[Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s there immediately cat my her mouth is it because our is here yes and she immediately moved her face look you get a morning cat she’s been here all day all morning demanding TS he you’re very cute oh I didn’t bring up the new cat candy rip listen we have new cat candy I promise I will bring it up after the break cuz my ass forgot it’s okay heard me say that and said okay bye she’s going to sit in the tiny bit of sun the tiny bit of sun in my room look at that I know from a distance it looks like there’s a ton of sun there not really there’s a tiny tiny amount of it it’s just that the lighting is weird webcams am I right hi vcon oh I see they unbanned Siri bot good hi Vulcan hi landar hi Alani avanel do did you this or this have you thought about what entrance alert you want yet because I feel like I forgot to ask every single time now oh yes RIP carpets I vacuumed this morning jiny wants to finish the game so if we talk people must get banned nah we’ll finish it we’ll finish it what was left what did you say it was left in like the full playthrough 3 hours or something we got this hi lonus hello hello I am the B Hammer no listen it’s okay we’ll figure it out we’ll over time a little bit or something if we don’t but I think we’ll be okay hi Kaa hi entropy welcome in swords for everyone Hi Duke hello hi Lenny stopping in to say hi I got off work at 7:00 a.m. and winter breakfast with mother and about to finally sleep I am so glad you get to sleep I hope you sleep wonderful I hope you have great dreams I hope you just your head hits the pillow and you just gone absolutely gone hi denell hello hello hi Carrie AR is just exuding such an aura of light no that’s true yeah she is kind of lightbringer did you know that Tindle doesn’t particularly like Herring that’s so specific I also don’t like Herring Danny happy birthday 1 2 3 4 Happ happy birthday Birthday happy Birthday Danny I hope you’re having a wonderful day I hope you’re having so many snacks and that you didn’t even have to make them yourself I hope other people brought you snacks and said today you don’t have to do anything but eat my snacks 3 hours or so yeah that’s so manageable otter hello Otter Otter is finishing Final Fantasy 10 today otter when does your stream start from uh from right now when how many how many hours so I know how long to overtime I Duke I already said hello but you get another one because you’re special to me I have no clue okay fair enough if you uh think of something and you’re like middle of the night just let me know I’ll figure it out hi Panda hello hello good hi Zone welcome in everyone a dislike of Herring can be cured I tried eating Herring so many times it doesn’t click I don’t know what it is I don’t I think it’s the mouth feel you know the mouth feel of Haring do you ever think about the mouth feel of Herring no I do too much probably hi GLS hello four hours from now okay so that’s like exactly my stream time so I’m going to rage you deal with it I am going to raid you CU otter is finishing Final Fantasy 10 today and I love Final Fantasy 10 he decided not to finish it on what is it Thursday Friday whichever he decided not to finish it so that I could be there obviously that’s why he didn’t finish it for me FICO say hello hi FICO you got two if not multiple hellos for everybody today and you like Herring you can have all the Herring I’m not going to take your Herring I simply will not I literally bought sparkling Jose for the occasion incredible hi wall good time zone I thought this video would be more fitting with my birthday in the game you’re playing today okay wait just for you because I love you just just for you okay wait oh no wait don’t play it wait bir Mel I open up Michael specifically for Michael wait it’s from a movie it’s actually from rat movie too no but actually no shut up they actually no no way is this real you got both you got both what the hell incredible fatty fish are really good for skin Health yeah but it doesn’t taste good that’s the thing it doesn’t taste good soap is because someone spoiled a thing about the boss I got to really I feel like I already talked a lot like sometimes I was like jindy are you on the edge right now and like I kind kind of was but I would never disgusting did you ban them immediately hi hello yo today actually yesterday I started on my ADHD medication yesterday and I see like okay I know that they are literally drugs but I’ve been on other drugs before but I took those meds these specific ones and I felt like I was on drugs stop makes sense like I I was so woozy like an hour hour and a half after taking them just absolutely just and then okay this I didn’t notice I was doing this okay a few things happened okay okay say okay one more time a few things happened right one I stopped worrying which is really weird and unexpected I did not think that that was part of that but I didn’t realize until I took the drugs I took the drugs and the drugs are working I did not realize until I took the drugs that I was literally constantly worrying about everything like the entire Sunday while I was literally on drugs I was just like yo it’s Sunday I don’t got to do [ __ ] so I literally didn’t do I played run factory 3 for like 90% of the day and then I cooked some nice like Butterbean thing it was really tasty I went for a nice walk that was my whole Sunday that was my that was my Sunday it was great the other thing that happened which I did I was hoping that would happen it was great I was playing Rune Factory 3 and normally I will have something on the other screen right no matter what I’m doing I will have something on on the other screen so I was I had a video on of something and I realized I was playing Rune Factory 3 and I was just ignoring the video fully fully ignoring the video and I realized I did not need this video and I turned off my second screen for the first time in like what 10 years I straight up turn it off and said I’m playing Rune Factory 3 actually I do not have time to focus on this video I cannot I am actually using every single part of my focus on playing Rune Factory 3 it was great I had a really good time yeah so those were the two things that happened it did mess up my sleep pretty hard but it’s all right we’ll figure that out because this is really helpful I’m going to work on videos and uh see how that goes see how working on videos goes you know what I’m saying know I’m saying I did ban them good it’s what they deserve they might have been wrong just like all the other things they back seeded about wait wait I’m going to whisper you otter I whispered you tell me what they said I want to think about it it’s important it’s normal the first time from what I understand I felt Speedy I felt I felt zoed out I was actually a little worried at first I was a little worried cuz I thought am I supposed to feel this weird is this normal is this what normal people feel like it was weird it is normal I’m glad it’s normal it doesn’t happen anymore yeah you have to get used to it a little bit she did say that um maybe you should start with like 10 milligrams but I started with 20 it was great I love drugs maybe I need to take more drugs I’m glad for me too it sounds like anxiety but y drugs working I love drugs drugs are great they Keep Us Alive sometimes they do yeah they do it was great congrats on Drex thank you so much it’s funny because they are um so they are a controlled substance so don’t be suspicious about it but they literally before I could have the drugs they had me they had me confirm that I was not going to sell the drugs which I think is very funny oh that’s whatever otter that’s whatever like I’ve never even heard heard of that like me just bashing my head against that fight every time like you think I’m paying attention no don’t worry about it don’t even worry about it I the opposite thing happened I forgot my meds and went home and woke up today feeling like I was on drugs oh God is that what happens when you don’t okay I’m going to take breaks in the weekend in the weekend I’m not going to take them because apparently they can be addictive and uh and it’s good to take breaks and also you can get used to them I don’t want to get used to them cuz I I wanted to use them for work I wanted to specif ially use them so I could start making videos again cuz y’all miss my videos right you’re like wow I wish that was a jiny video that’s what you’re thinking I know me too you should level out after a couple weeks good sound like it’s working it does I have’t check in in like two weeks those are some effective drugs I know thank you onlyest last year I got a major concussion mountain biking and ended up in ER Juiced up on Dr I was laying there on the bed with IVs in both my arms of watching the Mario movie you were having the best trip of your life is that what you’re saying I Paul can it be could it be true Alani your Vibes are immaculate exceptional Vibes have exceptional Vibes nice we’ve seen frog wizard a few times recently it’s nice it’s nice to see frog wizard hi Marshall hello so much is happening today what’s happening today a friend felt the same way in vance the first time it’s a great it’s a great Dr we should all do drugs in the game congrats on drugs winning the war on drugs I’m glad they won do you have to give your driver’s license no no but uh when you pick them up you do have to show them that you uh that you are who you say you are sh yeah I’ve been so chill wow duck Duke both of us both of us super chill incredibly chill I didn’t think about work all day yesterday even better I wish the ones I tried didn’t put debuffs on me oh that’s fair enough I grinded for like 10 hours so I’m about to body this [ __ ] no I believe in you you got it I take one day a week off and I’m extra Spacey that day so my entire weekends each time I’m going to just be super Spacey I love that I do thank you same more jenzy videos okay to your videos I uh I have two finished right now one is bald 3 and another is a Witcher video I actually already recorded The Witcher 3 in X minutes but I might re write that one I don’t know I’m happy with that one I do miss your videos it’s nice to hear discovered you via videos years ago I think most people discovered me via videos I think not that many people discover me just through twitch because it’s hard to discover people through twitch takes forever to type on mobile doesn’t it oh my God mobile not even once I called off work cuz my mind was like good it’s time to Vibe it’s time to chill honk not anymore L enjoy your sandwich what of M gives me a mega drowsy debuff I think that’s also partially why I don’t want to take them every time I’ve seen so many frogs to which in particular are you pring oh we have really loud frogs nearby and there’s uh I don’t I think it’s uh what are they called uh they play on their legs what are they called again crickets we have a lot of crickets I did see Immaculate VI frog wizard Immaculate VI frog wizard is always having the bester I discovered you through twitch did you though otter or did you discover me through mow h Huh exactly that’s what I thought that’s the same thing a lie why are you lying I love I love crocodile also Falcon have a good crocodile thel thank you so much for the gift of otter now you have to stay again oops oops all jiny hi y girls hello good time zone one of those rare twitch pickups really how did you find my channel what made you want to click my channel under there no knew you made videos until I met you you found me through tallas and an avatel m is Twitch I think I found most people through MPA though I think I mentioned this before I found MPA through wall and wall found me through undertale so actually undertale made me find most people at the same time it’s my sister’s birthday happy birthday it’s ta ew and also today is my dad’s doctoral th defense oh go okay I hope it goes well I’m sure it’ll go well I’m sure he’ll do fine I guess I’ll stay SC you have captured OT and they are never allowed to leave it’s true he has to stay it’s the law it was a raid who raided was it talas and an Neel I think a few people found me through talas and Andel because they are both perfect actually did you know I still need to play undertale I okay I’ve to I’ve stopped trying to recommend things as hard as as I sometimes do because I feel like if I overhype things uh people