and then we can make the judgment and go well this journalist is uh ideologically on the left or this one’s on the right and then we can actually decide where where their reporting stands I don’t know if it’s possible to get anybody that’s not part of right now I I I agree I you must like MSNBC then they they seem unabashed about their opinions but but love but I feel like I feel like CNN is trying or some least Outlets are trying to be more Central or sort of objective or neutral am I seeing that accurately or is that just a Fool’s errand to to think that’s happening well I’m going to be honest I don’t watch a lot of CNN Dr Drew I kind of wrote them off while back but it would be surprising to me if people like Anderson Cooper and Caitlyn I don’t remember her last name are impartial because what I notice is not so much um you know who they have on but it’s how they ask the questions and the questions are so loaded the question tells you exactly how they feel and the way they question someone like President Trump uh I saw them recently questioning Ben Carson Dr Ben Carson uh Viv you know they they ask all these loaded questions of the Republicans and they never do the same with the Democrats but you know I I I’m not so worried about CNN I think their viewership has fallen sunk into such a low that they’re not even truly relevant anymore you know what I I am so tired of every question starting like this you know with with the and the IR I’m I’m I’m disgusted by that it’s sort of condescension meets contempt meets frustration it’s like just ask the damn question I it doesn’t you don’t need the commentary before the words even come out of your mouth car yeah exactly this should be embarrassing for them it should be when you they need to be mocked for being like that that’s why I’m exaggerating it a little bit well I just did an interview that was exactly like that without the ex that’s exactly what it was like and I so wanted to kind of lash out and go out after the reporter but I thought you know what I I’d rather try to just ignore what he said and get my position out because it’s we’re we’re to a critical point right now I believe we’re five months away from either saving our country or potentially losing it and if we allow these you know propagandists to get the best of us and turn an interview into me which you know I I do love don’t get me wrong I love putting these people in their place they deserve it but I thought you know I’m going to ignore that and get my point point across and hopefully a little tiny shred of my point which is I want to make sure we have secure borders Safe Streets once again fully funded Police Department so that we can go use our parks and take a bike ride or walk the kids around the block I want to make sure that we have an economy that’s thriving once again for all sectors whether you are working class middle class or upper class Brown uh you know your Skin’s brown black if you’re Asian you’re white doesn’t matter so I thought I had the choice of making a viral moment and and putting this guy in his place or just ignoring what he said and getting the points across that need to be made to wake up a few more people and let them know that we don’t have to be suffering in these times the way we are we really truly can solve these problems they’re not impossible to fix I know that you and I spoke once before about the homeless crisis and the people on the streets who are dying and how um many in the left frankly in the the swamp have weaponized the homeless they’ve weaponized that whole crisis and put a dollar sign on the foreheads of everybody who’s homeless when the real fact is we can solve this problem of Street chronic Street homelessness and drug addiction oh yeah no problem if we want to they just want to keep pouring money at the problem because there’s so much money in it so I decided today not to not to attack the reporter just to kind of ignore him sidestep him and try to get my policy uh out there so that people have the chance to hear it yeah you you mentioned mened I had an interesting conversation with a friend today and you mentioned all sectors thriving but uh in that conversation we went gosh you it just he said something rather Vivid he said you know across the 20th century uh an elevator operator could make a living have a home raise a family and I thought now impossible impossible so and that’s the middle class how do we I of course this is the question everybody asked but what what you have any ideas there to get it so that average person can thrive as well as all sectors yeah first you have to look at how we got here how did we get here we got here uh a couple of generations ago when we started shipping our jobs overseas because we found out it was cheaper to ship an entire Factory or you know one Factory then the next Factory then pretty soon the whole the whole sector of of an industry was being shipped to China or other places with cheap in many cases slave labor and out of sight out of mind Americans don’t know that somebody is working 16-hour days and they’re being locked locked in the factory basically to make cheap products if we knew that I think a lot of us would really give uh second thoughts third thoughts on what we’re buying and we also know that many uh that decimated many of our families and cities so many dads used to be Factory workers and they were able to work one job come home and raise a family on that one job and when we decided to ship when our government when our politicians worked against us and shipped manufactur