Eight suspected radicals apparently entered the United States through the southern border; the Biden campaign, desperate for momentum, launches a campaign promoting free money and massages for leftists; and Hunter Biden is convicted on federal gun charges–but that’s not the case that matters.


    – – –

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    This video includes information, descriptions, video, and images meant to give important context to viewers. By including this context, the overlaid commentary, criticism, and analysis is able to serve the public’s interest in the discussed subject matter. Pairing the appropriate context with the included commentary allows the video to: (i) educate viewers; and (ii) document newsworthy events or other matters of public interest. To the greatest extent possible, the included commentary is intended to: (a) accurately identify the involved parties; (b) describe the subject matter in detail; (c) clearly articulate condemnation and criticism of the subject behavior while including an opposing view; and (d) to discourage viewers from engaging in the subject behavior.

    00:00 – Sound Of Hope
    4:15 – Biden In Trouble
    7:00 – WHO Just Came Through The Border?!
    10:28 – Border Patrol: Our Hands Are Tied
    11:26 – KJP Blames Republicans For Border Crisis
    13:31 – Actual CPI Reaches New All-Time High
    14:15 – Fed Now Projects Just One Rate Cut This Year
    15:50 – Harris Brags About Student Loan Forgiveness
    18:34 – Climate Protesters Charge Congressional Baseball Game
    20:11 – Democrat Fans Scream ‘Free Palestine’
    20:46 – Terror Groups Fly Banners Outside Nova Exhibit
    22:42 – Blinken Announces More Aid For Palestinians
    25:23 – Blinken: We’re Determined To Bridge Gaps
    28:46 – Radicals Plan To Shut Down DC When Netanyahu Visits
    29:50 – Columbia Deans Mocked Anti-Semitism Concerns
    32:31 – Hillary Endorses Primary Opponent Of Bowman
    35:35 – Biden Humiliates Himself On Foreign Stage
    38:05 – Biden, Zelensky Sign Long-Term Security Pact
    38:56 – Jake Sullivan’s Statement On Ukraine
    39:44 – Chinese Megaport Being Built In Peru
    41:46 – Hunter Biden Convicted In Gun Case
    47:06 – Bannon Sentenced To Jail
    47:33 – House Votes To Hold Garland In Contempt
    49:16 – AOC Attacks Supreme Court Again
    51:32 – Buttigieg Attacks Alito, Promotes Pride-Progress Flag
    53:14 – Outro

