
    July 12th 2012 we just finished up Croatia kind of we used to be done it because we had some uh going have some good times in there uh let’s see started off okay Zagreb then um made it to the B Lakes National Park didn’t go in but surrounded area was all right and then Trevor had bicycle problems which really sucked forcing us to spend like a full day doing crap all on a Sunday CU nothing’s open in this cor coren Cora Place goes back to Zagreb gets his back his back tire fixed up and then meets me back in clarena all in all it sucked then we keep going to into split getting into split was a was was crap I mean like got honked act the wrong roads and it was just horrible there and then from split basically all the way to the bunick it’s just complete hell it’s not fun we took a side road and know it was super hilly but you know there’s one main road which is just oh this this just crap of B cyclist I mean it’s so narrow I we were forced to take it pretty much all of today from where we were to De brnik and it sucked too many people just the roads are super narrow it just it just sucked so kind of pleased to be done with Croatia um yeah next up is uh monegro looks pretty Scenic so far but I think it’s quite hilly so I’m not going to like that

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