in out of our country uh that was the beginning of the end frankly for manufacturing but more importantly more critically for the American family it was it was disastrous devastating to the American family when Dad loses a job often times he sinks into depression when he realizes that those jobs that that were paying a living wage don’t exist anymore and now we needed one or two jobs and then the drug crisis hit and it was just it was like a nuclear bomb that hit our our cities and our families and now we have to work really hard to rebuild those families so we’re going to be in a rebuilding phase in starting in January of 25 and we need to get the right people in office the people who can’t be paid off who aren’t going to be working for lobbyists but are going to be working for the American people and we’re going to work really hard to resore those those manufacturing uh jobs and factories and I know that President Trump has the will to do that and the strength to do that and he’s going to have backup from people like me in the US Senate once we start rebuilding our economy bringing back jobs growing our way out of the mess we do need to cut by the way but we also need to grow our way out of this and bring back decent jobs I know it can be done absolutely you know what the the question is do we have the political will to do it and I think we will when we get the American people behind us and they are firmly behind us if we continue the way the direction we’re going first of all we won’t have many families anymore the family structure is crumbling our our country is only as strong is the most important in institution and that is the family we’ve watched where dads are no longer in the home the government has taken over and they’ve told moms if you bring dad back in the home we’re not going to give you assistance checks anymore so keep dad out of the home dads are so critical for our families so we got to we got to reverse that we have to bring back manufacturing encourage companies to come back to America don’t penalize them I think we need to have a onetime offer come back we won’t penalize you and rebuild your company in America bring back great jobs start educating our kids so they’re ready for those jobs it’s going to take a lot of work but I think the will of the American people is on our side they they recognize what’s wrong and we have the solutions to fix it it’s just going to take us to get out and vote for America First candidates and you mentioned the uh drug crisis issue I know the fentel what you call the fentel pipeline is a major concern and I’m going to let you address that in a in a in a moment but I don’t know if you saw the uh president the previous president of Mexico when he was interviewed about the fentanyl situation coming up from Mexico and uh the reporter very naively said uh well all this fentel is flying around Mexico why don’t you have a drug problem and he goes we have families our families are intact we have family we have religion we have community and so people don’t get that kind of addiction and I thought oh boy that see how that he’s he’s right because childhood trauma is the rocket fuel for addiction particularly opioid addiction but what are you going to do with that what are you going to do with the fentel pipeline well that is so true I had not heard that from the Mexican president but if you look at our Latino they buried it of course of course they buried that interview of course you know yeah Latino families that’s why they align so much with um America First policies because they want to put their family first they want Dad to be able to work and Mom to be able to help take care of the kids nothing wrong with that at all I wish I would have had the opportunity to do that and unfortunately I had to work and thankfully we had means to help make sure our kids were taken care of properly but Latino families are all about hard work faith family they haven’t pushed God out in so many instances in America you know our culture has pushed God out families have have pushed God out and we need to bring God back into our our culture once again and I think that’s already happening I can tell when I go to church the seats are full sometimes you if you get there a little bit late there’s nowhere to sit you have to sit all the way in the back that’s a great sign but um he’s absolutely right if you have strong solid family you have all of these problems are smaller you have fewer kids getting hooked on drugs fewer kids even dabbling in drugs you have better academics you have stronger um kids who have uh faith in God when you have a strong family and so uh God bless our Latino communities I want to see that for everybody and that’s why in places like nogalus Arizona which is right on the border it’s it sits right on the border across from nalis Mexico and the folks there even though they’re primarily Democrats and independents and almost 99% Hispanic they want the Border secured they want to push back against the cartels running drugs through Arizona we had 27,000 pounds of fentanyl imagine how many people that can kill God probably oh probably everybody at least yes 27,000 pounds of fenel was seized last fiscal years last fiscal year crazy and more about half of it rather was seized here in Arizona and so we’re not okay with that anymore and we have to stop that uh allowing that to come in and that’s why I appreciate and love president Trump because he wants to take on the cartels he’s not afraid of the cartels and he knows that they’re getting the ingredients