    #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire

    so folks there’s a new movie it’s coming out very soon in theaters and it’s called sound of hope I to talked about the movie itself which is just awesome it’s moving it’s amazing it’s uplifting it’s an inspiring film but the real reason I want to talk to you about it is because it is the next move in what the daily wire is doing in the entertainment business so if you look back at the Timeline here in 2021 we broke into entertainment by uncan Gina corano and then of course we made a movie with Gina corano after she was canceled unceremoniously by Disney and then in 2022 we released the best documentary the last 10 years Matt Walsh is what is a woman and we also launched our streaming service daily wire plus and then in 2023 we introduced beny so your kids have something awesome to watch that is not going to be smeared with a bunch of leftwing gobble well this week we announced our next big Venture in entertainment dailywire plus is now going into theaters we’re proud to announce that dailywire plus is partnering with Angel Studios to release Peace Tree Productions incredible new film sound of Hope the story of pum TR Now angel Studios is an amazing company you obviously they’ve been involved in this business for quite a while they’re responsible for the theater release of sound of Freedom most famously they’ve done a bunch of other films as well they do amazing work they are a values match for us and we are super excited to work with them because they’re changing the face of the entertainment industry it’s going to be an amazing partnership we believe in helping to change the kinds of entertainment that people can consume every time they go to the theater I want to show you some of the trailer for sound of Hope which is coming out in theaters thanks to Angel Studios and daily we plus very soon are you sure these people want us I know they do you can call me [Music] Mama it’s hard to feel like I’m the only one who sees these things 70% of the kids in the system are there because of neglect the other 30% are put through hell we need your help can you imagine our kids on their [Music] own we can’t just look away the state ain’t no family are you sure these people want us I know they do you can call me Mama oh Lord no no no no if we can’t wrap our arms around the most vulnerable then where do we noise and the children can’t take the noise anymore this is something that we must [Applause] do 22 families want to adopt whole town wants kids know are you kidding that’s about right what’s happening with psome Trot could mean a huge change for the system we want the ones that nobody else want who hurt you baby I’m not giving up on you you can’t give up on me either what we going to do everybody’s falling apart I’m doing the best I can the real world hits hard I don’t want to be here I can’t give him back we got to work on this [Music] [Applause] together we your people now love never gives [Music] up it’s amazing I mean and this is the kind of stuff that angel produces and this is the kind of stuff that we are eager to partner with obviously this is a story that is about Christian families who are adopting kids who are in rough circumstan it takes on issues that are edgy and hard to watch but also have real meaning to people that’s the kind of stuff that angel has been doing historically it’s what this movie is too we can’t wait for you to see it in theaters and we couldn’t wait to announce it to you today daily wire plus joining Angel studios in putting sound of Hope in theaters so Joe Biden has been a disaster on pretty much every front which is why in the polling he is doing really badly right now and I lead pretty much every show with this because obviously the 2024 election is happening it is happening fast despite the fact that it seems like it’s taking actually forever it’s going to be and not all that long just five months from now we already know who is the elected president of the United States in 2024 the current polling remains not good for Joe Biden in the Battleground states he remains solidly behind Donald Trump overall he remains about even with Donald Trump but the bottom line is that he is is running into some serious headwinds right now according to the real clear politics polling averages he is currently running about even with Donald Trump in Wisconsin but he’s running behind Trump solidly in Arizona in Georgia in Pennsylvania in North Carolina in Nevada he’s running very narrowly behind him in Michigan if Donald Trump wins one of the states Wisconsin Michigan or Pennsylvania the election is effectively over if he wins Nevada he might even be able to lose all three of those States and still through some funky math pull out a tie or a victory in the Electoral College the bottom line is the map is very wide for Donald Trump it is very narrow for Joe Biden and it is very narrow for Joe Biden because again the big thing about Joe Biden is that he is crappy at being the president of the United States this is the thing that that nobody can get over it isn’t even his age yes his age hurts him yes his age means that he feels as though he’s going to fall fall down and hurt himself at any moment that he were one broken hip away from AA Harris presidency of course it feels like that but that’s not the real reason why he is suffering the polling after all he ran last time and he was super old and he was pretty feeble last time he’s more feeble this time and that’s more of an issue for him but what’s actually happening that his terrible presidency is being projected into something imagistic which is not particularly new Jimmy Carter when he lost his reala effort to Ronald Reagan in 1980 all of his incompetence in office was projected into an image of him as weak and vacillating on a personal level and that’s what human beings tend to do what we tend to do is take all of the things we know about people and then we project them into personality aspects or even physical aspects of the people we are thinking about all the worst people you know seem uglier to you all best people you know seem better looking to you there’s a halo effect and there’s a reverse halo effect around people so yes Joe Biden is way too old to be running for president of the United States and he is quite diminished at this time but that’s not the real reason he’s so unpopular the real reason he is so unpopular is because he sucks at being president you can see it in the polling data he dropped down into the 40s the low 40s with the withdrawal from Afghanistan which revealed number one that he does not care about human beings outside of his family then number two he is a weakling and then number three he has no actual plan but a lot of convictions on all the wrong issues which means that every bad news story that comes out dings him still further a pretty bad news story that’s getting wildly undercovered from yesterday the news story is that eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to Isis out of Central Asia were arrested over the weekend in New York Philadelphia and Los Angeles three people familiar with the matter told NBC news on Tuesday the suspects had been on the FBI’s joint terrorism Task Force Radar and were arrested by personnel with ice all eight men crossed through the southern border into the United States their criminal background checks came back clean when they crossed according to two officials familiar with the matter at least two of those men crossed the border in Spring 2023 one of those men use the CBP one app which the Biden Administration created to allow migrants to book appointments to claim Asylum according to officials well that is disastrous okay because the reality is that if these folks hadn’t gotten caught if these evil terrorists had not been caught presumably they would have killed Americans on American soil after sneaking through the southern border but we’ve been told by Joe Biden that there’s nothing he can do about the southern border simultaneously Joe Biden is out there saying he might be able to do something via executive action on the southern border meanwhile andand meas the head of the Department of Homeland Security has said that the southern border is really fairly secure and everything is going fine over there and in turn indeed the system that has been set up allowed these people in it appears that at least three of these people went through a Port of Entry one went through an actual app two of them apparently showed up at the southern border and then were processed as for the other five we don’t know that they cross between ports of Entry but listen I’ve been down to the southern border I’ve spoken with members of the border patrol Union what they say is we have no idea how many terrorists are in the country because the vast majority of terrorists who are entering the country are doing so between ports of entry in fact the entire Biden strategy which is to process for Asylum as many illegal immigrants as possible and make that the first priority of border patrol means that every time Mexican drug cartels drop off a a load a shipment of illegal immigrants at the border everyone from border patrol Rush is there then start processing everybody for Asylum leaving the Border wide open when we were down on the Arizona border and you can see this in our series The Divided states of Biden when we were down there on the Arizona border there was no one there we drove for probably 20 miles on the southern border and there were no border patrol agents anywhere in some of the roughest country on the border which is precisely where you would sneak through if you were either a drug Smuggler or a terrorist we got some more on this in just a moment first the cost of living is up almost 20% from 2021 families everywhere are feeling that burden but Legacy Media they keep