will just get disappointed you know what I mean I’ll be like I love undertale it’s one of the best games I ever played I had such a good time oh my God you should absolutely play it and then they play it and it’s like yeah I was all right I guess and I’m over here well so I’m just going to say I think undertale is worth playing and Joy presumably an aie MMO streamer picked you and I had a good intuition to stick around really an Aussie MMO streamer do I know any Aussie I know one Aussie streamer I know it’s no yeah I know a singular Aussie streamer specifically yeah we’ll drink to that cheers e that’s such a Vibe right otter me me telling you to play or in the blind Forest how’s your voice feeling today would it be okay if I did a story time you can do a story time yeah I even got my books here it’s your birthday oh make time under’s amazing just do not stream it was it m yeah Muma streamed it recently mow streamed it very recently well not very well recently is and it was fine it was fine it was uh very chill I think the undertale community might have moved on maybe to Delta Rune potentially but they seem they seem like they’ve moved on play graveyard keeper flamer flamer please flamer how did you find me how did you find me sir this is so important I found jiny trying to figure out what G was about 20 YouTube videos later I came over here doing a swor stream swor was fun I want to catch up on swor story again I should I probably should blame gwent for landing here gwent is great you should all play Throne breaker that’s I’m not going to Hype it up further I think you should play it I came in my videos but lurked for ages I think most people will lurk in a stream for ages first I lurk in streams first Danny which one oh my God M look ater M Burks uh which one would you like to hear Nordic Tales Celtic Tales or Tales of Japan recently 3,000 years ago oh it’s been 60 you’ve been here for 65 months are you okay have my recommendations to others go great the other half have no idea why I recommend them if I really love a game I said this in mpa’s stream recently if I really love a game and I I didn’t pay too much for it I usually just give it to friends as gifts you should play it just have PTSD from having to ban five people per stream when I did it that is a lot moo never gets weirdos that’s why they’re upset about it they want the weirdos they would like weirdos they’re very happy to get weirdos it’s funny because Noob has been getting a lot of weirdos recently he’s been getting I don’t know what it is but people people keep being weird in his stream like I’ve banned so many people just from hanging out in Noob stream and then going over to my own stream and saying I never want to see your face in my stream thank you Marshall you’re delightful also you played Gwen with Ash as all I did is that how you found me I still have that clip where did I put it is it on this wait oh I can’t plug it in right now fights okay I have a clip it’s funny with Ash I was playing gwent with Ash and I was absolutely destroying the opponents it was great we were we were horrible are you into tractor goway yeah I mean I will support obviously I also came during swotter I did play swotter for a good long while were you there for that I was otter were you were you otter I bought Throne breaker years ago but I think I’ve only played like an hour of it I really like Stormbreaker it was a very enjoyable single player experience we’ve been here to same amount of time wow did you come at the same time I didn’t enjoy thr breaker I still play gwent it is definitely different from multiplayer gwent a good a good bit AEL is really pretty yes she’s also really smart and extremely cool and talented oh wait I wasn’t supposed to say talented anymore skilled skilled also and a badass yo the way she delivered her second child holy [ __ ] incredible guy came in asking if they drink milk and constantly talking about milk and farming and tractors in CPL yeah but they would support though they would support oh same I blame poppy playtime yeah poppy playtime had a lot of them but the one yesterday no not yesterday Saturday that one as well remember M being on Red Alert in undertale streams yeah I’m kind of glad I I did it as a let’s play because it was much harder to uh to back seed cuz I uploaded Everything at Once I’m guessing you don’t have anything Greek I [Music] don’t but wait hold on give me one second I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] okay wait I’m going to I’m going listen I do own bullfinch’s mythology I actually haven’t read it in its entirety yet it’s very pretty do you want to see it look isn’t it pretty look at you have has like it has like gold pages and whatever I realized um we’ve been half an hour in I still have not played the game it’s fine foundy from Witcher facts when I’m before running away CU anxiety came back cuz JY was playing Persona everyone soon chill and started talking in chat by talking about how much of a c Teddy was yo Teddy was such a c though Teddy not even once I preemptively ban people when I see them act a full elare too I honestly for my own sanity constantly hi Zelda did you did you fix your technical difficulties because I know this stream died it sucks when that happens come back that’s how I found you yes ages ago love Ash still yo she’s doing so well now I’m incredibly proud of her even though like we do not stream the same [ __ ] anymore so proud of her must have been something Witcher related for me as well probably I mean 90% of what I do is Witcher I feel like I I I have a few more Witcher videos like that I’m already working on I have a problem also hi wish I had a more definitive story than random stranger raided into you I don’t know that’s a pretty good story I think just surprised you haven’t banned me yet there’s still time give yourself time talented and skilled I try not to say talented because whenever I say talented it makes it feel like they didn’t do anything themselves where did I put did I put it here did I put it here I have like a creepy I I downloaded a creepy you know and that creepy e e e uh if it happens a lot here I will say something along the lines of if you are not 18 years of age please leave my chat but also if you uh if you behave childishly I will also ban you so if you’re emote spamming I will ban you because generally it’s just children who do that or if they keep repeating the same thing like that the person that I banned on the cult of the Lamb stream for Noob recently was this person that was the one I clicked and I was like okay you’re you’re a child they ke kept going oh you’re the best your entire chat’s the best haha you’re the best streamer you’re the best can you get a new follower so I can join your Quil can you’re the best let me join your Quil you’re the best like on like non-stop it was it was weird uh I baned them immediately n likes to give them a little bit of a chance still so he I think he timed them out the first time I was like no absolutely not I do not have the time I do not have the time when I was a kid I was just so scared of horror games a lot of people still only watch them they don’t want to play them I totally get it some games they’re just not it was it the same one I got timed out by on Friday that wanted to be in the C so badly that oneasia that one I swear there is a bunch of streamers who were in the chat at the time who all went to their own chat to B that person ah like an hour later yeah for me it was immediate immediate I love when kids think they’re being slick like [ __ ] we see you yeah we we kind of know how they talk that’s the thing masket horror draws into children it does it does it really does I know exactly who you mean yeah I know I you banned them later I think I think I just I’m more ban happppy than most I really am pretty ban happy not that kind of chatter they’re the worst aan as well yeah that’s what I thought how about that time a random person came in and started by asking if you had a boyfriend if you open the chat by calling me some kind of pet name ban if you open the chat by saying uh you’re so hot ban if you open the chat by saying hey are you single ban if you open the chat and ask me where I live ban I ban immediately in a lot of cases I don’t have the time right to jail right to jail hi curon hello and Carrie and I van at the same time as you show double whammy it’s cool to be cheerful but there’s a point where it’s yeah yeah and I think at that point it’s not even cheerful it’s just spamming at someone like that a year ago now was like hey you’re exhausting AF please stop yeah people always say this or or they’ll ask me if if I’m mad at them or something if I’m mad at you I will just ban you I used to not but now if I’m sick of you I will just ban you genuinely hey streamer streamer hey streamer pay attention to me me oh not even once I do have to say that I say you’re all the best but I’ve been here long enough in no tenness see I know you I know you and I know you mean it and I know you’re sweet and I love you to death but if you come in here and you’re just immediately like oh like I guess I guess love bombing like oh right to jail right to jail I’m a moded another chat and apparently I got two bad Happy thanks to you you guys’ influence uh I know that I ban faster than most I know that but I you know know I’ve been so much happier since I did cuz I didn’t use e e e what if we if I ask if Nick is single that’s valid I would ask too do you have a boyfriend no I do have a husband though if you open with how are you ban right through jail does that mean we can ask where you live because we’ve been here in a while Canada that’s all you’re getting it’s all you’re getting who’s up [ __ ] some kids was in chat I mod of being weird and saying the same thing over and over I ban them the stream was like no it’s okay it’s just a kid no that’s not okay it’s just a kid that’s exactly why it’s not okay oh I would not want to ban for or I I would not want to mod for somebody like that I would not uh and it’s interesting because I I I used to mod for somebody like that if some if you mod for somebody and they they’re constantly questioning your timeouts or your banss like every single turn like generally if I see someone got banned I don’t even ask why unless I’m like really curious but uh yeah if I if I saw something and I was like it’s kind of on the line maybe I’ll mention it afterwards but it’s uh I don’t want kids in my chat and I’d rather ban than not ban if it’s on the edge does that make sense I feel like I’m just like actively trying not to become a big streamer I’m okay with that I think do you stream daily do you need emotes oh I am a graphic designer if you got banned somewhere else bad that’s try ban sometimes yeah that sends the blue check on Twitter is quite helpful let me autoband a huge portion of [ __ ] automatically I just straight up do not go on Twitter anymore I opened the Twitter recently to read something like somebody posted a tweet in Discord and I was like okay let me read that I opened my my comments or my notifications or whatever and one of them was a comment a response to my wedding picture from years ago years and years and years ago e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e planting the farmer was obliged to sew the seeds and the toiling ox to draw the plow next came the Brazen age more Savage of temper and reier to The Strife of arms yet not altogether Wicked the hardest and worst was the Iron Age crime burst in like a flood modesty truth and honor fled in their places came fraud and cunning violence and the wicked love of gain then seamen spread sails to the wind and the trees were torn from the mountains to serve for Keels to ships in Vex the face of the ocean the Earth which till now had been cultivated in common began to be divided off into possessions men were not satisfied with what the surface produced but must dig into its bowels and draw forth from then the ores of metals mischievous iron and more mischievous gold were produced War sprang up using both As Weapons the guest was not safe in his friend’s house and sons-in-law and fathers-in-law brothers and sisters husbands and wives could not trust one another Sons wished their fathers dead that they might come to The Inheritance family love lay prostrate the Earth was wet with Slaughter and the gods abandoned it one by one till estray alone