from the CCP that’s why he was working on a deal with the president of China to stop those ingredients from pouring in coming across getting into Mexico being made into pills to be sent to America it’s a weapon of mass destruction it’s killing they say 100,000 people a year I think it’s even more than that Drew I think the fenal crisis is killing more than that but that’s a weapon of mass destruction we’ve gone to war for weapons of mass destruction that didn’t even exist and spent 7 to 20 trillion on War when we have a weapon of mass destruction pouring into our country not only killing people but destroying families along the way we need to stand up to that and by the way there are two drugs coming up a pipeline the other is the meth that’s being manufactured down there if you read Sam quon’s book the least of us it it tell he Chronicles exactly what’s going on in the manufacturing process and why it’s happening in Mexico and how it’s no longer now it’s literally done out of the sort of hydrocarbons you found in a in a in a garage for car car mechanics and how much damage that is doing to the brain it’s often used with fenel it causes psychosis it it absolutely um commits people to to the streets so that’s coming from there is is Tran also coming from uh from Mexico I don’t know where that’s coming from I feel like that’s is it I you know what I don’t know but I I was down recently in one of our homeless areas which my opponent in the US Senate race is the congressman um in one of our districts here with the fastest growing homeless population and they like to blame the deaths from from Tran and meth and fenel on heat they go oh the Heat’s killing everybody climate change no the people dying on our streets oh my God oh my God yeah if you if you are in in a fental overdose State and you are laying on the street uh in June in Phoenix uh you will die I mean that’s just a fact it’s very very hot here but it’s not the heat by the way that would also have happened 30 years ago in the summer on the streets of Phoenix or Tucson that’s right that is that is anyway well that’s what they makes disgust me it’s disgusting they don’t want to take any responsibility for the fact that they’ve allowed the cartels to control Arizona you know we used to hear about meth labs remember every when I worked in the news many years ago you know every every now and then we’d have a meth lab that was broken up or the police raided and now they don’t have to do that now they they’re just making it in massive Factor in Mexico the cartels are overseeing it because they have complete access they control all the transportation to get it right into America under Joe Biden’s uh world and it’s just tearing families apart it’s taking the potential the god-given potential of um American citizens away from them and we got to get these people clean I think you and I talked about it a while back you know people will walk down the streets and see the homeless crisis and they’ll go we have a mental illness crisis I’m a big believer that so much of this is truly what you just said drug induced psychosis that that presents itself as mental illness but once you get the the you know body cleaned up from that poison a lot of that mental illness is truly not uh mental illness at all it was just caused by the drugs now I’m not an expert on that but I’ve seen people you know when they get cleaned up and they’re just they’re totally better of course of course and so when somebody pres is on meth they’re indistinguishable often times from a paranoid schizophrenic now there is also paranoid schizophrenia on the streets and certainly in California because we’re not allowed to help them it’s against the law to help somebody who says I don’t want help and when somebody’s unless they have dementia then if you don’t help them you’ve broken the law it’s crazy crazy here in this state but yeah but they’re indistinguishable until you clean them up and see what you got um Caleb is there a reason FOC when Joe Biden was uh when Joe Biden was in California with that law I wish somebody would have got help because I I truly do believe that um Joe Biden may have stage early stage dementia maybe even somewhere beyond that and they’re allowing him to continue pushing forward on this campaign because they don’t know what to do and uh in a way I listen I I don’t like Joe Biden because I hate what he’s done to our country but I watch as he’s wandering around and he doesn’t know where he is at sometimes and he’s staring into space and the adults around him continue to try to move him and and make him continue along this path and it’s uh it seems like elder abuse to me well I I can tell you but let me let me before I get into that because it’s it’s I don’t want us to be you or anybody else to be overreaching what what we can say about what we see so I’m going to sort of tell you what I see in a second but Caleb why are people worried about salaz and Tran I mean it just complicates things but it’s it’s a non it’s just it’s not an issue it is an issue but it’s for doctors to worry about not for what K needs to worry about is the meth and the fento well it’s the so I’ve seen the the term Tran popping up a lot and it’s it’s a lot of it’s around it’s all over the place no they that’s all meth that’s all that’s all meth meets Fentanyl and TR is the making worse zombie like stuff like the zombie like Behavior that’s what they’re connecting it to but it could be I mean you’re the expert so I don’t know I’m I click buttons yeah let me just say the last time I