saying that it’s fine in fact there’s an entire article in the Wall Street Journal today about how it’s all in your head a recent Business Insider article made the case the American people are to blame for this dumpster fire economy it’s your perception that’s the problem this is all gaslighting so let me help you find a way to save money in this economic climate one way switch on over to peer talk if you’re one of many American families looking to cut down on your monthly bill you need to start with your cell phone service I recommend P talk because it’s both affordable and reliable P talk is rapidly becoming the Wireless company of choice for conservatives plus it’s great for families the more lines you add the more you save not to mention pck is veteran L instead of funding Dei initiatives they fund basic services for vets whove served the country and 100% of their customer service team is located right here in the United States if you’re looking for ways to save money for your family I highly recommend switching on over to Pur talk visit Pur talk.com Shapiro to explore their offers when you make the switch you’ll get an additional 50% off your very first month of service visit P talk.com airo upgrade your cell phone service to America’s most Dependable 5G Network save an extra 50% off your very first month that’s Pur talk.com Shapiro today Joe Biden’s immigration policy has already gotten Americans killed we of course know about Lake and Riley among others American citizens who have been murdered by illegal immigrants who have come across the boorder but the possibility of a very serious terror attack on America’s soil because of an open border that is a very real possibility and members of boorder Patrol know this here for example is a border patrol agent who spoke out saying you know our hands are tied this is what he told CNN what do you think this executive order is that going to do anything well it only took him what 3 years and 7 months in a rare encounter we meet a border patrol agent eager to vent he asks us to mask his identity worried he’ll be fired for talking so openly got the Border didn’t have to babysit does it frustrate you when you hear that when you hear the narrative like why aren’t border patrol doing anything and our hands are tight if I don’t allow them to cross and they call them for plane no I’m in trouble I’m going to lose my okay so it is Joe Biden’s border policy that has created all of this and then hilariously Karine jeanpierre the White House Press Secretary deeply untalented affirmative action pick for the White House Press Secretary because of course she’s intersectional she her only statement on this is that this is basically the Republicans fault because Republicans want to defund the FBI now the reality is the vast majority of Republicans do not want to defund the FBI they would like to see more oversight within the FBI they would like to see the FBI not become a tool of internally motivated political actors on behalf of the democratic party but here she is trying to Proclaim that the border crisis is the fault of Republicans we also grateful for the law enforcement for their quick uh quick work on this to make sure that we keep Americans safe uh this is another example of why uh we think some calls from Republicans to defund the FBI uh is is a bad idea it’s Troublesome and so we’ll continue to call that out as well well you’re not doing quick work to keep Americans safe these people shouldn’t have been in the country at all that is the point the point is that if you had a closed border this would not be happening it is that simple and that’s just one of the issues where Joe Biden is a deep and abiding failure the top two issues for Americans in the election cycle are immigration and inflation those are not the issues Joe Biden is focusing in on Joe Biden is focusing in solely and completely on the quote-unquote threat to democracy that Donald Trump supposedly presents that is not what most Americans are concerned about and if Donald Trump simply redirects America Americans perceptions back to the things they actually care about those kitchen table issues then Donald Trump is likely to win the election that’s why when it comes to the debate that is coming up in just a couple of weeks here Donald Trump would be doing himself a great disservice if he allowed that debate to turn into some sort of long form conversation about January 6th in election 2020 every time that is mentioned he should say I have my opinion on that you have your opinion on that but I can tell you what everyone agrees on Joe Biden is a terrible president that is why his approval rating is currently 37% that is why he is competitive with a person that you guys deem to be a convicted felon after sicking law enforcement on me speaking of inflation it turns out that the the prospect that the Federal Reserve was going to come in like Tarzan swinging on a vine and carry off Jane save Joe Biden’s presidential run here with a bunch of rate Cuts just before the election that looks like that’s not going to happen it turns out that inflation is not coming down at the rate that Joe Biden needs it to come down CNBC was reporting just yesterday that actual Consumer Price Index has now reached a new all-time high on Headline non-seasonally adjusted the actual index it moved up to 314.00 69 a new alltime high if we look at the core index which is seasonally adjusted that moved to 318.14 guess what a new all-time high inflation is not in fact going down at the rate it needs to be going down which is why Federal Reserve CH Jerome Powell is now saying that he is going to limit the number of rate cuts at best this year on Wednesday officials held rate steady and offered little evidence that they were prepared to begin lowering interest rates soon as their counterparts in Canada and Europe began doing last week which is why the dollar remains strong against foreign currencies most officials project they could lower rates once or twice at for manying meetings this year suggesting a start to cuts no sooner than September now again that’s whistling past the graveyard that is Joe Biden deeply hoping that the Federal Reserve saves him from his own bad economy that come September the inflation statistics will somehow justify a rate cut that will boost investment in the economy as the rates go down just before the election Howell said we’re looking for something that gives us confidence that inflation is moving sustainably down the European Central Bank the Bank of Canada cut interest rates last week and indicated additional reductions were possible even though inflation remains above their targets because they expect inflation to keep declining but the United States is in a different position growth is stronger type monetary policy might be transmitting more slowly to the economy the US Financial system relies Less on Bank lending than in the past homeowners are shielded from rapid rate increases of 2022 and 2023 because they locked in ultra low rates on 30-year fixed rate mortgages which Ares prevalent in other of the world he well what does that mean that means that Joe Biden is going to have to just give people free money and that’s what KLA Harris is out there preaching if inflation is high and you’re not going to be able to bring it down in time for the election basically Joe Biden is going to enact modern monetary theory in the middle of an inflationary cycle he is going to pour more money into the economy so K Harris just yesterday shoes out there bragging about giving people free money when it came to their mortgages we are also giving for people who are the first generation in their family to to to to seek to buy a home $25,000 grants for startup Capital to actually be able to pay down on the home ownership how can you make the case that you are lowering inflation while pouring $25,000 per family that is trying to buy a home for the first time into the economy how can you do that especially when the government is now pushing again the kind of subprime mortgages that led to the real estate crash of 20072 2008 meanwhile Comm Harris is brag about student loan forgiveness again you have an inflationary cycle these are just people who are pouring money on the Flames but only to specific interest groups okay because what Kamala Harris is talking about specifically there with regard to both student loans which is for college students and with regard to these grants to firsttime homeowners that’s supposed to disproportionately Target minorities it’s all about just giving money to the base we have now forgiven over $160 billion in student loan debt benefiting about 5 million people I have met just today people who have had their student loan debt forgiven please [Laughter] testify please testify that you paid them off with my money my kids’ money the money that you’re going to have to borrow we get to more on this in just one moment first let’s say you had an employee you know like let’s say that somebody working for you just routinely fell asleep in the middle of interviews or you know just zoned out in the middle of speeches or just started speaking gibberish I’m not naming names that rhyme with Joe Biden but let’s say you wanted to replace that person and you didn’t actually have to have a voting process let’s say that person work for you and actually wanted to you know replace zip recruiter would be the place to go zip recruiter finds qualified candidates fast right now you can try it for free at ziprecruiter.com dailywire zip recruiters userfriendly technology guides you to finding top talent when you post your job zip recruiters intuitive matching technology presents you with a list of qualified candidates once you’ve reviewed your list of qualified candidates you can swiftly invite your top choices to apply this streamlined process encourages them to apply sooner