was left and finally she also took her departure Jupiter seeing this state of things burned with anger he summoned the gods to counsel they obeyed the call and took the road to the Palace of Heaven the place of Heaven God the road which anyone may see in a clear night stretches across the face of the sky and is called the Milky Way along the road stand the Palaces of the illustrious gods e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] okay hi sorry I had to refill e e e e e e e e e e SAR right now we’re going to finish it today so we have to be diligent we are pretty far into the game if you do not want spoilers for plaguey Tale the tale of plagues uh is uh leave now or forever hold your peace I can keep distracting you if you’d like no CU I’m going to finish the game today look at us go look at us finishing the game today Amia I don’t want to you must but we have to yes exactly oh it looks kind of gross immediately sorry about that you seen the the [ __ ] the hell oh it looks bad why would you say that it feels like a cathedral because it literally is so he’s down there is he at the heart of all this it looks like what the last threshold would do can I open this door failed to reach him and this is what happened but what what what happened I don’t know to him that’s what we’re going to find out you have to he brought you here it’s your legacy the whole point is that we’re here to try to figure it out I want to be normal why can’t you just be normal I still want a mother turns all the Reds into hamsters and Co is the leader murdering every everything just assume that the child is actually Coy maybe at some point I get to finish in this game with that I mean start the first one it’s is that I I don’t know I think it’s worth One play through partial to Norse mythology uh mostly because I’m descendant of the Vikings so uh ask stanch about that Stan knows a lot about Vikings if you have any before we get things back toking questions must live you want that but I keep ruining things yeah don’t do it on purpose you should still die you’re a child there were children in the red City too it’s tough Hugo we don’t know each other very well but I know you deserve a second chance even if we have to find it in hell does he though like Hugo is so right Hugo is so correct though like Hugo is constantly been saying me being alive kills other children how why am I more worthy to live than other children we’re close Hugo you’re so correct so is what could save you what’s the point if I keep Ru winning everything you’re great Yugo I like you now you have to trust no Yugo is so right Yugo is so right you never actually had something so interesting unintentionally grow like this like the gigantic mushroom I kind I kind of want to see the picture now I don’t think I saw it if one child being alive kills 20 extra children ex I think that’s the good reason for jiny flame for that one kid to live okay like listen okay I don’t like kids I don’t want any I don’t want them around me but I I’m actually not a child murderer as much as I make jokes about it I’m actually like children may live they may live just don’t do it don’t do it near me I can’t do it anywhere else sweetheart please I know no you don’t why are you doing this see Amia come I’ll carry you we’ll do this together this is too much yeah she’s right she’s so right I’m sorry you have to go through this I do it for you I would rest you’ll have it children may live live first okay listen I need you I’m scared of myself in the game you will live we will fight we will hold see I I just feel Amia is so stubborn I feel bad for Hugo but she’s so stubborn he said just throw me off a cliff why won’t you just throw me off a cliff I’m so mad about it and he’s so right he has a good points why won’t they listen to [Music] him I will [ __ ] they chained him up because of course they did of course they chained him up that’s what they wanted to do to Hugo as well why not just kill him at that point is that serious question the carrier why not just kill him instead is it is it because they wanted to still experiment on him but why yeah thank you scared of him of his power this is why they built all this just yeah just let him die they left a child to die yeah but they slowly unleashed the rats they tore through their walls they couldn’t stop them obviously it started here what the Justinian plague he was sad so sad and angry I’d be sad and angry too if I was chained in the middle of the mular here yeah there has to be something scroll a file something no I see nothing AIA she failed I’m addressing the rats hi I seems like a weird way to kill a out right here weird failed sopia I know is he coming alive oh he’s getting he’s getting mad I will also kill him yeah oh I will pause for that it’s in the middle of a cut scene it’s poor child I know more about the Bronze Age than the late irons but you want a piece of bread was a bit of bread but everyone apart from people from the Pharaoh Islands in Iceland stating that they are descendants of Vikings forget the fact that the north intermingled with many cultures brought people from different places and cultures to the north they are not a homogeneous people as the place I live in is literally called small ass and even during the 700s 1100s people settle here from all around Western Central and Eastern Europe yeah so are are you saying it was way more of a Melting Pot that people than people thought that people gave it credit for yeah just let him die exactly the child would become a weapon to Sur mental GE haven’t flight metal gear but I know that meem we also had the large influx of Germans during the Middle Ages oh God it’s the Germans again it’s the Germans again game logic I feel like they need to explain this at least you have morals about who you won’t kill in games I do I think about it feel like there are way easier methods to kill him and also quicker and like the plague still started so what was the point yeah ice is already home right am I wrong no ice you’re already you’re already home right they had a massive pit right there and yet seems like they were going to but they wanted to study him first and then he killed him with rats who killed him with rats I feel like they’re Alchemists right if they’re Alchemists see they’re clearly already really cruel people cuz they are literally imprisoning a child why why not sedate him forever cuz when he’s awake he’s clearly able to call rats so then why didn’t they do that hi Mike Mike do you know what kind of entrance alert you want C or or do you still want to think about it because you have one what about the people he murdered what murder Jeff hi 79 that’s 10 better than 69 it’s like an advant technique I think it’s nicer yo we’re on 84 out of 300 for plus eligibility I’m going to look where we end up we’re almost at the 100 I’m going to look where we end up I’m very curious yeah you’re home iand is very genetically Irish oh you already Irish I see no ger geres though lots of them apparently everyone would speak German nowadays if the Austrian with the funny mustache didn’t try to rain Russia during winter oops it’s interesting to me that the reference the Justinian plague that is Byzantium Empire they mentioned the Byzantium Empire too so yeah that it’s a this entire so his the previous carrier took place during the Byzantium Empire because they mention it when they find the map they uncover it and they say wow this is really old this is like Byzantium Empire old so the kid basil basum basil B basilicum basilius basilius that’s his name basilius and Alia they were Byzantium Empire NIS was one of the largest melting bster in the Viking age All in This Together hey je we have some Irish names and some Irish words I really like Irish I really like the language forgot about it I’ll think about something okay I feel like I I just don’t mention it enough but if you are a tier three sub you get an entrance alert so just uh just so think of whatever you want and uh I’ll add it the austrians maybe kind of started to oops happens to the best of us presumably will we call the Esther Roman Empire I can’t tell if it’s a joke or not sounds like a bacterium I thought it sounded like a herb first okay we continue he wasn’t meant to die when they took him from his protector he lost hope so he gave into the macula and condemned them all he was kind of right for that he was right yeah thank you but if one word from her had reached him he would have known he wasn’t alone yeah but he would still be chained up right here spared Millions do you understand you won’t die I’m here for you and I will give you the life you deserve a life without fight do you want that oh my God I’m that’s true I don’t think they agree what’s going on we must go uhoh all rats oh [ __ ] yes what did you expect don’t want me to leave don’t get save your breath stay with me yeah I was going to say maybe just like run instead of talk on your left the broken door but there’s rats cons oh yeah come on you go what everything’s going to collapse wow did we find what we were looking for you think run yeah just ignore the copious amounts of rats it’s fine I’m sure they’ll ignore us too and nothing bad will happen on our he they’re not just on our heels they’re in your flashy sacker rats oh my God wait wait actually wait oh oh we can actually run there whoops I think it’s going well they’re not even listening rning I was going to say she’s faster than you are don’t worry about her only Easter Bunnies Easter Bunny am sorry people are dying to rats and we’re making jokes about Easter Bunnies finally it’sing you think so what gave it away was it all the falling go they’ve been kind of helpful before I’ll push you keep going oh never mind I’m give back the Irish stuff please yes oh no it is it is the outside don’t worry about it it’s going to be fine these bastards out use your adrenaline oh okay it’s the outside but it’s not light they can still burst through walls I’m pretty sure tell me they’re sealed inside I don’t think they are I think we’re fine anyone hurt Hugo it was horrible I know yes I’m sorry you had to see that the maula lured you in actually it lured you in really has a way with it lured you in Hugo didn’t want to go on him you didn’t want to go but you’ll live that’s what’s most important is it thank you I’m scared to oh God I just find myself agreeing with Yugo constantly you’re right listen there will always be people who do ter Terrible Things yeah like us that’s how the world is right now it’s us you have to trust in your own goodness and goodness of others people who care who want you to be happy friends like me please don’t eat me R king make you want to be good right if you doubt it I understand but you can trust me you can trust us sometimes depends occasionally I trust you oh you shouldn’t is just a tiny French boy I am let’s leave this island we have a bir to get and a sea of rats to cross first I did have baguette with my food yesterday everything is different coincidence I think not the Danish stole our stuff plus the little Irish stuff we stole God eyes people keep stealing this is not correct the life we deserve are they going to mention um rating it’s only a bad thing when we aren’t the ones doing it exactly when it’s other people doing bad things that’s bad we’re good actually we get jiny and wine yo I was I was considering getting a giant case of clons at Costco Al it seems they figured the Crites out already I did Tiny anyway it’s too late we must go very good-looking tiny French boy too it’s not just about this island anymore H where are the um the count and contest Doom everything what about the count and Countess did they get eaten cuz we haven’t seen them anymore what happened to them should be able to manifest their own at this point I’m not powerful enough my dad got a call from someone who had found him my uncle and my aunt threw some distant relatives when I got to see those papers over who were related to the guy had written down the following people godwolf of Troy a fictional character Ragnar ludbrook Buon Ironside Rolo and Odin and Freya so I told him to ignore everything up until the 1200s and then we would we could discuss but also disclos I was going to say even I know that that’s uh a little bit of an old list and I’m not even I’m not even a specialist I don’t even know these things the St he just had so much hope and two yesterday for