was down the last time I was down in in the homeless encampment area and it’s just so sad to see these people I remember talking to a young man he I I think he was like 20 but you know when you’re living on the streets you can look a lot older he might have only been 16 or 17 and I asked what he was using and he said Tran and I wasn’t even quite sure what that was um but that was one of the drugs one of the drugs I heard mention there it’s it’s out there it’s sort of a it’s what we call a major tranquilizer it has dystonia associated with it everyone’s getting excited about the donon is like look we have we have life-threatening drugs out there on the street meth and fenil don’t Cloud the issue they’re clouding mixing fenil with the xylazine and that’s why the da reported a 193% increase in the xylazine use in the past year so that that’s why it’s in the headlines now and that’s correct that’s what they’re doing they’re adding it in but but let me um get helps them do more meth is really what it essentially does why can’t we help Biden why do they not know what to do with Biden with his running the Free World okay so let me let me just tell you what I observe I don’t know him we none of us know him we haven’t met him I you know whatever but but I can tell you as a doctor you can like look at rashes and say something you can look at people’s motor activity and you can say something you can look at people’s int you know intellectual capacities and say something so um here’s what I see uh somebody that does not know him I see somebody with motoric slowing and freezing and mask Li faces those are descriptions of parkinsonian features that’s what that is there’s no debating that that’s just what that is those are part that’s why the shuffling and that’s why the festinating gate and that’s why he moves like a a robot now I don’t think that can be caused by medication I don’t think that’s what we’re seeing the interesting thing is that the medication that we use to treat Parkinson’s can affect cognition and make people kind of have little outbursts in things which we sort of see maybe that’s the medic that’s medication interestingly when he got clearance from his doctor if you remember Carrie they said his doctors cleared him and so did his neurologist why does the president of the United States have a neurologist well they should tell us that but they’re not so I’m guessing that these sort of parkinsonian qualities and they’re saying his his signature has changed handwriting changes a feature not of Parkinson’s disease necessarily but parkinsonism so I can say with huge certainty that he has those features now is there any some cognitive decline associated with that often times can parkinsonian features be associated with cognitive illnesses they can can Parkinson’s disease be associated with cognitive decline yes it can but we’re not getting any of that information so we don’t know all we can know is what we see and what we see is pretty clear well and I’m not a medical doctor nor do I try to pretend that I’m one nor do I play one on TV but something’s not right and you know I’ve had elderly relatives before when you could start to see a decline and you you worry about them and you think do we need to get help do we need to move them out of their home is this a time where we need to get somebody to kind of be with them part-time and so these are the same kind of things I’m thinking as I see uh Joe Biden and it concerns me obviously he’s got the nuclear codes and you wonder if if he’s in in a stage where even if it was caused by medication for some other serious illness is really ready for prime time in a world that is so dangerous right now with so many critical issues it’s going to be for the voters to decide but I don’t think anybody even even my Democrat friends are able to ignore this anymore I’m starting to see the media even talk about it and I think it’s it’s something that we need to get more information on we deserve the information U As Americans who are ready to vote and decide who we want um in the White House I want president Trump that’s no secret but I think even those people who are con contemplating and maybe their Democrats deserve to have information as well I I think you framed it just perfectly there I think that’s exactly the way we should be approaching this is like it’s sad it’s concerning and we shouldn’t we we we should know more it’s withholding it from us or pretending it’s not there is like that is not fair to the American people and so okay well here we are but uh Carrie our time together is about up uh what what did I miss any there so much stuff you you know here’s something I I wanted you call fentel a weapon of mass destruction which I love uh but you also said um that Justice is coming I think that was you that said that in one of your interviews what did you mean by that what were you referring to I don’t think I got any detail about that is it is that just generally you feel that there’s got to be a lot of uh oh we got to talk about the Border too we didn’t really talk about that yet but but tell me about Justice and then I’ll talk about the Border I I don’t know what where that was pull what interview I’ve done but I’ve talked about forgiveness and with the people in this great country and I’m I’m a mom I’m a mother who watched as my children were forced to put masks on to go to school and then kicked everyone was kicked out of school and S home and then when they went back they had to wear masks and stay apart from their kids and learning was just a