allowing you to fill that role faster amp up your own hiring performance with zip recruiter find that best talent fast because if you don’t somebody else will just head on over to ziprecruiter.com dailywire try it out for free again that’s ziprecruiter.com dailywire zip recruiter is indeed the smartest way to hire zip recruiter.com dailywire to get started but again this is what you are relegated to when you have a bad presidential candidate who’s done a bad job it’s all payoffs whether those payoffs or are are physical payoffs in the form of actual money or just emotional payoffs to your radical base the cardinal sin of the Biden Administration they came in pledging to be moderate and then they turned into Bernie Sanders and this is why you’re seeing protest spring up everywhere because they know that they’ve got their man in the White House they believe that the harder they push on the radical side the more Joe Biden will give in at least to awkward standoffs like the one that happened just yesterday when climate protesters charged a congressional baseball game now you remember the last time Democrats decided to disrupt a congressional baseball game it was a Bernie Sanders acolyte who ended up multiple Congress people including Steve scoes who almost died this time they didn’t bring guns but they did Rush the Congressional baseball game what was amazing here is the reaction of Democrats in The Dugout so as these people are dragged away Republicans are cheering and Democrats basically don’t know what to do because it turns out these are all Democrat supporters rushing the Congressional baseball [Applause] game he’s moreon climate protesters getting [Applause] [Applause] tackled you can hear the crowd chaning USA it turns out that most Americans really do not like these people they really do not like climate protest testers who throw soup at Demona they really don’t like people who glue their hands to the streets and shut down traffic they really don’t like it but it turns out Democrats have a very difficult time dissociating from precisely these types of people out of fear that they are going to then insult the fellow Travelers meanwhile at the same exact game Democratic fans were screaming Free Palestine at the baseball game I’m not sure how you’re going to free Palestine at a congressional baseball game but you know go for it whatever floats your boat you idiots they’re screaming at during the star spangle Banner which is an amazing look by the way nothing says you love America more than screaming Free Palestine which would be a terror State immediately in the middle of a national anthem and these are the people that Democrats have decided to cater to there was a an an exhibit in New York called the was it was for the Nova Music Festival it was supposed to demonstrate the atrocities at the Nova music festival and Terror supporters literal Terror supporters showed up they’re not hiding the ball here they’re not actually pretending to just be Pro Palestinian these are people who are waving like actual and flags in the middle of New York [Music] City why are these people in the United States seriously and this is an aeration of overt Terror supporters and fellow traveler white students with bad parents this exhibit was put up by Hollywood producer scooter Brawn to his credit he said he’s not going to be intimidated by any of this crap he said for those who choose to protest against innocent music lovers who are massacred we will dance again and you are all invited thank you for the inspiration it is more important than ever that we fight for our shared Humanity good for scooter brawn again it it’s it’s just an absurdity but these are people that the Democrats are having serious trouble dissociating from so the White House did put out a statement Andrew Bates called the hundreds of left far-left protesters quote outrageous and heartbreaking he said in a statement that profane banners of terrorist organizations should not be flown anywhere especially not on American streets I would believe him more if this administration were not attempting to give $400 million to the Palestinians who are represented by Terror groups Anthony blinkin announced that one yesterday so at the same time they’re condemning terrorist supporters on the street of New York for carrying these flags they’re giving people who love these Flags $400 million that’s after spending $300 million to build a useless pier in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea that immediately washed away and after attempting to Garner Congressional support for a few billion dollars that will eventually be poured into the pockets of Terror supporters here’s Secretary of State Anthony blinkin it is time for everyone everyone to step up and for those who have already given and given generously give more the United States has for decades been the largest single country provider of assistance for Palestinians today I’m announcing an additional $44 million in new Aid to Palestinians in addition to the more than $1.8 billion in development economic and humanitarian Aid that the United States has provided since 2021 pour that one right down the rat hole because it will immediately be ingested by all the terror groups who lead every hierarchy that has any governing power in the West Bank of the Gaza Strip so I’ll take you a little more seriously at the White House protesting Terror groups when you stop funding them as an American taxpayer I prefer you not fund both sides of the war that would be great Anthony blinkin is so bited that he spent yesterday suggesting that they are still determined to quote Bridge gaps with Hamas so what happened in terms of the negotiation between the Israelis and Hamas is that Israel said that we are willing to contemplate a deal where there’s a temporary ceasefire for release of hostages but we are not going to give up on our goal of extraa the terror group and Anthony blink’s like I’m going to bridge that Gap and Israel’s like you know it’ be great if we can get our hostages back and also destroy the terror group and Anthony blinkin is turning to Yak sinir who is saying I’m not giving up the terror I’m not giving up the hostages and I’m also not going to stop governing and I want Israel to move out and blink’s like too can you meet him like halfway you know like give up the hostages but don’t leave power or to Israel can you meet them halfway it’s just pathetic get more on this in just one moment first investing in your future that’s not something you should put off that’s why I’m always looking for new ways to diversify my portfolio so when I first started my business I know I had to be smart I put the cash somewhere where it has potential to grow and actually work for me even when it comes to my investment strategy now I am constantly looking for better ways to invest Robin Hood has changed the investment landscape they’ve pioneered commission for eock trading today they offer Innovative products to over 23 million funded customers to help users build a better financial future with Robin Hood you’re in the driver’s seat you have complete 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with successfully is so patently insane but it’s bought into by the entire State Department which has been an arabist hot bed my entire lifetime based on what we’ve seen and what I’ve discussed with the Prime Minister and what we discussed with our Egyptian colleagues uh we’re determined to try to bridge the uh the gaps Bridge the gaps and I believe those gaps are bridgeable doesn’t mean they will be bridged because again It ultimately depends on people saying yes um I have a question how are you going to bridge that Gap there’s no this this this is not a negotiation over salary here it’s an absurdity but this Administration is trafficking in absurdity according to Politico they’re trying to figure out exactly what the day after plan will be so while they demand that the prime minister of Israel come up with a day after plan before finishing off Hamas battalions still in Rafa and there is no day after plan because it turns out the only realistic day after plan unfortunately Israel doesn’t want to do this either would be for a large scale Israeli military presence in the Gaza Strip until the end of time or until the Palestinians moderate whichever comes first that’s the only real day after plan and everyone knows it the Americans know it the Arabs know it the Israelis everyone knows it but Tony blinkin and the Biden Administration refuse to say it so they keep wishcasting bizarre Solutions into existence so listen to this one listen this is from Politico from think tankers to Mackenzie types to Washington bureaucrats plenty of people are offering proposals some focus on the immediate security and governance needs of Palestinians left in Gaza using terms like contact group and mandate some dream of Gaza soccer stadiums decades from now okay because because of the paradise that was built in Gaza the minute that the Israelis pulled 8,000 Jews out of Gaza and allowed the Palestinians to burn up the green houses the Biden Administration this again according to political magazine the Biden Administration is coalescing around plans for an interim Palestinian Council to govern Gaza and a security Coalition in which the US military will play a major role okay as an American taxpayer I’m going to go no on that one here are a couple things that I think our horrible ideas as an American importing massive populations of people who hate Americans and hate Jews that seems like a terrible idea we got enough of those on our streets already so I’m going to go no on that I’m also going to go no on hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars paying terrorists that also seems like quite a terrible idea also putting American military men and women on the ground in the Gaza Strip to