Brey with plum jam yo I love Quant though I would like to get a little Quant every Sunday I love C it goes with everything I have bu I was yeah I could have my baguette in my with a little B I really could be a tiny French boy at this point not going to R anymore oh it’s interesting I think it’s interesting to hear about these things have you good foods my project is projecting however what earlier took 10 seconds for a full run I took 30 seconds for 1% or oh absolutely absolutely all I eat is bread I love breads bread is a Vibe oh please be bread snake be so on point if it was bread snake we’re related to Sweden’s first king for some reason are you okay I’m going to assume he’s dancing because he just had bread I would have laughed at that was bread snake I know he’s just he had a lot of Reds cant with Nutella and blueberries delicious it just you can’t go wrong at Costco you can get uh so we have a deep freezer now like the big chest freezers so we can order uh the big big freezer boxes one of them is qu like a like aund something CLE it’s great he’s dead well lots of people are uh who are who are you talking about consider oh okay well yes yes no choice sorry are you sorry sorry come we’ll cross I don’t think he is sorry Hi Kari hello good now we do things safe and slow no taking stupid risks hug go if you feel funny tell us right away I will can’t wait to leave this rock are you feeling funny not anymore all right the harbor come wait there’s a guy there hey my lady uh wait do they not know about the rats you’re the countess’s guests aren’t you are you heard they do know about their hats no we have orders to escort you safely to the Palace actually we were about to leave you have guests guests who your mother oh no oh no oh this is going to go terribly wrong as we should go see her it’s been a long time this is really going to go terribly wrong yes we he’s going to explode rats everywhere look at the two of you only a mom can have such power over someone is she going to be okay all right you know what yes I was going to say head to the please prefer the boat you join me who isn’t dead good question take this we’re heading into winter I’m ready for whatever happens keep this flame alive all right Australia be careful don’t worry I’ve learned from both of you oh you also have a slingshot now okay no thank you respectfully declin apparently we don’t not mother we are so screwed the truth we found what we came for and I’m the one to blame I aend my hero hurry I would like to hear the horror story at some points you ever just explode rats everywhere we’re going to also watch do oh I love you to I’m glad you liked it I really enjoyed it going to hold sir for now the count open the gates to the people but there’s so many dead and wounded I know it’s not my fault I had nothing to do with it see I’m chill it can’t have been us oops careful stay back it’s like the one we saw the broken one sh yes where did they get it they probably knew it was going to happen inside this line but outside without light yes over here we know how do you know it’s not that long I’m interested I like horror stories free air conditioning not yet fair enough not until we’ve got everybody regrouped okay but that’s kind of nice of them even though this is clearly very much a Cults right yo the weather has been so nice here the line we going for a nice little walk on the M I love going for nice little walks these Flames F help here you like these like War come give me a hand with this we’re at War with the rats we need torches there they should evacuate yes no one can win against them here lady we’ll need it to carry the wounded my belongings in C you can bring them inside all right I understand see everyone is still so nice here everyone is still just nice in general and I I feel kind of bad but also I kind of know that they’re them burning any they just as weird and if the rat kind of evil them burning you know this is all in V oh you’re new Marshall welcome welcome to the the stream incredible I feel I have good fibes about you have you fixed the Piston yet we need this on the ramp yeah they brought a tiny bomb inside it’s me a small French boy this thing’s so old it might just explode and is it GNA is it GNA no up here it’s it’s not pretty it should be per person child may want to look away should be no blood still try not to look yeah I think there’s maybe like three rats in this game don’t worry only only three all my arm it’s burning well turn it off been bitten yes it will soon spread they are [Music] plagued as you can tell we are taking their sickness very seriously it’s over let him go no okay I feel okay I am going to mute them here I feel important things incoming lead us to brighter days not this Carnage quiet not the time to argue it was me children it’s sunny bit super windy here oh it was super windy before like so windy we literally just like doors clapped open for this food it’s not much but we have to mind our supplies let’s pray this nightmare ends soon it will not my fault yes it is please no it’s it’s it is though he’s right church music you know it’s going to be important right especially when the music swells child s and we’re our PE walking are the rats really announcing his coming why is he killing us Ste your hearts pray to him just pray the child just likes murder what can I I say this will be good for not upsetting the child I’m sure the order will be kind to him also and nothing bad will happen my God you’re alive oops mother come here please come here mother how are you oh everything is awful your head it’s fine don’t worry how did you find us you left quite a trail behind you oh yeah I did do that is it the one this island the one from your dream there was another carot like me another carot yeah he’s super dead back in the sixth Century yeah he’s not doing great a child that’s my mom we found him CH in an order prison designed especially for him what yeah panicked when he reached his last thresh isn’t it weird it’s little weird he took him away from his protector locked him in there to contain what would happen next a new plague in the sixth Century that the Justinian plague we knew it was connected to the mecula but so it started here with this basilius but it was not his fault he was just all alone and scared yes mother maest vodan said Hugo is condemned but this is what the order and they’re really dumb based on their mistake in the past with basilius we should probably not he had his protector like Hugo has us I’m almost sure nothing would have happened think about it during the last months on the road the times when it was quiet everything was just fine he was fine that’s true something tells me that if we settle down somewhere safe and live there as a family maybe the plague would stop with time it it would stop getting worse fear really clouded our minds didn’t it except yours protect no she’s just really stubborn remember that house we have in the mountains we’ll be great there we’ll be big and D sorry to interrupt the count wants to see you me now but we were about to leave is the the count of provance my lady yes we’ll wait for you for now we’re safer here than outside anyway fine take me to him bad things will happen let’s go away from people and live quietly I know after the first plague it wasn’t enough your remember your brother looked like a taller version of you and your your other brother so Lucas is not related I don’t think do you know what the count wants with me no I thought he would attending to more urgent matters seeing you must be an urgent matter uh act with dignity in his presence these are dark times he’s touched like any of us all right I will the I know for now but the Western ramp is still weak if the rats enter through there we won’t be able to evacuate the W they probably want to take our ship or something know where those rat come from send Scouts if we can find a way to slow them stop them or send them to Hell it’ll be wor I swear that’s what it is they want our ship she’s here good this is a war unlike any other but it is still a war dismissed and have faith after all the rats came out of the walls you have to have faith I don’t know about that come I need you I know loneliest you’d think uh maybe bring the Kit too sling shot him in the face I don’t think I can take my sling out puberty is going to be a real bad time uhoh so you survived those beasts hormones I’m sorry for your land a lord should know that no peace lasts forever but I confess that after years of war I had dared to hope that this one would I understand the scars are still so vivid they fill the mind when you want only rest sorry I no no that’s exactly it it’s only human I think you’re right but it doesn’t stop you from being there when battle calls yes I yous ands are you going to make me fight Rats areal of of will return us soon well the child really coming all the signs are here you mean the rats not only the rats come you’ll see for yourself yes oh I feel very uh upset about everything right now is Arno here cuz we haven’t seen him in a while I feel like we’re going to see him again do I have to go through the oh my God uhoh yep am I does he know I’m the [Music] protector is that what it is Emily wants the boy Amia there it is I’m sorry but she is sure now sure about what but your brother is the child of Embers she must have him so you must die I knew this was going to get [ __ ] real quick completely wrong about this your cult everything you’re probably right because I invented most you [ __ ] and I did it for her you are so weird for that her bloody parents broke her mind until she tried to take her own life poisoned her own body so I brought her here offered her this child of ember’s story and not only did she believe it she turned it into hope for the people oh you’re both idiots what are you trying to do accept your F what a weird thing to say accept your fate just die what did he oh no and now I can’t use my sling arm how dare you how dare you want to live how dare you try to survive won’t lose her not for you go to help where are you going you won’t have him oh [ __ ] they didn’t even show me damn quick you can’t imagine are you telling me or yourself go to hell you bastard uh there’s a person there oh wow Jesus you are strong no you won’t get it you are very strong lady damn and you will die like a i what’s going on oh you know just a little bit of murder out of here who are you oh oh my God there’s this guy again shut wow you and me now how do I keep out of sight right now like where where how do I what do you mean keep out of sight like what to to where she told me where I was where is she I guess I immediately okay well you already saw me I’m pretty sure oh wow that I’m sure he has no idea where I am I know it seems unfair but you don’t know what it takes to rule War it’s so easy I could destroy everything but she showed me another way I got really horny you’ve seen it Amia you are so noisy you won’t Escape like this your face is noisy hey what’s going on nothing back no you’re trespassing your face is trespassing I hate everyone everyone here sucks There Is No Escape I’m going to throw rats at you touch them it’s too late now she knows he exists bastard bastard the rats are just going to eat you like you realize right like the rats are going to eat your wife just tell him tell him by the way the rats are going to eat your wife stay away from me do you want the rats to eat your wife get it this is bigger than you give up surrender your brother we can’t do thisy oh my God just tell him just tell him about the rats oh my he’s okay just don’t I guess don’t tell him don’t tell him about the rats die I guess eventually feels like a good time for Fire doesn’t it hi skull hello here let me actually turn on the alerts again you can Vibe check again don’t worry shut the [ __ ] up narc right the Catholic Church would not burn this island for the heresy apparently they they brought that up they did bring that up and they were like well apparently if if you’re a Duke you can get away with some things and maybe like if you have a lot of money now after you was sus incredibly and him just not saying anything excuse me buddy dang we’re in danger guy has Ravid Vibes yo but that though that it’s so true though touches wow am I anyone who thinks it’s a hell of a burden on the family to make sure the kid never expire experiences fear and stress for the rest