challenge and not being able to walk graduation ceremony and uh watching many of our friends being forced to get vaccines in order to keep their job thankfully we never uh made that decision to do that but um we’ve been tortured and we’ve been tortured tortured and now we’re finding out the information was wrong and they knew it was wrong and they were not forthcoming the media didn’t do a good job we are forgiving people but you cannot forgive unless there’s been accountability and accountability comes with Justice and Justice Means accountability and I want to see accountability if Anthony fouchy knew as he has uh spoken under oath in the last couple of weeks in front of Congress that the six feet law and the masks were just kind of made up pulled out of thin air I got a problem with that and I know a bunch of other moms who have a problem with that when they were trying to put a mask on a 2-year-old so they could fly across the country to go to their dad’s funeral and so that’s what I mean by Justice we cannot allow for these kind of grave uh inflictions on on our rights and Liberties to go without accountability and that’s what I mean by Justice I just think we want to get our our legal system back where it’s Blind Justice where it’s not uh the weaponization against uh a certain class of people because of their political beliefs I don’t care if Dr fouchy votes Democrat if he’s part of the green party the Independent party the Republican Party the pizza party or the pool party what he did and what he’s agreeing to what he’s saying was done without science behind it and it was torturous to our country and frankly the world and we’re finding out that that that that virus came from a lab that virus was a gain of function research even after president Trump said no more money to that they continued to spend money I want to make sure that that punishment that we had to endure unnecessarily that destroyed our families in many cases our health we lost grandparents who died alone and nursing homes our businesses were hurt I want to make sure that there’s actually Justice for that then we can forgive yeah we need to make sure it doesn’t happen again I know a lot of people just that we can’t get over it can’t get over what they were able to do it’s like it’s like such a shock to the system I can’t can’t believe it but before we wrap up tell me about immigration and what we’re going to do with the Border crisis and what your plan is there well it it’s really an easy fix I think we look at it we see all of the uh problems it’s causing which is massive it’s like a snowball turned into an avalanche between uh having 12 million people come across they’re taking jobs from Americans we’re watching all of the job growth hundreds of thousands of jobs growing but only going to foreign born workers meanwhile hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear ing from American Born workers we’re watching as rent prices go way up because we’re competing with 10 12 million people here illegally who need housing competing with the Young Generation trying to get out of Mom and Dad’s home and start uh living the American dream that is now out of touch and Out Of Reach for them and we’re watching as crime explodes on the street at the hands of people who are criminal elements who poured across our border it’s critical that we stop this mess and we can do it very easily three things built fully fund the wall and quickly build it that can be done within a matter of weeks go back to remain in Mexico no more having people pour across with these aony Asylum claims because 97% of the people coming across claiming Asylum they’re fraudulent Asylum claims they know though once they get into this country they can stay forever because they’ll disappear and then we do uh end The Catch and Release no more when we catch somebody here illegally do we release them M they come back at a court case 1 2 10 12 years from now we actually put them on a plane and rather than send them to La Chicago New York or another Sanctuary city or state we put them on a plane and send them back to their Homeland in order to save our homeland Drew we’ve got to send these people back to their Homeland America’s back is breaking and we can solve these problems quickly and expensively if we get the right people in office the the the political Elite and the swamp back in DC they want these problems whether it be chronic Street homelessness a WI open border a crumbling economy because then they can pour our hard-earned tax dollars and treasure into all of the symptoms of the problem without ever fixing the problem and stay in power it seems like yeah it’s it is a very odd time it’s interesting that all sort of the I noticed the Western even Eastern European countries are reconsidering their border policies their immigration policies and what it even means to be Hungarian French British and I think we have to the hungarians are doing right the hungarians are doing it right they recognized that there was a refugee crisis and it was going to completely change Hungary wouldn’t exist anymore but they also realized drew that their population was uh declining so rapidly that Hungary wouldn’t exist at all and so they started passing policy that encouraged building families they gave you a tax break if you got married they gave you another tax cut if you had a baby if you have four babies in Hungary of a mother who has four babies never pays taxes again and guess what they quickly rebuilt and grew their population they’re thriving now and they’ve cut the