what Slug It Out On A Street to street level how in the hell is that in America’s interest the Biden Administration is so crazy they’re so crazy honestly that’s such a crazy proposal but what is it about it’s all about not alienating the Dearborn supporters that’s all what that’s all this is about yes there’s an ideological component where they refuse to acknowledge the reality in the region which is that the Palestinian issue is not Central that if tomorrow the Biden Administration stopped jabbering about this particular issue the Saudis would normalize with the Israelis like that they’re ready to do so when Trump was President they’ve already they’ve already telegraphed that in the Wall Street Journal saying that as long as the Israelis give a verbal agreement to have possible negotiations sometime in the future about a Palestinian State they’ll sign on to it which is like the weakest tea I ever heard but again this is really just about the the Biden Administration the Biden campaign cannot dissociate from its radical base and so they have to do whatever they can to split the baby wherever they can and and by the way the radicals know this which is why they continue to push harder and harder and harder apparently when Netanyahu arrives to speak before Congress July 24th farle organizations are already vo to shut down Washington DC presum the Biden administration at that point will then praise the protesters for their deep commitment to human rights as they stand for not only that the protesters decided it would be a wonderful idea to go vandalize Jewish homes in New York according to the New York Post the Brooklyn Museum’s director and a number of its Jewish board members were targeted overnight by anti-semitic vandals who tossed red paint and scrolled blood on your hands across their homes director Anne past’s Co-op apartment in Brooklyn Heights was among those targeted by the vile mob when they strung up a sign that screamed an past NE Brooklyn Museum white supremacist Zionist an inverted red triangle was also sprayed on her door that’s a symbol used by to identify Israel military targets these are the kind why are these people on the March the answer is they push where they feel mush and the Biden Administration is total mush they are total and complete mush or they’re on the side of these people at the universities they’re certainly on the side of these people according to a brand new report from the Washington Free Beacon remember that time that the Columbia Columbia administrators were supposedly so put out by the protesters who had taken over their campus and were threatening Jews well it turns out that photos of text messages sent during a panel captured by an attendee provided a glimpse into the administration’s attitude toward the plate of Jewish students on campus according to the Washington Free Beacon on Friday May 31st alumni descended on Columbia University’s Manhattan campus to celebrate their class reunions in addition to eating and drinking the F festivities included several panel discussions featuring professors and administrators one focused on Jewish life on campus was particularly newsworthy student protesters had broken into and occupied a university building during the Academic Year and they had reconstituted themselves to disrupt reunion festivities so they did a panel on this in the audience according to two attendees were several Top members of the Columbia Administration the administrators included Joseph seret the dean of Columbia College Susan Chang Kim the vice Dean and chief administrative officer of Columbia College Kristen cro a dean of undergraduate student life and Matthew pesnik a associate Dean for student and family support Chang Kim was on her phone texting her colleagues about the proceedings and they were replying to her the entire time as the panelists offered Frank appraisals of the climate Jewish students have faced Columbia’s top officials responded with mockery and vitriol this is difficult to listen to but I’m trying to keep an open mind to learn about this point of view Chang King texted Sora at the dean of the college yep he replied Chang King then used vomit emojis to describe an opat about anti-Semitism by Columbia’s campus Rabbi again all of these people these are the people who run the universities and these are the people that the Biden Administration is having a very difficult time separating off from and you can see why get some more on that in just one moment first we know here at the dailyware what it’s like to start and run a business and saving time is the biggest most important factor that’s why I am so excited to introduce you to ramp if you’re a finance professional looking for a better way to maximize productivity and cut wasteful spending ramp could be for you ramp is a corporate card and spend management software designed to help you save time and put money back in your pocket with ramp you can issue cards to every employee with limits and restrictions you can also stop wasting time at the end of every month by automating your expense reporting ramps accounting softt store automatically collects receipts and categorizes your expenses in real time so you don’t actually have to do that you’ll never have to chase down a receipt again your employees will no longer spend hours submitting expense reports the time you’ll save each month on employee expenses will allow you to close your books eight times faster ramp is super easy to use get started in less than 15 minutes whether you have five employees or 5,000 get 250 bucks when you join ramp just go to ramp.com Shapiro spelled rm.com Shapiro again that’s ramp.com Shapiro cards issued by bank and Celtic Bank members FDIC terms and conditions apply so over the past 24 hours Hillary Clinton came out and endorsed against representative Jamal Bowman who’s openly conspiratorially anti-semitic jbal is a joke of a congress person he is such ad adult that he believes supposedly that fire alarms open doors or some such nonsense he of course was censured by Congress for having pulled a fire alarm in order to delay a vote he didn’t like well she just endorsed his opponent George ladimer of Westchester County in this Congressional Rays she tweeted in Congress ladimer will protect abortion rights stand up to the NRA and fight for President Biden’s agenda just like he’s always done make a plan to vote by June 25th this prompted spasms of apoplexy from the woke left base apparently they went nuts on Hillary Clinton Hillary is not far left enough for them at this point so representative Rua Ramen tweeted quote this endorsement coming right after Latimer’s islamophobic comments is right on brand to be honest and I’m tired of everyone ignoring it meanwhile a person named boscar sunara tweeted imagine taking Hillary Clinton’s advice in a year with Trump on the ballot Sirus XM host kasim rashed tweeted someone explained to me how a candidate funded by prot Trump GOP donors is a strong principal Democrat who will stand up to Trump meanwhile Brianna Joy gray anti-semite extraordinaire tweeted if it wasn’t already clear who not to vote for Hillary Clinton endorsed the apack Challenger to representative Bowman who recently dog whistled that Bowman’s constituency was Dearborn that’s not a de that’s not that’s not a dog whistle he literally agrees with the Kamas supporters in Dearborne but again this is the battle inside the Democratic party but oddly enough the Biden Administration refuses to take up the battle and that’s why they’re losing it’s why they’re losing they’ve got a serious problem on their hands it turns out moderate Americans do not like any of this crap they don’t like the climate change protesters they do not like the trans Pride progress protesters who are trying to take over public libraries they don’t like the the morons who are on America streets caring Kamas Flags they don’t like any of it Normie Americans are not up for it and the Revenge of the normies is coming all right in just one second we are going to get to Joe Biden on the international stage always a humiliating Prospect he’s over at the G7 we’ll bring you the latest on that momentarily parents listen up as a father I know firsthand how hectic life can get how important it is to find a little time sometimes you just have to have your kids like watch TV for like 15 minutes while you you know make sure the dinner is cooked well this is where bent key the daily War’s new entertainment kids app comes in my kids love it yours will too tons of amazing content all of it safe for your kids I know cuz it’s safe for my kids and I am very meticulous about what my kids are allowed to watch beny offers premium shows like chip Chilla heason one in streaming right now plus favorites like supert and Gus plus us and remember the magic of Saturday morning cartoons well those are coming back every Saturday morning new episodes beny is not just fun for kids it’s peace of mind for parents while Disney is woking up the Star Wars franchise I’m not kidding dis Disney now put in their Star Wars franchise like lesbian Jedi or something who in invented the force that’s not even a joke you’re not going to get that kind of garbage over at beny here’s the best part your family can experience all benkey has to offer for free for 14 days just use code unlock at checkout on ben.com start your free trial today meanwhile Joe Biden is out there humiliating himself on the foreign stage now the thing to understand about the foreign stage is that most foreign countries like weak American Presidents until the pedal hits the medal at which point they beg America for help they really like Americans who kind of recede from the world scene there some of their very very favorites which is why the International Community still has a soft spot for say Bill Clinton has a soft spot for Barack Obama despite the fact that the world