of his life or thousands of people will die the kid yeah the kid literally said no I should you should just like let me die why aren’t you just letting me die this is so weird just let me die can’t wait for half of Europe to die when he’s angry cuz he only got three portions of food oh my God no probably will happen did they ever think to raise an army of cats to fight the swarm of rats I think they’re magical rats they seem like magical rats is she might be able to tie with ders no dver would still like solo her there’s so Keen On Em I’m sure we can burn everything here yo that would keep the rats away too double whammy that was [ __ ] yes Samuel Vu nus varanus Seda was a bishop in Vu I probably mispronounced every single word his son Johan was in Poland and fought in the Battle of thorn during the Great Northern Wars and died there and Samuel got the letter of his demise he had a stroke and skin dog or died on the spot so they decided that they were going to bury him the next day and put him in a coffin the same the church Warden was doing his routes and heard a fierce Ruckus he was too scared to enter the church since it could be devilry or a ghost so the next day he entered the church with some other people and found the coffin open with Samuel on the floor Dead when he went up to the coffin they could see the LD had scratches as if someone wanted to get out and when they looked at Samuel’s hands they could see he had blood on them so they had woken he had woken up from the dead and crawled on the floor to finally die again most likely he went to the Shar and woke up and died again yeah oh my God stch that’s why they added those bells to graveyard cuz they they were never sure if he was really dead or not oh that’s a that’s a terrifying death though that’s a terrifying death she well Samuel certainly wasn’t thank you for the story stune don’t 100% exactly yeah I feel like that happened unfortunately happened a lot and who is he ravit is a Witcher character and he is in The Witcher 3 he has R of it the matad he looks kind of like discount and he likes to burn witch es and other things also nonhumans rich people with a lot of money doing Shady stuff never heard of that before it never happens listen danver’s good fan I’m saying wish Danver with solo me don’t we all hi core hello thank you thank you very much are you enjoying stardo all right he comes out again right and then I have to see people believe in her as much as in the child stay away from me don’t you get it does he still you does he go in through here anyway your brother yeah you do we can’t do this the easy way does he go back and forth now like does he just go through the other one now I think he does yeah he still does [ __ ] hell right I have to go and do duuke him a while I guess cuz like there’s no way I don’t have to go there wait can I not go through here what that’s bull that’s bull no that’s bull that’s bull I guess they don’t want me to they don’t want me to have my slingshot arm because he doesn’t wear a helmet and I could oneshot him in her as much as in the child stay away from me oh that doesn’t work don’t you get it this is bigger than you I’m really horny please let me [ __ ] my crazy wife that’s literally what he’s saying like no joke that is what he’s saying believe in her as much as in the child you’re full of it away from me don’t you get it can I go through this door you give up oh [ __ ] hell okay I don’t know what he want from here we didn’t need a knife among other things yo there’s a run away from the count I am super trying people believe in her as as in the child hold on stay away from me don’t you get it this is bigger than you how would I go through here oh okay through those okay I mean I could I guess not saying I agree I think I could actually use that I think I might be able to use that not me pausing on the yell he’s a bit of an interesting character he went to Upsala to become a priest was a [ __ ] student and party in instead but somehow became the Royal priest for Charles the 6th no the 11th wow that’s an exgen they became great friends and he later baptized Charles I 12 and Ola Eleonora I’m assuming they are very important people believe in her as much as in the child stay away from me yeah stay away from me you’re so weird don’t you get it uhoh he’s so much faster stop being fast he could be trying to [ __ ] us well he did just [ __ ] us the point the end of his well not yeah well okay with the long end of the swords people believe in her as much as in the child stay away from me don’t you get it this is B oh I can’t go why can’t I go through there wait so can I go hold up hold up hold I have hold up let me just hold up let me just hold up Future King and later queen of sweet and dir oh okay so very important people believe in her as much can I just go through here stay from oh no see I’m not allowed to use that I don’t know what you do want for me this is bigger than you give up surrender your brother why we can’t do this the easy way I don’t want to do that though you’ll all die if you take him away from us yeah genuinely though you’ll simply disappear and the world care then no the world will care a little bit I think just let go you’ve lived aive for so long you can’t see the truth anymore you literally don’t know what you’re saying but her wait I can’t go back through this world is not burning this is this is bull this is bull I don’t know if they actually want me to backtrack you know I don’t know if they actually want me to backtrack I’m just going to backtrack because it kind of seems like they do people believe in her as much as in the child but I am just cuz don’t you get it this is bigger than you why is he slow walking can he just not run with what he has we can’t do this the easy way you’re crazy you’ll all die if you take him away from us don’t be so dramatic you’ll simply disappear and the world won’t care the world will care a lot I’m the main character Al for so long you can’t see the truth anymore the truth I’m going to go here I think this is a new place only this world that’s a lie and you know it ah here we go you are go to hell okay so they literally just wanted me to like I need to find the others quick must I’m going to just quickly break this ruined my shoulder for good for good but my slingshot yo but my slingshot though you know oh but my slingshot though Hi steing how are you feeling buddy no chose the hard way did I no time quick move I hear you I sloy no I’m just like really tired oh do I have to like oh okay lose him quick I can’t lose you’re making too much noise your face is making too much noise cover won’t save you from me I know it won’t it’s not supposed to that was like literally not the point what do you mean are you combating me me where indeed well you’re going to have to come back at some point are you going to go in a circle towards me don’t want you to but I think you are oh I don’t have the rats to look for him you could do it don’t stop Maybe him inside those cells B oh [ __ ] could I could I actually that’d be so funny though yo that’ be so funny if I could lock him in a cell hi Phantom hello you’re stuck here wherever you go your face will find you train for this you have been well your training is pretty shitty your training is honestly trash have you considered getting better better like have you considered like just objectively improving you know how to hide I’ll give you that I know it’s like the one thing I’m good [Music] at person new pet Stacks I love when seedling pet Stacks wait I didn’t read if you were better now did you answer I am not here oh okay never mind I didn’t actually I didn’t ask anything I’m going to assume you’re better need to give the characters time to deliver the lines yeah apparently I was not allowed to duuk him that would be so funny though I wonder if it actually is possible but I just uh I didn’t do it correctly survival Instinct I admire it you’ve been through a lot I can tell it makes this even more exciting does it that’s really weird it’s really weird that you’re so excited to uh to trace a little girl like it’s really super weird genuinely I’m concerned for you like maybe maybe don’t keep going you go mother Lucas alls this down okay I it’s it’s so slow yo it’s so slow it’s genuinely so slow for real for real do you really think hiding behind that will save I’m not hiding behind anything uh-oh I [ __ ] up yeah I was kind of hoping that it would I’m not going to lie she liked you you know Emily why would she like me much of a threat for us for the child cuz the child can’t love you if I’m still alive cuz like what does that say about you nothing good hope you know that like nothing good okay wait I got to do more push p in ah push it I know I know it’s really loud he’s going to notice me blah blah blah blah blah go go am I leaving or am I like locking him there cuz like I feel like I’m just leaving or later I will find you does it not just like seem like I’m just straight up leaving why’s the exit give me a godb exit running again you are tired I am well no actually I’m really tired like I am genuinely really tired shut the hell up you I know I am hi B he’s trying to kill you or molest you it seems like both like let’s not find out yeah now I’ll see you where your blood please stop this madness I can’t don’t faint now you go they’ll take him away he loves this person Emily who wants her brother yeah he’s he put his dick in crazy and now he’s also crazy that’s why you don’t put your dick in crazy oh God those people instant ban instant ban you have you know it well it’s okay we’re going to summon rats use it against them just summon a bunch of rats like just don’t stop summoning rats is what I’m saying we should have been concerned like way more concerned yes you failed but this child was never truly yours you’re burning them too oh you’re so weird won’t heal the wounds of your past but he will eat you he will fill no void in you you’ll die everybody will no he will be left yeah her arm is outright broken you will shine like she said it’s broken forever repel this darkness and I I’ll just be a mother watching the first steps of a god shut up you have no claim to this family Amia call her a [ __ ] how are you still alive call her a [ __ ] tell her she’s a dumb [ __ ] come on where’s hug use the anger inside go run there it is O there it is we should have let uh the other guy murder him you should that’s what we should have done why didn’t we why didn’t we just do that about this like do you think Hugo is not going to summon rats cuz you just took his entire family away do you want to know when the playthrough video hits the last hour so you can plan if you want to finish it uh Yes actually that would be super helpful I can’t refuse you called me by surprise I’m impressed why quite something you know you face me thinking with all your soul that you can defeat me I can you won’t have my brother such dedication I love how the other guys are just like kind of standing there you have a burning fire inside you but a flame without discipline doesn’t make a soldier cuz I want to I want to fully absorb him getting eaten by rats I’m not a soldier oh I know you fight because you don’t have the choice I chose this life this is why you’ll fail you talk a lot cowards you he really is a coward he’s like he’s fighting like a wounded child basically stand grip that sword properly you’re a disgrace you broke my arm how would I do that how would I do that with a broken arm literally you never fight to defend yourself fight to kill to conquer whatever you’re still a coward okay but is she wrong who do you think you are to defy me I’m AIA darun shut up and I kneel to no one shut up W yo what the [ __ ] H Hugo’s going to see this and he’s going to summon so many rats I keep I keep saying this but it’s going to happen like obviously they’re going to summon rats what did you think was going to happen see you KNE just fine no please stop please you cut off my hair from one mother what an incredibly weird thing to do what an incredibly weird thing to do I gave you a haircut what is this Japan I’m sorry War took its toll on my husband he gets carried away sometimes a bad hair I think she can rock it I think she can rock it I admire you your children I know in some oh [ __ ] an ad is going to start listen I actually have to pause damn I know in some places like if you lose a fight you lose your hair