number of abortions in half in a short period of time without changing one single abortion law they’ve never touched the abortion laws but by encouraging and building families they have watched as that abortion rate dropped and it’s a thriving country it’s a safe country the streets are clean and they’re able to maintain and keep their their culture which is uh really special the Hungarian people are amazing people and you we can watch as our population collapses which it’s going to do here in America we’re at 1.7 we need to be at 2.1 just to keep up with the number of deaths or we can do what Europe has done which is transplant and import an entire new population and then you lose what it means to be uh French or Irish or English and I think we want to have 190 strong countries around the the country around the world 190 duy elected leaders of those countries and 190 unique cultures that’s what makes our world so special it’s so interesting to me that you’re you’re right that uh what what the European countries seem to be uh rallying around is their common history and culture and they’re reconsidering I noticed the French started doing this about a year and a half ago reconsidering what it means to be French as you say but we have the perfect situation here where we’re a polyglot our culture is it’s an American culture but we are we are can rally around the idea that we always rallied around which is articulated in our constitution we just have to help people understand what those ideas are we’ve we’ve a whole generation has been raised without being exposed to it and we have to bring that all back don’t you think true I mean my dad taught history and government way back in the day I think he’d be appalled we’re not teaching our constitution a lot of kids don’t even know what the Bill of Rights is they don’t understand um the fight that went into freeing us from the original globalist King George and the British Monarchy and now we’re in another battle to free ourselves from a globalist agenda um you know America is truly a unique country because of that US Constitution that they that they crafted I believe with the hand of God right there on their shoulders those brave men who wrote that and we don’t want to lose that if we lose it we don’t get it back this is one country where you can come to America and you come here legally and become an American American anybody can come here when you go through the process you know I I love Hungary I love France I think all these countries are amazing but I’m never going to if I move to Hungary that doesn’t make me Hungarian if I move to Jamaica I don’t become Jamaican if I move to France I’m not French but if you come here to America and Ronald Reagan I think said this in one of his speeches it’s one country that you can come to and truly be American and we can’t let that go I just urge people if you’re not involved if you’re not involved in politics because it’s too ugly and too dirty next 5 months I just encourage you to start talking to your friends and neighbors everyone’s struggling right now and if we don’t stand up right now and speak out and be bold at the risk of ruffling feathers and being called names we will lose this country and our children will will plunge into as Ronald Reagan said a thousand years of Darkness the future will not be bright if we lose America there’s nowhere else to go and so I encourage everyone to get involved I encourage you to look at your America first uh politicians that are out there running for office examine where we stand there’s not a darn thing extreme about our policies they’re actually very common sense I think if you would have looked at our policies 25 years ago you would have said they’re probably middle of the road Safe Streets safe safe borders world-class education strong economy and world peace I think everyone deep down wants that and so I ask you to go to k take a look at where I stand I could use your support this is a senate race but everyone should care about it because it’s the majority in the Senate we’re trying to get back so we don’t have Chuck Schumer and some of these destructive policies open borders defund the police women uh playing in girls sport or men playing in in women’s sports we don’t want that garbage and nonsense we want to get back to Common Sense car appreciate you being here where shall people go to follow you and to see your policies kry k a r i l a you can find me on Twitter Facebook uh Instagram and all of the other stuff out there and um and just keep keep me in your prayers I ask that that you do that because right now we have a lot of of really evil stuff coming our way and it seems like every day we wake up and go what more can be thrown at us and uh it’s going to take all of us just to remember that you know the same God that that parted the Red Sea is the same God who’s with us today I think we we kind of when we pray sometimes we think our God has been diminished and that’s just not the truth we have a very powerful almighty God who’s with us today and he’s with all of us and all you have to do is call out his name and pray to him and you’ll watch as as that that weight gets lifted off your shoulders thank you Carrie thank you Dr Drew appreciate you car L everybody uh Caleb if you would throw upcoming guest on here obviously it’s Monday and Susan you got to input the my pillow thing up there for me if you wouldn’t mind uh Jamie Mets Tom metel and Tom R tomorrow Gabriel Shipton who is Julian assange’s Brother Kyle keer justino’s half brother salty cracker