was a significantly more peaceful and better place under Donald Trump than it was under Barack Obama they have this soft spot for Barack Obama because he was constantly downgrading America on the world stage and that made a lot of people have the warm and fuzzies and everybody in the in the world has the war and fuzzies until precisely the time they need America’s help at which point they lament that America isn’t strong in the world anymore well Joe Biden is a weak president so he has a certain level of popularity but the entire International stage is about to change pretty dramatically as Politico notes the G7 Summit in the southern Italian Coastal Resort of Borgo anazia features arguably the weakest Gathering of leaders the group has mustered for years most of the attendees are distracted by elections or domestic crisis disillusioned by years in office or clinging desperately to power France’s Emanuel macron and Britain’s Rishi sunak are both fighting snap election campaigns they called in last Stitch efforts to reverse their flagging fortunes Germany’s Olaf scholes was humiliated by farite nationalists in last weekend’s European Parliament election and could soon be toppled himself Justin Trudeau prime minister for nine years in Canada has spoken openly about quitting his crazy job Japan’s fum Kida is enduring his lowest personal ratings ahead of a leadership contest later this year and then there is Joe Biden so it is an amazing constellation of winners except of course for Italy’s Georgia Georgia Maloney who’s doing amazing right she was labeled far right by the entire International media it turns out she’s just a mainstream right-wing leader and she’s doing great according to Politico Italy’s Georgia Maloney can’t stop winning two years after coming to power as leader of the farri brothers of Italy Party farri by the way just means conservative in Europe it doesn’t mean that you’re a Nazi it just means means that you’re not a leftist the pugnacious folky tolken fan from Blue Collar District of Rome increases her party’s popular share of the vote in Sunday’s European election she’s now poised to play a critical role shaping the future direction of EU policy in Brussels for months under Italian stewardship officials in Europe and the US have been trying to hammer out their differences to announce a G7 plan to leverage Russian assets in Frozen Western Banks to provide a huge loan to Ukraine there’s still no sign of a complete deal again a lot of this is because of Joe Biden’s lack of leadership ironically on Ukraine Joe Biden has slow walked Aid to Ukraine he’s prevented Ukraine from taking the measures that would be necessary in order for them to stop further Russian influxes of troop into the region so what is Joe Biden doing well he’s virtue signaling over there so he signed a 10-year security agreement or they’re planning to do so that’s going to supply ke with a wide range of military assistance according to National Security adviser Jake Sullivan the deal aims to commit future us administrations to support Ukraine even if Donald Trump wins in November the problem of course is that because it is not going to be submitted to the Senate as a treaty which would make it Bing law that means an executive agreement that means that Donald Trump can walk in tomorrow and just rip it up when he becomes president according to the Washington Post officials said they hope the agreement would transcend political divisions within the United States but they acknowledge that Trump or any other future president could withdraw from the legally binding executive agreement because it’s not a treaty it also doesn’t make any new commitments about Ukraine’s prospects for joining NATO which remain distant so it doesn’t add anything it is just a talking point for Joe Biden to pretend that he’s getting something done in Ukraine when he’s not really getting anything done in Ukraine meanwhile Jake Sullivan out there signing checks with his mouth that the American Body politic may not cash as’s the National Security adviser saying in brusk language Russia won’t Outlast the International Coalition well I don’t know about that I mean given your level of commitment thus far given the fact that you’ve been hamstringing Ukraine all throughout this war and given the fact that you have no actual end goal there I have a feeling Russia definitely can Outlast you in Ukraine as it turns out if Vladimir Putin thinks that he can Outlast the Coalition supporting Ukraine he’s wrong he just cannot wait us out and this agreement will show our resolve and continued commitment uh sure sure it turns out that every country that has relied on America’s resolve and continued commitment for the last 50 odd years has done quite poorly in the world of in in the World At Large where history didn’t stop meanwhile it turns out the United States is no longer even enforcing the Monroe Doctrine the Monroe Doctrine said to the Brits and the Europeans don’t get involved in this hemisphere apparently there’s now a giant carve out for China according to the New York Times far from Ukraine and Gaza is the group of wealthy democracies gathers in Italy to discuss a range of old and trenched challenges the nature of American power is being transformed across the region that Washington sees as crucial for the century to come the Asian Pacific here America no longer presents itself as The Confident guarantor of security a trust us we’ve got the superpower the terrain is vast China’s rise to great a threat so the United States has been offering to be something else an eager teammate for military modernization and Tech development in this new era many countries are doing more on their own and with us help behind the scenes us officials are testing new secure community communication systems with their in other words we are basically trying to toss off the burden onto other countries in the Indo Pacific we’ll see how well that works but again I’m not sure why anyone would commit to the United States having a long-term strategic Vision when China is building a giant megap port in South America right now historically speaking the United States did not stand for this sort of activity in our hemisphere we attempted to use every element of power we could to repel Russian interference in Latin and South America for example during the Cold War but now is just doing it openly and the United States has nothing to say according to the Wall Street Journal China is building a megaport that could challenge US influence in a resourcer region that Washington has long considered its backyard the Chan deep water Port Rising here among pelicans and fishermen in small wooden boats is important enough to Beijing that Chinese leader xiin ping is expected to inaugurate it at the end of the year in his first trip to the continent since the pandemic Costco not you know the not the place that you shop in the United States but the China Ocean shipping group they promised to speed trade between Asia and South America eventually benefiting customers as far away as Brazil so apparently this now means that China is going to have a sphere of influence that includes many countries in South and Latin America this is what happens when you have a ranous power in China and a weak power in the United States which is what Joe Biden is currently presiding over and all of this does not speak well to Joe Biden’s reelect chances the United States is in fact perceived as week and Joe Biden remains perceived as corrupt as well so over the last couple of days while I was out Hunter Biden was convicted in his gun case in Wilmington Delaware that did Buck my expectations I thought that because it was Wilmington Delaware there was a fairly decent shot there’ be a hung jury that didn’t happen because the charges apparently were so clear and so convincing that there really was no defense for Hunter Biden to present he did try the old I wasn’t high on the day I signed the affidavit form that said I that I wasn’t a drug addict defense which is a weird defense that’s so basically it says on the form are you a drug user and he wrote no and then he tried to claim in court despite the fact that he was snorting parmesan cheese off the carpets he tried to claim he meant not that day which again is awesome because if it says are you a murderer and OJ Simpson writes no presumably he means more than not that day but okay in any case he was found guilty on Tuesday of falsely claiming to be drug free when he applied to buy his handgun six years ago so he’s convicted on three felony counts by a federal jury as he Departed the courtroom he smiled and embraced his Lori Abby L and the members of his defense team he faced up to 25 years behind bars although any prison term is likely to amount to a fraction of that minimum sentence apparently they’re sentencing Hunter about 4 months after this conviction so it will be prior to the election it’s expected that it’ll be a very light sentence at best the White House Joe Biden did say that he would not actually pardon Hunter however the White House did not rule out a commutation of his sentence so here’s the White House saying as much he has said that he was he has ruled out pardoning his son but I wondered about a commutation uh whether that would be something that would be on the table a commutation what I will say is look I I haven’t spoken to the president uh about this um uh since the verdict came out uh and as we all know the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet uh but you saw the president do an interview uh just last week when he was in Normy and uh he was asked uh you know a question uh several questions a couple question questions about this and he was uh very clear very upfront uh uh very uh obviously very definitive and I just don’t have anything he you have his own words I just don’t have anything beyond