but pretty pretty sure that’s not a French thing okay I’m going to be right back I don’t want you to miss the cut scenes I’ll pause it real quick [Music] okay hi I had a biscuit it was great I mean he’s a psychopath incredibly how she describes that she likes to understate things a little bit just just a little bit just a little bit there’s a sequel we don’t have to model her hair okay but like hair modeling is really hard so I kind of get it I kind of get it hey mushy thank you hello thank you for welcome back a chy pringle no I had a Sultana I had one of one of my sult oh W you can’t even see that because the light is literally too flashy there two I have two left I have two left what is your share today falden Kingdom of falden also wait Kingdom of sorry my my boobs are bending it it’s from the Dragon Age hi Mama hello Sal uh saltana so s u l t n a i get it at the Dutch store because I I used to always have it as a as a little treat like a 11:00 like snack uh when I was a kid there’s a cat hair right here um when I was a kid so I don’t know if it’s just like a Dutch thing I think it might just be a Dutch thing but the they are it’s like a little biscuit it has uh it has berries in them it’s very nice they’re very light they’re very tasty still they don’t have a ton of sugar in it so I can eat them a lot and not feel sluggish afterwards they’re very nice but I think that might actually just be Dutch your boobs also mirrored on screen they do all it depends so this one here it isn’t the here it does because here I I mirror my webcam the other one because it looks funny otherwise J these the royalists i in falden berries with cream berries and cream berries and cream I keep considering making that an alert but I didn’t I’ll always sing it I want to hear know if cutting a woman’s hair short was a bad thing back in France I don’t think it was but um uh Google it and tell me where did you get your choker I think my partner would love something like that uh I just got it on Etsy I’m fairly certain back when Etsy was not trash yet uh unfortunately I would not shop on Etsy anymore because most of them are now drop sellers you’ll have to be pretty sure that you are not buying from a drop a drop shipper because they’re very very bad quality uh but this is this is still good quality but I bought it 10 years ago I could probably I could probably check my Etsy in a break if you’re still here I can check Etsy to see if it’s still in there I don’t think it will be but I could check oh my alerts are off oh no nope it’s too late [ __ ] sorry Dell D think he’s one for the gifts of we hit 900s by like a scent of the 250 off incredible Danel thank you so much that is very kind of you Mama enjoy your emotes we’re getting new ones in May I’m going to check again where we are on the Commission list let’s see okay there’s still one two 3 four five people in front of me in the queue five people and then she’s going to work on our emotes comat also hi Patrick did I say hello okay a name I haven’t heard spoke in a long time it sounds like an interesting biscuit wow Dutch raisin biscuits yeah they’re raisins I guess well BOS so they’re not technically raisins I think well I don’t know blueberries this one is blueberries well there’s different types I guess I forgot that commercial I it’s so weird and a little bit cursed like Affordable Healthcare in walkable cities yeah just like those and sultanas for your walkable cities when you’re going on a walk in your city you can have a Sultana you’ll feel better you Mir it so you look at chat when you glance over yes exactly that’s why I do it I got a be school Medallion on Etsy ages ago yeah I got my first Witcher Medallion on Etsy too it’s still solid I still have it drop sellers yeah they are everywhere now but line must go up 10 years ago right it’s a it’s still very solid it’s very good quality yeah been working on a bathroom layout anyone have opinions about bathrooms it should be clear colors and presumably no pink or avocado green Etsy is now filled with stolen goods stolen goods drop salad people straight up stealing it’s weird Etsy is no longer good unfortunately and their listing fees are weird too same as with eBay I was thinking of selling some stuff on eBay like I was looking around did you know eBay now charges like 12.5% on like your final sale price and I’m in Canada so it’s not even all like it’s even more so like you have to you have to put hsd on your stuff now so if I sold like a charge Art card for $1,000 redu uh they charged 12.5% on the final sale price plus h HST plus shipping costs so if I sold like a$1 th000 card or something in the end I would probably have to pay eBay something like $200 it’s weird y’all yard sales is where it’s at you should all you should yard sale find a seller and Etsy and see if they link their actual shop sites yes go see if you can find their own shop sites I think a lot of them have Shopify now as well but yeah try to buy through their own store because then they don’t have to pay any fees also Pidge the mushroom looks kind of gross I hope you removed it it looks kind of gross and you said it smells gross too so don’t do it for the yay do it for the yippi okay well still yay yippee we got both Hazel just ate a sting Buck oh no Marshall are you calling a boss fruit you Boss I love boss fruit it’s Tangy and sweet other thing I do is a reverse image shirts drop sellers are lazy and will all use the same image yes if you are buying anything always reverse image search and see if it doesn’t maybe show up on uh what are there what are they now what are the what what are the worst sites I guess Sheen what’s the other s that people buy rings for 30 cents cookies with a timu also one there’s another one I forget the name Alibaba I think Alibaba I love cookies with raisins I can’t see emotes well enough to use them but not having adverts is glorious oh yeah okay well you know no offs is pretty good give jiny I uh give jiny I would like to make a deal I give 9.99 you give 9 99 bits exterminatus okay I think that’s a very good deal I would uh I would even repeat that deal if you want let me scroll back to exterminatus there’s a whole podcast on Drop Shipping oh my goodness yeah and and there’s also people who try to teach other people to drop ship it’s weird it’s weird out here oh my God it’s not even 99 it’s 10 I got a sent for free I’ll wait until it leaves I thank you so much thank you very very much that’s very kind you there he goes there goes planet Earth I put 99 in I guess they rounded it up wow they actually gave me a scent for free that’s so nice of them I have so many opinions on bathrooms give us one opinion on bathrooms as emotes will take as long as they would if I drew them not because I’m busy because I’m lazy wow I already paid them in advance never bought anything from Etsy nor will I ever now it used to be a really good site I got a lot of really cool stuff from Etsy genuinely I got a lot of cool stuff uh is not anymore like the little Majora’s Mask I always I know I always point to Majora’s Mask Majora’s Mask right there Etsy right there Etsy yeah dangy B exactly exctly places where raisins are very common oh I didn’t even know that I used to use eBay but not in a long time I used to use it quite a lot that’s why I was like oh I could just use that to sell stuff but now I don’t think I want to do that sultanas are a cultivate a cultiv of grape commonly used for dried fruit but can be eaten fresh or used for wine they are very tasty I can recommend uh sultanas to anybody it’s okay to 3D scan a game shop Games Workshop mini make a change to make it legally distinct and sell it because you are still getting a highish quality resin miniature for close to half the price yeah and you don’t get ripped off imagine getting 200 bucks for doing nothing I know back to the L Mark we go yeah I’m probably actually going to just have an actual yard sale because we have a yard to have a sale in now call me eBay because that would be me sleeping stream sashia sleeping stream yeah it’s almost garage sale season here yeah it’s really nice weather I’m want to I’m going to have my first one ever Amazon Prime now plays ads during their shows I saw I don’t pay for any of them anymore I only I only buy my streamer stuff no one else Alibaba and wish I think didn’t wish go out of business am I wrong I feel like they did marari yo I’ve never even heard of marari there’s even more oh no funny enough a 3D printed Warhammer model looks way better and more detailed in the Games Workshop official ones really yo that’s kind of funny actually I wonder why the craft store Michaels was launching an Etsy clone didn’t realize they had gotten as bad as it had I guess they dragged the expectations low enough that corporate felt like they would be a giant it really is a line go up thing yals where and I always use patreon as a really good example because patreon was created by uh another content creator and they only made it because every other place was charging money and you couldn’t really have like a Consolidated place to put extra stuff for for people who liked your work and then they went public and now line must go up and now patreon sucks because now patreon has a bunch of fees too platform fees and stuff it’s really weird it’s like it the line go up just ruins everything my bathroom has to meet Australian standards for wheelchair accessibility which constrains it lot okay but color-wise though it doesn’t right does it has the best exterminatus emote do you not like my fine emote I do like mush’s em I use mush’s no a lot I use I think I use exclusively machine nod whenever I nod now because it’s like the only okay most okay here’s the thing I’m going to say it again here’s the thing most nod emotes they nod like this or mushi’s nod is probably the only one I have that nods with their eyes closed so you can go like you’re actually agreeing instead of being angry or really excited you know does that make sense I think it does and still so mad Texas speeech stopped it was such an amazing YouTube show oh my God yeah and it’s because of Games Workshop right oh no we’re stuck talking again oops do not use a dark gray grout only use black or white see we didn’t have a Choice here can you paint grouts cuz we didn’t have a choice obviously because we didn’t build the house don’t who uh I’m should write the better art of the deal I’m I make good deals also uh you watch me play game and uh your eard drums rupture good deal I think so you can still find good things on Etsy just requires more work and even if you do still check if they have their own store because Etsy charges a ridiculous amount of money for listings as well and sometimes they just hold your money I’ve heard that as well from a lot of people where they’ll just hold your money for no reason Etsy is weird don’t use Etsy don’t use Etsy try to use their own stores if you can got to become human tinda good luck God speed has even paid courses on how to be successful in YouTube some of these paid courses even show you how to steal people’s content and play it off as your own yes those comary and also AI channels there’s a lot of those now where they’ll just like feed something into an AI tool and just poop it out five videos a day it’s weird it’s also partially why I feel like I don’t really want to upload on YouTube as much anymore because it’s just like a barrage you know I put so much time into my videos and YouTube doesn’t care I’m thinking the bathroom will be lenium rather than towel because it’s softer Falls that’s true that’s true we’ll have no grouts Yar har wink wink fetal DD yes Walmart owns wish now oh it’s still going damn what if teu is just a reand it kind of is I think they’re all operating a a loss my current house has brown grout matching the towels and it’s kind of better but an impervious alternative would be better can get plann toiv epoxy now see our entire bathroom everywhere is white we we did not get to build it the guy from pomus wait huh did I miss something H Green Line go up yep every time something’s gone public it loses what made it good it does but you’re so right though it really does pitch love this one that one’s cute yeah see like a lot of the knots are just like excited or whatever but mus she’s not it’s just like mhm yeah EX exactly you are so right you are so correct I remember a story about wish brand body armor dude