I walk around Strasbourg and climb the tallest church.

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    #Disney #ProvostParkPass #France

    hi I’m Chris you’re watching Provost park pass and today I’m in strasbourg France this this amazing little town Village City suburb and I thought I’m was going to walk around and show you what it’s like because it’s just almost like a fairy tale this is just how it is see the street there you got all the little cobblestones that is where like the little trains like people get on and off um but people just walk across it they don’t seem to mind the fact that they’re go up and down and it’s just how it is you turn and you look down all these little tiny uh like like Alleyways I thought I’d kind of go down here take a look at this Alleyway if you just look people just and there’s like little shops and little eateries all along the way around here and uh a lot of the restaurants which I think are interesting these smaller restaurants they are open in the morning and then they close around 4: or so in the afternoon and then once they close they open up again around 6:30 so from 4: to 6:30 in the evening which is like a huge time in America to be getting food right they’re almost all just closed see and then at 6:30 they open up again they’re open for like 6:30 till around 11:00 at night and people start eating again at that point it’s very different than um the way that it is in America but I think it’s so cool so as you can see lots of bikes it’s different we’re kind of in a more touristy hot spot I think so I’m just going to kind of walk around hopefully I don’t get lost to find our way Amanda miles there at a restaurant eating right now and I thought I would come here and just kind of show you what it’s like to be here the buildings are awesome I love they have flowers that hang out of the buildings see there’s a it’s weird it’s like a little car just came right down the road it’s different um I read some comments and people were asking like like is like questions that I was asked the most common question is how difficult is it to go to like a foreign country it’s it’s not necessarily difficult it’s just different so you have to be prepared when you go someplace foreign to I think it’s important to try to adopt their culture okay so you see there’s little Ferris wheel right over here and I noticed I’ve traveled a lot and Americans seem to come in two different types as Americans we tend to do one or two things I’ll talk about that just one second but it’s going to walk down here it’s really cool I want to cross the street but have to be paying real close attention CU I want to show you the statue here this is uh the Gutenberg statue Gutenberg made the first movable type printing press and uh he’s from Germany but he came over here and was over here in strawsburg so they have a big statue he’s right here showing him there is a big statue of Gutenberg and he made the movable type press uh printing press so he was able to uh literature was able to come out a lot more first thing they did was the Bible you can see this this is the statue there it is I show it like culture changes from place to place obviously and there’s no correct culture I think it’s really important to remember that I’m going to go this way here there’s actually I’m going to go down here there’s no correct culture it’s just different so when I talking about Americans it seems like we tend to do one or two things some Americans when they they travel to a place I think the majority of Americans when they do this when they travel to a place they’re like when in Rome whatever the culture is they try to adopt it and enjoy it I think that is the correct thing to do so you know like restaurants are closed and they open until sure you’re not going to get hit by a car or a bike or if restaurants are closed and they don’t open till 6:30 Americans just adapt to that like oh okay well let’s just eat later o look behind me so let’s get a little bit closer the second type is I see sometimes Americans come and I think they think that they’re have like the they think the American way is the best way and so they come to foreign countries like we should do it like this this is how we do in America you hear people say all Lot Like This Is How We Do It in America I think that’s really you shouldn’t do that just enjoy the culture it’s just different doesn’t doesn’t mean it’s one’s better than the other they’re just different let me show you this this is I mean like you’re just walking around you see this is one of the largest and tallest buildings in all of Europe for a long time it was the tallest Christian church for a long time I don’t remember the exact dates but you come here and it’s just beautiful this a this church Cathedral I’m going to zoom out as wide as I can all right so this is awesome I want to show you this this here you see this right here this pole Sandstone pole this was here this has been here a long time and a long time ago uh they would when people had come to the market you had to walk between that pole and you had to fit between the building and this pole and you’d have to walk between it and if you couldn’t fit between it they wouldn’t let you into the market that’s kind of crazy time there’s this house here uh a wealthy I think a wealthy German person had that house built and uh in the