that so again that is not a no on the commutation of the sentence now the reality is the gun charges are secondary to the tax charges the tax charges are the ones that are interesting against Hunter Biden because that implicates his entire sphere of corrupt influence that he built around Joe Biden Joe Biden used his son as a bagman on behalf of the family allowed his son to traffic in his name while he was sitting in the Senate while he was vice president of the United States all around the world Hunter was deployed to China he was deployed to Ukraine to sit on boards that he had no business sitting on picking up millions of dollars from a variety of corrupt Enterprises including ones that were fronts for the Chinese government and Joe Biden simply allowed that and every so often would pipe in with a phone call just to demonstrate that Hunter had influence with Dad lawyer John Yu who of course was a lawyer in the Bush Administration he says if Donald Trump wins it wouldn’t be a great surprise if da looked into Biden influence pedaling what other avenues or areas do you think Republican Das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability well one thing they can look at is influence pedling Beyond just the Biden family are there other Democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct they get their brothers hired their sisters hired their kids hired by Foreign governments foreign corporations or even us corporations and then right try to help those companies out look the you the justice department actually goes after a lot of American companies when they do exactly the same thing abroad if you were an Exon and you hired say the son of the head of Saudi Arabia you would be prosecuted like that yeah so why can’t Republican da do the same thing here in the United States and look I don’t want this Norm to have been broken I wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere politics but how else could you def deter Democratic Das from doing the same thing if you don’t they’re just going to keep doing it and doing it worse and worse he of course is right about all of that we get some more on that in just one moment first here’s an eternal truth vegetables taste like trash they’re bad take brussels sprouts what are they why are they well you don’t really have to know anything about that 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keep yourself healthy do the smart thing head on over to balance of nature.com use promo code Shapiro for 35% off your very first order meanwhile speaking of the abuse of the Justice Department’s legal Authority they’re jailing Steve Bannon again I’m not a fan of Steve banon on a personal level they’re jailing him for contempt of congress which is absolutely insane this means there are now two Trump officials who have been put in jail or will be jailed for contempt of congress which is a meaningless charge which just means you didn’t show up for a subpoena when Congress subpoena you Peter Navaro has already gone to jail in Florida Steve banon has now been sentenced to jail and that sentence has been confirmed by a judge meanwhile meric Garland was held in contempt by the house on Wednesday afternoon according to mediaite Republican lawmakers voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt after he defied a congressional subpoena demanding the doj turn over that audio recording of Robert her interviewing Joe Biden remember there is no reason to deny that recording getting into congress’s hands we already have the transcripts we know exactly what Joe Biden said it’s just that we want to hear how he said it how long was he pausing between words words was he stumbling over himself was he falling asleep and drooling Andor vomiting in his own mouth like what exactly was happening and apparently the doj and am like were’re not turning that over so the House Republicans held him in contempt immediately upon which Garland came out and said that this is in fact a partisan weapon he quote it is deeply disappointing This House of Representatives turned a serious Congressional Authority into a partisan weapon today’s vote disregards the Constitutional separation of powers the Justice Department’s need to protect its inves ation and the substantial amount of information we’ve Pro provided to the Committees I will always stand up for this department its employees and its vital mission to defend our democracy and I’m so tired of hearing defend our democracy from people who consistently undermine the Democracy it really is tiresome at a very high level I love that he’s saying that that’s a partisan weapon the contempt but but not when you actually jail two members of Trump’s team for contempt mer Garland then said that mer Garland could not be prosecuted so that’s always convenient when you are asked to prosecute yourself and you’re like you know what I have found that I am not prosecutable that’s always pretty convenient apparently a 57-page memo from the Department’s office of legal counsil lays out the case for Garland’s refusal to turn over the audio and they are saying that there is no prosecution that will be forthcoming so mer Garland has exonerated mer Garland which is which is excellent news if you are Amic Garland speaking of undermining America’s institutions even as they claim that it’s Republicans who are undermining the institutions Democrats continue to pretend that every Republican appointee on the Supreme Court is deeply corrupt they tried this with Clarence Thomas because Clarence Thomas has rich friends and sometimes goes on vacations paid for by them which I hate to break it to you happens a lot in America it turns out that a lot of people pay for each other’s vacations in the United States I’ve done it with members of my family I’ve done it with friends actually like it’s not all that rare but that apparently was deeply corrupting and terrible and all of the rest it’s it’s nonsense then they tried to go after Samuel Alo for flying a series of flags apparently his wife put out a flag that was like an upside down American flag they claimed that had to do with January 6th no evidence that it did then he put up and or his wife put up at their vacation home some sort of revolutionary era flag that has been part of political protest for a couple hundred years in the United States and That Was Then considered a wild and egregious terrible thing so now you have Democrats attacking Justice Alo and suggesting that he doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court here is Alexander okazi Cortez a person who we are supposed to believe deeply loves American institutions going after the Supreme Court yet again Justice alito’s position is laughable in this this idea that he can be and and that the court should be accountable to nobody and that the only person that they should be accountable to are themselves this kind of Scouts promise sort of setup for how we should be uh having ethic standards for the most the highest and most consequential court in the land it is completely unacceptable and not only is it unacceptable but to have any one of our co-equal branches be completely unaccountable to the other others is Paving the path to authoritarianism tyranny uh the abuse of power in the United States and it it is structurally completely unsustainable I mean it really listen it would be really terrible if a public official accepted gifts without reporting those gifts like say Alexander oazo Cortez accepting gifts at the 2021 Met Gala like that would be absolutely impermissible and terrible and all these people preaching about democracy it’s just like come on so I believe that AOC is deeply concerned about the status of America’s institutions or just attempting to undermine those same institutions that she is supposedly standing in favor of meanwhile in the most absurd claim of the day P Budaj our Secretary of Transportation who went awall for two full months while he was on paternity leave because of course his husband suffered from afterbirth pangs and um and so he went on paternity leave and then he showed up again and nobody even knew he was gone and then all the trains were derailing and still nobody knew what exactly he did for a living well now he’s back out there trying to stump for Joe Biden and he was attacking Justice Alo for the flags he was flying meanwhile contrasting that with the magical allinclusive morally wonderful Pride progress flag which stands for joy and America says Pete Buddha judge Supreme Court justices have an unbelievable amount of power and uh and you know by the nature and the structure of the Supreme Court there’s no supervision over that power they are unrusted with it literally for as long as they live and part of that trust is we expect them to enter into those enormously consequential decisions that that shape our everyday lives uh with a sense of fairness I also hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes uh you know love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay and um insurrectionist symbology insurrectionist so again the American flag upside down because you’re mad at a neighbor or a flag that’s 200 years old that’s insurrectionist symbolism but the uniting flag of America again left is just saying the Qui part out loud now the only flag that America should unite under is the pride progress flag all right I mean if this is your pitch to Americans good luck with that all right guys coming up we’ll be jumping into Matt Walsh my friend breaking news about the trans Manifesto you remember there’s a shooter in Nashville who murdered a bunch of Christian School Kids the manifesto was hidden by the cops for wow now it is out it’s exactly what you thought it was if you’re not a member become a member use coacho check out for 2 months free on all annual plans click that link in the description and join us [Music] [Music]