thought he was buying cheap Kevlar and got shitty foam and cardboard that’s what I mean like the joke about it’s so and so from wish it’s like we joke but it’s true capitalism make incredible Innovations until it makes business sense to ruin something good because line must go up must have contrast between certain surfaces so vision impaired people can find the door and the toilet seed could you make weirdly could you just make a uh outline could you outline stuff would that look weird I don’t know that it would actually look weird they’re headbanging a little you can’t paint grout and I guess I’m stuck with the gray my easy time has ended we had to talk with one of the four professors from our last exam to see what we should learn long story short he didn’t rule out anything kha How okay I know that doctor studies are really really long how how long do you think you’ll still be studying I think some doctors say they study forever but I guess how long until you feel like you’re like a doctor doctor you can get grat in any color you want but grat is still nasty it’s uh it’s really hard to clean you have to be very meticulous and it takes a while it’s only a monthly thing for us all green line is good as long as you make it green should I turn on some music again I I’m going to keep this open I’m going to keep open some music so that whenever I get uh stuck talking a bunch um we have some music here let’s listen to um let’s let’s listen to this one oh it’s too sad sorry never mind let’s listen to no not that one what is this oh it’s the Sims buy mode I I don’t remember why I downloaded that one we could listen to uh the X Files opening them Jin Z that’s not a thing here let’s listen to G I downloaded that one not too long ago while I catch up the chat I see your videos thank you Zelda I do appre appreciate everyone watching I always so I’m always so I don’t know I feel like I’m not surprised anymore but I’m always no matter what like whenever people watch me stuff or they hang out or like God forbid they give me stuff I’m always like wow all my bullies were dumb and wrong actually people like me sometimes I’m okay I’m pretty cool I think it feels very nice it’s still a little bit surreal sometimes like really you pi picked me you’re here for me on purpose how thank you I’m so flattered I’m genuinely though I am God you could literally be anywhere you could literally be anywhere you could be doing anything you’re here talking to me yo so cool I love how uh in the background amish’s mom is about to get murdered and um I’m like no I got to catch up the chat ah I love my ADHD pills actually you’re great thank you for the lesbians who was that slander thank you so much for the Bitties you’re excellent I’m happy to to choose you anytime thank you I appreciate it I’ve seen a few Warhammer Movie videos on YouTube made with shitty AI oh my God there’s so much shitty AI videos out there now but I’m just confused how it gets views cuz it’s so obviously fast lot those top 10 yes oh my God those are so easy to AI ther those those are the ones those end oh my God you will never expect what happened here or like crazy stories from blah blah blah those CLI B regarding deex to speech and Games Workshop yet yes or no Games Workshop decided to be to more aggressively protect their IP against content creators directly using their materials sometimes sending ceeon toist letters Texas speach didn’t get one and were protected because Fair used via comedy the Creator got scared of um games show coming after them though and stopped as a result I get that though I still get that because if they cross the line once what’s to say they won’t do it again and it looks like text to speech is a lot of work so my Witcher one and two in X minutes uh animating those take really really long it took ages took ages to do that and I feel like Texas speech has very similar animation so if you work on something for a really long time and you’re never sure if maybe Games Workshop at some point is going to say actually you’re not allowed to do it anymore and demonetize your entire Library I understand if you want to put your energy somewhere else I fully get it I’m not surprised I’m sorry though cuz I liked I like text to speech I thought it was funny I don’t even I don’t even Warhammer but I really like text to speech it’s funny oh did I see that correctly an here bye have a great great rest of your day seeing a lot of YouTubers leaving the platform cuz they’re tired yeah it’s partially okay so I already I I can’t focus my work very well hopefully now I will with my meds but I I also left because it’s just a lot YouTube is a lot I like twitch also because I can talk to people as you can tell I really like sitting here and talking to people it’s probably one of my favorite things how I do that on YouTube anything you upload you need to put your face on so nobody can pirate it I put um in the new ones I’ll put them at the start of the the end and the end but not anything else the rest will just be voice over and you know back when I did do people would use um or they would steal my Warcraft guides a lot they also stole my Warcraft facts some people stole my Witcher lore they would upload it elsewhere though they wouldn’t upload it on YouTube they’d upload it somewhere else which is very strange or they take it they take my script and they would put it in a different uh language they did that a bunch of people did that to my stardew Valley video where they would literally just copy my entire video they would even use my footage sometimes and they would just voice it over with their with a different language cuz you know I I wouldn’t know I don’t speak Indian for example there are a few Indian channels who sto it very weird YouTube is very weird and you can’t steal this how are you going to steal this I’m actively streaming try it anybody remember when AI was supposed to make industry more efficient so we’d all have more free time for Arts I remember I remember have carpet floor to show you’re not afraid do not put carpet floor in your bathroom I would never be excited while nodding see that’s why it’s perfect can AI please do air traffic control and stuff and let humans do art I would not trust AI to do air traffic control right now though imagine I would simply never fly again tati founder of Patron is one half of the music group pom oh okay sorry yeah sometimes I forget what I said earlier Phantom yeah that guy that guy he screwed it he lost he lost touch sometimes content creators become really big and they just lose touch completely you can use dark archetypes and skirting boards against a light a light wall and floor see is that an option maybe that’s an option Sims USIC is chill as hell I know not what I wanted to listen to right now though I think I downloaded it for a video 6 and 1/2 years I’m done studying medicine end of next month but when I start working I still need to do my specialization which will take six years so maybe after that I would say I’m done like proper studying for knowledge in the fields so you’ll be working while specializing cuz that seems like a lot that seems like a lot at once I just saved my PC from dying why is music oh because we’re talking and I figured we should have some music in the backround we are cool we all love you all of you that seems like too many people I think maybe too many people we all came here to be Square thank you like you’re good host for a chill chat party I think so I think I’m uh more chill I don’t know I don’t know if I’m more chill on my medication or not I feel like I am I feel like I’m trying to do less at the same time and maybe that’s helpful is that does it feel helpful I think it is where are we going everywhere here because I find you entertaining mildly entertaining I’ll take it literally stuck around this channel because I decided after a few streams that jiny was the type of person I could chill with genuine and intelligent okay so the last part I tricked you I just say my thoughts out loud a lot do you like more visibility but please stop asking us to run it’s time to go jogging try to make every stream for the ones I don’t manage to catch just imagine I’m throwing my annoying little anecdotes in from the off annoy Ying what do you mean to now it’s very hard to find solid info about building online now if it’s not government size it’s a risk that it’s Ai and I don’t want glorified predictive text telling me how to build a good house exactly this is also why I really just I only really watch Channels now either when they’re older so I know they’re real people or when their faces in there that’s the only time I watch videos anymore and I don’t watch that many YouTube videos anymore to begin with I think I watch a lot more streams now I really like watching streams it feels more comfortable yesterday uh when I was just eating my breakfast I had Carson on in the background and he has a very soothing voice too I was very comfortable I like comfortable noises in the background and don’t think I’m alone in this chat [Music] father when we Al I I said love your Tong [Music] I’m not even going to try to hit that high note H oh God eyes sometimes where is it you [ __ ] I’m got to turn it down you interrupted Simple and Clean you bastards I should have disabled that okay but technically I guess we are listening to music so I can’t really be mad but I am I can’t believe you interrupted Simple and Clean I’m so mad at you right now out of all the songs all right well I guess kickback is okay too but you’re still a jerk can I I can take your temperature if you’d like to confirm that I’m hot no I know I am I do know that now I got to scroll up I forgot where I was going to steal Tindle because reasons no Tindle is mine actually did you just we’re not allowed to listen to anything today now you have to listen to Corn not with a p need to kick out AI from providing information online it’s not reliable and it can be very dangerous I agree missed AI discussions probably good y’all do I need to put a cool down on this are you going to interrupt call booy are you going to interrupt electric call boy would you be so Brazen you shouldn’t be you’re all monsters should I tell you new that will be mildly annoying depends if you really really really really really want to share it Tik Tok is stol on everything and nothing streamers or creators do will fix it absolutely true I’m also not on Tik Tok anymore I’m just leaving everywhere this is the only place you will find me I’m G to maybe what if I actually cut out YouTube fully completely I’ll probably move to 5 hours but only if I can do it healthily people always look for for an easy way out there are more options out there but not I’ll provide enough money to earn a living yeah and I get it capitalism man not even once but don’t don’t steal like small people’s work I’m small how are the meds treating you if you don’t mind me asking oh they’re great actually uh so so yesterday I took them for the first time yesterday so I guess for the people who were not here at the start of the stream I took uh I I’ve started ADHD medication I started yesterday and uh you know it’s just absolutely zoinked me out completely it’s it zoed me out even harder at the start I took it in the first like when it first kicked in for like an hour or two I was just like fully on drugs like I felt on drugs like I was taking recreational drugs uh but then I uh I uh my worries just stopped I stopped worrying I didn’t worry all day uh and then I managed to focus on playing Rune Factory 3 fully like to the point I turned off my second stream or my second screen it was great actually I love them I love my I love my new meds my new literal emotional support meds stuck around for the content in the community everyone is chill and supportive I think so too I think I have a pretty chill Community do you guys feel chill I have a pretty chill Community yeah y all y all cool I is just the latest machines will do the work so work workers can relax it turns out to be machines to work so owners get rich and workers stay yeah basically we need Ubi Mama Sims I agree completely during the specialization test requires you to provide evidence that you worked X hours in the field and completed certain amount of surgeries and things like that so you basically study to do your job properly and in the end get tested by a committee that asks you some friendly