evening they light it up and it lights up this whole beautiful area kind of like a candle this here is the this church here it’s called the notredam Cathedral of straussburg and it is free to enter in anybody can enter in I’ll get a little closer so you guys can see some of the architecture you go look at the roads here it’s cool I guess these are probably Saints of some type and I don’t know who they all are what I notice is they’re bigger and they get a little bit smaller as they go up lots this is of course a very touristy spot cuz people want to come here to see the cathedral but you get to come over here and these little trains here you pay money and the train will take you around and they have a headset and they have like 18 different languages you can listen to as you go around they tell you the history of the city Amanda miles and I did that it’s very fun and then we couldn’t figure this out this is like a rest area they have built this area here and there’s books that people can grab and read and then hammocks where people can go in and you can actually um like laid out in these hammocks I just noticed that right here is where you actually pay to do that to go to the top of the theater uh not theater the cathedral which I think I just was texting man like we let’s go do that so this here you’ll notice a little bit different architecture this is called The Goth architecture and this is kind of more of like um like I can’t remember what it’s called but see this has got like the little going up this has more of a rounded uh outside looks very French to me looks German now strawberg has been you know it’s right there on the across the river it’s right next to Germany so it’s been under German influence it’s been under French influence it’s gone back and forth between the two countries a lot I know that these aren’t the normal type of videos that I do but I enjoy having you with me just kind of looking around I think it’s fun to have you here and see some different culture now see there are books little books here and people can leave books you can grab a book and then you can just kind of relax and read a book over there in the H hammak it’s an interesting little thing I don’t know what that is maybe we’ll go walk in there I love to see uh different parts of the world and just kind of check it out it’s fun for me and miles and Amanda we love it this is this is different cool I don’t know what this is but we definitely can walk over here and see now sometimes oh I remember that had a question people ask me they’re like do you feel safe when you travel I do I do feel safe when I travel um but there are certain things that you can do to make yourself feel a little more safe when you travel I’ve never encountered a pickpocket I know a lot of people worry about that and that seems to be a big problem but I’ve never actually counted that but I also always keep my wallet and valuables in my front pocket uh I don’t keep it in the back pockets um I’m also trying to be a hyper aware of my surroundings when I notice when I when I’m in a crowd of people I going to find a Subway or train you know I just keep my hand over my pocket um and I just TR of look around and and make sure that we’re safe look at this I had to show you this church guys I don’t know is that a Sund [Music] maybe I always feel safe um it’s never really been a problem but I’m also kind of aware of my surroundings the other thing is we travel people say what about food food yeah it’s different it’s I go to different places the foods going be different I particularly enjoy trying different food something I think is kind of fun sometimes I eat something and it’s just like n you’re like okay I don’t like it um but I mean if you eat something you don’t like the worst thing is you just take some water and drink water and that taste is gone then you try something else some people are really paranoid like I don’t want to eat anything I don’t like I don’t find it that bad of an experience I eat something I don’t like I just drink a little bit of water and move on um I try to try different types of food wherever I go and and try to see what they like and so like it’s I find that enjoyable my wife Amanda loves doing that I think her favorite food is Maybe Korean of all the places we visited she likes that really hot spicy noodles that just like burns your face off she loves kimchi she loves all that so that’s like her her thing that just is like wow it’s kind of crazy hot uh I probably I enjoy the sweets like here in France I love the Crepes you got Crepes you got sweet Crepes of savory I love sweet Crepes I had we had one last night it was um uh caramel with butter oh man it was amazing just really enjoyed that so yeah I love it okay take a look at this architecture here it’s like an English tutor house fun here’s what we’re going be doing our next video I’m going to babbe show a travel video where we travel from strawsburg to Disneyland Paris so we going to Disneyland Paris that is the most visited theme park in all of Europe obviously dant Paris but we’re also going be going to a different theme park uh Park asterisk I know nothing about it um we’ll be meeting some disant Paris cast members to hang out with them so tomorrow we’ll be traveling to disant Paris then the next two days we’ll be at disant Paris then we going to this new park called Park asteris