    1. This whole thing is just crazy. I recall something from either Revelations or Nostradamus. Back yrs ago as I was reading both. 😊 A little confusing.
      However it was something like, "world leaders will be prosecuted, major unrest among nations. 3rd anti Christ will come.( born in 1960 according to Nostradamus) The Messiah shall then appear.

    2. Okay so you got the DW Plus app…NOW MAKE IT SO IT WORKS BOTH DIRECTIONS ON THE IPAD! We have to flip the iPad from one direction to the other when going to any video …It makes it hard to use… you can do better!😮

    3. The Israeli supreme court currently is above the law, that is why the current Israeli government tried to enact judicial reform that the leftist demonstrated and professes that they would not defend Israel in time of war (before October 7).

    4. Hi Ben,
      You must make a peice on the Biden Pier in Jaza. It's a joke worthy to the Biden administration.
      More than 500 million USD were invested.
      Right after the construction It was damaged. Fixed only to be disassembled by the current of the sea.
      One part drowned and the other part "ran away" several Km's To the near by city of Asdod.
      All that just to pass a small amount of trucks. Less than a day of supply by land.
      Now the US is dis-assemblling it again before the sea does…

    5. ofc Ben would accept sponsorship from Robinhood, you know, that company that singlehandedly destroyed the wealth of anyone who wanted to play the memestocks game back during the GameStonks days. DW is gone, and I'm starting to think that Ben is just as evil as the people he purports to fight against (ie Democrats).

    6. As far as I know, it is not illegal to employ an illegal immigrant? If America was serious about this, instead of just bitching about it, why not impose heavy penalties for employing illegals?

    7. $25000 for a down payment on a house is what Biden wants to give out to minorities, while the rest of us have to save up all that money ourselves + whatever else is required for the full down payment, making those of us who actually worked our ASSES off for that money, have to compete with people who were handed money. Fuck that.

    8. Im hoping we will look back on this and laugh at the one time that old loser president left our border open. 😅 It would be fun to work for the DW but I dont think I could get paid enough (as a business owner) or I would apply.

    9. Antony Blinken: "The United States for decades has been the largest single country provider of assistance to Palestinians."

      And that, folks, is what any reasonable criminal investigator, prosecutor, judge or jury would call a CONFESSION.

      And then he goes on to announce that the US is sending an additional $404 million (taxpayer dollars) IN ADDITION to more than $1.8 billion (taxpayer dollars) to TERRORISTS bent on Israel's and the United States' destruction. If the ICC should be charging anyone with war crimes in this debacle, they should charge the United States for sponsoring and supporting the terrorist entity that massacred 1,200 Israelis on October 7th and promises to do the same thing again and again and again.

      Imagine replacing in his speech the word "Palestinians" with the words "ISIS," "Al Qaeda," or "the Taliban." If it was any of those words, it would be a distinction without a difference. Why in the F are we spending a single penny on a people and a government who are our sworn enemies and are actively engaged in murder of and call for the annihilation of our allies? The Palestinian people overwhelmingly support Hamas and what they did on October 7th. We should not give them one penny to feed themselves or to rebuild. The Palestinian people need to reap what they sow and until they do, there will be no end to the violence. The US is only encouraging them to continue in their wicked ways by offering to feed them and rebuild what THEY caused to be destroyed. How will Gazans learn their mistakes unless they are left to pay for their mistakes?

    10. The reason the left is furious at Hillary for endorsing George Latimer over incumbent Jamaal "Fire Alarm" Bowman? Latimer was recruited by moderate, pro-Israel Democrats to take on Bowman, who is a Squad member, America-hating, Jew-hating lunatic. Latimer is waaay up in the polls. The leftist loons don't want to see the reverse of the AOC defeat of incumbent Joe Crowley, but it looks like it will happen, please God.

    11. How will the government identify which families are the first generation to buy a home? How many generations back? Is the government going to look at property records? No, this is a code phrase. We can only guess to whom the money will be given.

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