questions in the field like talking job stuff with colleagues okay all right I got you okay well that’s I mean that’s good you’re almost there kiasha I know I don’t say this enough I’m so proud of you I’m proud of everyone who works in healthcare specifically because I this it’s such a hard job but I I have a cousin who also is a doctor he’s a heart surgeon I know how much work it is I know how long it takes I don’t know how much stress is I’m so proud of you that you chose to do this I that you chose to pursue this it’s [ __ ] hard you’re super cool and I’m proud of you is one of my favorite online people but I try not to say so often because if she’s already stubbornly refuses to die can you imagine with an ego tool season it’s okay you can you can tell me like once or twice a month and Hey listen if I do stubbornly refuse to die this month we are roughly $600 off uh I’m going to do a 12 hour stream again I haven’t done one in a while on the last Sunday of the month we’ll do a little 12-hour stream we’ll just do something chill I got what you met mama don’t worry what is this song which one oh there were too many skips if it if it’s the song from before GS the first song that got skipped uh that’s simple and clean the one I was listening to was the Kingdom Hearts version but the it’s sung by utar Hikaru and I actually love her voice yeah Simple and Clean only watch YouTube videos in the evening and they’re mostly historical food videos the only time right now that I watch YouTube videos anymore is while I’m working out you just vibing now I’m still going to finish the game patch I’m still going to do it uh I’m just going to overtime apparently forever can I keep you on your toes by skipping a great song schedules are there to be revised exactly ADH Dino has entered the chats need to remind you that I cannot be trusted with power oh I already knew that I just I just thought you liked me okay we’re backed about this in Discord but this bass guitar part was a lot of fun to learn oh the from from Kickback yeah it sounds really fun the temp was when you said if I’m more chill a meds I feel like I am I don’t know feel like I am a new DJ has entered the arena turn callboy to 11 but then you can’t hear me what trend Setter you’re a monster [Music] ell oh no my son is Runing me ragged Tik Tok is good for pro promoting your stuff see yes and no nisho I don’t think that’s true anymore I think that used to be true but it isn’t anymore in the early days it definitely was true but now having done it for a while if you actually want to promote your stuff through Tik Tok you have to find a niche apparently and then quit and say I’m quitting go here because I did Witcher facts Tik toks for a while I had over 100,000 followers I had lots of views on every single upload but it was maybe a handful of people that actually came to check out my other stuff right uh until I quit until I said I’m not going to upload anymore here’s where I am even though my twitch was on every single upload as well uh that’s the only time that people actually came to check things out which is very interesting it’s definitely interesting uh I don’t really blame them though because when I still use Tik Tok when I still scroll through Tik Tok I never went to check out people’s Pages either even when I really like their stuff Tik Tok just doesn’t really want you to do that even funnier if you follow somebody on Tik Tok there’s a much bigger chance that you will never see them on your for you page again H and most people scroll their for you page not their follow list so it kind of Tanks your views it’s so weird how that works pendant keychain kickback is so great yeah I love Kickback also welcome in nko hello yeah I can’t design or build houses yet so my course of study is safe as far as that as that’s concerned yeah I think AI has a lot of ideas but doesn’t really know how to execute yet not so sure about the design part it depends I think what the if they were to try to design buildings right now they would almost always have problems you would always still need somebody to double check it no matter what I accidentally discovered Rune Factory at a closing Kmart best $3 ever spent yeah it’s the first Rune Factory I’ve played I’m playing R Factory three three special edition uh it’s very fun I like it a lot if you average out the designs of 50 houses you will get him best true a professional finally just a warning make sure your medications are in stock lot of C2 ADHD meds have had significant back orders for over a year I got them immediately I don’t know that it’s season are you in Canada if you don’t mind me asking because I got them prescribed last Thursday maybe was it on Thursday wait I can check I got them prescribed yeah Thursday I called it Thursday she said this is what you’re getting they were ready for pickup on Friday literally the next day which was definitely surprisingly fast yeah you save lives incredibly cool sashaasha is amazing lovely bad is cool so we’re working towards yes uh I didn’t technically have a goal I always feel like okay so streaming I stream fulltime now this is literally my full-time job so I I look at a lot of people have left Kofi and patreon for obvious reasons but I add up Kofi and patreon and then I make a goal that allows me to not die but I don’t always have something interesting to do because there’s still a lot of things I’m I’m working on from previous goals and I don’t want to add more so 12 hour stream is manageable but I’m still working on the uh the merch I’m still working on from a previous charity goal I’m working on The Witcher three in X minutes I’m still working on science in The Witcher I’m still working on a bunch of things so I kind of want to I want to finish uh my list first before I do anything big again and then I got to also do my cosplays so there’s just a lot here’s a deal I will tell you how cool you are like the Brazen S I am but you have to promise not to stab me I can do that for now there were lots of rats the heads no I will just overtime today it’s okay just play Simple and Clean again maybe I will honestly a strong urge to have jiny quote more poetry in touch I I will ignore it I will ignore it do you like you with chat was too happy with the S Velociraptor yep yep nice thank you so much that’s very kind of you thank you very much for tindel thank you so much also tindel thank you for the teamwork so cute so kind so wonderful thank you very sweet of you you already gave me $10 today you already Su an exterminatus you’re too nice to me today got called a simp this week and I can’t even argue I’ve been desper trying to persuade someone adorable that I’m a good person really I think you’re a good person just let me just call me in I’ll vouch oh mercy I be th Tindle oh that’s right Tindle has power The Witcher thans on Tik Tok were how I found you and I did miss your content so I went to watch your stuff on Twitch I was already on Twitch so like why not right and it’s uh fish was it because I quit was it because I uploaded the the video where I said I was quitting because I feel like that’s where most people found me for me I was stubborn and terrified of actually going to a new thing and I felt like a stalker no content cre creators love when you stalk them on different platforms not in real life but on different platforms Tik Tok is where I found you too really di your VI so followed you twitch yeah thank you I do appreciate everyone checking me out from other platforms I really do the AI would forget the bathrooms in building design you don’t need to go to the bathroom even the title of kickback is clever when you initially make contact to an object with a chainsaw and it sort of recoils back at you that’s chainsaw Kickback oh I didn’t even know that I only heard it I only knew it from Guns apparently some Builders have forgotten that you need two doors between a kitchen and a bathroom while humans are building bad houses AI will have bad material to learn for oops it’s interesting enough to me that you do did you not die yeah I was kind of hoping people would just want me to not die and keep streaming instead I guess I guess that’s why I named it that yeah I don’t know it’s my full-time job now so it’s what I do the drug back order stuff is a big thing in the US it has impacted other countries but the US has not taking any steps to fix the problem still not my most effective medication because it’s been out for close to a year here woof yeah New England New Hampshire so pretty close to Canada if it’s not a problem where you are then I’m genuinely happy for you because when I was doing Retail Pharmacy some of the shortages made me come home and cry I’m so sorry to hear that yeah it’s not been a problem here I’m pretty I’m pretty happy about that I’m sorry it is there that sucks though just get a cat your medication’s out of stock just get get another cats thank you very much thank thank you for cats in gush R about how marvelous G is but how how would all the people that come and help make these experience so fun too genuinely okay I know I already said this earlier but you’re right though I genuinely also think and it’s partially why I ban so quickly I genuinely think that I have people in my chat who Elevate the experience for every everyone I feel like it’s more fun because of the people we have here I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that start only beans for Lily and Arwin I had one goal once where I bought them little Christmas outfits they did not like the Christmas outfits ASI said the uh us shortage has affected other countries I’m just going to be open I’m on adal XR the shortage was so bad I’ve been on brand name medication for over a year that actually sucks I’ve heard about adal shortages before yeah uh I think the one I’m on right now is GNA get a offbrand version soon which is very good because apparently this one works for a lot of people feel like medications are an industry where a command economy works better than a free market I think everyone should just be able to get the drugs they need at all times without a profit motive socialism our drugs comrad I have a 12-hour stream idea if you do video editing or any of the other goals to finish off but do it on stream while you just chatting instead of a cam 2 I don’t know that it would be particularly interesting to watch me edit stuff because I do I do get very absorbed I probably wouldn’t reach chat very much so I don’t know about that I know I’ve I’ve thought about before though I have thought about it before tnd was collateral damage on the skip song wow not this did not see the video that saying you were quitting but because I was surfing my for you pain I stopped seeing your stuff and eventually I went to ah so it’s still technically because I quit indirectly yeah stumbled in here because Flames is such a fanboy I love Flames I love him to death he he’s probably the only person I actually like consistently talk about uh um what is it stream stuff with and we kind of have the same brain in a lot of ways I love FL I got you I got you fish I love when us politics affect me it is the best yes there are too many shortcuts being made and products being rushed cuz they want to make that money fast yeah exactly exactly that’s what I mean that’s why I don’t think I don’t think medic medication Healthcare should not come with a profit motive it’s weird it’s some weird energy it’s a very gratifying to hear jag jag I feel like I should show you the one because Danny linked a birthday video I’m going to you were not here for this and I feel like you deserve to see it I’m going to show you because it’s what you deserve oh [ __ ] it’s what you deserve I’m going to show you again this one was Danny’s look C okay a this one has to go louder don’t don’t comment on my entire song list okay it’s it’s valid AI could do my job no AI could do my job because it’s all hospitality and it would explode trying to communicate with any customer true community that you have cultivated is very good it is a Cy needs should be free for everyone exactly like that I want to watch Disney movies on Discord do you guys want to watch Disney movies on Discord everyone here’s wonderful and makes my day even when muted mostly you’re cute and I love you thank you for existing uhoh I think I broke yep I broke mix it up I broke it

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