and then uh after that uh we traveling home so just wanted to kind of show you all this cool stuff while we here in straussburg because it is this place is magical it’s really fun I hope you guys enjoy I know these videos aren’t typically what we do um a little bit different and I know that most people don’t probably won’t watch these videos but if you have watched the video to this point I appreciate you and I hope that you are enjoying uh enjoying our little Adventure all right guys tomorrow will be a travel day and I’ll see you guys tomorrow I had one last thought I remember uh one other thing is people commented like do you try to do the touristy things or you try to go do a authentic here’s the thing when you go visit a place all the locals are always going to be like ah all you saw was a touristy stuff that’s fine this is the way I look at it if you’re at a place and you had a very short amount of time do the touristy things hit it all hit all the Cals hit the museums do all that because you might never make it back here I don’t know if I’ll ever make it back here to strawsburg so we’re going to do all the touristy things if we were spending if I was spending multiple weeks here then I would do the toury things and after that I would start going to off the beat and path to other places but yeah there’s no shame in doing touristy stuff it’s super fun and it’s it’s I love it so yeah it just the I notic the comments people like what do you prefer and so both yeah so it’s I mean it’s an amazing experience no matter what you do oh look look at this uh look at these flowers on this building I’m walking back to Amanda and Miles right now and look at those love it I can’t believe I keep forgetting the other questions people asked I was like well how do you know how to get around we use our phones a lot uh particularly like the Google Maps we we look at destination and we just click the walking icon and we’ll use that to help us kind of decide where we want to go and walk around that’s just what we do so all right guys for real this is the end of it I will see you guys tomorrow on our travel day we’re be taking a train and then we’ll doing all D on Paris I cannot wait to get to D Paris cuz I love it so much oh I need to stop for one second I think yeah we’re right here by Amanda miles I want to talk to you let me find a little spot here where I can talk to you hang on all right I’m just stand right here bunch of bikes that’s where the train comes I’m talking to you and you might think you’re not talking to me if you think that then I obviously talking to you I want you to know how amazing you are I think you are wonderful you are awesome and you make the world a better place did you know that and I know that some of you maybe are going through a little bit of a rough time and some of you maybe don’t have the opportunity to travel and maybe some of you are having a health issue or medical issue or maybe even a job issue or relationship issue and if you’re going through a rough patch right now take a deep breath and I want you to know that you are amazing you make the world a better place you absolutely 100% do and I hope you hear that enough I appreciate you I really do all right I hope you hear that enough I’ll see you guys in tomorrow’s video talk to you later bye-bye I did come back to climb this stairway with Amanda and Miles so it’s a lot of stairs and it’s very tight and very windy a lot I’ll show you the view once we get to the top I think climbing up we still have a ways to go up but this is like a little this is the craziest little thing cuz I’m going to turn this way to show you this walkway and then you look this way there’s a little little walkway there’s miles we came out that door right there and we walked this walkway and now we’re to go up some more stairs right behind us I don’t know how many steps this is but it’s a lot and they’re narrow I’m there are so many stairs we didn’t I mean holy cow I think we’re getting close to top like you can’t help but this is so much breath heavy wow how do this whoa let me show you how high we are wow we are I think as high as we can go and overlooking this amazing view go all the way around guys as I learn things I’m going to share them with you see these giant like treadmills they would put two men inside these treadmills and they would walk as they walk it would the Rope would tighten up and it’s how they raise and lower things to this High Point by using these treadmills that’s how you get things up and down you see like a little hole right there that’s where it would you lower the buckets and stuff or whatever it is that you raising this is the main platform and they would use this place for picnics it’s very popular families would come up here and have picnics and then they sometimes play music up here and the guards would shout shoot cannons off for celebrations this is the guard house where the guards lived they would watch for fires and for Invaders see this tall tower here it was supposed to be a twin tower and another one right here but they never built the second one so you only have the First Tower okay so I just want to show you this families would come up here and they would carve their names in the Stones it’s crazy the oldest one we can find is 1655 and now we are going down so many stairs okay that’s where we’re at see you guys tomorrow e