Andrew Huff a lot Dave ruin on July 10th a lot coming our way and obviously this is Monday this is a special show we did uh to accommodate Carrie and Charlie which was great thank you Emily barsh also because we’re going to be gone the latter half of the week doing the uh reunify project up in Canada uh and so we will be here tomorrow and Wednesday this week and before we close out I want to remind you about our friends over there uh with the great deals that Mike Lindell has set up for us and our viewers using the promo code drdw flash Shale and dish towel six for 25 bucks he has just great stuff and they’re great people when Susan and I aren’t traveling we cook and by the way we use pay Valley grass-fed beef Tallow like we did last night and will this evening olive oil rich and polyphenols and again lots of cooking means we go through lots of kitchen towels so we are really happy to have them my pillow guys and Mike lindell’s uh towels in our in our Arsenal oh my God I was in my bathroom and there was this beautiful towel hanging there it was all fluffy and I was like is this a hotel towel and I looked at the tag and it was my pillow the bath towel it was amazing it was very much like so I’m going to buy more for the beach house they really are good I’ve got one hang in my bedroom they’re fluffy and I’ve got a washcloth I was like wait a minute is this washcloth it’s like an towel well 25 bucks I think my my de using on my chair right now it is the most comfortable these pillows are so fluffy like if my back’s hurting sitting in my office chair I lit are sounding patronizing you’re sounding like sit on it and I put one on my back it’s the best no I’ve been that’s how I can sit through sitting at my computer all day oh yeah oh yeah I love it put up there again it’s ddw but Susan would you put the my store thing back before I can’t I can’t see it um there’s another that you can either go to my we interrupted him yes you did uh or you can go to let me see what this is so I get it right it is my store where is my oh just go to my and you get access to cool stuff and cool prices so uh appreciate you guys supporting them supporting us uh we all want to kind of stay in this game together make sure we’re all rowing together and this a great way to do that uh and again take true niage on a daily basis I carry the travel kit from my wellness company with me love those towels we love the towel we’re so fortunate to have the people that we use we use the sheets over at our friends at cozy earth oh and then CLA on on Rumble says that the perale sheets are amazing too excellent they’re so so they’re priced so well made in America deal and if you if you ever called them and talked to them they’re so nice up there it’s in Minnesota right it’s in the outskirts of Minnesota as I recall uh anyway so that so be it tomorrow we’ll see you here 3:00 Pacific time uh two guests uh Tom Ren’s going to give us an update of some stuff he really wanted to get out so we’ll hear from him we’ll see you then 3:00 tomorrow ask Dr Drew is produced by Caleb nation and Susan Pinsky as a reminder the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care diagnosis or treatment this show is intended for educational and informational purposes only I am a licensed physician but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor and I am not practicing medicine here always remember that our under understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today some of the contents this show could be outdated in the future be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published if you are someone you know is in immediate danger don’t call me call 911 if you’re feeling hopeless or suicidal call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800 2738255 you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slel


    1. How unintelligent to blame a global pandemic on Biden.

      How quickly these morons forget TRUMP was President when the pandemic started and he totally messed up the US.

    2. The problem now is Trump. His criminal acts and his insults and put downs are unacceptable and not tolerated by most media and most US citizens.


    4. To Charlie Kirk talking about corporations doing evil to us, I'd say this. Every human being is basically evil. The social and political entities whether private or public created by individuals are going to be infected with evil, too. Evil doesn't go away just because a socail body is committing it. Know for a fact that you have to be sceptical of power and its exercise whatever the source.

    5. I have alot of respect for you Drew. You are an analytic thinker which I appreciate. Could or would you explain your support of Gardasil? I was disappointed by that once I educated myself about HPV.

    6. In regards to Joe Biden’s “possible” dementia diagnosis and people on the left or even in the middles inability to call out what they see, I’d like to say this. As a medical doctor or dentist, part of our clinical diagnosis is observing the patient. Do they look lethargic and are sneezing and coughing, they probably have a cold. Are the wandering, getting agitated, unable to hold their train of thought when speaking, etc., they may have some form of dementia. Let’s stop TIP TOEING around this very critical issue!! This is our commander in chief! Talk about gas lighting the American people when that guy on CNN says Joe Biden is the best cognitively he has ever been. Are you serious?!!!!! It’s beyond appalling!!

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