    1. I so loved walking around Strasbourg with you. This is a city I would probably never visit, but to see it has opened my eyes to another opportunity to visit when I eventually make it to France. Thank you, Chris! Strasbourg is beautiful!!!

    2. 7:39 this is very common for cathedrals of this time and age. Because most people were alliterate, they had to be taught with images. So the cathedrals had central elements of the believe engraved on them. For example the central element is about the main events in the life of Christ. And all around are other smaller "images" adding other stories and knowledge that people should get to know and remember, when they see them.
      On the cathedral in Freiburg im Breisgau the main element is about judgment day and the virtues of living a "good" life or damnation of living against the moral code of that medieval time.

    3. I went to Strasbourg in 2019 right before the pandemic. I loved it so much!!! It is so beautiful!!! It was fun to watch your video and have all those memories!!! Thank you!!

    4. Your travel videos are great! Just as good as your Disney videos, and makes me want to travel! Thank you Chris, Amanda and Miles for sharing your journeys with us.

    5. Thank you for this video! I have family in Strasbourg and I have yet to visit. I would love to go see the Christmas Marketplace. Also, don’t ever confuse someone from Strasbourg as being from Germany. There is a lot of negativity history there.

    6. CHRIS, the buildings are just amazing. I love the architecture. Thanks for sharing. Good luck and climbing all those stairs by the end of this trip you’re gonna be physically fit 😄. As usual CHRIS thanks for the encouraging words. You don’t know what that means to me and others.❤️

    7. So nice that you had the opportunity to visit Strassbourg with Amanda and Miles. Actually, the Disney animators used that region for inspiration for movies like Beauty & the Beast (the towns of Eguisheim and Colmar south from Strassbourg are direct inspirations).

      To give you a heads up about Parc Astérix:

      This theme park is based on the highly popular comic-strips of Astérix by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. The comic is about a tiny village in Gaul (the name of France in ancient times) that successfully resists against the Roman occupation under Julius Caesar. The heroes of the series are warrior Astérix and his friend Obélix (who sells huge stones called menhirs). The village can resist thanks to the magic potion by its druid Panoramix that gives them invincible powers.

      Many of the books deal with the Romans' new plans to conquer the village. Or how Astérix and Obélix help other tribes (in various countries) against the Romans. Usually, the comic has lots of references to current-day affairs, but is also in many ways accurate in depicting the Roman times. Part of the comic is the many puns, for instance in the names of the Gauls (all ending with -ix) or the Romans (ending with -us).

      Parc Astérix opened its doors in 1989, three years before Disneyland Paris.

      The Parc these days revolves about two themes: laughter (for the humor of the comic-strips) and heroism (show strength and courage like the Gauls). That’s why you’ll find many thrill rides in the park and lots of humorous details. The park now has clear zones that refer to specific adventures of Astérix, like the Roman area, the Gaulish village, Egypt, Greece and the Vikings.

      An absolute must is to book the Gaulish Banquet (Banquet Gaulois). Every Astérix adventure in the comic-books ends up with a festive meal in the village. At Parc Astérix they close down the village in the evening for a special meal in the open air, with freshly prepared dishes and all typically French. It’s a lot of fun and a full experience with characters. Miles will love it.

      Have wonderful time in Parc Astérix!

    8. I am Dutch living in France, first you go to my home park Efteling, and now you go to Strasbourg which is 25 minutes away from where I live.
      Stop following me LOL Great videos of your trip, I love it!

    9. Traveled around French countryside last year and found most villages have a carousel in the center of town. cute. I loved your description of the two different types of architecture there.

    10. i love when you do travel videos. i may never get to travel to these places so i love to see them! Thank you so much! Hi to amanda and Miles too! 😊

    11. I love it!! I traveled all over the world in my early and mid 20's and my dad had always taught me to eat things the way they are supposed to be eaten first. So you know how it tastes and then you can adjust it after. And I took that advice into traveling and it changed my life. I tried the craziest stuff. And I don't regret it. Miss traveling internationally so much. Hope to do it again one day

    12. I absolutely love all of your videos like this! It feels like we're all walking around with you and it is so calming and fun! I feel like I learn something new from every video!

    13. It looks like you are done with the shout outs, and it looks like my husband was skipped again. I reached out to you once before but missed getting back to you because the comments were shut down. My husband is a huge fan but I've had to encourage him to watch the last few days because he is a little sad right now. Which is a big deal because we're planning a trip to Europe. Can we please work together to find his shoutout.

    14. I ALWAYS appreciate seeing a little bit of your day no matter what it is you're doing. Thank you for sharing so much of this trip with us 🙂 Safe travels!

    15. Hi Chris. I love when you do videos like this. Everything comes across so natural, it feels we are there with you, just talking with friends (PPP Fam). That is one of many reasons why you are amazing. Hopefully you, Amanda and Miles are enjoying the trip. Stay Safe and keep having Fun on your Adventures. 👋🏻

    16. It was refreshing to see this video. Something a little different from theme parks is nice to see. I was in France last November and didn’t get to visit Strasbourg. It’s on my list for my next visit, I hope sooner than later. I totally agree with having the “when in Rome” mentality when traveling. Not only do you get to experience new things, but it shows you have respect for the local culture and people.

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